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Сборник 4‐й Всероссийской интернет‐конференции «Грани науки – 2015» ECOLOGICAL FEATURES OF GRASSHOPPERS
Жуманиёзова Ш.И., Абдуллаев И.И.
Ургенчский государственный университет, г. Ургенч, Узбекистан
e-mail: [email protected]
A grasshopper is one of insects which damages agricultural plants.
They damage vegetables, field grain crops, and technical plants, such as summer pasture and
other plantations, even in the period of wheat’s milk drying, also seed of bloom.Grasshoppers are
related to group of straight wings, it spreads their groups that 20 thousands and young groups.
Grasshoppers keep ecological balance and play important role in changing of elements in
nature. For example, there is invaluable position relating food chain and changing biomass of plants
.Grasshoppers is inseparable element in forming natural ecological circumstances of biocenosis
with it.
It is known that from history, grasshoppers were noted as a pest before 3 thousand years of
our era.Grasshoppers increase in a general way, are one of insects which destroy agricultural plants
fully in a short period of time.
They destroy hugely when they increase in general, entirely, even web of other insects not
dangerous as it. Billion people died from hunger in the result of grasshoppers fully damage plants
Last of past age and nowadays grasshoppers are as a disaster which bring hunger in many Africa
and Asia countries (Hamrayev A., Nurjonov A. 2006.-N, 4. - P. 14-15.)
Grasshoppers are divided principally their living way into creating swarm, increasing in
common, and not creating swarm, living alone. Creating swarm types are types that create crowd
entirely in developing years, sometimes these crowds gathering, realize flying types. In piles
number of larvas seize 2-3 thousand metres each square kilometer, even though thicket grasshopper
about one year number of larvas seize 6 thousand to one square kilometer. (Siplenkov, 1970. ).
One reason of grasshopper’s bringing big sacrifice, their eating too big quantity in not having
a rest, each day one grasshopper eat blue mass of 2-3 times comparatively their weight. Larves of
grasshoppers gathered in piles or imagolas can destroy plants in big areas on their way in one day.
Cause of it one of update problems have been taking fight actions to these pests during ten years.
To solve this problem against chemical elements are used in big fields, in this case negative
effect in their queue , damage human health, in our republic grasshoppers make their spreading area
worse phitosanitary condition.
Using chemical elements origin not erected ecological position in long time summer pasture,
forest, lakes.Exception these grasshoppers cause to becoming down green plant areas and
decreasing saxaul. Saxaul grasshopper cause to disappear saxaul areas, because saxaul grasshopper
only eat saxaul and eat all things in area with their crowd, in a result it is damaged. Other
grasshoppers live on other things. Grasshoppers spread from various natural landscape, desert,
steppe oasis, slope, mountain, tropical areas to tundra cause of many numbers of saxaul types and
entirely increasing characters. It is known climatical c The biggest group is phitophill, they live in
plant’s cover and eat different greenery, plants with wide leaf, bush, half bush and trees. It is known
climatical condition of our republic is convenient for living and developing harmful grasshoppear,
every year they progress spreading very big areas. Danger of flying grasshoppers from neighbor
countries is exceeding to our republic’s area year by year.
These conditions are visible obviously especially in Surkhandarya region’s Samongon,
Faryob regions bordering with Afghanistan, and in border of Tadjikistan, Kashkadarya region’s
with Turkmenistan, Tashkent and Jizzakh regions bordering with Kazakhtan. The biggest group is
phitophill, they live in plant’s cover and eat different greenery, plants with wide leaf, bush, half
bush and trees. Representatives of other group are geophil grasshoppers, they are adjust to live in
sand, stony, surface of salty earth or plant’s rest or among fall of leaves.
If we put fire these falls on purpose to disappear grasshoppers that lives under these fallings,
we effect atmosphere badly or we spatter using extra chemical preparation deliberately, it causes to
damage of atmosphere and people all around.
Сборник 4‐й Всероссийской интернет‐конференции «Грани науки – 2015» Nowadays actions are making such against them, so it must be found that it must not be
damaged animals and humans using biological side or other sides plants.
Pest grasshopper’s disappearing is good result for us.
It doesn’t damage plants, food in desert, agriculture.
Now my article’s new side at first time ecological base is made that confirm against saxaul
It is used against grasshoppers that photogen and natural pests.
As I said hose and ladybirds, cricket flies are important.