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Insights Mock Test – 10 Extra Questions and Solutions
1. Which of the following can be said to be a cause of the rise of Jainism & Buddhism in
6th century BC ?
1. Religious unrest due to complex rituals and sacrifices advocated in later Vedic
2. Support of merchant class
3. Socio-economic tensions arising from rigid caste system prevalent in society
4. Rise of religious thinkers like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Buddha , Mahavira
Choose the correct answer using the codes below:
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
All of the above
Solution: d)
The mid-first millennium BCEis often regarded as a turning point in world history: it saw
the emergence of thinkers such as Zarathustra in Iran, Kong Zi in China, Socrates, Plato and
Aristotle in Greece, and Mahavira and Gautama Buddha, among many others, in India.
They tried to understand the mysteries of existence and the relationship between human
beings and the cosmic order. This was also the time when new kingdoms and cities were
developing and social and economic life was changing in a variety of ways in the Ganga
valley . These thinkers attempted to understand these developments as well.
The primary cause of rise of Jainism & Buddhism was the religious unrest in India in the 6th
century B.C. The complex rituals and sacrifices in later Vedic Period were not acceptable to
common people . The sacrificial ceremonies were also found too expensive .Supertitious
beliefs and mantras confused the people. Alternatively the teachings of Upanishads were
highly philosophical in nature and not easily understood by all. The complex languages like
Sanskrit was not understood by common people.
Other than religious factors, social and conomic factors also contributed to the rise of the
new religions .The rigid caste system prevalent in India generated tensions in the society.
Higher castes enjoyed certain privileges which were denied to the lower classes.Also,
Kshatriyas resented the domination of priestly class. It should also be noted that both
Buddha and Mahavira belonged to Kshatriya origin.
Growth of trade led to the improvement in economic conditions of Vaisyas. As a result they
wanted to improve their social status but the orthodox Varna System did not allow
this.Therefore, they began to extend their support to Buddhism & Jainism .It was the
merchant class that extended their chief support to these new religions.
2. Consider the following statements:
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1. The Abhidhamma Pitaka included rules and regulations for those who joined
the sangha or monastic order
2. Buddha’s teachings were included in the Vinay Pitaka
3. The Sutta Pitaka dealt with philosophical matters
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
1 Only
2 Only
Solution: d)
The Buddha (and other teachers) taught orally – through discussion and debate. Men and
women (perhaps children as well) attended these discourses and discussed what they heard.
None of the Buddha’s speeches were written down during his lifetime. After his death
(c.fifth-fourth century BCE) his teachings were compiled by his disciples at a council of
“elders” or senior monks at Vesali (Pali for Vaishali in present-day Bihar). These
compilations were known as Tipitaka– literally, three baskets to hold different types of texts
. They were first transmitted orally and then written and classified according to length as
well as subject matter.
The Vinaya Pitakaincluded rules and regulations for those who joined the sangha or
monastic order; the Buddha’s teachings were included in the Sutta Pitaka; and
theAbhidhamma Pitakadealt with philosophical matters. Each pitaka comprised a number
of individual texts. Later, commentaries were written on these texts by Buddhist scholars.
3. Consider the following statements :
Ajivikas were described as fatalists
Dipavamsa and Mahavamsa contain histories of Buddha in Sanskrit only.
Vardhamana Mahavira propounded the basic philosophy of Jainas.
Kutagarashala were ancient hospitals
Choose the correct answer using the codes below:
1 only
1 2 & 3 only
2 and 4 only
None of the above
Solution: a)
As Buddhism travelled to new regions such as Sri Lanka, other texts such as the Dipavamsa
(literally, the chronicle of the island) and Mahavamsa (the great chronicle) were written,
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Insights Mock Test – 10 Extra Questions and Solutions
containing regional histories of Buddhism. Many of these works contained biographies of
the Buddha. Some of the oldest texts are in Pali, while later compositions are in Sanskrit.
Teachers travelled from place to place, trying to convince one another as well as laypersons,
about the validity of their philosophy or the way they understood the world. Debates took
place in the kutagarashala– literally, a hut with a pointed roof – or in groves where
travelling mendicants halted.
The first teacher belonged to the tradition of the Ajivikas. They have often been described as
fatalists: those who believe that everything is predetermined. The second teacher belonged
to the tradition of the Lokayatas, usually described as materialists. Texts from these
traditions have not survived, so we know about them only from the works of other
The basic philosophy of the Jainas was already in existence in north India before the birth of
Vardhamana, who came to be known as Mahavira, in the sixth century BCE.
4. Which of the following observation about Ajivika sect is /are correct ?
1. They are noted for holding a rigid and deterministic view of the Indian society
2. They stressed on unchangeable orderliness of the universe
3. Human efforts cannot affect the pre-determined path of the soul
Choose the correct answer using the codes below:
1 and 2
2 and 3
1 and 3
All of the above
Solution: d)
5. Which of the following is/are NOT true about Buddha’s followers?
1. Women were forbidden to attend the Sanghas initially
2. Buddhist ideas and practices emerged out of a process of dialogue with other
3. In initial architectures the empty seat of Gautam Buddha represented
Choose the correct answer using the codes below:
a) 1 and 2
b) 2 only
c) 1 and 3
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d) All are correct
Solution: a)
Initially, only men were allowed into the sangha, but later women also came to be
admitted. According to Buddhist texts, this was made possible through the mediation of
Ananda, one of the Buddha’s dearest disciples, who persuaded him to allow women into
the sangha. The Buddha’s foster mother, Mahapajapati Gotami was the first woman to be
ordained as a bhikkhuni. Many women who entered the sangha became teachers of
dhamma and went on to become theris, or respected women who had attained liberation.
Buddhist ideas and practices emerged out of a process of dialogue with other traditions –
including those of the Brahmanas, Jainas and several others, not all of whose ideas and
practices were preserved in texts.
According to hagiographies, the Buddha attained enlightenment while meditating under a
tree. Many early sculptors did not show the Buddha in human form – instead, they showed
his presence through symbols. The empty seat was meant to indicate the meditation of the
Buddha,and the stupa was meant to represent the mahaparinibbana. Another frequently
used symbol was the wheel . This stood for the first sermon of the Buddha, delivered at
6. Consider the following statements about the Shalabhanjika motif at Sanchi :1. The Shalabhanjika motif suggests that many people who turned to Buddhism
enriched it with their own pre-Buddhist and even non-Buddhist beliefs, practices
and ideas.
2. These include beautiful women swinging from the edge of the gateway, holding
onto a tree.
Choose the correct answer using the codes below:
2 only
1 and 2
1 only
None of the above
Solution: b)
Other sculptures at Sanchi were perhaps not directly inspired by Buddhist ideas. These
include beautiful women swinging from the edge of the gateway, holding onto a tree .
Initially, scholars were a bit intrigued about this image, which seemed to have little to do
with renunciation. However, after examining other literary traditions, they realised that it
could be a representation of what is described in Sanskrit as a shalabhanjika. According to
popular belief, this was a woman whose touch caused trees to flower and bear fruit. It is
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likely that this was regarded as an auspicious symbol and integrated into the decoration of
the stupa. The shalabhanjika motif suggests that many people who turned to Buddhism
enriched it with their own pre-Buddhist and even non-Buddhist beliefs, practices and
Consider the following statements regarding the changes that emerged in Buddhism
in the 1st century BC :1. Shift from self effort in achieving Nibbana by individuals to the emergence of
Bodhisattvas who were considered as saviours to help others.
2. Beginning of worshipping of Buddha
3. Emergence of Mahayana Buddhism
Choose the correct answer using the codes below:
1 and 2 only
2 and 3 only
1 and 3 only
All of the above
Solution: d)
By the first century CE, there is evidence of changes in Buddhist ideas and practices. Early
Buddhist teachings had given great importance to self-effort in achieving nibbana. Besides,
the Buddha was regarded as a human being who attained enlightenment and
nibbanathrough his own efforts. However, gradually the idea of a saviour emerged. It was
believed that he was the one who could ensure salvation. Simultaneously, the concept of the
Bodhisatta also developed. Bodhisattas were perceived as deeply compassionate beings who
accumulated merit through their efforts but used this not to attain nibbanaand thereby
abandon the world, but to help others. The worship of images of the Buddha and
Bodhisattas became an important part of this tradition.
This new way of thinking was called Mahayana – literally, the “great vehicle”. Those who
adopted these beliefs described the older tradition as Hinayana or the “lesser vehicle”
8. Consider the following statements about Puranas :a) they were written in simple Sanskrit verse
b) They were to be accessible even to Women and Shudras
c) Its content strictly adhered to the ideas of Priestly classes
Choose the correct answer using the codes below:
1 and 2 only
2 and 3 only
1 and 3 only
All of the above
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Solution: a)
Puranas, compiled by Brahmanas (by about the middle of the first millennium CE). They
contained much that had been composed and been in circulation for centuries, including
stories about gods and goddesses.
Generally, they were written in simple Sanskrit verse, and were meant to be read aloud to
everybody, including women and Shudras, who did not have access to Vedic learning.
Much of what is contained in the Puranas evolved through interaction amongst people –
priests, merchants, and ordinary men and women who travelled from place to place
sharing ideas and beliefs. We know for instance that Vasudeva-Krishna was an important
deity in the Mathura region
9. Consider the following statements:
1. The concept of Gotra Exogamy as mentioned in Brahmanical texts was not
strictly followed by the Satvahanas
2. The Satvahanas were a Matriarchial society as they were identified through
Choose the correct answer using the codes below:
1 only
2 only
1 and 2 both
None of the above
Solution: a)
Satavahana rulers were identified through metronymics (names derived from that of the
mother). Although this may suggest that mothers were important, we need to be cautious
before we arrive at any conclusion. In the case of the Satavahanas we know that succession
to the throne was generally patrilineal.
Some of the Satavahana rulers were polygynous (that is, had more than one wife). An
examination of the names of women who married Satavahana rulers indicates that many of
them had names derived from gotras such as Gotama and Vasistha, their father’s gotras.
They evidently retained these names instead of adopting names derived from their
husband’s gotra name as they were required to do according to the Brahmanical rules. What
is also apparent is that some of these women belonged to the same gotra. As is obvious, this
ran counter to the ideal of exogamy recommended in the Brahmanical texts. In fact, it
exemplified an alternative practice, that of endogamy or marriage within the kin group,
which was (and is) prevalent amongst several communities in south India. Such marriages
amongst kinfolk (such as cousins) ensured a close-knit community.
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10. Which of the following was not a characteristic feature of the Indian Society in the
Later Vedic Period ?
a) Assertion of divinity of Varna system by Brahmins
b) Patronage of Varna system by rulers
c) Persuation of the ascribed status of Varna System
d) Easy social mobility in the caste hierarchy was allowed
Solution: d)
Shudras were assigned only one occupation – that of serving the three “higher” varnas.The
Brahmanas evolved two or three strategies for enforcing these norms. One, as we have just
seen, was to assert that the varna order was of divine origin. Second, they advised kings to
ensure that these norms were followed within their kingdoms. And third, they attempted to
persuade people that their status was determined by birth. However, this was not always
easy. So prescriptions were often reinforced by stories told in the Mahabharata and other
11. Which of the following is true about Manusmriti which was compiled by Brahmin
the code of social behaviour ?
1. It was a Dharmasutra compiled between 200 BC to 200 CE laying down rules of
social conduct and behaviour
2. It was restricted to the 4 varnas and had no mention of untouchables
3. It reflected the eglitarian society where father’s property was divided equally
between the male and female heirs.
Choose the correct answer using the codes below:
3 only
1 and 2
1 only
All of the above
Solution: c)
Issues of ownership, foregrounded in stories such as this one , also figure in the
Dharmasutras and Dharmashastras.According to the Manusmriti, the paternal estate was to
be divided equally amongst sons after the death of the parents, with a special share for the
eldest. Women could not claim a share of these resources.
cumulative evidence – both epigraphic and textual – suggests that while upper-class women
may have had access to resources, land, cattle and money were generally controlled by men.
In other words, social differences between men and women were sharpened because of the
differences in access to resources.
12. Consider the following statements :-
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a) Mahasammata or the Great Elect in Buddhism represented that the institution of
kinship was based on Divine choice
b) Brahmi and Kharosthi were the scripts used in Earliest inscriptions
c) While most mahajanapadas were ruled by kings, some, known as ganas or
sanghas, were oligarchies
Choose the correct answer using the codes below:
3 only
2 and 3
1 only
All of the above
Solution: d)
Chosen by the whole people, he will be known as mahasammata, the great elect.”This
suggests that the institution of kingship was based on human choice, with taxes as a form of
payment for services rendered by the king. At the same time, it reveals recognition of
human agency in creating and institutionalising economic and social relations.
James Prinsep, an officer in the mint of the East India Company, deciphered Brahmi and
Kharosthi, two scripts used in the earliest inscriptions and coins.
While most mahajanapadaswere ruled by kings,some, known as ganas or sanghas, were
oligarchies , where power was shared by a number of men, often collectively called rajas.
Both Mahavira and the Buddha belonged to such ganas.
13. Magadha rose to power in between the 6th and 4th century BCE .Among the following
reasons which can be attributed to the rise of Magadha ?
1. Presence of agriculturally productive land
2. Easily accessible iron mines for tools and weapons
3. Large tracts of forests
4. Cheap and Convenient means of communication
5. Charismatic rulers and their ambitious politics
Choose the correct answer using the codes below:
1 and 2 only
2 and 3 only
1,2 & 4 only
All of the above
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Solution: d)
Between the sixth and the fourth centuries BCE, Magadha (in present-day Bihar) became the
most powerful mahajanapada. Modern historians explain this development in a variety of
ways: Magadha was a region where agriculture was especially productive. Besides, iron
mines (in present-day Jharkhand) were accessible and provided resources for tools
andweapons. Elephants, an important component of the army, were found in forests in the
region. Also, the Ganga and its tributaries provided a means of cheap and convenient
communication. However, early Buddhist and Jaina writers who wrote about Magadha
attributed its power to the policies of individuals: ruthlessly ambitious kings of whom
Bimbisara, Ajatasattu and Mahapadma Nanda are the best known, and their ministers, who
helped implement their policies.
14. Consider the following statements about Mauryas:a) Chandragupta Maurya was the first ruler to inscribe his messages to his subjects
on inscriptions
b) Suvarnagiri ,the golden mountain in Tamil Nadu was used for tapping
c) Dhamma Mahamatta were appointed to spread the message of dhamma.
Choose the correct answer using the codes below:
1 and 2 only
3 only
1,2 & 3 only
None of the above
Solution: b)
15. Consider the following statements:
1. They ruled over a vast kingdom extending from Central Asia to northwest India
2. The founder of this dynasty was Kadiphises
3. They issued gold coins with high sounding titles like the Lord of the World
In the above statements, “ they” refers to?
Solution: a )
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16. Consider the following statements about the state of women during Early vedic Age
in India.
1. There was equal opportunity for social,spiritual and intellectual development
2. The Rig Vedic society was patriarchial.
3. There were no women poets
4. Child Marriage and Sati was prevelant
Choose the correct answer using the codes below:
1 and 2 only
2 and 4 only
1,2 & 3 only
All of the above
Solution: a)
The Rig Vedic Society was patriarchial. Monogamy was generally prevelant among the royal
& noble families. The wife took care of the household and participated in all the major
ceremonies .Women were given equal opportunities as men for their social, spiritual and
intellectual development. There were women poets like Apala, Viswavara, Ghosa and
Lopamudra during the Rig Vedic period. Women could even attend the popular assemblies.
There was no child marriage and the practice of Sati was absent.
17. Consider the following statements :a) The Prayaga Prashasti was composed in Sanskrit by Harishena
b) The Jatakas were written in Prakrit arund 6th Century BC
c) Land grants to samanthas were a sign of weakening political power of the kings
in later vedic age and rise of po
Choose the correct answer using the codes below:
1 and 2 only
2 and 4 only
1,2 & 3 only
All of the above
Solution: a)
The Prayaga Prashasti(also known as the Allahabad Pillar Inscription) composed in Sanskrit
by Harishena, the court poet of Samudragupta, arguably the most powerful of the Gupta
rulers (c.fourth century CE).
Historians have tried to solve this problem by examining stories contained in anthologies
such as the Jatakas and the Panchatantra. Many of these stories probably originated as
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popular oral tales that were later committed to writing. The Jatakas were written in Pali
around the middle of the first millennium CE.
Some feel that land grants were part of a strategy adopted by ruling lineages to extend
agriculture to new areas. Others suggest that land grants were indicative of weakening
political power: as kings were losing control over their samantas, they tried to win allies.
18. Consider the following statements regarding coinage system in ancient India
a) Punch-marked coins made of silver and gold were amongst the earliest to be
minted and used.
b) The first gold coins were issued by the Indo-Greeks.
c) The first coins to bear the names and images of rulers were Kushanas
Choose the correct answer using the codes below:
a) 2 only
b) 1 only
c) 1,2 & 3 only
d) None of the above
Solution: b)
Punch-marked coins made of silver and copper (c.sixth century BCEonwards) were amongst
the earliest to be minted and used.
The first coins to bear the names and images of rulers were issued by the Indo-Greeks, who
established control over the north-western part of the subcontinent c.second century BCE.
The first coins to bear the names and images of rulers were issued by the Indo-Greeks, who
established control over the north-western part of the subcontinent c.second century BCE
19. Consider the following statements about the Pre-historic period:a) The technique of radio-carbon dating utilises the loss of carbon in inorganic
material over a period of time.
b) Dendro-chronology refers to the method of counting the number of tree rings in
the wood to determine its age.
Choose the correct answer using the codes below:a)
1 only
2 only
Both 1 & 2
None of these
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Solution: b)
20. Consider the following statements
1. Both agriculture and pastoralism were prevelant in Harappan Culture
2. The description of Rudra of Rig Vedic Period matches with the Proto-Shiva of the
Harappan seals.
Which of the above statements is/are INCORRECT?
1 Only
2 Only
Solution: b)
The earliest religious text, the Rigveda (compiled c. 1500-1000 BCE) mentions a god named
Rudra, which is a name used for Shiva in later Puranic traditions (in the first millennium CE;
see also Chapter 4). However, unlike Shiva, Rudra in the Rigveda is neither depicted as
Pashupati (lord of animals in general and cattle in particular), nor as a yogi.In other words,
this depiction does not match the description of Rudra in the Rigveda.
21. Consider the following statements regarding clues to social organisation in
Harappan society:Assertion (A): There was very little social differentiation in the Harappan society.
Reason (R): the presence of palaces housing the rulers of Harappan state is doubtful.
In the context of the statements above, which of these is true?
A and R both are true, and R is the correct explanation for A.
A and R both are true, and R is the NOT the correct explanation for A.
A is correct, R is incorrect.
A and R both are incorrect.
Solution: a)
If we look for a centre of power or for depictions of people in power, archaeological records
provide no immediate answers. A large building found at Mohenjodaro was labelled as a
palace by archaeologists but no spectacular finds were associated with it. A stone statue was
labelled and continues to be known as the “priest-king”. This is because archaeologists were
familiar with Mesopotamian history and its “priest-kings” and have found parallels in the
Indus region. But as we will see (p.23), the ritual practices of the Harappan civilisation are
not well understood yet nor are there any means of knowing whether those who performed
them also held political power. Some archaeologists are of the opinion that Harappan
society had no rulers, and that everybody enjoyed equal status. Others feel there was no
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single ruler but several, that Mohenjodaro had a separate ruler, Harappa another, and so
22. Consider the following statements with respect to personal appearances of Harappan
people:1. Women wore bangles majority of which were hand made of teracotta
2. Beads played an important role in the dress of Indus Valley people
3. The Harappans wore stitched clothes made up of cotton,wool & leather
Which of the above statements is/are INCORRECT?
1 and 2 Only
1,2 and 3 Only
2 and 3 Only
3 Only
Solution: d)
All the statements are correct in above question. The majority of bangles were handmade of
terra-cotta: These were probably for everyday wear, like the ubiquitous glass bangles worn
today. Some were plain, others decorated with painted or incised designs. Shell bangles
were also widespread. Other bangles were made of a copper or bronze rod. Bead making
was a prominent industry. Beads played an important role in dress, and this is confirmed by
23. With reference to the architecture of Indus Valley Civilization, consider the following
1. Stone was generally used for construction of houses in almost all sites of
Indus realm
2. There was an extensive use of baked bricks for building houses in MohenjoDaro and Chanhu-daro
Which among the above statements is / are correct?
1 Only
2 Only
Both 1 & 2
None of them
Solution: b)
Once the platforms were in place, all building activity within the city was restricted to a
fixed area on the platforms. So it seems that the settlement was first planned and then
implemented accordingly. Other signs of planning include bricks, which, whether sun-dried
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or baked, were of a standardised ratio, where the length and breadth were four times and
twice the height respectively. Such bricks were used at all Harappan settlements.
24. Which among the following statements are correct observations regarding the Indus
Valley Civilization?
1. Harappans enjoyed good trading relations with a number of other cultures on
their borders
2. One of the hallmarks of the Indus civilization was the establishment of
outposts beyond the main area of Harappan settlement, designed to control
the produce of key regions.
Choose the correct option from the codes given below:
1 Only
2 Only
Both 1 & 2
None of them
Solution: c)
Recent archaeological finds suggest that copper was also probably brought from Oman, on
the southeastern tip of the Arabian peninsula. Chemical analyses have shown that both the
Omani copper and Harappan artefacts have traces of nickel, suggesting a common origin.
There are other traces of contact as well. A distinctive type of vessel, a large Harappan jar
coated with a thick layer of black clay has been found at Omani sites. Such thick coatings
prevent the percolation of liquids. We do not know what was carried in these vessels, but
itis possible that the Harappans exchanged the contents of these vessels for Omani copper.
Mesopotamian texts datable to the third millennium BCErefer to copper coming froma
region called Magan, perhaps a name for Oman, and interestingly enough copper found at
Mesopotamian sites also contains traces of nickel. Other archaeological finds suggestive of
longdistance contacts include Harappan seals, weights, dice and beads. In this context, it is
worth noting that Mesopotamian texts mention contact with regions named Dilmun
(probably the island of Bahrain), Magan and Meluhha, possibly the Harappan region. They
mention the products from Meluhha: carnelian, lapis lazuli, copper, gold, and varieties of
wood. A Mesopotamian myth says of Meluhha: “May your bird be the haja-bird, may its call
be heard in the royal palace.” Some archaeologists think the haja-bird was the peacock. Did
it get this name from its call? It is likely that communication with Oman, Bahrain or
Mesopotamia was by sea. Mesopotamian texts refer to Meluhha as a land of seafarers.
Besides,we find depictions of ships and boats on seals.
25. Consider the following observations related to Indus Valley Civilization:
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1. Cattle were the main domestic animals of the Indus farmers
2. Most common among reared cattle was the 'unicorn' or one horned bovid
Which among the above statements is / are correct ?
1 Only
2 Only
Both 1 & 2
None of them
Solution: a)
The second statement is a trap. The unicorn is the most common animal on seals but it is
mythical beast not real. The unicorn frequently shown on seals is also often identified as a
bovid, perhaps the humpless bull whose representation with a single horn may be due to an
artistic convention (which was common in the Near East) for depicting bovids that actually
had two horns. Alternatively, it may be intended as a mythical, probably composite, beast.
The latter is perhaps more likely because figurines of unicorns have also been found and
because the individual features of the unicorn on the seals, such as the very long horn and
the pricked ear, do not match any known bovid.
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