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Oceanography Guided Notes
Study of the _________________based on knowledge of
biology, chemistry, physics, and geology
Oceans compose _______ of our Earth’s surface
In Northern Hemisphere_________ of the surface is water
In Southern Hemisphere, almost _______ of the surface is
Approximately _________________________ square
Four main ocean basins
_______________ Ocean is the largest and the deepest ocean
_______________ Ocean is about half the size of the Pacific Ocean, and relatively narrow compared to the Pacific
__________ Ocean is largely a Southern Hemisphere water body. _________Ocean is the smallest and shallowest ocean
Composition of Seawater
Seawater contains a variety of __________________, __________________, and other dissolved gases
Seawater is unfit for human consumption and irrigation
Seawater contains 3.5 % (by weight) of dissolved salts.
The most abundant salt is ______________ (table salt)
Salinity is the total amount of dissolved material in ___________________. Expressed in percent or parts per thousand
Sources of sea salts
Chemical weathering of __________________ on the continents.
____________________ eruptions.
Mapping the Ocean Floor
________________________ _______________________ can be mapped using bathymetry
Bathymetry is the measurement of ocean depths and charting the shape of the ocean floor
The ocean features ______________ ____________, deep trenches, plains, mountain chains and _________________
Bathymetric techniques
Utilizes _______________________ (sound navigation and ranging)
The ocean floor
Topography is broken down into three units:
1) ______________________________________
2) ______________________________________
3) ______________________________________
Passive continental margins
Consist of three features:
1) ________________ __________________ 2) Continental rise
3) __________________ _________________
Continental shelf
Extends from the ____________________________ towards the deep ocean basin. Flooded extension of the continents.
_________________________ _____________________ averages about 50 miles wide and 423 feet deep at its
seaward edge. Represents about 7.5 percent of the total ocean area.
Continental slope
Relatively steep zone that marks the boundary between ___________________crust and the _________________ crust.
Very narrow feature (averages about 12 miles wide)
Active continental margins
Located primarily in the ______________________________Ocean
Deep ocean basin
This lies between the ____________________ _______________ and the _____________ __________ __________
Covers almost 30 percent of the Earth’s surface
Consists of the following features:
1) _____________________________________
2) _____________________________________
3) _____________________________________ (volcanic peaks)
Deep ocean trenches
Long, narrow __________________________ that are the deepest parts of the ocean
Deepest part of the world’s ocean is the _______________________ Deep(36,163 feet)
Abyssal Plains
_______________________________________features, the most level regions on Earth
They exist in all oceans. However, the _____________________ Ocean has more extensive abyssal plains than does the
Isolated __________________________ peaks
Found in ______________________ ________________________, but the greatest number are located in the Pacific
Well known seamount is the _________________________________________ chain.
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