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Absolute Value: Distance of a number from zero on the number
Absolute Value:
Distance of a number from zero; the positive.
value of number; number of units a number is
from zero on the number line; numerical value
of a real number without regard to its sign.
Acute angle: Angle less than 90 degrees.
Acute triangle: a triangle having all acute angles in its interior.
Additive inverse: the opposite of any number.
Adjacent angles: Angles that share a vertex.
Algebraic expression: Combination of variable, numbers, and
at least one operation.
Algorithm: A step-by-step problem-solving procedure, especially
and established, recursive computational procedure
for problem solving in a finite number of step.
Angle of depression: angle formed by horizontal line and the line
of sight to an object at a lower level.
Angle of elevation: angle formed by a horizontal line and the line
of sight to an object at a higher level.
Angle: formed by two rays with the same endpoint.
almost exact or correct.
Area: a measure of the interior of a planar (flat) figure; extent
of a planar region or the surface of a solid measure in square
units; the number of the square units to cover a surface; the
measure, in square units, of the interior region of a 2dimensional figure or the surface of a 3-dimensional figure.
Associative property: for any numbers a, b, andc, (a+b)+c=a )
(b+c) and (ab) c=a (bc
Axis of symmetry: the line about which a figure is symmetric.
Bar graph:
a graph using bars of different length to show and
compare information.
Base: number used as a factor in exponential form.
Binomial: sum of two monomials; polynomial with two unlike
Bisect: to cut in half
Chord: a line segment whose endpoints lie on a circle.
closed curve with every point the same distance from the
center; the set of all points in a plane that are equidistant from a given
point in a plane.
Circumference: the distance around a circle; the boundary line of a
the numerical factor/part of an expression.
Collinear: points are collinear if they lie on the same line.
Combination: an arrangement or listing in which order is not
Commutative Property: for any numbers a and b, a+b=b+a and
Complementary Angles: two angles are complementary if the sum of
their measures is 90 degrees.
Composite number; any whole number greater than 1that has more
than two factors.
Congruent: coinciding exactly when superimposed, such as
congruent triangles; line segments that have the
same length, or angles that have the same measure,
or figures that have the same size and shape.
a value that does not change.
Constants: monomials that contain no variables.
Coordinate: the integer that corresponds to the letter; the
number corresponding to a point on a number line.
Coordinates: ordered pair of numbers that identify a point on a
coordinate plane.
Corresponding Angles:
matching angles in similar triangles
which have equal measures.
Cosecant: the reciprocal of sine.
Cosine: in a right angle with acute angle A, the cosine of angle
A is adjacent over hypotenuse.
Cotangent: reciprocal of tangent; equals cosine over sine.
Conterminal Angles: two angles in standard position having the
same terminal side.
Cramer’s rule: a method that uses determinants to solve a
system of linear equations.
Cross product; product found by multiplying the numerator of one
fraction by the denominator of another and the
denominator of the first.
Cylinder: a prism- like solid whose bases are circles.
Data: factual information, especially information organized for.
analysis or used to reason or make decisions.
Decagon: a ten-side polygon
Decimal point: symbol used to separate dollars and cents in
money amounts; symbol used to separate one
and tenths in decimals
Deductive reasoning: process of reasoning where a rule is used
to make a conclusion or a decision.
Degree: unit of measure of an angle.
Dependent variable:
variable whose value depends upon the
value of another variable.
Determinant: a square array of numbers or expressions enclosed
between two parallel vertical bars.
Diameter of a circle: a chord that passes through the center of a
Diameter: a straight line segment passing through the center of
a figure, especially of a circle or shape, and terminating at the
periphery; line from one side of the circle to other, passing
through the center.
Difference: answer in a subtraction problem; amount by which
one quantity is greater or less than other.
Direct variation: an equation in the form y=Kx, k cannot equal 0
Distance: a quantity to be divided.
Division property of equations; dividing each side of an equation
by the same number, the two
sides remain equal.
Divisor: the quantity by which another quantity is to be divided.
Domain: the set of all first coordinates from the order pairs in a
relation the set of all possible values of an independent
variable of a function.
Double: twice as much in size, strength, number, or amount.
Equation: Mathematical statement that says that two
expressions have the same value; any number
sentences with an = mathematical sentence that
contains the equal sign.
Equilateral: all sides equal in measure.
Equilateral triangle: triangle with all sides equal in measure.
Estimate: number close to an exact amount; tells about how
Evaluate: to substitute number values into an expression.
Even number: whole number ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, or8.
Exponent form: number written as the sum of values of the
digitals; e.g. 239 as 200+30+9 or2 hundred +3
tens +9 ones.
Exponent: a way of writing repeated multiplication of the same
factor; a number that indicates the operation of repeated
multiplication; in a power, the number of times the base is used
as a factor; number that tells how many equal factors there are.
Expression: a symbol or combination of symbols that represents
a quantity or a relationship between quantities.
Factor: a number that divides into a whole number with a
remainder of zero, integer that divides evenly into another;
number used in multiplication problem; one of two or more
expressions that are multiplied together to get a product;
numbers, variable, monomials, or polynomials multiplied to
obtain a product.
Factorial: the expression n! Is the product of all counting
numbers beginning with n and counting backwards to
Flip: move that make a figure face in the opposite direction.
FOIL; To multiply two binomials find the sum of the products of
F- first terms O-out side terms I-inside terms L-last term;
an application of the distributive property used to multiply
two binomials.
Formula: statement, especially an equation, of a fact, rule, or
Fraction: number that names a part of a whole or part of a set;
e.g ½, ¼
Function. A variable so related to another that for each value
assumed by one there is a value determined for the other; special
type of relation in which each element of the is paired with
exactly one element of the range.
Graph: pictorial device used to show a numerical relationship;
type of drawing used to represent data.
Greater than: greater in amount or quantity.
Greatest common factor (GCF): The largest number that divides
two or more numbers evenly.
Heptagon: a seven-side polygon.
Hexagon: a six- sided polygon.
Horizontal: a line with a zero slope.
Hypotenuse: side opposite the right angle of a triangle.
Improper fraction: Fraction with a numerator that is greater than
the denominator.
Inconsistent system: system of equations that has no solution.
Independent system: system of equations with exactly one
Inductive reasoning: process of reasoning where a rule is made
after seeing several examples.
Inequality: a mathematical expression which shows that two
quantities are not equal; mathematical sentence comparing two
unequal expressions using symbols; a mathematical sentence
that contains <,>,<,>;
Infinity: a limitless quantity.
Integers: set of whole numbers and their opposites; set of
numbers represented as (… -3, -2, -1,0, 1, 2, 3, …….); the set of
numbers containing zero, the natural numbers, and all the
negatives of the natural numbers.
Interquartile range: the range of the middle half of a set of data.
Inverse: one of a pair of elements in a set whose result under
the operation of the set is the identify element;
Inverse Operation: pairs of operation that undo each other; used
to solve an equation in which a number is added by both
subtracted from the variable.
Inverse property of multiplication: used to solve an equation
when the same number is multiplied or divided by on both sides
of the equation.
Inverse Variation: an equation in the form yx = k, k cannot equal
Irrational number: number that cannot be expressed as the ratio
of two integers; cannot be expressed in the
from a/b; e.g. the square root of 3.
Isosceles triangle: triangle in which two sides have equal
Iteration: a composition of function with itself.
Legs: two sides of s right triangle that form the right angle.
Less than: not as great in amount of quantity.
Like terms: expression that contains the same variable(s), e.g.
3ab and 7ab; two more monomials that are the same or differ
only by their numerical coefficients.
Line: a connected set of infinitely may points extending infinitely
far in opposite directions; continues mark on paper or canvas or
same surface.
Line plot: diagram showing data on a number line.
Linear equation: equation for which the graph is a straight line.
Matrix: rectangular arrangement of elements in rows and column.
Maximum: greatest value assumed by a function over a given
interval; the greatest possible quantity or degree.
Mean: a number that typifies a set of numbers, such as a
geometric mean or an arithmetic mean; the average value of a
set of numbers; in a data set, the sum of all the data points
divided by the number of data points; average in a data set, the
sum of all the data points, divided by the number of data points;
the sum of the numbers in a set divided by the quantity of
Measure of central tendency: the three common ways to
describe a set of data- mean,
median, mode.
Median: number that falls exactly in the middle when a set of
numbers is arranged in order from least to greatest; a
type of average.
Minimum: smallest number in a finite set of numbers; the least
possible quantity or degree.
Mixed number: number that has a whole number part and a
fraction part; e.g. 2 ¼; when the sum of the fractions is grater
than 1 and it is written as a whole number and fraction.
Mode: a type of average; the number (or numbers) that occurs
most frequently in a set of data.
Monomial: an expression that is a constant, a variable, or a
product of numbers and variables. A number, a variable, or a
product of a number and one or more variables.
Multiple: product of two whole numbers; e.g. 8 is a multiple of 2
and 4.
Multiplicative inverse: a number times its multiplicative inverse
is equal to 1.
Natural numbers: the counting numbers.
Negative: of or relating to a quantity less than zero.
Negative number: a real number that is less than zero.
n-gon: a polygon with n sides.
Obtuse angle: angle whose measure is more than 90 degrees but
less than 180 degrees.
Obtuse triangle: having an angle with a measure greater than 90
Odd number: whole number ending in 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9.
Odds formula: asking/(total – asking)
Operation: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are
the basic arithmetic operations.
Order of operations: rules to follow when more than one
operation is used in evaluating expressions
1. Do operations within grouping
2. Do all powers.
3. Multiply and divide in order from
left to right
4. Add and subtract in order from
left to right.
Order pair: any point in the coordinates system can be graphed
by using an order pair of numbers, representing the x and y
coordinates. The pair of numbers used to locate a point in the
coordinate system, the order has an agreed – up on meaning,
such as the Cartesian coordinates (x,y) where the first
coordinate represents the horizontal position, the second
coordinate, the vertical position.
Origin: intersection of the x- and y-axes in a coordinate plane,
described pair (0,0); coordinate system is formed by two number
lines that intersect at their zero points. This intersection is
classified as the origin.
Outcome: in probability, a possible result of an experiment.
Parallel lines: lines in the same plane that do not intersect.
Parallelogram: any quadrilateral with both pairs of opposite sides
Percent: a ratio with the denominator of 100; ratio which
compares a number to 100.
Percent formula:
part over total = 100%
Percent of change formula: original/ new over original =%100%
Perimeter: closed curve bounding a plane area: length of such a
boundary, distance around a figure.
Perpendicular: when line segments are meet to form right angles.
Perpendicular lines: lines that intersect to form right angles.
Pictograph: graph that uses pictures to stand for data.
Pi: ratio of the circumference of a circle to the diameter of a
circle, approximately 3.14.
Plot: to locate on a graph by means of coordinates.
Polygon: simple closed figure in a plane formed by three or more
line segment.
Positive: have or relating to a quantity greater than zero, the sing
of a product of two integers with the same sing.
Power: an exponent
Prime number: a whole number greater than1 that has two
factors, 1 ad it self.
Probability: a number expressing the likelihood that specific
event will occur, expressed as the ratio of number of actual
occurrences to the number possible.
Product: number or quality obtained by multiplying two or more
numbers together; result of multiplication; answer in a
multiplication problem.
Profit: an advantageous gains or return; benefit.
Proportion: an equation that shows that two ratios are
equivalent; statement of equality between two ratios.
Pythagorean theorem: in a right triangle, the square of the length
of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the
lengths of the legs.
Quadrants: the four sections of a coordinate grid separated by
the two perpendicular lines called the Axes.
Quotient: answer in a division problem; number obtained by
dividing one quantity by another.
Radical sign: symbol used to indicate a nonnegative square root.
Radius: line segment that joints the center of a circle with any
point on its circumference.
Random: of or relating to type of circumference or event in which
all outcomes are equally likely.
Range: the difference or interval between the smallest and
largest values in a frequency distribution; between the least and
the greatest number in a set of numbers; the spread of data.
Range: the set of all second coordinates from the ordered pairs
in a relation.
Range: the set of all values a given function may take on.
Rate: quantity measured with respect to another measure
Ratio: comparison of two numbers by division.
Rational number: a number that can be expressed I the form a/b;
a and b have to be integers, and b cannot equal 0; capable of
being expressed as a quotient of integers.
Reciprocal: two numbers whose product is 1.
Right angle: angle whose measure is 90 degrees; formed by
perpendicular lines.
Scientific notation: a way a number as the product of number ( at
least 1 but less than 10) and a power of 10.
Secant: a line that passes thought a circle; reciprocal of cosine.
Sequence: a list of numbers in a certain order.
Similar: having corresponding angles and corresponding line
segments proportional.
Similar triangles: two triangles whose corresponding angles are
proportional and their corresponding angles are equal.
Sine: in a right triangle with acute angle A the sine of angle A is
opposite over hypotenuse.
Slope: to diverge from vertical or horizontal, incline; in a line , the
ratio of the change in y to the corresponding change in x; change
in y over the change in x= rise/run
Slope intercept: a linear equation of a line is y=mx+b, m being
slope and b the y-intercept.
Square: a rectangle whose sides are equal; a parallelogram with
all sides congruent and four right angles.
Square root: a divisor of a quality that when square gives the
Sum: amount obtained as a result of adding numbers; answered
in an addition problem.
Supplementary angles: two angles whose sum equals 180
Tangent: the line that touches the out side of the circle.
Total: a whole quantity, an entirety.
Transversal: line that intersects two or more other lines
Triangle: a figure formed by three-line segment.
Unit of measure: any determinate amount of quantity (as of
length, time, heat, value) adopted as a standard of measurement
for other quantities of the same kind.
Variable: a symbol usually a letter, that can stand for a variable
quality used to represent a number in mathematical expressions
or sentences; used to represent unknown quantities; having no
fixed quantitative value.
Vertex: the common endpoint for the rays that determine an
Vertical angles: opposite angles formed by the intersection of
two lines.
Volume: the amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional
object or region of space or the capacity of a specified container,
expressed in cubic units, the number of cubic units needed to fill
a container.
X- axis: the horizontal number line on a coordinate plane.
X-coordinates: the first number of an order pair.
Y-axis: the vertical line on a coordinate plane.
Y-coordinate: the second number of an ordered pair.
Zero pair: the results of paring one positive counter with one
negative counter.