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Botulism in Australian wild
Fact sheet
Introductory statement
Botulism is a paralytic disease that is caused by ingestion of a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium
botulinum. Botulism can occur in any bird species, but is most frequently seen in ducks, geese, swans, ibis,
egrets and pelicans. It occurs worldwide and has been reported in wild birds in Australia. The majority of birds
that develop botulism, if they are not treated, will die. Toxin production by Clostridium botulinum can only
happen under specific environmental conditions and most outbreaks of botulism occur in the summer and
may occur in the same environment repeatedly. The number of birds dying in these outbreaks can be
substantial and thus can contribute to local and regional population declines.
Order: Clostridiales
Family: Clostridiaceae
Genus: Clostridium
Clostridium botulinum is a Gram-positive, rod-shaped bacterium that produces environmentally resistant
spores when faced with unfavourable conditions. It grows in environments where there is little or no oxygen.
Clostridium botulinum isolates can produce any one of eight neurotoxins (A-H). Most produce only one
neurotoxin, but some isolates will produce multiple toxins. Clostridium botulinum isolates are also categorized
by their ability to use protein substrates for energy into groups I-IV. Toxin production is generally group
specific. It is ingestion of the toxin that causes the paralytic disease known as botulism. The toxins that cause
disease in birds are toxins C and E (Reviewed in Rocke 2006).
Natural hosts
Clostridium botulinum is a soil bacterium that is particularly common in wetland environments. There is also
some evidence that it may grow in the digestive system of some species of birds (Vidal et al. 2011).
Clostridium botulinum also grows well in decomposing carcasses. Toxins can accumulate in invertebrate hosts,
such as the maggots who feed on these carcasses. Spores produced by the bacterium persist in the
environment for years (Reviewed in Rocke 2006).
World distribution
Outbreaks of avian botulism have been reported since the beginning of the 20th Century. The earliest cases
recorded occurred in the United States and Canada in the early 1900s, and the first reported outbreaks in
Australia took place around the 1930s and have recurred repeatedly since (Pullar 1992). Since the 1900s,
instances of avian botulism outbreaks have been reported in North America, South America, Europe, Africa,
Asia, and Australia (reviewed in Rocke 2005).
Occurrences in Australia
Outbreaks of avian botulism type C are known to have occurred in Australia since 1934 (Pullard 1934, Grubb
1964, Mckenzie et al. 1982, Woodall 1982, Galvin et al. 1985, Rose 2005). Numbers of birds that die in these
outbreaks are generally less than 100, but the death of up to 1,500 birds (predominately grey teal [Anas
gibberifrons gracilis]) has been recorded in one outbreak in Victoria (Galvin et al. 1985).
Sixty eight events of suspected or confirmed avian botulism were recorded in Australia between 2006 and
2012 (Grillo et al., 2013). In ten of these events multiple species of birds from several bird orders were
affected, however Anseriformes (ducks, geese and swans) were involved at the majority of events. Most of
the reported cases of avian botulism took place during a six month window from November to April, whilst
fewer cases were reported in the cooler months of the year (Grillo et al., 2013).
Ten wild bird mortality events were attributed to suspected or confirmed cases of botulism in the three
months from October to December in 2012 (Grillo et al., 2013). Botulism was confirmed by enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in one pelican (Pelecanus sp.) and five ducks found dead in a lake near Port
Headland, Western Australia. In the other nine events, a presumptive diagnosis of botulism was made based
on clinical signs, environmental conditions, and a lack of lesions upon necropsy. Five of the events reported
were from Victoria, involving mostly Australian white ibis (Threskiornis molucca), but with some instances of
wild ducks and pelicans also being affected. Two events each were also recorded in New South Wales and
Queensland with only wild ducks affected.
Between January and March 2011, a number of suspected cases of botulism were reported in waterbirds
across Australia. In New South Wales, reports were received from areas near Tweed Heads, Newcastle, Albury
and Wagga Wagga. Reports were also received near Brisbane in Queensland, Alice Springs in the Northern
Territory, and Melbourne, Shepparton, and Bendigo in Victoria. Anseriformes were involved in all events, with
multiple species affected including magpie geese (Anseranas semipalmata), Australasian grey teal, Pacific
black ducks (Anas superciliosa), muscovy ducks (Cairina moschata), masked lapwings (Vanellus miles), and
black swans (Cygnus atratus) (Cox-Witton et al., 2011).
Outbreaks of avian botulism type C can occur in both sporadic, unpredictable patterns and highly predictable
patterns where they occur in the same location and time year after year. Clostridial spores are widespread in
many aquatic environments (Soos and Wobeser 2006, reviewed in Rocke 2006). The factors that predispose
to botulism outbreaks are not fully understood. However, most outbreaks occur in the summer and
increased water temperature is considered to be a risk factor. Other factors that have been associated with
avian botulism outbreaks include increased organic material in the sediment, water pH (increased risk if pH is
in the range 7.5-9.0), redox potential (increased risk if less than 100) and increased salinity (> 2 ppt) (Rocke
and Samuel 1999).
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Triggers of outbreaks may also include an increased mortality level in birds on the affected water body as the
result of other factors (Soos and Wobeser 2006). Carcasses then become an environment where C. botulinum
can grow and produce toxins. Maggots feeding on the carcasses concentrate toxin and then poison other
birds when they are eaten, resulting in an escalating spiral of mortality. The species of birds that feed on
maggots are at greatest risk for intoxication, but intoxication can also occur in predatory birds and mammals
(reviewed in Rocke 2005).
Outbreaks of Avian botulism type E have only been described in the Great Lakes of North America. A recent
outbreak is likely to have killed more than 70,000 birds. The vast majority of species affected are birds that
eat fish (loons, ducks, gulls and terns). It is hypothesized that these birds consume fish that are sick as the
result of their consumption of invertebrates containing this toxin (Hannett et al. 2012). It has also been
postulated that an introduced species of fish, the round gobi (Neogobius melanostomus) may play an
important role in these outbreaks (Ruffing 2004).
Clinical signs
The first indication that an outbreak of avian botulism is occurring is often a sudden increase in the number of
dead birds on the edge of a water body (Rocke and Friend, 1999). Botulinum toxin affects the peripheral
nervous system, with birds affected exhibiting signs of progressive weakness and paralysis of skeletal muscles.
The first sign is typically the loss of the ability to fly. Birds may then lose the ability to use their legs, but may
still be able to move forward using their wings. In advanced cases the can no longer hold up their head, hence
the name of the disease, ‘limber neck,’ and their third eyelid will passively come across the eye. These birds
will also either have a change in the nature of their call or lose it completely. Death comes from drowning,
asphyxiation because of paralysis of the respiratory muscles, or starvation and dehydration. Affected birds are
also more likely to be subjected to predation (reviewed in Leighton 2000, reviewed in Rose 2005, reviewed in
Raymundo et al., 2012).
There are no gross or microscopic lesions that are associated with botulism poisoning (reviewed in Rose
2005). A presumptive diagnosis of avian botulism is based on whether or not birds are originating from a
location where previous outbreaks have occurred, the time of the year, the species of the birds that are dying,
signs the birds are exhibiting and absence of significant lesions at necropsy. The finding of maggots in the
digestive tract is also considered to be highly suggestive of botulism intoxication (reviewed in Leighton 2000).
Differential diagnosis
A list of differential diagnoses for avian botulism will depend on the geographic location of the outbreak.
Other poisons including organophosphates, organochlorides, mercury, algal toxins, castor bean and lead can
cause neurological signs that include weakness and paralysis. These intoxications could be difficult to
differentiate from avian botulism as they may not be associated with gross or microscopic lesions. Viral
diseases including, avian influenza, exotic Newcastle disease, duck plague, west Nile virus, and avian
bornavirus (Canada goose genotype) can also cause significant mortality events and some birds may exhibit
neurological signs. Fowl cholera (Pasteurella multocida) causes large waterfowl die offs, but is more likely to
occur in the winter. Nutritional deficiencies, e.g., calcium, thiamine, vitamin A, vitamin E, and selenium, all
have the potential to cause neurologic diseases in birds, but are not likely to do so in multiple birds, especially
WHA Fact sheet: Botulism in Australian wild birds | December 2013 | 3
adult birds, over a short stretch of time (reviewed in Leighton 2000, reviewed in Rose 2005, reviewed in
Somme et al. 2012).
Laboratory diagnostic specimens
Blood from living birds or birds who have recently died should be collected into sterile tubes without
anticoagulant for toxin detection. Once the blood is clotted the serum should be separated from the blood
and stored at -20°C until testing can be done (Rocke et al., 1998). Other samples that can be used to detect
botulium toxins include maggots collected off dead birds and ingesta (Soos and Wobeser 2006).
Laboratory procedures
Two assays are available to detect botulium toxin in serum, ingesta or in maggots, the mouse bioassay and a
capture enzyme-linked immunoassay (cELISA).
The mouse bioassay involves giving an intraperitoneal injection of serum or maggot or ingesta extracts from a
bird with suspected botulism into two sets of mice, one set of mice is pre-treated with antitoxin and the other
is not. If the untreated animal dies with signs of botulism and the other does not then botulism in the bird is
confirmed (reviewed in Hedeland et al., 2011).
The cELISA binds clostridial toxins using a plate coated with anti-clostridial toxin antibody and then detects
the toxin with a second anti-clostridial toxin labelled antibody. This assay has the advantage of not using
animals and is less expensive (Rocke et al. 1998).
Not all States and Territories in Australia perform testing for botulinum toxin. Mouse inoculation is used to
identify the presence of the botulinum toxin in Department of Primary Industries laboratories in Western
Australia, Queensland and the Northern Territory, however it is not available in other States and Territories of
Australia. The ELISA test is only available at the Biosecurity Sciences Laboratory (BSL) in Brisbane, QLD
Botulism poisoning is primarily treated through supportive care (reviewed in Rocke and Friend 1999, Rocke
2005). Because recovery takes several days to more than two weeks to occur, fluid therapy and supplemental
feeding is generally required. The use of botulinum antitoxin is also recommended, however the drug is not
currently commercially available (Rose 2005).
Prevention and control
Artificial water bodies should be designed so that sufficient aeration and water circulation are provided. Steep
sides and deep water depth may also keep water temperatures stable and prevent botulinum production
from occurring (Rose 2005). It is also very important to prevent or limit the organic inputs entering both
natural and artificial water bodies, as this reduces the energy resources available for the bacterium to grow
(Rocke and Friend 1999).
There has been some debate as how to best respond to an outbreak. Initially it was thought that aggressive
efforts to remove carcasses would help to stop the outbreak, but studies showed that even intensive efforts
WHA Fact sheet: Botulism in Australian wild birds | December 2013 | 4
to pick up carcases only find about one third of them (Leighton 2000). In contrast, others have shown that by
reducing carcass numbers and thus maggot load, mortality may be reduced (Evelsizer et al., 2010). A more
recent study suggested that picking up carcasses of birds of bird that that died of other causes before a
botulism outbreak occurred in breeding colonies of water birds might have some chance of preventing an
outbreak (Soos and Wobeser 2012).
Dispersing birds can also be used to reduce mortality. Many outbreaks occur on breeding grounds in North
America and dispersing birds under these conditions is not an option. However, in Australia, outbreaks do not
occur in breeding flocks and so efforts to disperse birds and to move them off the water body that is the
cause of the outbreak may be an effective way of reducing mortality.
Surveillance and management
Botulism is not listed as a reportable disease by the World Animal Health Organisation. It is not included in
AUSVETPLAN. However, reports of outbreaks of botulism are captured in Australia’s wildlife health
information system. Confirmed and suspected cases of botulism can be reported to your local Department of
Primary Industries or regional WHA Wildlife Coordinator (
There is a need for a comprehensive review of all sites and their characteristics where avian botulism
outbreaks have occurred in Australia. This information could then be used to predict the conditions that
would most likely lead to outbreaks, identify sites where outbreaks occur regularly and help communities
design ponds and lakes that are less likely to create an environment that is favourable for these outbreaks to
Type C botulism has been reported in waterbirds from every continent except Antarctica (Rocke, 2006).
Outbreaks with one million or more waterbird deaths have been reported in the USA, Canada, and Russia
(Rocke, 2006).
Nearly 15% of the western population of American white pelicans were killed during an outbreak of botulism
in 1996 at the Salton Sea, California (Rocke, 2006).
Data collected by Wildlife Health Australia (WHA) of reported botulism cases over a six year period (Grillo et
al., 2013) has revealed:
There were 68 confirmed or suspected cases of botulism reported in Australia between 2006 and 2012,
all of which involved birds.
The majority of these events occurred in the six months between November and April, whilst limited
events were reported in the cooler months.
Ten of the reported events included species from multiple bird orders.
54/68 events involved species of Anseriforme (e.g. ducks, geese, swans).
11/68 events involved species of Ciconiiforme (e.g. ibis, egrets, pelicans)
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Human health implications
There are no recorded cases of human poisoning due to Type C botulinum toxin (Reviewed in Rock 2006).
Botulism occurs commonly in water birds across Australia. It should be considered an import differential
diagnosis for any mortality event in water birds, particularly if the mortality even occurs during the summer.
The factors that predispose to botulism outbreaks are complex and incompletely understood. Further studies
into the environmental conditions associated with these outbreaks in Australia may help to understand why
they occur and mitigate their impact.
Cox-Witton, K., Grillo, T., and Post, L. (2011). Animal Health Surveillance Quarterly Report. Australian Wildlife
Health Network. 16(1), 7-9.
Evelsizer, D., Clark, R., and Bollinger, T. (2010). Relationships between local carcass density and risk of
mortality in molting mallards during avian botulism outbreaks. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 46(2), 507-513.
Galvin, J. W., Hollier, T. J., Bodinnar K. D., and Bunn, C.M. (1985). An outbreak of botulism in wild waterbrids
in Southern Australia. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 21(4), 347-350.
Grillo, T., Cox-Witton, K., and Post, L. (2013). Animal Health Surveillance Quarterly Report. Australian Wildlife
Health Network. 17(4), 7-8.
Grubb, W. B. (1964). Avian botulism in Western Australia - Australian Journal of Experimental Biology and
Medical Science 42, 17-26.
Hannett, G. E., Stone, W. B., Davis S. W., and Wroblewski, D. (2011). Biodiversity of Clostridium botulinum
Type E associated with a large outbreak of Lake Ontario. Applied Environmental Microbiology 77(3), 10611068.
Hedeland, M., Moura, H., Baverud, V., Woolfitt, A., Bondesson, U., and Bar, J. (2011). Confirmation of
botulism in birds and cattle by the mouse bioassay and Endopep-MS. Journal of Medical Microbiology 60,
Leighton, F.A. (2000). Type C Botulism in Birds. Canadian Cooperative Wildlife Health Centre at
McKenzie, R. A., Freudigmann, L., Mawhinney, H., E, Eaves, L.E., Green, P.E., and Rees G. J. (1982). Dieldrin
poisoning and botulism in Australian pelicans (Pelecanus conspicillatus). Australian Veterinary Journal 58, 148152.
Neimanis, A., Gavier-Widen, D., Leighton, F., Bollinger, T., Rocke, T., and Morner T. (2007). An outbreak of
type C botulism in herring gulls (Larus argentatus) in southeastern Sweden. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 43(3),
Raymundo, D.L., Hohendorf, R.V., Boabaid, F.M., Both, M.C., Sonne, L., Assis, R.A., Caldas, R.P., and Driemeier,
D. (2012). Outbreak of Type C Botulism in captive wild birds. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 43(2), 388390.
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Rocke, T. E., S. R. Smith, and S. W. Nashwold. (1998). Preliminary evaluation of a simple in vitro test for the
diagnosis of type C botulism in wild birds. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 34, 7-10.
Rocke, T. E., and Samuel, M. D. (1999). Water and sediment characteristics associated with avian botulism
outbreaks in wetlands. Journal of Wildlife Management 63(4), 1249-1260.
Rocke, T.E. (2006). The global importance of avian botulism. Waterbirds Around the World. Eds. Boere, G. C.,
Galbraith C. A., and Stroud D. A. The Stationery Office, Edinburgh, UK. pp. 422-426.
Rocke , T. E., and Friend, M. (1999). Avian Botulism. Field Manual of Wildlife Diseases: General Field
Procedures and Diseases of Birds (1999-2001). US Department of Interior and US Geological Service.
Ruffing, R. (2004). The round goby botulism connection. Botulism in Lake Erie: Workshop Proceedings. Sea
Grant, Stony Brook, NY. pp. 23–29.
Rose, K. (2005). Common Diseases of Urban Wildlife: BIRDS. The Australian Registry of Wildlife Health at
Pullar, E. M. (1934). Enzootic botulism amongst wild birds. Australian Veterinary Journal 10, 128-135.
Sonne, C., Olsen Alstrup, A.K., and Therkildsen, O.R. (2012). A review of the factors causing paralysis in wild
birds: Implications for the paralytic syndrome observed in the Baltic Sea. Science of the Total Environment
416, 32–39.
Soos, K., and Wobeser, G. (2006). Identification of primary substrate in the initiation of avian botulism
outbreaks. The Journal of Wildlife Management 70(1), 42-53.
Vidal, D., Taggart, M. A., Badiola, I., and Mateo, R. (2011). Real-time polymerase chain reaction for the
detection of toxigenic Clostridium botulinum type C1 in waterbird and sediment samples: comparison with
other PCR techniques. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 23(5), 942–946.
Woodall, P. F. (1982). Botulism outbreak in waterbirds at seven-mile lagoon in south-east Queensland.
Australian Wildlife Research 9(3), 533-539.
We are extremely grateful to Hailee Reckless and David Phalen who provided the initial draft of this fact
Updated: 6 December 2013
To provide feedback on this fact sheet
We are interested in hearing from anyone with information on this condition in Australia, including laboratory
reports, historical datasets or survey results that could be added to the National Wildlife Health Information
System. If you can help, please contact us at [email protected].
Wildlife Health Australia would be very grateful for any feedback on this fact sheet. Please provide detailed
comments or suggestions to [email protected]. We would also like to hear from you if
WHA Fact sheet: Botulism in Australian wild birds | December 2013 | 7
you have a particular area of expertise and would like to produce a fact sheet (or sheets) for the network (or
update current sheets). A small amount of funding is available to facilitate this.
This fact sheet is managed by Wildlife Health Australia for information purposes only. Information contained
in it is drawn from a variety of sources external to Wildlife Health Australia. Although reasonable care was
taken in its preparation, Wildlife Health Australia does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, reliability,
completeness, or currency of the information or its usefulness in achieving any purpose. It should not be
relied on in place of professional veterinary consultation. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Wildlife
Health Australia will not be liable for any loss, damage, cost or expense incurred in or arising by reason of any
person relying on information in this fact sheet. Persons should accordingly make and rely on their own
assessments and enquiries to verify the accuracy of the information provided.
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