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Chapter 11. Work
Chapter Goal: To develop
a more complete
understanding of energy and
its conservation.
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
Ch 11 Student Learning Objectives
• To expand on the basic energy model.
• To recognize transformations between kinetic,
potential, and thermal energy.
• To define work and use the work-kinetic
energy theorem.
• To develop a complete statement of the law of
conservation of energy.
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
Our first energy model – an isolated system
• If there are no non-perpendicular forces other than
those involved in potential energy (i.e. gravity, spring),
kinetic and potential energies can be transformed each
other with no loss.
• There is no change in the total energy of the system.
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What if we want to add (or take away) energy
from our system?
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Work: the transfer of energy to a body by
application of a force
W > 0: The environment does work on the system and the
system’s energy increases.
W < 0: The system does work on the environment and the
system’s energy decreases.
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
Find the relationship between a component of force
parallel to motion (Fs) and kinetic energy (K)
Fs = mas = m dv/dt
Using the Chain Rule:
m dv/dt = m (dv/ds) (ds/dt)
where ds/dt is v
Fs = mv(dv/ds)
Now take the integral of both sides:
 F ds   (mv)dv
 F ds
= ½ mvf 2 – ½ mv02
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Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem.
2 – ½ mv 2
 s
where work has been defined as:
note there is no work done by any component of
force that is perpendicular to the displacment.
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Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem.
Since the right-hand side is the change in kinetic
2 – ½ mv 2 or: W = ∆K
 s
This result is known as the Work-Kinetic Energy
Theorem. Note that there is no mention of U,
potential energy, as of yet.
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Work and Kinetic Energy
A force acts on a particle as the particle moves along the saxis from si to sf. The force component Fs parallel to the saxis causes the particle to speed up or slow down, thus
transferring energy to or from the particle. We say that the
force does work on the particle.
As the particle is moved by this single force, its kinetic
energy changes as follows:
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A particle moving along the x-axis experiences the
force shown in the graph. If the particle has 2.0 J
of kinetic energy as it passes x = 0 m, what is its
kinetic energy when it reaches x = 4 m?
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10 J
Work Done by a Constant Force
A particle experiences a constant force which makes an
angle θ with respect to the particle’s displacement, ∆r. The
work done is
Both F and θ are constant, so they can be taken outside the
integral. Thus
This as the dot product of the force vector and the
displacement vector:
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Work done by a constant Force
Therefore, for a constant force:
W = |F∆r| cos θ
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Which force does the most work?
A. the 10 N force
B. the 8 N force
C. The 6 N force
D. Same by all
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A crane lowers a steel girder into place at a
construction site. The girder moves with
constant speed. Consider the work Wg done
by gravity and the work WT done by the
tension in the cable. Which of the following is
Wg and WT are both zero.
Wg is negative and WT is negative.
Wg is negative and WT is positive.
Wg is positive and WT is positive.
Wg is positive and WT is negative.
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
The Work Done by a Variable Force
To calculate the work done on an object by a force that
either changes in magnitude or direction as the object
moves, we use the following:
We must evaluate the integral either geometrically, by
finding the area under the curve, or by actually doing the
integration (!).
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Conservation of Mechanical Energy revisited
If no energy is added or removed
from the system, the initial
energy and the final energy
must be the same:
K0 + Ug0 + Us0 = K + Ug + Us
If energy is added or removed via
work, this becomes:
K0 + Ug0 + Us0 + W = K + Ug + Us
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Conservation of Mechanical Energy revisited
K0 + Ug0 + Us0 + W = K + Ug + Us
It seems this would conflict with the WorkKinetic Energy, W = K – K0
Unless potential energy U is a form of work.
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
Conservative Forces
Which of the cases shown
at right results in the
most work done by the
gravitational force?
Recall, for a constant
W = |F∆r| cos θ,
where θ is the angle
between the force (mg in
this case) and the
E. all result in the same
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Conservative Forces
Ug = mgy so in this case,
∆U = mg∆y, which is a
negative number
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Conservative Forces
It can be shown that for all
conservative forces,
there is an associated
potential energy such
that WcF = - ∆UF.
Conservative forces
include gravity, the
spring force, the electric
force, and the magnetic
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EOC #36
A particle moves from A to D
while experiencing a force
of (6iˆ  8 ˆj ) N.
When is the most work done
by the force?
Path ABD
Path ACD
Path AD
this is a conservative
force, so all are equal
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The Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem when
Nonconservative Forces Are Involved
A force for which the work is not independent of the path
is called a non-conservative force. It is not possible to
define a potential energy for a non-conservative force.
If Wc is the work done by all conservative forces, and Wnc
is the work done by all non-conservative forces, then
But the work done by the conservative forces is equal to
(-∆U), so the work-kinetic energy theorem becomes
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Energy Bar Charts
We may express the conservation of energy concept as an
energy equation.
We may also represent this equation graphically with an
energy bar chart.
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Conservation of Mechanical Energy, revisited
K0 + Ug0 + Us0 + Wnc = K + Ug + Us
can be rewritten as:
∆K + ∆U = Wnc
∆K + ∆U = ∆Emech
∆Emech = Wnc
Therefore mechanical energy is conserved if
there are no non-conservative forces doing
work on the system.
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Finding Force from Potential Energy
so Fs = dW/ds
The work done by a conservative force can be
expressed as a negative change in the potential
energy associated with that force:
W = - ∆U
Therefore: Fs = - dU/ds and
- ∆U
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A function and its derivative
Fs = - dU/ds
The derivative of a function shows the trend of change
of that function.
• If the derivative is zero, the function is not changing
(but not necessarily 0!).
• If the derivative is constant, the function is changing
at a constant rate.
• If the derivative is increasing/decreasing the function
is changing increasingly faster/slower.
• The negative sign is a bit of a challenge.
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
• The top graph is of the
gravitational force, mg
which we model as
constant. In our
coordinate system it is
• The gravitational
potential energy curve is
linear (changing at a
constant rate), with a
positive slope equal to
the magnitude of mg.
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A particle moves along the x-axis with
the potential energy shown. The force on
the particle when it is at x = 4 m is
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-2 N
-4 N
Force and Potential Energy
A 100 g particle experiences
only the one-dimensional,
conservative force shown
in the figure.
a. Draw a graph of potential
energy from x = 0m to x =
5 m. Assume U = 0 J at
b. The particle is shot toward
the right from x = 1.0 m
with a speed of 25 m/s.
What is the particle’s total
mechanical energy?
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EOC #37
a. see graph below
b. Total Emech = 51.25
Emech = (K + U)
c. See graph
d. x = 2.56 m
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Dissipative Forces – Two perspectives
Dissipative forces (e.g. friction and drag) can be
modeled in two ways:
1. One can consider the dissipative force as an
external, non-conservative force that is
always negative and takes energy away from
the system:
K0 + Ug0 + Us0 + Wnc – Wdis = K + Ug + Us
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
Dissipative Forces – Two perspectives
2. One can consider the dissipative force as increasing
the thermal energy of the system, as discussed in
the text:
K0 + Ug0 + Us0 + Wnc = K + Ug + Us + ∆Eth
This method is probably the more correct way to think
about it. However ∆Eth can only be computed as
work (e.g. ∆Eth due to friction is ukn ∆s), so in the
end it doesn’t matter where you include it on the
bar chart or the equation. Pick a method and stick
with it
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Conservation of Energy
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A child at the playground slides down a
pole at constant speed. Consider the pole
and the child to be the system. This is a
situation in which:
A. U  Eth. Emech is conserved.
B. U  Eth. Emech is not conserved but Esys is.
C. U  Wext. Neither Emech nor Esys is conserved.
D. U  K. Emech is not conserved but Esys is.
E. K  Eth. Emech is not conserved but Esys is.
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EOC #28
How much work is done
by the environment on
the system?
A. 1 J
B. -1J
C. 2 J
D. -2J
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The rate at which energy is transferred or transformed
is called the power, P, and it is defined as
The unit of power is the watt, which is defined
as 1 watt = 1 W = 1 J/s.
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Four students run up the stairs in the time shown.
Rank in order, from largest to smallest, their power
outputs Pa to Pd.
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EOC # 32 (revised a bit)
• At midday, solar energy strikes the earth with
an intensity of about 342 W/m2. This means,
on the average, every square meter of real
estate receives 342 J of energy every second!
What is the area of a solar collector that could
collect 150 MJ of energy in 1 hour?
a. 42 m2 b. 4.39 x 105 m2 c. 122 m2
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EOC #48
A runaway truck ramp near
Denver, CO slopes upward
at 6.0° and has a large
coefficent of rolling friction,
ur = 0.40. Find the length of
a ramp that will stop a
15,000 kg truck that enters
the ramp at 35.0 m/s.
a. Draw an energy bar chart
for this situation.
b. Solve.
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EOC #48: Answer = 124 meters
A runaway truck ramp near
Denver, CO slopes upward
at 6.0° and has a large
coefficent of rolling friction,
ur = 0.40. Find the length of
a ramp that will stop a
15,000 kg truck that enters
the ramp at 35.0 m/s.
a. Draw an energy bar chart
for this situation.
b. Use work and energy and
kinematics to solve.
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EOC #55
A 5.0 kg box slides down a 5.0 m high frictionless hill
starting from rest. It slides across a 2-m long
“rough” horizontal section with uk = 0.25. At the
end of the horizontal section, the surface is again
frictionless and the box hits a horizontal spring
with k = 500 N/m.
a. How fast is the box going before reaching the rough
b. How fast is it going just before hitting the spring?
c. How far is the spring compressed?
d. How many complete one-way crossings can the box
make before coming to rest?
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EOC #55 - Answers
A 5.0 kg box slides down a 5.0 m high frictionless hill starting
from rest. It slides across a 2-m long “rough” horizontal
section with uk = 0.25. At the end of the horizontal section,
the surface is again frictionless and the box hits a horizontal
spring with k = 500 N/m.
a. How fast is the box going before reaching the rough
surface? 9.9 m/s
b. How fast is it going just before hitting the spring? 9.4 m/s
c. How far is the spring compressed? 0.94 m
d. How many complete one-way crossings can the box make
before coming to rest? 10 trips
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
EOC # 50
• Use work and energy to
find the impact speed of
the 2.0 kg block in the
figure. The coefficient
of kinetic friction
between the table and
the 3.0 kg block is 0.15.
The 3.0 kg block is
more than 1.5 m from
the end of the table.
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EOC # 50
• Use work and energy to
find the impact speed of
the 2.0 kg in the figure.
The coefficient between
the table and the 3.0 kg
block is 0.15.
• v = 3.0 m/s
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
EOC #56
• The spring is compressed 50
cm and used to launch a 100
kg student. The track is
frictionless until it starts up
the incline. Then it has a
coefficient of kinetic friction
of 0.15.
• a. What is the student’s
speed just after losing
contact with the spring?
• b. How far up the incline
does the student go?
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
EOC #56
• The spring is compressed 50
cm and used to launch a 100
kg student. The track is
frictionless until it starts up
the incline. Then it has a
coefficient of kinetic friction
of 0.15.
• a. What is the student’s
speed just after losing
contact with the spring?
14.14 m/s
• b. How far up the incline
does the student go? 32.1 m.
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EOC #74
• The spring constant is
1000 N/m. The spring
is compressed 15 cm,
then launches the block.
The coefficient of
kinetic friction is 0.20.
The horizontal surface
is frictionless. What
distance d does the
block sail through the
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
EOC #74
• The spring constant is
1000 N/m. The spring
is compressed 15 cm,
then launches the block.
The coefficient of
kinetic friction is 0.20.
The horizontal surface
is frictionless. What
distance d does the
block sail through the
air? 6.68 m.
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Ranking Task – Work Energy
5 balls with equal initial kinetic energies experience
different forces acting over different displacements
shown by the arrows. Rank from greatest to smallest
the final kinetic energies of the balls.
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Calculating the work done by a constant force
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley.
Tactics: Calculating the work done by a
constant force
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Workbook #19
The graph shows the potentialenergy curve of a particle
moving along the x-axis under
the influence of a conservative
a. At which intervals of x is the
force on the particle to the right
b. At which intervals of x is the
force on the particle to the left
c. At what value(s) of x is the
force on the particle maximum?
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d, e, f look in
Workbook #19
d. force is
zero at: x=2m,
x=5m, x=8m
(where slope is
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EOC problems 26, 27,28
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EOC #26 - Answer
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EOC #27 - Answer
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Workbook #26
a. If you push an object 10 m with a 10 N force
in the direction of motion, how much work is
b. How much power much you provide to push
the object in
• 1s
• 10s
• 0.1 s
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