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Osgood-Schlatter Disease
Osgood-Schlatter disease is a painful condition that affects the upper part of the shin bone (tibia). It
most commonly occurs in teenagers who play sport. It causes pain and swelling just below the knee.
It is not serious and usually goes away in time.
Who gets Osgood-Schlatter disease?
Osgood-Schlatter disease is one of the common causes of
knee pain in active adolescent children who play sports.
However, it is uncommon over the age of 16. Young teenagers,
particularly boys, are the most commonly affected. It is more
common in teenagers who play a lot of sport involving kicking,
running or jumping. These kinds of sports cause repeated and
vigorous use of the muscles on the front of the thigh - the
It can sometimes occur in children who are not sporty.
What causes Osgood-Schlatter
Sometimes it develops for no apparent reason. However,
overuse of the quadriceps muscles is thought to be a common
cause. The quadriceps muscle is used to straighten the knee.
This muscle pulls on the kneecap (patella), which pulls on the patellar ligament, which is attached to the upper
part of the shin bone (tibia). Overuse of the quadriceps muscle can cause repeated strain on the attachment of
the patellar ligament to the growing tibia. The tibia hasn't finished growing and isn't quite strong enough to
withstand the strain on it. This can cause redness and soreness where the ligament attaches. In some cases, a
small flake of bone is pulled off the tibia by the pulling ligament. Healing bone (callus) then forms which may
cause a hard bony bump to develop.
What are the symptoms?
The main symptom is pain just below your kneecap (patella). The severity of the pain tends to vary. It is usually
worse during, and just after, activity. It tends to ease with rest. The pain typically lasts a few months, but
sometimes persists until you have finished growing. This means that in some cases it can last up to two years.
A small, tender, bony bump may develop just under your kneecap. This is where your patellar ligament attaches
to your shin bone (tibia). The bump is permanent, although in time it becomes painless. Your actual knee joint is
not affected, so knee movements are normal. Symptoms usually occur on one side, but in up to one in three
cases it affects both knees.
The diagnosis is often clear from the typical symptoms. No investigations are necessary. You may be referred for
an X-ray of your knee to help make the diagnosis of this condition.
What is the treatment of Osgood-Schlatter disease?
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The pain usually goes within a few months without any treatment. It may help to be reassured that the condition is
not serious and is likely to go. When the pain flares up, it may be useful to take a painkiller such as paracetamol
or ibuprofen.
What about playing sport and other activities?
Sport or physical activity is not likely to cause any permanent damage, but may make the pain worse. However, it
is often sporty teenagers who develop Osgood-Schlatter disease. If the pain is affecting your ability to do your
sport, difficult decisions may have to be made about training schedules and sporting commitments.
An approach similar to the following may be advised:
You do not usually need to stop sport. However, easing off strenuous or vigorous sport may be
sensible until the pain eases to a tolerable level. You should aim to reduce the duration, frequency and
also intensity of your exercise, especially if this exercise includes running or jumping. Consider a
complete break from sport for a while if pain remains bad.
An ice pack applied below the kneecap (patella) for about five minutes before and after exercise may
prevent some inflammation and pain.
Consider wearing knee pads during sports such as football and rugby, to protect the tender area.
Consider seeing a physiotherapist for advice on exercises to stretch the thigh muscles.
What is the outlook (prognosis)?
As mentioned, the pain typically only lasts a few weeks or months. However, it can sometimes last up to two
years. The pain does not usually fully resolve until the end of your growth spurt. Some people find that the pain
only returns (recurs) when they kneel.
In a very few cases, a small operation may be required if the pain continues. This can involve removing unhealed
areas of flakes of bone or fixing them to the upper part of the shin bone (tibia). This usually leads to excellent
Further reading & references
Osgood-Schlatter's disease; NICE CKS, January 2010 (UK access only)
Weiler R, Ingram M, Wolman R; 10-Minute Consultation. Osgood-Schlatter disease. BMJ. 2011 Aug 1;343:d4534. doi:
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Original Author:
Dr Tim Kenny
Current Version:
Dr Louise Newson
Peer Reviewer:
Dr Jacqueline Payne
Document ID:
4498 (v40)
Last Checked:
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