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Name: Date: Period: Macbeth: Scene Rewrite
Instructions: You will choose a passage from Macbeth. You will rewrite this scene and perform it in front of
the class. You can choose how to rewrite it. Southern English, Pidgin English, Star Wars theme, Cowboy theme,
rap, use a song melody or choose any other creative way other than Shakespeare English that will help the class
understand the scene more clearly. Keep it classroom appropriate and abide to school and class rules (no
swearing, bullying, put downs, sexual innuendos, racist remarks etc.) Any inappropriate performances will
result in an automatic 0 and disciplinary action.
1. Before performing, provide a typed script of your scene with roles and stage directions or notes.
2. You must type a short summary of the scene and explain your interpretation. Also note the performers
and the roles they will play. (about a paragraph)
3. Before your performance, tell your audience the roles and give a brief description of your scene in no
more than three sentences.
4. Present your prepared scene; can be either live or recorded (check with me ahead of time to make sure
your technology works). Each performance should be 2-5 minutes long. Everyone in the group must
participate and say lines. Be creative. I recommend bringing in props, costumes.
You may select one of these RECOMMENED scenes. If you choose a scene not listed here, come ask me for
approval first. To make sure we aren’t watching the same scene over and over there will only be one group/
individual per scene.
Act 1
Scene 3
- Macbeth, Banquo, and the 3 Witches’ prophecy
(lines 40 - 109) (4 people)
-Macbeth and Banquo, the temptation takes grip of
Macbeth (lines 119 - 144) (2 people)
Scene 5
- Lady Macbeth reads Macbeth's letter (lines 1 - 53)
(1 person)
Scene 7
- Macbeth's inner quarrel (lines 1 - 28)
(1 person)
Act 2
Scene 1
- Macbeth imagines the dagger (33 - 64) (1 person)
Scene 2
- Macbeth and Lady Macbeth after murdering
Duncan (lines 1 - 14, 45 - 63) (2 people)
Act 3
Scene 1
- Macbeth talks to the murderers about killing
Banquo and Fleance (lines 80-162) (3 people)
Scene 4
- The banquet where Macbeth sees Banquo's ghost
(lines 36 – 176) (4 people)
Act 4
Scene 1
- The 3 Witches' second prophecy Macbeth and the
3 Apparitions (lines 44 - 94) (4 people)
Act 5
Scene 1
- Lady Macbeth's sleepwalking confession to the
Doctor and Gentlewoman (lines 23 - 63) (3 people)
Scene 5
- Macbeth's pre-war talk about Lady Macbeth’s
death (lines 1 - 28) (1 person)
Scene 8
- Macduff finds and battles Macbeth
(lines 3 - 34) (2 people)
- Macduff brings in Macbeth's head and proclaims
Malcolm to be King (lines 54 - 60) (3 people)
Name: Date: Period: Example:
Act 1 Scene 2 and 3- Witches, Banquo, Macbeth (“Fresh Prince of Bell Air” melody)
Now this is a story all about how
Macbeth turned evil and upside down
So I’d like to take a minute just sit don’t stand
I’ll tell you how he became the King of a town called Scotland
In west side Scotland King Duncan betrayed
Thane of Cawdor, Macdonwald, the traitor was slayed.
Thunder and lighting overshadowed the land
Brave Macbeth and Banquo courageous and grand
When a couple of witches they were up to no good
Something about the future they all understood
A drum a drum Macbeth doth come this way
3 predictions about the future they dare to say
All hail Macbeth, Thane of Cawdor will be
All hail Macbeth, King of Scotland will be
Banquo not so happy for king he’ll be none
But all hail Banquo who shalt get kings in sons
Actor(s) are well
prepared, very organized,
and clearly rehearsed.
Tone of voice is clear,
has emotion, and audible.
Actor(s) face audience
with confidence.
Interpretation is accurate
to the story line, scene,
and characters are
Very creative with use of
props and costumes that
are relevant. Everything
is coherent and flows.
Lines are memorized.
Roles and lines are
included with notes (such
as stage directions etc.) in
an organized manner.
Clearly and accurately
summarizes the scene and
explains in detail the
interpretation chosen.
Teacher Comments:
Actor(s) are well
prepared and
rehearsed. Tone of
voice is audible and
there is some
emotion. Actors
face the audience.
There is use of
props/costumes that
are relevant.
Accurate to the
story, scene, and
characters. Lines
mostly memorized.
Actor(s) are mostly
prepared. Not too
organized. Doesn’t
flow. There is some
confidence and
emotion. Difficult to
hear. Little use of
props or costumes.
Needed to refer to
script often.
Very messy and
unorganized. There
is little structure to
the performance and
actors are not sure
of what to do.
Difficult to hear and
Inaccurate to the
story, scene, and/or
characters. No lines
are memorized. No
use of costumes or
Roles and lines are
given but there may
be not details of the
stage directions.
Summarizes the
scene and explains
the interpretation
Roles and lines are
given, but aren’t
organized. No stage
directions noted.
Summary is not
accurate and
interpretation is
vaguely explained.
Lots of details are
missing in the roles
and lines. Not
typed. No notes for
stage directions. No
summary of scene
or explanation of