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Dear friends:
With generations of development and prosperous social
economy, people’s life style and dietary habit have
changed significantly which results in the prevalence
of chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, kidney
disease, diabetes, and hyperuricemia. The improvement of
medicine is not merely for pursuing the extension of life
but also for a better quality of life and living; therefore,
preventive medicine has become the highlight of the
health medicine nowadays. Kidney disease is not only
an idiopathic kidney disease but also a complication of
diabetes and high blood pressure. Correct prevention
countermeasures can avoid the incidents of kidney disease.
Since kidney disease lacks of distinct symptoms in the
early stage, many friends are unaware of their disease
or take secret recipes or prescriptions from hearsays and
induce the deterioration of the disease. Kidney disease
can in fact be well controlled if taking correct preventive
measures or being diagnosed and treated correctly at
an early stage. How much do you know about kidney
functions? Are you aware of the tests on kidney functions?
How to find out if you have kidney disease? How to
prevent kidney disease on a regular basis?
To enhance the public’s awareness of new information, we
have once again invited expert scholars to complete the
“Kidney care- How to care for your kidney” in the hope
that the public will learn the tips of kidney care and the
incidents of kidney disease will be reduced. Care for your
“kidney” on a regular basis will guarantee a healthy life.
Bureau of Health Promotion,Department of Health,
Best regards,
Mei-Ling Hsiao
Director General
Table of Contents
1. Where are the kidneys?
The location of the kidneys
The structure of the kidneys
2. What are the functions of the kidneys?
To excrete waste products
To regulate water level
To balance PH levels and electrolyte concentrations
To secrete hormones
3. Why do kidneys fail?
The cause and types of renal disease
The high-risk groups for renal disease
4. How to know when the kidneys have problems?
Changes in urine
Physical symptoms
5. Medical tests to detect renal disease
Urine Test
Blood Test
X–Ray Exam
Ultrasound Scan
6. How can one effectively prevent renal disease?
Tip 1–Healthy lifestyle
Tip 2–Eat carefully
Tip 3–Drink enough water and don’t store up urine in the bladder
Tip 4–Always seek professional medical help and avoid drug
Tip 5–Self-monitoring and health checkups
Tip 6–Disease treatment and control
7. Q & A
Where are the kidneys?
The location of the kidneys
1 The kidneys in humans are located in the posterior part of the
abdomen and under the lower border of the lowest ribs. There is
one on each side of the spine.
Left Kidney
Right Kidney
2 Each kidney resembles the shape
of a broad bean and its size is
equal to a fist.
3 Each kidney weighs about 125-150
My size is equal to a fist.
How to take care of Your Kidneys
The Structure of the Kidneys
A nephron is the basic structural unit of the kidneys. There are
about one million nephrons in each kidney. A nephron consists
of a glomerulus (a very small artery ) and a renal tubule. Its
chief function is to regulate body water level,electrolytes
and metabolic wastes by filtering the blood flowing into the
glomerulus, then excreting them as urine.
Browman’s Capsule
Renal Calyx
Renal Vein
Renal Medulla
Bureau of Health Promotion,Department of Health,R.O.C.(Taiwan) Caring for You
What are the functions
of the kidneys?
To excrete waste products
The waste products in your blood come from the foods you
eat and the metabolites of your body. Kidneys excrete them in
the urine.
To regulate water level
Kidneys can remove excess water from the blood as urine.
Two kidneys are able to produce 1000-2400 c.c. urine a day.
To balance PH levels and electrolyte concentrations
The kidneys regulate the blood concentration of electrolytes,
such as calcium, sodium (salt), phosphates and potassium and
the blood PH level within the normal ranges.
To secrete hormones
1 Secrete renin, which
regulates blood pressure.
2 Secrete erythropoietin,
which stimulates the
production of red blood
3 Activate vitamin D,
which helps to maintain
the density and health of
To excrete
To regulate
water level
To balance PH levels
and electrolyte
To secrete
How to take care of Your Kidneys
Why do kidneys fail?
The etiology and types of kidney disease
1 Glomerular diseases, which include two categories:
Go n
Ki ney
ey stone
tum s
1.Primary glomercular disorder:e.g., chronic
2.Secondary glomercular disorder: e.g., kidney disease
induced by hypertension, diabetes or systemic lupus
erythematosus (SLE).
2 Tubulo-interstitial diseases:
e.g., chronic pyelonephritis , long-term use of
painkillers, kidney stones, kidney tumors, urethral or
ureteral strictures and gout.
3 Vascular nephropathy:
e.g., vasculitis , hypertensive renal arteriosclerosis
4 Congenital kidney diseases:
e.g., polycystic kidney disease (PKD), which is a
genetic disorder and the most common one in this
classification .
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Bureau of Health Promotion,Department of Health,R.O.C.(Taiwan) Caring for You
The high-risk groups for renal disease
1 Patients with diabetes
High blood sugar induces small artery and large artery
complications, which will decrease the blood flow of kidneys
and eventually affect kidney functions.
2 Patients with hypertension
High blood pressure can easily injure renal vessels and, as a
result, compromises the kidneys’ ability to excrete waste and
regulate body water
3 Patients with gout
High serum uric acid can make uric acid crystallize in the joints
as well as in the kidneys, thereby affecting renal functions.
4 Those with a family history of kidney disease
If any of your grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts or siblings
has kidney disease, you belong to the high-risk group.
5 The Elderly
Usually, the function of the kidneys decreases gradually as one’s
age increases. So those who aged over 65 are more likely to
suffer impairment of the renal functions.
6 Those with a history of drug abuse
Individuals with a long history of drug abuse, such as taking
anti-inflammatory drugs or painkillers without medical
approval or herbs from unknown sources,especially aristolochia
fangchi wu, which contains, aristolochic acid are in danger of
damaging their kidneys.
How to take care of Your Kidneys
The risk factors of renal disease
High-sodium diet
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Taking unknown traditional Chinese medicine or herbal medicine will
cause the toxicity in the kidneys.
Bureau of Health Promotion,Department of Health,R.O.C.(Taiwan) Caring for You
How to know when the
kidneys have problems?
The early stages of renal disease have no obvious symptoms.
Kidney diseases commonly manifest themselves by proteinuria,
hematuria (blood in the urine), frequent voiding, oliguria and edema.
Changes in urine
1 Increased frequency of urination:
Frequent voiding, nocturia (increased
voiding frequency at night resulting
from increased amounts of night
2 Burning sensations during urination:
Experiencing burning sensations or
pain while voiding.
3 Foam in the urine (proteinuria):
A thick layer of foam on the urine
surface that lasts for a long time.
4 Any change in the color or amount
of urine:
Hematuria or low-urine output
Physical symptoms
1 Edema:
Lower limbs start to swell and a skin
indentation forms when pressed down
by the fingers. The skin indentation
remains some time after withdrawing
the fingers.
2 Rapid increase in body weight:
The average of increased body weight more than 0.5 kg per day
3 Lower back and abdominal pain:
Pain in the lower back, back or lower abdomen caused by
unknown reasons.
4 High blood pressure, anemia, skin itchiness and general
How to take care of Your Kidneys
Skin itchiness
•If you experience the aforementioned symptoms, visit your
family doctor, internist or nephrologist for a further check-up.
Bureau of Health Promotion,Department of Health,R.O.C.(Taiwan) Caring for You
Medical tests to detect
renal disease
Urine Test
1 Protein (proteinuria ):
Protein in the urine may suggest that the kidneys are
damaged. Two plus tests taken within a few weeks suggest
a permanent proteinuria, which is a sign of chronic kidney
disease. Proteinuria is also an early sign of diabetic
2 Red or white blood cells:
Normally, few or no blood cells are found in the urine. If
the number of blood cells is abnormally high in a urine
test, it may be a warning sign of a kidney or urinary tract
3 Glucose:
If glucose is found in the urine, a blood test should be
arranged to confirm whether the blood sugar level or only
the sugar in the urine is
4 Urine samples collected
over a period of 24 hours:
the total amount of
urine within 24 hours
can be used to calculate
the filtration rate of the
Glucose test strip
renal glomerulus and
Blood urine test
therefore to predict
how the kidneys are
Protein test strip
How to take care of Your Kidneys
Blood test for creatinine
Creatinine is a waste product generated from the
metabolism of muscle. The kidneys eliminate blood creatinine
through the urine. Therefore, when the kidneys are damaged,
creatinine accumulates in the blood. (Normal levels of blood
creatinine: 0.7-1.2 mg/dl)
X-Ray Exam
X –Ray Exam: They can be used to assess the shape,
location and size of the kidneys. They can also detect the
presence of calculi (stones) in the kidneys.
Ultrasound Scan
A kidney ultrasound scan can detect the size of the
kidneys (oversized or atrophic), kidney
stones, tumors and changes of related
structures, such as the
ureters. Although Chronic
kidney disease is often
associated with atrophic
kidneys, the kidney sizes
from diabetic nephropathy,
polycystic kidney disease
or amyloidosis are usually
not atrophic.
Bureau of Health Promotion,Department of Health,R.O.C.(Taiwan) Caring for You
How can one effectively
prevent renal disease?
To keep your kidneys healthy, maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Here are a few tips:
Tip 1—A Healthy lifestyle
1 Keep your body weight within an optimal range
BMI (Body Mass Index)=body weight(kg)/body height squared(m²)
(Normal: 18-24)
For example: The BMI of a person with a body height of 162cm
and a body weight of 60 kg is
162 cm=1.62m 60/(1.62x1.62)=22.86 (Normal)
2 Exercise regularly:
Choose the exercise that appeals to you, such as walking,
dancing or Chi-kung, and do it with a minimum of 20-30
minutes each time and at least three times a week. You can
increase the frequency gradually depending on your physical
3 Quit smoking and avoid heavy drinking:
P a t ients w ith d ia b e te s o r
gout should avoid alcohol
4 Maintain a healthy lifestyle:
Try not to stay up all night if
possible, and reserve time for
rest and leisure activities.
How to take care of Your Kidneys
Tip 2 –Eat Carefully
1 A balanced diet is the golden rule. Additional supplements or
special dietary treatment is not necessary.
Eat foods from all the six basic food groups. A sufficient
nutritional intake can help to boost the immune system and
avoid infections.
Cut down on red meat, foods
made from potatoes or refined
1-2 serving of dairy products a
0-2 serving of fish, poultry and
eggs a day
1-2 serving of nuts and beans a
Lots of vegetables and 2-3
serving of fruit a day
More whole grains and
vegetable oil
Daily exercise to control body
Bureau of Health Promotion,Department of Health,R.O.C.(Taiwan) Caring for You
2 Consume appropriate amount of protein, avoid excessive meat
The metabolism of dietary protein produces nitrogenous waste,
which is removed by the kidneys from the body. An excessive
intake of animal protein from fish, meat, eggs or dairy products
will elevate the blood lipid level, which may lead to kidney
vascular disorders.
3 Less salt, less seasoning and less processed food
Use pickled or salted food products, concentrated ingredients,
sauces or condiments (fermented tofu, pickled squash, chili bean
sauce, ketchup or barbecue sauce) sparingly. Long-term highsodium diet should be avoided to lessen the burden on the
Choose fresh ingredients with spices such as green onion,
ginger, garlic, chili, lycium Chinense, or Chinese basil to
compensate for the low salt in the foods you eat.
Protection of the
kidneys starts with a
balanced diet. A highfiber, low-fat, lowsodium, additive-free,
fresh and natural diet
is the best choice!
Select from all the food
groups and you won’t
need extra dietary
supplements. Also
remember to maintain
your optimal body
How to take care of Your Kidneys
Tip 3—Drink enough water and don’t store up urine in the bladder
1 Drink enough water
Water helps the excretion of wastes and urinary calculi. One
should drink 1600-2000 cc of water per day unless there are
preexisting conditions against such a recommendation (such
as suffering from edema caused by cardiovascular diseases,
kidney disease or liver cirrhosis. Patients with edema should
consult their doctors about the recommended daily amount
of water intake). The elderly are advised to avoid excessive
water intake at night for a better sleep. 2 Don’t store up urine in the bladder
You should go to the toilet when you feel like voiding. This
can reduce the chances of urinary tract infection caused by
overexpansion of the bladder.
Bureau of Health Promotion,Department of Health,R.O.C.(Taiwan) Caring for You
Tip 4—Always seek professional medical help and avoid
drug abuse
Always seek guidance from a medical professional before
taking medicines. Avoid overusing painkillers, drugs from
unknown sources, unproven portions or prescription-free
medicines, which claim exaggerated results.
Professional medical
See a qualified doctor.
Take your medcine by
the prescription.
How to take care of Your Kidneys
Tip 5—Self-monitoring and health checkups
1 Observe changes in the urine
Changes in urination habit
Pay attention to an obvious increase of voiding
frequency and changes in urine output. Also, be alert when
frequent voiding at night starts to affect your sleep quality.
Changes in the appearance of urine
Changes in the color and quality of urine , e.g.,
hematuria( red blood cells in the urine) , foam in the
urine, etc. If any change in the urine is noted, you are
advised to consult your physician for early detection of
kidney disease.
2 Regular health checkups
National Health Insurance in Taiwan offers regular health
checkups for adults aged 40 and over, once every three
years for those aged 40-64 and once per year for those
aged 65 and over.
A routine health checkup can detect the early signs of
kidney disease and help with early treatment, if necessary.
Service Center
Bureau of Health Promotion,Department of Health,R.O.C.(Taiwan) Caring for You
Tip 6—Disease treatment and control
Primary glomerulonephritis requires long-term monitoring
Glomerulonephritis accounts for the majority of dialysis
patients in Taiwan. A regular health checkup can detect the early
signs of the disease. Long-term treatment and follow-up will
avoid deterioration of the renal functions.
Pay attention to physical symptoms. The majority of acute renal diseases are curable.
How to take care of Your Kidneys
1 Blood sugar control
As the kidneys are mainly composed of tiny vessels, vascular
diseases within the organ caused by high blood sugar will
have an impact on the renal functions. To detect the early
signs of kidney or cardiovascular disease, patients with
diabetes should have regular microalbuminuria tests.
Ideal blood sugar level before eating <110mg/dl
Ideal blood sugar level after eating < 140mg/dl
Glycated hemoglobin(HbA1c) < 7.0%
(HbA1c shows the average blood sugar control over the past
two-three months)
2 Blood pressure control
High blood pressure can easily damage renal vessels, thereby
impairing the kidneys’ functions of waste excretion and body
water regulation.
Ideal systolic blood pressure < 130 mmHg
Ideal diastolic blood pressure < 80mmHg
Health recording table
Blood sugar
Before eating
After eating
Blood pressure
systolic blood pressure
ar meter
Blood sug
diastolic blood pressure
Bureau of Health Promotion,Department of Health,R.O.C.(Taiwan) Caring for You
3 Uric acid control for gout patients
For gout patients, a high blood concentration of uric acid will
crystallize in the kidneys, affecting renal functioning. Patients
with gout should control high blood uric acid in order to protect
their kidneys through diet and medication.
Controlling blood pressure and blood sugar is one of the ways to prevent the
renal functions from deteriorating and the need for kidney dialysis.
How to take care of Your Kidneys
Q& A
Q Do steroids affect the kidneys?
prescribed by your doctor to treat some types of
A Steroids
chronic kidney disease, especially those related to immune
disorders, and will improve the disease status. Kidney
function deterioration is not resulted from steroids but the
progress of the disease.
Q What does bloody urine (hematuria) mean?
causes of hematuria can be infections or calculi in the
A The
urinary system (kidneys, ureter, bladder and urethra) or
tumors. Further examinations are needed to confirm the
Q Is lower back pain a warning sign of kidney disease?
posture or spinal disease may result in soreness
A Improper
and pain in your lower back muscles on both sides;
therefore, it is recommended that you should visit a
nephrologist for further examination.
foaming urine (protein urine) mean that the kidney
Q Does
function is impaired?
is not certain.Foaming urine may be related to high urine
A Itprotein
, but other situations may also cause foaming urine.
So further examination is needed to confirm the exact cause.
Bureau of Health Promotion,Department of Health,R.O.C.(Taiwan) Caring for You
Q I am young and fit, should I worry about kidney diseases?
diseases can occur in young people. If you have
A Kidney
unhealthy dietary habits or an unhealthy lifestyle, indulge
frequently in excessive eating and drinking or take
medicines from unknown sources, your kidneys will be
more susceptible to impairment.
Q How do I know if I have kidney disease?
manifestations of kidney disease include proteinuria,
A The
hemtauria, l o w e r l i m b s w e l l i n g o r s w o l l e n f a c e ,
hypertension, anemia, skin itchiness and loss of appetite.
When you experience 2-3 of the aforementioned
manifestations, you should see your doctor for a blood and
urine test. However, some renal disorders do not have any
of these manifestations in the early stage. In these cases, a
routine health checkup or simple urine and blood test can
help to detect them in the early stage.
Q Does kidney disease imply “impotence”?
A Most people consider these two terms to be the same. In
fact, kidney disease suggests damaged renal tissues or
impaired kidney function and has nothing to do with the
“impotence” defined in Chinese medicine.
Q Does dark colored first urine upon waking up in the morning
suggest abnormal kidney function?
How to take care of Your Kidneys
Kidneys can produce concentrated urine. Normally, the
amount of urine produced decreases at night during sleeping
hours, and your voiding frequency drops accordingly and
so the urine color becomes darker.
Q When blood pressure is under control, should we stop
taking hypertension drugs to prevent from damaging the
Blood pressure should be controlled below 130/80mmHg.
Blood pressure fluctuation will speed up damage to the
kidney vessels. Therefore, it is not a good idea to stop
taking hypertension drugs at your own discretion. You
should follow your doctor’s instructions for decreasing or
adjusting your medication.
Q Is low-sodium salt better for the kidneys?
A Low-sodium salt replaces part of the sodium content with
potassium. An excessive intake of it can still burden the
kidneys. Following the dietary principle of less salt and less
seasoning is more important for kidney protection. Lowsodium salt is not really helpful in keeping your kidneys
Q How can one avoid excessive protein intake?
recommended daily amount of protein for a healthy
A The
individual is 4 to 6 servings (1 serving= 37.5g).
Bureau of Health Promotion,Department of Health,R.O.C.(Taiwan) Caring for You
A hand-sized pork fillet contains about 3 portions of
protein. A palm-sized cod fillet contains 2 portions. A
chicken drumstick has 2 portions. A standard cube of Tofu
has 1 portion. One egg equals 1 portion. A glass of milk
(240cc) is about 1 portion.
Q How can one follow a kidney-friendly diet when eating out
most of the time?
A The key is to have a balanced diet! If a dish looks too
greasy or has too much seasoning (such as fried beef with
green onions), try not to eat all of the oil or sauce. Rinsing
it with hot water before eating is a simple way to help you
to cut down on your intake of salt and fat. Of course, you
can also ask the cook to reduce the amount of seasoning.
Q What will happen if a person only has one kidney?
kidney will compensate and increase its function.
A AA single
person can live a normal life even with just one kidney.
The same rules of less salt, less fat, moderate eating, regular
urine tests and blood tests apply.