Download 1. What is Diabetes? Ans: Our body needs glucose to give us energy

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1. What is Diabetes?
Ans: Our body needs glucose to give us energy. This glucose comes from the food we eat.
However, for the glucose to get absorbed we need a hormone called insulin which is produced
by our pancreas.
Diabetes is a condition where the amount of glucose in the body is too high because the
pancreas don’t produce any insulin, or not enough insulin to help glucose enter the body’s cell or
insulin that is produced does not work properly (known as insulin resistance).
2. Factors Causing Type II Diabetes?
Ans: The important factors contributing to these disorders include:
 Round–the–clock working hours
 Bad eating habits
 Multitasking
 Too much stress
 Too much tension
 Insufficient sleep
 Sedentary life with little or no exercise
3. Is Fortune VIVO Diabetes-Care Oil effective only in Type-2 Diabetes, and not in Type-1?
Ans: Whilst both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are characterised by higher than normal blood sugar
levels, the cause and development of the conditions are different. As per WHO data, only 10%
diabetics suffer from type-1 diabetes while 90% diabetics are afflicted with the type-2 diabetes.
Insulin is a hormone produced by the beta cells in the pancreas and this hormone triggers the
reaction in body cells that break down glucose from the blood to release energy.
In the case of type 1 diabetes, the immune system of the body by mistake targets insulinproducing beta cells in the pancreas, till these cells are destroyed and stop producing insulin.
Body cannot break down (metabolise) glucose due to lack of insulin. The reason or remedy for
this erratic behaviour of the immune system (“auto immune disorder”) is not known and this can
only be treated by periodically injecting insulin from outside.
In case of type-2 diabetes, there is no problem with the beta cells in the pancreas and there is no
shortage of insulin hormone in the body. However, in type-2 diabetes, the body cells stop
responding to insulin (“insulin insensitivity”) and hence do not metabolise glucose. Body reacts
by producing more and more insulin resulting in high insulin levels in the body (remember, in
type-1 there was shortage of insulin), thereby straining the beta cells in the pancreas to a stage
that they start malfunctioning and insulin levels go down to below normal levels. There are
medications available that can improve the insulin sensitivity of body cells and thus help
metabolising glucose. However, type-2 diabetics too may need insulin injection to lower
excessively high blood glucose levels (“hyperglycaemia”) or in the later stage when pancreatic
beta cells become inactive.
Fortune VIVO Diabetes-Care Oil has been found to improve the insulin sensitivity of the body
cells and thus is effective in controlling blood glucose levels in type-2 diabetes. However, in both
type-1 & 2 diabetes, patients are likely to also have high blood pressure or hypertension since
high blood glucose levels cause shrinkage in the arteries thus restricting free flow of blood and
increasing blood pressure. The diabetes-affected arteries are also more likely to develop scaling
or atherosclerosis—leading to high blood pressure. If not treated, high blood pressure can lead
to blood vessel damage, stroke, heart failure, heart attack or kidney failure. Hence, managing
blood pressure will be a part of a person's overall diabetes care plan. Fortune VIVO DiabetesCare Oil has been found to be very effective in normalising high blood pressure and thus greatly
reduces the complications and health hazards caused by hypertension in diabetes patients, both
type-1 and type-2.
4. Is it okay for the rest of the family and non-diabetics to consume this oil?
Ans: Fortune VIVO Diabetes-Care Oil is clinically proven to improve insulin sensitivity of the
body, normalising high blood pressure and high blood-cholesterol levels. Type-1 diabetes is
mostly genetic and flows in the family. Type-2 diabetes is a lifestyle disorder and again the entire
family will be at risk due to similar lifestyle. Family members not yet diagnosed with diabetes
may actually be pre-diabetic (who may develop type-2 diabetes in a few years). Such family
members will be able to lower the risk of developing type-2 diabetes. Blood pressure and blood
cholesterol normalising effects of Fortune VIVO Diabetes-Care Oil will benefit entire family along
with the diabetic members.
Fortune VIVO Diabetes-Care Oil has nearly perfect balance of fatty acids as prescribed by WHO
and ICMR-NIN. It has a high smoking temperature and is very stable, making it perfect for all
types of cooking and frying. It perfectly blends with all types of cuisines and makes food tasty.
5. Was clinical research conducted for this oil?
Ans: Yes, we have conducted clinical research. The study indicates that Fortune VIVO DiabetesCare Oil exhibits anti-hyperglycaemic and lipid-lowering potential and also exhibits additive
effect with anti-diabetic drug for the effective improvement of T2DM.
6. How is Fortune VIVO Diabetes-Care Oil effective in controlling diabetes?
Ans: Fortune VIVO Diabetes-Care Oil has been found to improve the insulin sensitivity of the
body cells and thus is effective in controlling blood glucose levels in type-2 diabetes. However, in
both type-1 & 2 diabetes, patients are likely to also have high blood pressure or hypertension
since high blood glucose levels cause shrinkage of the arteries thus restricting free flow of blood
and increasing blood pressure. The diabetes-affected arteries are also more likely to develop
scaling or atherosclerosis – leading to high blood pressure. If not treated, high blood pressure
can lead to blood vessel damage, stroke, heart failure, heart attack or kidney failure. Hence,
managing blood pressure should be a part of a person's overall diabetes care plan. Fortune VIVO
Diabetes-Care Oil has been found to be very effective in normalising high blood pressure and
thus greatly reduces the complications and health hazards caused by hypertension in diabetes
patients, both type-1 and type-2.
7. How Fortune VIVO Diabetes-Care Oil good for Diabetic patient?
Ans: Fortune VIVO Diabetes-Care Oil is rich in antioxidants such as sesame lignans, α-γ
tocopherols, γ-oryzanol and tocotrienols, which are powerful scavengers of reactive oxygen
species and reduce oxidative stress in the vasculature, thereby helping to control hypertension.
Since oxidative stress plays a vital role in regulating the function of β-cells and in the
pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes, “Fortune VIVO Diabetes-Care Oil” is highly useful in diabetic
8. How Fortune VIVO Diabetes-Care Oil help in diabetes management by reducing
Ans: Nutrients like sesamin, γ-oryzanol, α-γ tocopherols, tocotrienols, MUFA in Fortune VIVO act
on various target organs to reduce high blood glucose levels:
 They act on muscles to increase the glucose uptake
 γ-oryzanol improves β-cell function in pancreas causing increase in insulin secretion and
 Sesame lignans and γ-oryzanol may up-regulate glucokinase in liver by enhancing a steady
state uptake of glucose
 MUFA helps to control glucose absorption in the small intestine via down-regulating glucose
transporter 2 (GLUT2)
All this collectively leads to reduction in high blood glucose
9. In what way does diabetes get affected by consuming oil?
Ans: Edible oils which are high in saturated fat and low in antioxidant profile would elevate lipid
levels and thereby affect insulin sensitization and eventually cause diabetes whereas an edible
oil rich in unsaturated fat and antioxidants could improve insulin sensitivity by reducing lipids
and also quench reactive oxygen species which is usually a predominate factor contributing to
the deterioration of insulin production from pancreas islets.
10. How does edible oil lower glucose levels?
Ans: Lowering of cholesterol and lipoprotein profile by edible oil would certainly improve insulin
sensitivity and controls diabetes mellitus. Reactive oxygen species are known to damage the
pancreatic islets which in turn decrease insulin production. Edible oil which has ample amount of
powerful antioxidants such as γ-oryzanol and sesamin could reverse the damage done to
pancreatic islets by reactive oxygen species and thereby improve insulin production and
sensitivity as well.
11. Does use of Fortune VIVO Diabetes-Care Oil have any effect on taste?
Ans: Fortune VIVO is tasty and can be used for all kinds of cooking
12. Does use of healthy cooking oil help control blood glucose levels?
Ans: Yes, cooking oil which is rich in antioxidants and unsaturated fatty acids would favourably
control high blood glucose
13. How much oil should a person consume daily?
Ans: 40-50 ml of oil as cooking medium/person/day
14. Which components in Fortune VIVO Diabetes-Care Oil are essential in controlling diabetes?
Ans: γ-oryzanol, sesamin, sesamolin, unsaturated fat, tocopherols and tocotrienols
γ-oryzanol is known to increase LDL receptors which binds with LDL in liver, thus facilitating
its entry into the liver and eventually degrading into amino acids and cholesterol esters, thus
decreasing the LDL-C level in the blood
Sesamin and γ-tocotrienols inhibit HMG-CoA reductase, thus controlling cholesterol
biosynthesis and absorption
Dietary MUFA and PUFA are shown to alter plasma triglyceride, cholesterol, and LDL-C levels
15. What are MUFA and PUFA?
Ans: MUFA and PUFA are the Mono unsaturated fatty acids and Poly unsaturated fatty acids,
respectively. They are the healthy fat and known to lower cholesterol and improve lipoprotein
16. What percent of trans fat do these oils contain?
Ans: Eating trans fat raises the level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad") cholesterol in the
blood. An elevated LDL-cholesterol level in the blood can increase the cardiovascular
risk. Fortune VIVO Diabetes-Care Oil is completely devoid of trans fat.
17. Can we consume Fortune VIVO Diabetes-Care Oil orally?
Ans: No. It is not advisable to consume oil raw; it should be used as cooking medium only.
18. Fat is “bad”. Why should one consume fat?
Ans: Eating unhealthy fats, such as saturated and trans fats, can increase risk for heart disease,
but some fats are healthy and can actually lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or “bad”
cholesterol. Although one should avoid foods high in saturated fat, like butter, cheese, and fatty
cuts of meat, healthy foods with monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and omega-3 fats, should
be included in routine diet.
19. How much fat should one include in daily diet?
Ans: In healthy type 2 diabetes diet, total fat intake should fall between 20 and 35 percent of
total calories, but saturated fat intake shouldn’t exceed 7 percent of total calories for a good
diabetes diet plan. Trans fats—also called partially hydrogenated oils on food packages—should
be avoided altogether. Although nuts and plant-based oils are considered healthy fats, they're
still high in calories and should be eaten in moderation.