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Lunch at the Hot Dog Cart
18 third graders, their teacher and a bus driver are really
excited because they are going on a field trip to the aquarium.
They are also going to stop at the Hot Dog Hut for lunch
because everyone going on the trip loves hot dogs. When you
order 3 hot dogs at the Hot Dog Hut, you get a free drink.
If everyone going on the trip orders 1 hot dog, how many drinks
will they have to buy? Hot dogs cost $1.25 and drinks cost 75
cents. How much money will they spend at the Hot Dog Hut?
Lunch at the Hot Dog Cart
Copyright 2008, Exemplars, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Lunch at the Hot Dog Cart
Suggested Grade Span
Grade(s) in Which Task Was Piloted
3 and 4
18 third graders, their teacher and a bus driver are really excited because they are going on a
field trip to the aquarium. They are also going to stop at the Hot Dog Hut for lunch because
everyone going on the trip loves hot dogs. When you order 3 hot dogs at the Hot Dog Hut, you
get a free drink.
If everyone going on the trip orders 1 hot dog, how many drinks will they have to buy? Hot dogs
cost $1.25 and drinks cost 75 cents. How much money will they spend at the Hot Dog Hut?
Alternative Versions of Task
More Accessible Version:
18 third graders, their teacher and a bus driver are really excited because they are going on a
field trip to the aquarium. They are also going to stop at the Hot Dog Hut for lunch because
everyone going on the trip loves hot dogs. Everyone going on the trip will order 1 hot dog and 1
drink. Hot dogs cost $1.25 and drinks cost 75 cents. How much money will they spend at the
Hot Dog Hut?
More Challenging Version:
18 third graders, their teacher and a bus driver are really excited because they are going on a
field trip to the aquarium. They are also going to stop at the Hot Dog Hut for lunch because
everyone going on the trip loves hot dogs. When you order 3 hot dogs at the Hot Dog Hut, you
get a free drink.
If everyone going on the trip orders 1 hot dog, how many drinks will they have to buy? Hot dogs
cost $1.25 and drinks cost 75 cents. How much money will they spend in all at the Hot Dog
Hut? If each person pays a fair share of the bill, how much money will each person have to
Lunch at the Hot Dog Cart
Copyright 2008, Exemplars, Inc. All rights reserved.
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NCTM Content Standards and Evidence
Number and Operations Standard for Grades 3–5: Instructional programs from prekindergarten through grade 12 should enable students to ...
Compute fluently and make reasonable estimates.
• NCTM Evidence: Develop and use strategies to estimate computations involving fractions
and decimals in situations relevant to students’ experience.
• Exemplars Task-Specific Evidence: This task requires students to multiply amounts of
money to determine a total, to divide a whole number, to interpret a remainder and to find a
total sum of money.
Time/Context/Qualifiers/Tip(s) From Piloting Teacher
This is a medium-length task.
This task could be adapted to the circumstances of any field trip you might be planning.
Common Strategies Used to Solve This Task
Students familiar with multiplication will use it to solve the task. Other students will need to use
repeated addition. Many students will rely on diagrams to determine the number of free drinks.
Possible Solutions
20 people x $1.25 = $25.00 (total price of hot dogs)
20 ÷ 3 = 6 free sodas, so 14 must be purchased
14 x $0.75 = $10.50 (total price of sodas)
$25.00 + $10.50 = $35.50 for the total bill
More Accessible Version Solution:
20 people x $1.25 = $25.00 (total price of hot dogs)
20 people x $0.75 = $15.00 (total price of sodas)
$25.00 + $15.00 = $40.00 for the total bill
Lunch at the Hot Dog Cart
Copyright 2008, Exemplars, Inc. All rights reserved.
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More Challenging Version Solution:
20 people x $1.25 = $25.00 (total price of hotdogs)
20 ÷ 3 = 6 free sodas, so 14 must be purchased
14 x $0.75 = $10.50 (total price of sodas)
$25.00 + $10.50 = $35.50 for the total bill
$35.50 ÷ 20 = 10 people will have to pay $1.77 and 10 people will have to pay $1.78.
Task-Specific Assessment Notes
General Notes
This task has more than one part, so it is imperative for students to successfully address both
parts to move beyond Apprentice.
The Novice will show little or no correct mathematical reasoning. Some reference to data
presented in the task may be made, but the reference will not advance the solution.
The Apprentice will have a partially correct solution. An incorrect solution may be reached
because of an omission or computation error. Some math language may be used, and
diagrams may be present to communicate an aspect of the solution.
The Practitioner will have a correct and complete answer to both parts of the task. All work will
be shown and organized. Relevant observations may be made, but they will not advance the
The Expert will achieve a correct solution that is succinct and supported with mathematical
evidence. The Expert will use precise math language and representations to communicate the
solution. The Expert will extend the solution by verifying for correctness or by extending the task
to make it more complicated.
Lunch at the Hot Dog Cart
Copyright 2008, Exemplars, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Lunch at the Hot Dog Cart
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Lunch at the Hot Dog Cart
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Lunch at the Hot Dog Cart
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Lunch at the Hot Dog Cart
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