* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Niall Le Masney, Orthodontist, B.D.S., M.Dent.Sci., F.D.S., R.C.S.(Ed), M.Orth., R.C.S.(Eng.) Instructions to Patients Wearing a Removable Orthodontic Appliance / Brace You are wearing a removable appliance, which is intended to be worn at all times. Only remove the appliance when you are playing sports or brushing your teeth. Remember, the success of this treatment depends very much on your co-operation! Don’t worry…. • It will take approximately a week for even the best fitting appliance to feel comfortable in your mouth because it is designed to make your teeth move. • Chewing will feel strange at first, but this will improve after a few meals. • Speech will also be altered when the appliance is first fitted, but will return to normal in a few days. Care of the appliance and your teeth • It is essential that your teeth and your brace are kept perfectly clean. • After every meal, remove your brace and rinse under cold water. • At least each morning and night time, remove the brace, brush your teeth and brush the appliance (using a different toothbrush) and then replace the brace immediately. • When brushing the brace be careful not to damage the wire springs. • Avoid sticky foods , especially toffee and chewing gum as these damage the brace. • Treat the brace carefully, BREAKAGES WILL PROLONG TREATMENT. • If the brace does break or become unduly uncomfortable or for any reason you feel that it should be left out of your mouth, telephone the surgery for advice. And finally… • Do not hesitate to contact the surgery if you have any questions on any aspect of your treatment or to arrange an appointment if any part of the brace becomes loose or damaged or is causing undue discomfort. Remember - It is important to see your dentist for regular check-ups during orthodontic treatment Correspondence to main surgery: 45 Rock Road, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. [ t] +353 1 283 2964 Surgery also at: Unit 3, The Mill Building, The Maltings, Bray, Co. Wicklow. [ e] [email protected] [ f ] +353 1 278 4116 [ t] +353 1 283 2964 [ w]