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This chapter explained all theory related to this research such as: teaching writing in junior
high school, concept of writing, narrative text, concept mapping, kinds of concept mapping,
procedure of events chain strategy in teaching narrative text, previous study, and hypothesis.
2.1. Theoretical Bases
2.1.1. Teaching Writing in Junior High School
In Junior High School, students are basically expected to be able to master English. They
master English as the things for preparing students‟ capacity to go to Senior High School. This
matter is equally stated in 2004 Curriculum, the junior high school students are expected to reach
performative and functional levels because they are prepared to the senior high school.
Therefore, the students are expected could produce the genre text by using their own words.
In teaching writing skill in Junior High School, there are two objectives of English teaching
to Junior High School students as a primary subject of the study should be done, they are: (1)
Developing communicative skills in English either spoken or written languages. The skills
should be mastered are listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. (2) Giving information
that English is one of the most important foreign language that becomes means of
communication in education (adapted from Djunaedi and Madya, 2001a, 2001b).
It is oriented toward the objectives above, the role of writing skill is very important mastered
by students in the class, particularly learning English. The teacher should save a concept on their
mind that to teach English, particularly writing skill, the teacher needs good strategy to teach
students how to produce the better paragraphs.
The teacher needs to prepare anything that is needed in learning-teaching process. In this
case, media and appropriate strategies are really needed into learning-teaching process as the
support to teach English. Therefore, the teacher must be able to change the situation to being
well, and the teacher also makes teaching process interesting for students and is very helpful to
encourage students to learn English.
In 2004 curriculum, the junior high school students are expected to reach performative and
functional levels because they are prepared to the senior high school. Therefore, literacy is the
focus of the development of learning English in this curriculum. Kinds of texts used are texts that
can support the extent of academic literacy degree.
From the explanation above, it could be concluded that teaching writing for junior high school
students must be related to curriculum. Furthermore, the teacher must be able to design an
interesting teaching, particularly in teaching writing.
2.1.2. Concept of Writing
Writing is identically known as the English skill in order to produce written forms. It is
also a way to discover and communicate your ideas. Writing involves more than just producing
words and sentences. To be able to produce a piece of writing, we should be able to write a
connected series of words and sentences which are grammatically and logically linked, so that
the purpose we have in our mind will suit the intended readers. Meyers (2005: 2) said that
writing is we produced language naturally when we talk about something. He also said that
writing is another way to speak is on a paper and also on some gadget such computer, notebook,
etc. According to Ragno et al (1996: 1) states that „‟writing is also an action – a process of
discovering and organizing your ideas, putting them on a paper and reshaping and revising
them‟‟. Tarigan (2008: 21) said that writing can produced when we talk imply about something.
Beside that, Juan (2006: 385) „‟writing is a language skill that is served as reinforcement of
learning grammatical and vocabulary knowledge, which in turn served to achieve oral
Boardman (in Karolina, 2006: 19) said that writing is a process of thought with good
organization. He also said that writing is how to express idea that using communication non
From the definitions above, it can be concluded that writing is a way to produce language
that comes from our thought. It is also as indirect communication that is used to express ideas in
written form.
2.1.3. Narrative Text
English must be learned as a second language that is the major language spoken in the
community or the language of instruction in the schools where English is taught as a foreign
language. To make the students feel enjoyable and pleasure in learning writing, teachers must
select interesting writing text to teach writing. I choose “Narrative Texts”, as the writing
material. Meyers (2005: 52) said that narrative is one of the most powerful ways of
communicating with others. A good written story lets your reader response to some event in your
life as if it were own. They not only understand the event, but they can almost feel it. The action,
details, and dialogue put the readers in these seem and make it happen for them. Moreover,
Anderson (1997: 8) states that „‟narrative is a piece of text tells a story and, in doing so,
entertains or informs the reader or listener‟‟.
Among the experience in the past, it is possible for a story could be to amuse or entertain,
and to give good lesson to others. It is therefore known as narrative text. According to Pardiyono
(2007: 93) narrative text is identically related to having problematic problems in which
extending conflict, climax, and resolution.
Furthermore, to produce narrative text, the writer should arrange it based on the generic
structure namely: orientation, sequence of events, and resolution. Orientation involves topic of
an activity or event storied. It is to amuse readers, and to persuade readers to know the details.
The sequence of events, which are problematic, that leads to conflict-climax. It involves the
events or activities happened problematically, arranged on chronological order. Resolution
involves the solution of problem extended in the second part.
Anderson (1997: 8) states that „‟the steps for constructing a narrative are: (1) Orientation/
exposition. The readers are introduced to the main characters and possibly some minor
characters. Some indication is generally given of where the action is located and when it is
taking place. (2) Complication/ rising action. The complication is pushed along by a serious of
events, during which we usually expect some sort of complication or problem to arise. It just
would not be so interesting if something unexpected did not happen. This complication will
involve than main characters and oven serves to (temporally) toward them from reaching their
goal. (3) Sequence of event or Climax. This is where the narrator tells how the character reacts to
the complication. It includes their feeling and what they do. The event can be told in
chronological order (the order in which they happen) or with flashback. The audience is given
the narrator‟s point of view. (4) Resolution/ falling action. In this part, the implication may be
resolved for better or worse, but it is rarely left completely unresolved (although this is of course
possible in certain types of narrative which leaves us wondering „How did it end”?). (5)
Reorientation. It is an optional closure of event‟‟.
2.1.4. Concept Mapping
A concept map is a diagram showing the relationships among concepts. They are graphical
tools for organizing and representing knowledge. Concepts, usually represented as boxes or
circles, are connected with labeled arrows in a downward-branching hierarchical structure. It is
seen in Lian (2008: 2) that „‟the concept mapping is the simplest forms of two concepts that
connected by a linking word to form meaningful statement‟‟. Novak and Canas (1993 and 2004)
cited in (Ahlberg, 2006: 1; and Saha, 2010: 37) states that the concept mapping can be described
„‟Concept Maps are graphical tools for organizing and representing knowledge. They
include concepts, usually enclosed in boxes or circles of some types, and relationships
between concepts indicated by a connecting line linking two concepts. Words on the lines,
referred to as linking words or linking phrases, specify the relationship between the two
concepts. The result of linking two concepts is a preposition or meaningful statement‟‟.
According to Trianto (2007: 159), concept mapping is the concrete diagram to indicate how
the single concept is combined with the same relative concepts. Beside that, concept mapping as
a perceived regularity in events or objects, or records of events or objects, designated by a label.
Besides, according to Redcliff (2007: 107), concept mapping is powerful tool that is needed
in learning instruction and evaluation. It helps students to integrate new concept into the existing
understanding of information. In addition, Orue et al
(2008: 5) in the research of Using
Concept Maps to Improve Scientific Communications defines that „‟concept mapping is graphic
display tools that facilitate writers to understand about knowledge in a particular field or
Many studies link concept maps for instructional purposes. For example, it was proposed for
study skills, to improve reading comprehension, or review at the end of course as presented in
Winn & Synder (1996) cited in (Mohamed and Omar, 2008: 1), teach science related content,
and assessment tools. In addition, as adopted from Novak (in Milam et al, 2008: 8) „‟concept
maps as having the following characteristics: 1) concepts represented as a hierarchy, with the
most general concepts at the top of the map and the most specific below; (2) cross links showing
how concepts in different domains are related; and (3) specific examples used to clarify the
meaning of a concept. In other words, an abstract concept may be defined in more specific terms
through examples of that concept‟‟.
Based on the description above, it can be concluded that concept mapping is the visual
learning strategy to put ideas in boxes or circles that is specified into representing knowledge.
2.1.5. Kinds of Concept Mapping
As stated before that concept mapping can help students to identify the new ideas in order to
produce the effective paragraphs. So, it can let students or readers to understand easily the
content of the texts.
In fact, the concept mapping is generally having many more variations. The variations can
determine what information you can embed in the map.
According to Trianto (2007: 161-166) there are several basic types of concept maps namely:
network tree, events chain, cycle, and spider concept mapping. Network Tree Concept Mapping
Ideas in this concept have been formed in square, and others is written in the line. The line
related to the ideas showed that there is relationship between ideas. And the words written in the
line gives relationship between concepts. When the ideas have been created into the network
tree, the topic is written and the main concepts should be listed. This concept is suitable for
visualizing cause-effect, describing hierarchical order, branch procedures, and specifically
describing words extending relations. Events Chain Concept Mapping
This concept is used for describing chronological order, steps in procedures, or steps for a
process. In creating this concept, firstly find an event starting the order. It is specifically known
as the first event. Next, find the next events in the order, and continually described the events till
achieving the result. This concept mapping is suitably used for visualizing steps for as process,
steps for linier procedure, and chronological order of an event. Cycle Concept Mapping
In this concept mapping, the chronological events could not produce a final result. The last
event of this concept is going to back to the first event. So, this cycle occurred many times. This
concept is specifically used for describing the relationship of how an event interacts to produce a
group of result in many times. Spider Concept Mapping
This concept is suitably used for expressing an opinion. It is started from an idea in the center,
so getting the number of ideas in any aspects. Many ideas could be described, and having
relation with the center idea. This concept is generally used for visualizing the unparallel
categories, describing event in not hierarchical, and extending the opinions.
In this research, the researcher used the events chain concept mapping because this concept
mapping is suitable for describing chronological order in which the researcher took narrative text
as the object of this research, and it is collaborated with the events chain concept mapping.
2.2. Procedure of Events Chain Strategy in Teaching Narrative Text
Narrative text is the genre text that describes about person‟s experience. This is like a past
occurred thing, and it needs clear elaboration in a text. So, everything should be written
completely. It is also necessary to elaborate person‟s problem that is done in a past event itself.
Therefore, to teach narrative text, the brainstorming is very important for being applied to
produce narrative text and it is applied by researcher through using events chain strategy, in
which, it is a part of concept mapping forms. The process of brainstorming in producing a text is
very important as it is strongly emphasized by O‟Malley and Chamot (1990: 139), in which, they
elaborate that the first step to build a text, students need for doing prewriting stage. They might
use graphic organizer as an aid to clarify the concept they will use in writing.
It is oriented with the statement above, the researcher adopts procedures of events chain based
on Harris and Graham ways. It is then cited by Talebinezhad and Mousapour, (2007: 67) in their
research, in which, they used concept mapping strategy in Talebinezhad‟s and Mousapour‟s
research. Relatively, this research uses events chain strategy that is a part of concept mapping
forms, so the researcher adjusts this research based on Harris and Graham way to apply concept
mapping in the class. Firstly, the researcher should do strategy description. In this step the
teacher will learn about strategy of concept mapping. Concept mapping will be described as
technique that could give information in a graphic form through drawing. Secondly, the materials
taught in the first step, continued to Discussion of goals and purposes. The students will be
taught by teacher about the significance and benefits of using the concept mapping strategy in
writing. Students will be asked two questions: (1) How do you think this strategy might help you
write? and (2) How could this strategy help you with different types of writing?. Thirdly, it is
next to modeling the strategy. The teacher will model use of concept mapping strategy by
creating a map while students will be offered several topics to select from for the activity. Once
the group will agree on a topic, the teacher will write it on the white board. This topic will be
labeled as “main idea” of the concept map. For example, the students will choose the topic about
Vacation. Next possible subtopic will be generated. Fourthly, the research is continued to
Student mastery of strategy steps. During this stage, students will rehearse and memorize the
sequence of activities for concept map construction. Lastly, it is implemented in Guided practice
and Feedback. During these sessions, feedback will be provided for students‟ performance.
Students will choose a topic and create maps. Then, they will use the concept maps to compose
essays. Once again, all of them is derived from Harris and Graham (cited in Talebinezhad and
Mousapour, 2007: 67)
Based on the procedures of concept mapping use, the researcher applied them in this research,
but it is once again emphasized that this research is specifically related with the use of events
chain strategy to produce narrative text.
2.3. Previous Study
1. Improving Students’ reading Comprehension by using “Concept Mapping” of the seventh
grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Anggrek by Junarsih Baruadi (2010).
In this research, by applying concept mapping strategy, the students‟ ability in reading
comprehension could be improved by researcher. It was proved by significant differences
between the first cycle and second cycle. In the students‟ total score in the first cycle the
researcher obtained the result of the students‟ achievement was 18 or 60% of 30 students did not
reach the learning achievement. On the other hand, the students‟ total score was second cycle,
the total of the students fulfilled the successful in learning were 26 students or 86.67% of 30
students who obtain the value more than 65%. They were the student who was success in
2. The Effect of Concept Mapping on Students’ Learning Achievements and Interests by CheiChang Chiou (2008).
In this research, the researcher used concept mapping in an advanced accounting course.
Based on his observation, it has been obtained the result of concept mapping used in an advanced
accounting course is 95% of the students obtained that concept mapping could be regarded as a
new accounting teaching and learning strategy that could easily be applied to other curricula. It
also shows that 95% of the students said that they would consider using the concept mapping
learning strategy in other curricula. In addition, 84% of the students felt that they liked using
concept mapping to assist them in learning accounting. Therefore, most of the students (90%)
were satisfied with adopting concept mapping to learn accounting.
3. The Influence of Concept Mapping Strategy toward Writing Recount Text (The research
conducted in SMP Negeri 10 Kota Gorontalo) by Haris Danial (2011).
The research is strongly focused on using concept mapping in writing recount text. It is
particularly aimed to find out the influence of concept mapping toward writing recount text, and
it is significantly giving contribution some progresses either for teacher or students. After
implementing it, the researcher found that the result of research hypothesis was tenable.
4. Teaching Narrative Text in Improving Writing to the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri
1 Petarukan, Pemalang by Intan Karolina (2006).
The object of the study is to find out the students‟ achievement in writing narrative texts. It is
expected that the research would be useful for the teachers and students in language teaching and
learning process. The subject of the study is the tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Petarukan,
Pemalang in the academic year of 2005 / 2006. There were 42 students (25 girls and 17 boys).
The writer took all of them as the subject of the study. The technique used for collecting data is
pre-test and post-test and interview. First, the writer gave a pretest. It was conducted at the
beginning of the research. Second, the second activity was held. It was continued with the third
activity, the fourth activity, the fifth activity, the sixth activity and post-test was conducted. At
last the teacher made interview with the students about the difficulties in writing. The result of
the study was that the students‟ progress during teaching and learning activity by using narrative
texts to improve writing skill was good.
Comparing with these studies, the first previous research applied cycle concept mapping in
improving the students‟ reading comprehension. By applying cycle concept mapping the
researcher has been succeed to improve reading comprehension. Meanwhile, the researcher using
the events chain concept mapping toward narrative text in this research. Secondly, the research
has been used in the other study is advanced accounting course. It is widely different with this
research. In the research, Chiou (2008) has stated that the concept mapping is not only applied in
English subjects especially in the language skills, but it can also be applied in the other study as
in accounting learning. Thirdly, the research conducted by Danial (2011) is absolutely different
with this research. His research is strongly concentrated on using hierarchical concept mapping
in writing recount text, and the class used in the research is taking the second grade of SMP
Negeri 10 Kota Gorontalo. So, it is absolutely different with this research. The researcher is
focused on using events chain concept mapping toward writing narrative text and taking in SMP
Negeri 3 Kota Gorontalo. Fourthly, It is described that the students have more knowledge about
what narrative texts are; among others are generic structure and many types of narrative texts.
They seem know the steps to make a good writing and it is very useful for them when they write
something. Therefore they can make a narrative text better than before. It is different with this
research, in which, the students did not have more knowledge about narrative text and also this
research is using events chain strategy that implemented to narrative text and without interview.
From this description, it can be concluded that concept mapping is one of the better ways to
improve students‟ writing skill besides other strategy. In this case, this research applied concept
mapping in students‟ narrative text. In conducting this research, the researcher provided concept
mapping and ask students to composed the narrative text by using the concept mapping. So, the
students can produce the effective paragraph based on the generic structure.
2.4. Hypothesis
Many scientists state that the hypothesis is very important in the research. It is related
with the temporary assumption to the research conducted. As presented in Sugiyono (2009: 24)
that state that hypothesis is simply an educated guess or prediction based on the relationship
between two or more variables. It is similar to providing the possible solution to the research
problem. In this research, the hypothesis is “the events chain strategy can increase significantly
students’ ability toward writing narrative text”.