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1) What type of organism is responsible for causing oak wilt? ____________________________________
2) What type of oak group is most susceptible to oak wilt?
a. Black Oak
b. Live Oak
c. Red Oak
d. White Oak
3) What is the name of the insect that is reducing populations of ash trees so greatly in surrounding states, that it
is believed that a lumber shortage will occur for years to come as a result? ______________________________
4) What is least likely to happen as a result of forest fragmentation?
a. Overall biodiversity increase over time
b. Increased nest parasitism
c. Isolation of populations
d. Reduced gene flow
5) What does the measurement of DBH stand for ?
a. Diameter at Breast Height
b. Data from Before Harvest
c. Disease and Bug Health
d. Death from Burn/Harvest
6) Which harvest system would result in the most labor intensive process over time?
a. Seed Tree
b. Shelterwood
c. Clearcut
d. Group Tree Selection
7) What is the name for the part of a tree that transfers water from the roots to the leaves? ________________
8) What is the name for the part of the tree that transfers food from the leaves to the other parts of the plant?
9) Which Minnesota forest type will likely have the smallest A soil horizon?
a. Maple forest
b. Spruce forest
c. Oak forest
d. Basswood forest
10) Why does the forest you selected have less of an A horizon than the others?
11) What term is used to describe the science and art of forest management in establishing the health, growth, and
maintenance of the forest for generations and to meet diverse needs?
a. Management
b. Silviculture
c. Harvesting
d. Cogeneration
12) Which biome type does the metro area fall into in regards to Minnesota plant communities?
a. Laurentian Mixed Forest
b. Eastern Broadleaf Forest
c. Prairie Parkland
d. Tallgrass Aspen Parklands
13) Which of these biome types consists of mainly aspen, spruce, pine with pockets of hardwoods?
a. Laurentian Mixed Forest
b. Eastern Broadleaf Forest
c. Prairie Parkland
d. Tallgrass Aspen Parklands
14) According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, by the end of the century, if climate change continues on its
current path, Minnesota will have summer temperatures that will resemble those of _________ and winter
temperatures that will resemble those of ________.
a. Northern Illinois, Ohio
b. Oklahoma, Iowa
c. Kansas, southern Wisconsin
d. Northern Texas, Nebraska
15) Which is NOT a proper classification of crown classes?
a. Intermediate
b. Suppressed
c. Dominant
d. Tolerant
16) Which would not be true of a shade tolerant species?
a. The tree species is one of the first to grow into a clearcut.
b. The tree species is often found in the understory of the forest.
c. The tree species likes a minimal amount of sunlight.
d. The tree species is often found dominating mature forests in their climax stage.
17) Which is not an even-aged management technique?
a. Clearcutting
b. Seed tree
c. Shelterwood
d. Single Selection
18) What species is most likely to be seen after a clearcut?
a. Aspen
b. Oak
c. Maple
d. Elm
19) Which species is most likely to be serotinous for reproductive purposes?
a. Oak
b. Birch
c. Pine
d. Basswood
20) What is one way that hardwood species can regenerate after a harvest that no conifer species can?
a. Seed tree
b. Stump sprout
c. Planting
d. Burning
21) What layer of the tree trunk is thin and divides to make new cells which are then used in transporting food and
water up and down the tree? ______________________________________
22) True or False: Most forests in Minnesota are on publicly owned lands.
23) True or False: The most common forest type in Minnesota is a Maple-Beech-Birch forest.
24) To measure the diameter of a tree, how high off the ground do you measure the tree at?
a. 3 feet
b. 3.5 feet
c. 4 feet
d. 4.5 feet
1) What type of organism is responsible for causing oak wilt? FUNGUS (carried by a moth as the vector)
2) What type of oak group is most susceptible to oak wilt?
a. Black Oak
b. Live Oak
c. Red Oak (most susceptible, although white oaks and bur oaks could be affected somewhat)
d. White Oak
3) What is the name of the insect that is reducing populations of ash trees so greatly in surrounding states, that it
is believed that a lumber shortage will occur for years to come as a result? EMERALD ASH BORER
4) What is least likely to happen as a result of forest fragmentation?
a. Overall biodiversity increase over time (maybe at first there is more diversity, but then interior species
b. Increased nest parasitism
c. Isolation of populations
d. Reduced gene flow
5) What does the measurement of DBH stand for ?
a. Diameter at Breast Height
b. Data from Before Harvest
c. Disease and Bug Health
d. Death from Burn/Harvest
6) Which harvest system would result in the most labor intensive process over time?
a. Seed Tree
b. Shelterwood
c. Clearcut
d. Group Tree Selection (requires annual visits to sites and logging each year – single tree selection is also
equally intensive)
7) What is the name for the part of a tree that transfers water from the roots to the leaves? XYLEM
8) What is the name for the part of the tree that transfers food from the leaves to the other parts of the plant?
9) Which Minnesota forest type will likely have the smallest A soil horizon?
a. Maple forest
b. Spruce forest (conifers do not shed leaves each year, so no decomposition of leaves, leaving behind
very little organic matter to boost A horizon; spruce also grows in wet and acidic conditions, making
decomposition and soil forming slower)
c. Oak forest
d. Basswood forest
10) Why does the forest you selected have less of an A horizon than the others?
 Answer given in #9
11) What term is used to describe the science and art of forest management in establishing the health, growth, and
maintenance of the forest for generations and to meet diverse needs?
a. Management
b. Silviculture
c. Harvesting
d. Cogeneration
12) Which biome type does the metro area fall into in regards to Minnesota plant communities?
a. Laurentian Mixed Forest
b. Eastern Broadleaf Forest
c. Prairie Parkland
d. Tallgrass Aspen Parklands
13) Which of these biome types consists of mainly aspen, spruce, pine with pockets of hardwoods?
a. Laurentian Mixed Forest ( an even mix of conifers with aspen and some other deciduous trees)
b. Eastern Broadleaf Forest
c. Prairie Parkland
d. Tallgrass Aspen Parklands
14) According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, by the end of the century, if climate change continues on its
current path, Minnesota will have summer temperatures that will resemble those of _________ and winter
temperatures that will resemble those of ________.
a. Northern Illinois, Ohio
b. Oklahoma, Iowa
c. Kansas, southern Wisconsin
d. Northern Texas, Nebraska
15) Which is NOT a proper classification of crown classes?
a. Intermediate
b. Suppressed
c. Dominant
d. Tolerant (the four crown classes are dominant, codominant, intermediate, and suppressed)
16) Which would not be true of a shade tolerant species?
a. The tree species is one of the first to grow into a clearcut. (the first to grow are shade intolerant
species, like aspen, so they get as much sunlight as possible)
b. The tree species is often found in the understory of the forest.
c. The tree species likes a minimal amount of sunlight.
d. The tree species is often found dominating mature forests in their climax stage.
17) Which is not an even-aged management technique?
a. Clearcutting
b. Seed tree
c. Shelterwood
d. Single Selection (Single and group selection have you taking trees out every year, creating a forest of
very different ages of trees)
18) What species is most likely to be seen after a clearcut?
a. Aspen
b. Oak
c. Maple
d. Elm
19) Which species is most likely to be serotinous for reproductive purposes?
a. Oak
b. Birch
c. Pine (the cones of some species – not all species – require fire to open them, like jack pine)
d. Basswood
20) What is one way that hardwood species can regenerate after a harvest that no conifer species can?
a. Seed tree
b. Stump sprout (this is when many new shoots of growth pop up out of a stump)
c. Planting
d. Burning
21) What layer of the tree trunk is thin and divides to make new cells which are then used in transporting food and
water up and down the tree? CAMBIUM
22) True or False: Most forests in Minnesota are on publicly owned lands.
23) True or False: The most common forest type in Minnesota is a Maple-Beech-Birch forest.
24) To measure the diameter of a tree, how high off the ground do you measure the tree at?
a. 3 feet
b. 3.5 feet
c. 4 feet
d. 4.5 feet