Download Anthropological Filmmaking Carlo A. Cubero Tallinn Univeristy

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Anthropological Filmmaking
Carlo A. Cubero
Tallinn Univeristy
The lecture will focus on how anthropologists have approached cinematic practises and highlight the
different ways in which they have dealt with various methodological and epistemological issues
pertaining to the use of audiovisuals as a means to produce and present anthropological knowledge.
While the talk will be focusing on cinema, the intention is to make connections that highlight a
perceived tension between text and non-text.
1. Images as Data
Keywords: Introduction the tension between “being and meaning” in the context of using images as
part of anthropological discourse. Visualizing anthropology
Grimshaw, Anna. 2001. Introduction and Chapter 1. The Ethnographer’s Eye. Cambridge
University Press.
Henley, Paul. "The Promise of Ethnographic Film".
Loizos, Peter. 1992. Admissible Evidence? Film in Anthropology. Crawford, Peter and Turton,
David (eds) Film as Ethnography. Manchester University Press.
Mead, Margaret. 1995. Visual Anthropology in a Discipline of Words. Principles of Visual
Anthropology. Hockings, Paul (ed). Mouton de Gruyer.
MacDougall, David. 1998. Ethnographic Film: Failure and Promise. Transcultural Cinema.
Princeton University Press.
Ruby, Jay. Is an Ethnographic Film a filmic Ethnography?. Studies in the Anthropology of Visual
Communication, 2 (2): 104-111.
Extracts from Malu-Bomai- Alfred Haddon, 1898
Childhood Rivalry in Bali and New Guinea – Margaret Mead, 1951
2. Images as Research
Keywords: anthropological knowledge in images and introduction to narrative strategies
Fadwa al-Guindi,1998. From Pictorializing to Visual Anthropology. Bernard, H. Russell (ed.)
Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology. Alta Mira Press.
MacDougall, David. 2006. The Visual in Anthropology. The Corporeal Image. Princeton University
Ruby, Jay.2000. Out of Synch: The Cinema of Tim Asch. Picturing Culture: Explorations of Film
and Anthropology. University of Chicago Press.
The Feast – Tim Asch and Napoleon Chagnon, 1970
The Ax Fight – Tim Asch and Napoleon Chagnon, 1975
3. Images as Experience
Keywords: Observational cinema, corporeal knowledge
Grimshaw, Anna. 2001. Chapter 7. The Ethnographer’s Eye. Cambridge University Press.
MacDougall, David; MacDougall Judith; Barbash, Ilisa; Taylor, Lucien.2001.”Radically Empirical
Documentary: An Interview with David and Judith MacDougall”. Film Quarterly 54 (2).
Rouch, Jean. 1995. The Camera and Man. Principles of Visual Anthropology. Hockings, Paul (ed).
Mouton de Gruyer.
Young, Collin. 1995. Observational Cinema. Principles of Visual Anthropology. Hockings, Paul
(ed). Mouton de Gruyer.
La Chasse au lion a l’arc – Jean Rouch, 1965
To Live with Herds – David and Judith MacDougall, 1974
Tempus de Baristas – David MacDougall, 1993
4. Anthropology as Art
Keywords: anthropological knowledge, filmic symbols, alternative narrative strategies.
Gardner, Robert and Ostor, Akos. 2002. Making Forest of Bliss: Intention, Circumstance, and
Chance in Nonfiction Film: A Conversation Between Robert Gardner + Akos Ostor
MacDougall, David. 1998. Subjective Voice in Ethnographic Film. Transcultural Cinema. Princeton
University Press.
Ruby, Jay. 1991. Robert Gardner and Anthropological Cinema. Picturing Culture. Chicago
University Press.
Henley, Paul. "Beyond the burden of the real: an anthropologist’s reflections on the technique of ‘a
masterful cutter’."
Forest of Bliss- Robert Gardner, 1986.
Peter Brosens’ Mongolia Trilogy:
State of Dogs 1986
City of the Steppes 1994
Poets of Mongolia 1999
5. Anthropology on Television
Keywords: politics of representation, public anthropology
Banks, Marcus. 1994. “Television and Anthropology: An Unhappy Marriage?“ Visual Anthropology
7 (1).
Grimshaw, Anna. 2001. Chapter 8. The Ethnographer’s Eye: Ways of Seeing in Modern
Anthropology. Cambridge University Press.
Henley, Paul. 1985. “British ethnographic film: recent developments”. Anthropology Today 1 (1).
Turton, David. 1992. Anthropology on Television: what next? Crawford, Peter and Turton, David
(eds) Film as Ethnography.
Loizoz, Peter. 1993. The Lolita Massai films: Televised Culture. Innovation in Ethnographic film:
Fom Innocence to self-consciousness 1955-1985. University of Chicago Press: Chicago.
The Women’s Olamal- Melissa Lewellyn Davies, 1984
Masai Women- Chris Curling, 1974
Divorce Iranian Style- Kim Longinotto, 1999
Disappearing World Television Series
General Readings
Banks, Marcus and Morphy, Howard (eds). 1997. Rethinking Visual Anthropology. Yale University
Barbash, Ilisa and Taylor, Lucien. 1997. Cross Cultural Filmmaking: A Handbook for making
Documentaries and Ethnographic Films and Videos. University of California Press.
Barnouw, Erik. 1983. Documentary: History of the Non-fiction Film. Oxford University Press.
Crawford, Peter and Turton, David (eds). 1992. Film as Ethnography. Manchester University Press.
Devereux, Leslie and Hillman, Roger (eds). 1995. Fields of Vision: Essays in Film Studies, Visual
Anthropology and Photography. University of California Press.
El Guindi, Fadwa. “From Pictorializing to Visual Anthropology”. Handbook of Methods in Cultural
Anthropology. Bernard, H. Russell. Altamira Press. pgs. 459 - 511
Hockings, Paul (ed). 1995 (new edition). Principles of Visual Anthropology. Mouton de Gruyter.
Grimshaw, Anna. 2001. The Ethnographer’s Eye: Ways of Seeing in Modern Anthropology.
Cambridge University Press.
Loizos, Peter. 1993. Innovation in Ethnographic Film: From Innocence to Self Consciousness,
1955-1985. Manchester University Press.
MacDougall, David. 1998. Transcultural Cinema. Princeton University Press.
MacDougall, David. 2006. The Corporeal Image: Film, Ethnography and the Senses. Princeton
University Press.
Rabinger, Michael. 2004 (fourth edition). Directing the Documentary. Focal Press.
Ruby, Jay. 2000. Picturing Culture: Explorations in Film and Anthropology. Chicago University
Taylor, Lucien (ed). 1994. Visualizing Theory: Selected Essays from V.A.R., 1990-1994. Routledge.