Download By: Jaclynn Huse, PhD, RN, CNE Professor of Nursing Southern

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Concept Mapping Anemia: Transferring Ownership in Learning to the Nursing Student By: Jaclynn Huse, PhD, RN, CNE Professor of Nursing Southern Adventist University DIRECTIONS
Anemia Concept Map •  You will be working in groups of
2-3 people to develop a concept
map that compares numerous
types of anemia.
•  There are similarities and
differences between each of the
anemia's and this concept map
will help you visualize how they
can be compared and contrasted
with each other.
Sickle cell anemia
Chronic renal failure
Aplastic anemia
Pernicious Anemia
Folic acid deficiency anemia
Iron Deficiency Anemia
Hereditary Spherocytosis
Dehydrogenase Deficiency
•  Hemolytic Disease
of the Newborn
•  Antibody-Mediated Drug
•  Acute blood loss
P/E: Defective beta chain on hemoglobin. U S/S’s: Pain, strokes, MI’s, chronic organ dysfunction. Tx: Stem cell transplant, hydration, pain management, ↓ risk for infection, transfusion if necessary. Dx: Thalassemia Dx: B12 Deficiency P/E: Can be caused by insufficient intake of B12 (not as common), or most commonly caused by lack of intrinsic factor which is required for digestion in GI tract. U S/S’s: Neuro deficits, glossitis Tx: B12 injections or nasal spray Dx: Folic Acid Deficiency
P/E: Lack of folic acid in diet – commonly seen
in alcoholics.
U S/S’s: Glossitis
Tx: Folic acid replacement with food or with pills.
Dx: Iron Deficiency P/E: Faulty RBC’s are destroyed faster than healthy ones. A deficiency in one or more polypeptide chains causes decreased hemoglobin synthesis and an imbalance between the chains. U S/S’s: Skull bone deformities, bowing of long bones, icterus. Tx: Blood transfusion, splenectomy, immunizations. P/E: Most commonly r/t blood loss thru trauma or monthly periods. U S/S’s: Pica, brittle nails Tx: Iron replacement with food, pills, or IM injection. Dx: Hereditary Spherocytosis Inherited
of RBC’s ↓ RBC Production Common S/S’s MAP THESE ANEMIA’S
Dx: Sickle Cell Dx: Aplastic Anemia P/E: Stem cell disorder resulting in loss of stem cells which were supposed to become RBC’s, WBC’s, and platelets. U S/S’s: ↑ risk for infection, ↑ risk for bleeding, and all general S/S’s of anemia. Tx: Avoid toxin exposure, bone marrow transplant, blood transfusions, immunosuppressive therapy, prevent infections Dx: Chronic Renal Failure P/E: Faulty kidneys no longer produce and excrete erythropoietin. U S/S’s: Uremia. Tx: Epogen or Procrit injections, dialysis. ↑ HR, fatigue, ↓ O2 carrying capacity, tissue hypoxia, ↑ R, dyspnea, general weakness, ↓stamina, orthostatic and non-­‐orthostatic hypotension, vasoconstriction, pallor, murmurs, chest pain, heart failure, intermittent claudication, night cramps, headache, lightheadedness, tinnitus, faintness jaundice. Dx: Antibody-­‐Mediated Drug Reaction P/E: Exposure to certain drugs causes a person to start killing off their own RBC’s. U S/S’s: Hemoglobinuria, ARDS, and respiratory arrest. Tx: D/C those medications. Steroids and transfusions may be necessary in severe cases. P/E: Defective RBC membrane skeletons and altered membrane properties. U S/S’s: Bile pigment gallstones, and chronic leg ulcers. Tx: Splenectomy, immunizations, and oral penicillin. Dx: G6PD P/E: Defect caused by G6PD enzyme deficiency. Results in anemic s/s when this person is exposed to certain triggers such as certain meds. U S/S’s: No unique symptoms. Tx: Avoid triggers, avoid infection. Some may need a transfusion. Dx: Hemolytic Dz in Newborn Extrinsic RBC Destruction or Loss P/E: When fetal RBC’s cross placenta, mom creates antibodies. AB’s can get back into fetal circulation. U S/S’s: Hyperbilirubinemia, kernictus. Tx: RhoGAM to mom. Exchange transfusions in utero if really bad. Dx: Acute Blood Loss P/E: Trauma or loss secondary to dz process. U S/S’s: 10% loss shows no s/s. 20% = tachycardia, 30% = flat neck veins, 40% = low CO, CVP, BP, > 50% = death. Tx: Replace blood, volume replacement. REFERENCE
Copstead, L C., Banasik, J. L. (2012). Pathophysiology. (5th ed.). St. Louis, MI: Saunders Elsevier.
For each of these diseases and/or
disorders, use your textbook and
look up:
P/E = Pathophysiology & Etiology U S/S’s = Unique Signs & Symptoms Tx = Treatment On the concept map paper, start
with organizing these diseases into
similar categories and then in the
center, we will put the common S/
S’s and tx. Then we will put the
“Unique S/S’s” (U S/S’s) with the
disease name or disorder.