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Earth Science
Name: ________________________
Astronomy Unit
Period: ________
Review Worksheet #4
Section Three: [Pages 570-581 ]
Directions: Use your textbook and notes to assist you with answering the following questions
__________ 1. Scientists consider red stars to be
a. hot
c. large
b. cool
d. small
__________ 2. When stars are different colors, we can conclude that they have different
a. sizes
c. temperatures
b. layers
d. gases
__________ 3. What is a star made of?
a. gases
b. liquids
c. solids
d. gases and solids
__________ 4. Which of the following statements is true about a star?
a. A star’s outer layers are hot and thin.
b. A star’s outer layers are hot and dense.
c. A star’s inner layers are cool and dense.
d. A star’s inner layers are hot and dense.
__________ 5. Some of the light that radiates from a star
a. is absorbed by elements in a star’s atmosphere.
b. is absorbed by the star’s inner layers.
c. is absorbed by other stars.
d. is emitted through the universe.
__________ 6. How can scientists identify a star’s elements?
a. by its color
c. by its light
b. by its shape
d. by its age
__________ 7. What instrument breaks a star’s light into a spectrum?
a. a continuous spectrum
c. a spectrometer
b. a telescope
d. a spectrograph
__________ 8. What can scientists tell about a star from its spectrum?
a. its composition
c. its composition and temperature
b. its age
d. its age and temperature
__________ 9. Stars are now classified by how
a. hot they are
c. far away they are
b. cold they are
d. close they are
__________ 10. The hottest stars are
a. yellow
b. orange
c. red
d. blue
__________ 11. A star’s magnitude refers to its
a. temperature
c. size
b. brightness
d. age
_________________________12. Astronomers use numbers to describe a star’s brightness. The larger the
number, the ___ the star.
_________________________ 13. How bright a star appears as seen from Earth is called ___ .
_________________________ 14. How bright a star actually is at a distance of 32.6 light-years from Earth is called ___ .
_________________________ 15. What unit of measurement do astronomers use to determine distances from Earth to
the stars.
_________________________ 16. During a star’s life cycle, hydrogen changes to helium in a process called ___ .
_________________________ 17. When a star dies, either gradually or in a big explosion, much of its material returns to
___ .
__________ 18. All of the following are used to classify stars EXCEPT
a. age
c. brightness
b. name
d. temperature
__________ 19. Small, hot star in final stage of its life cycle
a. red giant star
__________ 20. Star in second and longest stage of its life cycle
b. white dwarf star
__________ 21. Large, cool star in third stage of its life cycle
c. main-sequence star
__________ 22. The H-R diagram shows the relationship of a star’s temperature to its
a. brightness
c. size
b. color
d. age
__________ 23. On what part of the H-R diagram would you find the majority of the main-sequence stars?
a. top half
c. middle
d. bottom half
d. far corners
__________ 24. Top of modern H-R diagram
a. hot (blue) stars
__________ 25. Bottom of modern H-R diagram
b. bright stars
__________ 26. Right side of modern H-R diagram
c. cool (red) stars
__________ 27. Left side of modern H-R diagram
d. dim stars
28. Place these stars in order from earliest in life cycle (#1) to oldest in life cycle (#3):
_____ red giant
_____ white dwarf
_____ main-sequence star
__________ 29. Stars with low mass, low temperature, and low absolute
__________ 30. Small hot stars that are dimmer than the sun
a. massive blue stars
__________ 31. High-temperature stars that quickly use up their hydrogen
c. main-sequence stars
__________ 32. Cool stars with absolute magnitude
d. red dwarf stars
__________ 33. Stars in the band that runs along the middle of the H-R
e. red giant stars
b. white dwarf stars
__________ 34. Which of the following statements is NOT true of supernovas?
a. They are explosions in which a massive star collapses.
b. They are explosions that occur at the beginning of a star’s life.
c. They can be brighter than an entire galaxy for several days.
d. They are explosions in which a star throws its outer layers into space.
_________________________ 35. A star that has collapsed under gravity is called a(n) ___ .
_________________________ 36. A rapidly spinning neutron star is called a(n) ___ .
_________________________ 37. An object so massive that light cannot escape its gravity is a(n) ___ .