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Carrie L. Shandra
Department of Sociology
State University of New York at Stony Brook
N447 Social and Behavioral Sciences
Stony Brook, New York 11794-4356
Updated January 2013
Ph.D. in Sociology, 2009, Brown University, Providence RI
Dissertation Title: “Women's Employment in Segregated Occupations and the Division
of Household Labor: An Analysis of Gender Inequality at Work and in the Family”
A.M. in Sociology, 2006, Brown University, Providence RI
B.A., Sociology and English, 2004, Boston College, Chestnut Hill MA
2012-present Assistant Professor, Sociology; Core Faculty, Graduate Program in Public Health,
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Assistant Professor, Sociology, Hofstra University
Disabilities & Health
Quantitative Methods
Life Course
Families & Households
Work & Occupations
National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Fellowship. “School-to-Work Program
Participation and the Early Labor Market Success of Young Adults in the Current Recession.”
2012-2013, $55,000.
Early Career Work-Family Scholars Program, Work and Family Researchers Network (formerly
the Sloan Work and Family Research Network). 2011-2012, $1,000.
American Sociological Association, Fund for the Advancement of the Discipline. “A
Longitudinal Analysis of Occupational Sex Segregation from Adolescence to Young
Adulthood”. 2011-2012, $6,999.
Shandra 2
Carrie L. Shandra, Dennis P. Hogan, Roger C. Avery, and Michael Msall. 2012. “Child and
Adult Physical Disability in the 2000 Census: Disability is a Household Affair”. Disability and
Health Journal 5(4):241-248.
Carrie L. Shandra and Dennis P. Hogan. 2012. “Delinquency among Adolescents with
Disabilities.” Child Indicators Research 5(4):771-788.
Carrie L. Shandra, John M. Shandra, Eric Shircliff and Bruce London. 2012. “The International
Monetary Fund, Structural Adjustment, and Infant Mortality: A Cross-National Analysis of SubSaharan Africa.” Journal of Poverty 16(2):194-219.
Carrie L. Shandra and Afra R. Chowdhury. 2012. “The First Sexual Experience among
Adolescent Girls With and Without Disabilities.” Journal of Youth and Adolescence 41(4):515532.
Carrie L. Shandra. 2011. “Life Course Transitions among Adolescents with and without
Disabilities: A Longitudinal Examination of Expectations and Outcomes.” International Journal
of Sociology 41: 67-86.
Carrie L. Shandra, John Shandra, and Bruce London. 2011. "World Bank Structural
Adjustment, Water, and Sanitation: A Cross-National Analysis of Child Mortality in SubSaharan Africa." Organization & Environment 24(2):107-129.
Carrie L. Shandra, John M. Shandra, Eric Shircliff and Bruce London. 2010. “The
International Monetary Fund and Child Mortality: A Cross-National Analysis of Sub-Saharan
Africa.” International Review of Modern Sociology 36(2): 169-194.
Shandra, John M., Carrie L. Shandra and Bruce London. 2010. “Debt, Structural Adjustment,
and Non-Governmental Organizations: A Cross-National Analysis of Maternal Mortality.”
Journal of World-Systems Research 16(2): 217-245.
Shandra, John M., Carrie L. Shandra and Bruce London. 2010. “Do Non-Governmental
Organizations Impact Health? A Cross-National Analysis of Infant Mortality.” International
Journal of Comparative Sociology 51(1-2): 137-164.
Carrie L. Shandra and Dennis P. Hogan. 2009. “The Educational Attainment Process among
Adolescents with Disabilities and Children of Parents with Disabilities.” International Journal of
Disability, Development, and Education 56(4): 363-379.
Carrie L. Shandra, Dennis P. Hogan and Carrie E. Spearin. 2008. “Parenting a Child with a
Disability: An Examination of Resident and Non-Resident Fathers.” Journal of Population
Research 25(3): 357-377.
Shandra 3
Carrie L. Shandra and Dennis P. Hogan. 2008. “School-to-Work Program Participation and the
Post-High School Employment of Young Adults with Disabilities.” Journal of Vocational
Rehabilitation 29(2): 117-130.
Shandra, John M., Carrie L. Shandra, and Bruce London. 2008. "Women, Non-Governmental
Organizations, and Deforestation: A Cross-National Study." Population and Environment 30(12): 48-72.
Hogan, Dennis P., Carrie L. Shandra and Michael E. Msall. 2007. “Family Developmental
Risk Factors among Children with Disabilities and Children of Parents with Disabilities.”
Journal of Adolescence 30(6): 1001-1019.
Shandra, Carrie L. “Gendered Work Characteristics and Mothers’ and Fathers’
Time Spent in Child Care.” Annual meeting, American Sociological Association,
Denver, CO.
Ruppanner, Leah and Carrie L. Shandra. “Housework Time and Gender
Empowerment: An Investigation of Metropolitan Area Measures.” Annual
conference, Work and Family Researchers Network, New York, NY.
Shandra, Carrie L. “Inseparable Spheres: Gendered Occupational Characteristics
and Women's Household Labor.” Annual meeting, Eastern Sociological Society,
New York, NY.
Shandra, Carrie L. and Dennis P. Hogan. “Delinquency among Adolescents with
Disabilities.” Annual meeting, American Sociological Association, Las Vegas,
Shandra, Carrie L. “Pregnancy and Parenthood among Adolescents With and
Without Disabilities: A Longitudinal Examination of Expectations and
Outcomes.” Annual meeting, American Sociological Association, Atlanta, GA.
Shandra, Carrie L. “Youth Employment and Entry into Sex Segregated
Occupations in Adulthood: A Longitudinal Analysis of Women.” Annual
meeting, Eastern Sociological Society, Boston, MA.
Shandra, Carrie L., Dennis P. Hogan and Afra R. Chowdhury. “Differences in
Young Women’s First Sexual Experience by Disability Status.” Annual meeting,
Population Association of America, Dallas, TX.
Shandra, Carrie L. and Dennis P. Hogan. “School-to-Work Initiatives and the
Early Employment of Young Adults with Disabilities.” Annual meeting,
American Sociological Association, Boston, MA.
Shandra 4
Msall, Michael, Carrie L. Shandra, Roger Avery and Dennis P. Hogan.
“Disability is a Family Affair: Clustering of Adult and Child Disability in US
Households with Children with Motor, Sensory-Communicative, and Self Care
Functional Disability.” Annual meeting, Pediatric Academic Societies, Honolulu,
Shandra, Carrie L. “Women's Employment in Mostly-Male Occupations and the
Household Division of Labor.” Annual meeting, Population Association of
America, New Orleans, LA.
Hogan, Dennis P., Carrie L. Shandra, and Gary D. Sandefur. “The Educational
Attainment Processes among Adolescents with Disabilities and Children of
Parents with Disabilities.” Colloquia Series, Population Studies and Training
Center, Brown University.
Shandra, Carrie L. “School-to-Work Programs and Women’s Participation in
Nontraditional Occupations: The Effect of Education- and Employment-Based
Initiatives on Occupational Experience after High School.” Annual meeting,
Eastern Sociological Society, Philadelphia PA.
Shandra, Carrie L., Afra R. Chowdhury and Dennis P. Hogan. “The Sexual
Behavior of Adolescents with Disabilities: Evidence from the NLSY97.” Annual
meeting, Eastern Sociological Society, Philadelphia PA.
Hogan, Dennis P., Carrie L. Shandra and Michael E. Msall. “Family Ecology and
Social Capital of Adolescents with Disabilities and Adolescents with Parents with
Disabilities.” Annual meeting, Society for Research on Child Development,
Boston MA.
Hogan, Dennis P., Carrie L. Shandra, and Gary D. Sandefur. “The Educational
Attainment Processes among Adolescents with Disabilities and Children of
Parents with Disabilities.” Annual meeting, Population Association of America,
New York, NY.
Alexandrowicz, Carrie L. “The Effect of School-to-Work Programs on Entry into
Nontraditional Employment: Do Education- and Employment-Based Initiatives
Influence the Transition to a Stratified Workforce?" Annual meeting, American
Sociological Association, Montreal QC.
Hogan, Dennis P. and Carrie L. Alexandrowicz. “Family Developmental Risk
Factors among Children with Disabilities and Children of Parents with
Disabilities.” Annual meeting, American Sociological Association, Montreal QC.
Alexandrowicz, Carrie L and Afra R. Chowdhury. “Disability and Risky Sexual
Behaviors among American Teenagers: The Importance of the Family
Shandra 5
Context.” Annual Meeting, Population Association of America, Los Angeles,
Alexandrowicz, Carrie L. “Does Sex Segregation at Work Influence
Egalitarianism at Home? The Effect of Women’s Employment in Gendered
Occupations on the Division of Household Labor.” Annual meeting, Eastern
Sociological Society, Boston, Massachusetts.
Alexandrowicz, Carrie L. “Women in Gendered Occupations: Revisiting
the ‘Stalled Revolution.’” Annual meeting, American Sociological
Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Chang, Patricia M.Y. and Carrie L. Alexandrowicz. “Family Matters: Religious
Inheritance in Catholic and Protestant Families.” Annual Meeting, Association for
the Sociology of Religion, San Francisco, California.
Cheryl Allyn Miller Award, Sociologists for Women in Society
Dissertation Fellowship, Brown University Graduate School
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Training Fellowship,
Brown University (declined)
Beatrice and Joseph Feinberg Memorial Award for Graduate Education, Brown
University Department of Sociology
Alden Speare, Jr. Memorial Award for Distinguished Master’s Thesis, Brown
University Department of Sociology
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, Honorable Mention
University Fellowship, Brown University Graduate School
Undergraduate Research Fellowship, Boston College Department of Sociology
Ralph A. Gallagher Grant, Association for the Sociology of Religion
Alpha Kappa Delta International Sociology Honor Society
Fall 2009:
Statistics for Applied Social Research
Statistics in Sociology
Statistics in Sociology Laboratory
Spring 2010:
Multivariate Statistics for Applied Social Research
Statistics in Sociology
Statistics in Sociology Laboratory (2 sections)
Fall 2010:
Statistics for Applied Social Research
Statistics in Sociology
Statistics in Sociology Laboratory
Youth, Crisis, and American Culture
Spring 2011:
Multivariate Statistics for Applied Social Research
Statistics in Sociology
Statistics in Sociology Laboratory
Shandra 6
Spring 2012:
Statistics in Sociology
Statistics in Sociology Laboratory (2 sections)
Sociology of Gender
Youth, Crisis, and American Culture
Other courses taught at Hofstra University or State University of New York at Stony Brook:
Sociology of the Family (upper division writing course; Summer 2008)
Issues in Sociology of Youth (writing intensive senior seminar; Summer 2010)
Disability and the Transition to Adulthood (independent study; Fall 2011)
Race, Class, and Gender in Families (independent study; Spring 2012)
Hierarchical Linear Modeling, Data Analysis Training Institute of Connecticut
Multilevel/Mixed Models Using Stata, StataCorp public training course
American Time Use Survey Users Workshop, University of Maryland
Structural Equation Modeling, Data Analysis Training Institute of Connecticut
National Longitudinal Surveys Users Workshop, Ohio State University
Missing Data: A Course on Modern Methods, Statistical Horizons (Paul Allison)
Teaching Certificate Program: The Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching and
Learning, Brown University
Guest Editor: International Journal of Sociology, special issue on disabilities, work, and family
Committee Member, Membership Committee, Work Family Researchers Network (2012present)
Committee Member, W. Richard Scott Award, Organizations, Occupations, and Work Section of
the American Sociological Association (2011)
Occasional Reviewer: Journal of Marriage and Family, Men and Masculinities, The
Sociological Quarterly, American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review,
Organization & Environment
2004-present American Sociological Association (Sections: Disability and Society; Aging and
the Life Course; Organizations, Occupations and Work; Family; Children and
Youth; Sex and Gender)
2005-present Sociologists for Women in Society
Shandra 7
2006-present Eastern Sociological Society
2008-present Population Association of America
2011-present Work and Family Researchers Network
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