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Biology 12
Excretion Practice Exam - KEY
1. Which kidney structure actively transports the greatest number of glucose molecules out of
the filtrate?
a. loop of Henle
b. collecting duct
c. proximal tubule
d. Bowman’s capsule
2. Which would be found in high levels in the glomerular filtrate of a healthy person?
a. urea
b. protein
c. platelets
d. red blood cells
3. Urine leaves the bladder through the
a. ureter
b. urethra
c. loop of Henle
d. collecting duct
4. Which of the following is a valid comparison between the composition of blood plasma and
a. in plasma, the insulin concentration is lower, while in urine it is higher
b. in plasma, the glucose concentration is lower, while in urine it is higher
c. in plasma, the carbon dioxide concentration is lower, while in urine it is higher
d. in plasma, the metabolic waste concentration is lower, while in urine it is higher
5. The correct order for the movement of urine out of the body is
a. bladder, ureter, kidney, urethra.
b. kidney, ureter, bladder, urethra
c. kidney, urethra, bladder, ureter
d. kidney, bladder, urethra, ureter
6. The posterior pituitary gland releases
a. adrenalin
b. aldosterone
c. insulin
d. anti- diuretic hormone
7. Decreased intake and increased loss of water will result in
a. increased secretion of ADH
b. decreased secretion of ADH
c. increased secretion of adrenalin
d. decreased secretion of insulin
8. Cell removed from a kidney tubule showed numerous mitochondria and numerous microvilli.
They likely came from the
a. glomerulus
b. collecting duct
c. Bowman's capsule
d. proximal tubule
9. If the collecting duct did not pass through the middle of the kidney (medulla) before reaching
the ureter, which of the following would most likely occur?
a. blood volume would increase
b. urine would be hypotonic to blood plasma
c. ADH could not act on the collecting duct
d. urine is more concentrated than blood plasma
10. The process that returns nutrients to the blood from the nephron is
a. osmosis
b. filtration
c. secretion
d. reabsorption
11. Which of the following occurs because of increasing secretion of ADH?
a. increased thirst levels
b. lowered permeability of Collecting duct
c. increased permeability of Collecting duct
d. production of large amounts of urine
12. Which of the following hormones is involved with the regulation of body fluid volume?
a. adrenalin
b. ADH
c. thyroxin
d. insulin
13. Which of the following immediately comes before the loop of Henle
a. the collecting duct
b. the Bowman’s capsule
c. the distal convoluted tubule
d. the proximal convoluted tubule
14. Which of the following is excreted by the lungs?
a. Urea.
b. Ammonia.
c. Bile pigments.
d. Carbon dioxide.
15. The structure labeled X is the
a. loop of Henle
b. peritubular capillaries
c. distal tubule
d. proximal tubule
16. The following data were collected from a normal kidney during a one minute period:
Amount of blood entering renal
Amount of plasma entering
Amount of Urine produced
Bowman’s capsule
600 mL
120 mL
How much blood will enter the renal vein over this one minute period?
a. 1 mL
b. 480 mL
c. 599 mL
d. 720 mL
17. Hydrogen ions, penicillon and histamine are secreted into the urine from the
a. collecting duct into the bladder
b. glomerulus into Bowman's capsule
c. peritubular capillaries into distal tubule
d. efferent arteriole into afferent arteriole
18. The structure labeled W is
a. ureter
b. urethra
c. bladder
d. nephron
1 mL
19. In the chart to the right, which of the following is the correct sequence of structures from
highest to lowest concentration of urea?
a. 2, 1, 3
b. 2, 3, 1
c. 3, 1, 2
d. 3, 2, 1
20. In the diagram to the right, which of the following statements comparing blood in X to blood in
Y is true?
a. The concentration of urea is higher in X.
b. The concentration of oxygen is lower in X.
c. The concentration of glucose is higher in Y.
d. The concentration of carbon dioxide is lower in Y.
21. Active transport of glucose into the blood occurs in the
a. glomerulus.
b. collecting duct.
c. Bowman’s capsule.
d. proximal convoluted tubule.
22. The collecting ducts are located in which of the following structures?
a. ureter
b. urethra
c. renal pelvis
d. renal medulla
23. Where in the kidney could the conditions indicated in the table below be found?
a. distal tubule
b. proximal tubule
c. afferent arteriole
d. Bowman’s capsule
24. Which of the following describes the tissues surrounding the loop of Henle?
a. High H+ concentration, high K+ concentration.
b. Low water concentration, low salt concentration.
c. High salt concentration, low water concentration.
d. High water concentration, low K+ concentration.
25. Which of the following would cause increased water re-absorption by the kidneys?
a. increased blood volume
b. increased cardiac output
c. decreased blood pressure
d. decreased ADH secretion
26. If a drop in the pH of the blood occurs, the kidneys will
a. increase the absorption of urea.
b. decrease the absorption of sodium ions.
c. decrease the secretion of hydrogen ions.
d. increase the re-absorption of bicarbonate ions.
27. High concentrations of ADH (antidiuretic hormone) in the blood will result in
a. increased excretion of H2O.
b. decreased pressure filtration.
c. decreased re-absorption of glucose.
d. increased solute concentration of the urine
28. Alcohol affects the release of ADH. Alcohol causes an increase in the volume and a decrease
in the concentration of urine produced. Therefore, ADH affects the
a. Loop of Henle.
b. collecting duct.
c. proximal tubule.
d. Bowman’s capsule.
29. Which of the following symptoms might be an indication of kidney failure?
a. Salt in the urine.
b. Urea in the urine.
c. Protein in the urine.
d. Uric acid in the urine.
30. The concentration of glucose in the glomerular filtrate is greater than in the urine because
glucose is
a. excreted.
b. re-absorbed.
c. a large molecule.
d. used to provide energy for re-absorption.
Short Answer:
1. Label the structures indicated on the following diagram using correct terms.
2. Explain how the hormone ADH operates in a negative feedback cycle with the kidney for
homeostatic control of blood volume and blood pressure.
hypothalamus detects concentrated blood (low blood volume, low blood pressure)
hypothalamus produces ADH
ADH released from posterior pituitary gland
ADH causes collecting duct to become more permeable to water
water is reabsorbed into blood and water levels in the blood increase
therefore, ADH is shut off or inhibited.
3. How do the following events affect the output of ADH?
a. drinking excess water
• reduce ADH release
b. dehydration
• increase ADH release
4. Urine content: of healthy human
Plasma (g/100 mL)
Filtrate (g/100 mL)
Urine (g/100 mL)
Substance X is most likely: urea
Substance Y is most likely: glucose or amino acids
Substance Z is most likley: protein
5. What cell structures will be most noticeable in the cells lining the proximal convoluted tubule?
• microvilli - to increase surface area for diffusion
• mitochondria - to produce ATP for active transport
6. Describe how the kidney regulates the pH of the blood.
• increased H+ in blood (decreased pH, increased acid levels in blood)
• excess H+ are actively transported from distal tubule into filtrate
• this occurs during the process of tubular excretion
• also, kidney will reabsorb Na+ and HCO3- back into blood to help buffer blood