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October 1-7, 2011
Brownsville-Matamoros Binational Health Council
Hida-Rey Binational Health Council
SMAC Binational Health Council
Los Dos Laredos-Nuevo León Binational Health Council
HOPE-K Binational Health Council
Amistad Binational Health Council
Presidio-Ojinaga Binational Health Council
Paso del Norte Binational Health Council
South Texas Promotoras Association
The 8th Annual Border Binational Health Week (BBHW) was held on October 1-7, 2011
in conjunction with the Third Mexican National Health Week and the 11th Binational
Health Week. These celebratory events are a partnership of the United States-México
Border Health Commission, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; the
México Secretariat of Health, the Health Initiative of the Americas, the Pan American
Health Organization, and the ten U.S.-México Border States. The Border Binational
Health Week is also an important part of the U.S.-México Border Health Councils’ 20102012 Operational Work Plans developed in El Paso, Texas on April 19-20, 2010 and
updated in April 6-7, 2011.
“The goal of BBHW is to promote sustainable partnerships to address border health
problems. Intended outcomes include increased community and inter-agency networking
relationships, increased information sharing and educational opportunities, and increased
awareness of the BHC and other state and local initiatives.” The theme of 2011 BBHW
was the same as in previous years, Families in Action for Health, with the focus on
“Preventing Obesity and Diabetes”.
The activities during BBHW were diverse in format, in targeted population, and in
intended outcomes. They included health fairs, flu vaccines shots, opening and closing
events, proclamations by public health authorities, educational and training opportunities,
public celebratory events, forums, conferences and symposia on specific health related
topics such as obesity and diabetes, tuberculosis, tobacco, and HIV-AIDS prevention,
walk-a-thon and bike-a-thons, media (TV and radio interviews, news paper articles),
messages to the community, and other activities sponsored in partnership with
approximately 140 border agencies and organizations.
A total of 47 local and binational activities were held on the Texas side of the border,
with the overall goal to increase and promote public awareness of health threats posed by
obesity and diabetes, as well as tuberculosis. These activities took place in different
settings such as public parks and streets, malls, public schools and colleges, hotels,
museums, city health departments, and ventanillas de salud at the Mexican Consulates.
Approximately a total of 17,231 people participated in different activities during the 2011
Border Binational Health Week along the Texas-Mexico border, an increase of more than
3,000 participants from 2010.
The BHC will continue with the complimentary theme of obesity and diabetes as
priorities for 2012 in support of and in response to the XXVI U.S.–México Border
Governor’s Conference Joint Declaration and the XXIX Joint Declaration.
1. Brownsville – Matamoros Binational Health Council
University of Texas School of Public Health at Brownsville; Consulate of Mexico in
Brownsville; City of Brownsville Health Department; Department of State Health
Services, Region 11; Cameron County Health Department; National Vaccine Program
Office; U.S. Mexico Border Health Commission; and the Association of State and
Territorial Health Officials, ASTHO.
Activities and Events
Border Research Forum
This binational event took place on October 3-4 at UTB-TSC ITTEC Campus, in
Brownsville. Target population was students from Schools of Public Health. UTHSPHBrownsville Regional Campus and the City of Brownsville Health Department sponsored
the event. Approximately 40 participants.
Ventanillas de Salud Health Fair
The Health Fair took place on October 3-4th at the University of Texas at Brownsville,
ITEC Campus, sponsored by the Mexican Consulate in Brownsville and the City of
Brownsville Health Department. Target populations were children, men and women of all
age groups, low to medium income levels. Approximately 40 participants.
Region VI National Vaccine Plan Stakeholders’ Meeting
This event, by invitation only, took place on Wednesday, October 5th 2011 at the UTHSPH Brownsville Regional Campus in Brownsville. Participated in the event local
stakeholders, immunization providers, Health Departments, School of Public Health,
School Districts, Promotora Groups, Faith Based Groups, Clinics and Hospitals, a total of
approximately 50 health professionals.
2. Hida – Rey Binational Health Council
Office of Border Health, Texas Department of State Health Services, Region 11; Hidalgo
County Health and Human Services (HCHHS); Hidalgo County Head Start and WIC
programs; Consulado de Mexico in McAllen, Ventanilla de Salud; Texas A&M Health
Science Center – School of Public Health; Instituto Politécnico Nacional – Centro
Biotecnología Genómica; Secretaría de Salud de Tamaulipas, Jurisdicción Sanitaria No.
IV; Dr. Richard Gillette; Gris Perez; Richards Pharmacy / Kiko; Liberty Medical.
Activities and events
HidalGO KIDS - Sesame Street Educational Videos “Get Healthy Now” show
These videos, donated by the Hidalgo County WIC program, were viewed by
approximately 3,700 children along the week of October 3-7, 2011 in all the 97
classrooms at the 43 Head Start centers Programs county-wide.
Health Presentations at McAllen Mexican Consulate
On October 5th at the Consulado de Mexico in McAllen, a binational event targeted to
clientele at the Ventanilla de Salud lobby of the Consulate, sponsored by the Hidalgo
County Health and Human Services, networking with the Mexican Consulate in
McAllen. Approximately 100 individuals from the community participated.
Video Presentations at HCHHS Clinics
On October 7th, presentations on different health issues by staff were held on HCHHS
Clinics in Mission, McAllen, Edinburg, Hidalgo, Pharr, Elsa, and Weslaco for clientele at
the lobby of the health clinics, organized by the Hidalgo County Health and Human
Services. Approximately 800 public clientele attended these video presentations.
Binational HIDA-REY Public Health Forum
The Binational Public Health Forum took place on October 7th at the Texas A&M Health
Science Center-School of Rural Public Health in McAllen and was attended by university
students from Biotecnología Genómica, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Reynosa,
Tamaulipas and Hidalgo County. The Forum allowed for Hidalgo County and Reynosa
public health officials to raise awareness on binational public health issues and activities
and the importance of collaboration between both countries. The Hidalgo County Health
and Human Services Department sponsored the event. Approximately 50 binational
students participated.
3. SMAC (Starr County-Miguel Alemán-Camargo)
Binational Health Council
The Pediatric Care Center; Rio Grande City Lions Club; BFG Laboratory Services;
DSHS Family and Community Health Services; Starr County Fire Department; Rio
Grande City Health Department; Rio Grande Lion’s Club; Rio Grande City Economic
Development Council.
Activities and Events
BBHW Health Fair
On October 3, 2011, the Starr County-Miguel Aleman-Camargo (SMAC) Bi-National
Health Council hosted an Annual Health Fair. The event was held at the Wal-Mart
Parking Lot in Rio Grande City, Texas. It was a local event that targeted diabetes, and
obesity awareness and prevention; and it also promoted healthy eating and exercise.
During this event flu vaccine and glucose screenings were also offered and different
participating agencies had resource tables displaying information on diabetes, healthy
foods, obesity and tuberculosis. Glucometers were provided to participants free of charge.
SMAC Health Fair
Another important activity during the health fair was a Walk-a-Thon lead by Rio Grande
City Lions Club. Anna Villarreal (Starr County Judge Appointee) was in charge of
coordinating these events.
SMAC Walk-a-Thon
One of the highlights of this event was the participation of our special guests, Starr
County Judge, Honorable Mr. Eloy Vera, Starr County Commissioners Mr. Eloy Garza
and Mr. Jaime Álvarez, Starr County Sheriff Mr. Rene Fuentes, Starr County Health
Authority Dr. José Vásquez and from the Texas Department of State Health Services,
Office of Border Health, Ms. Lupita Mata.
A total of 250 participants attended this event.
4. Los Dos Laredos-Nuevo León Binational Health Council
Mercy Ministries of Laredo; Domestic Violence Coalition; U.S.-Mexico Border Health
Commission; Texas A&M International University (TAMIU), Cooperative Extension
Program; Escuela de Enfermería Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas (UAT) Nuevo
Laredo; Ruth B Cowl Rehabilitation Center; Area Health Education Center (AHEC);
Sistema de Integración Familiar (DIF) Nuevo Laredo; People with Ideas of Love,
Liberty, Acceptance and Respect (PILLAR); Laredo Educational Testing Services
(LETS); Mexican Consulate, Ventanillas de Salud; Department of State Health Services
(DSHS), Office of Border Health; Women, Infant and Child (WIC) Program; Cancer
Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT), Laredo Program; Secretaría de Salud, Jurisdicción
V, Nuevo Laredo; City of Laredo Health Department (CLHD).
Activities and events
8th Annual BBHW Local Proclamation Ceremony
This event took place at the City of Laredo Health Department on October 3rd, 2011,
sponsored by the City of Laredo Health Department. After a nutrition demonstration and
discussion, Zumba demonstration was also given to the public and some partners
participated. Approximately 70 participants received free screening services for BMI,
height and weight, glucose screening, and blood pressure measurements.
Proclamation Ceremony
Zumba Demonstration at the Proclamation
High Blood Pressure, Glucose and Cholesterol Screening Testing
On Tuesday October 4th, these services were provided free to the binational community at
the Mexican General Consulate in Laredo. It was sponsored by the Mexican Consulate
and the Laredo Health Department. Approximately 100 individuals were served while
visiting the Consulate.
Glucose Screening
Vaccination Clinic
On Wednesday, October 5th, 2011, seasonal flu vaccines were delivered at the Mexican
General Consulate in Laredo, sponsored by the Mexican Consulate and the Laredo Health
Department and targeted to binational population. Approximately 100 vaccines were
Glaucoma Testing
Held on Thursday, October 6, 2011 at the Mexican Consulate, the purpose of this event
was to screen clients attending the Consulate for glaucoma. Information about glaucoma
was also provided on a one-to-one basis. A total of 100 screenings were provided.
Diabetes Counseling and BMI Calculation
On Friday, October 7, 2011, these services were provided to clients attending the
Mexican Consulate to help with diabetes management and Body Mass Index (BMI)
calculation. The public where able to get their height, weight, BMI and enjoy a healthy
Healthy cooking demonstration by WIC and Nutrition Program
Binational Conference 2011
Held on Friday, October 7, 2011 at the Holiday Inn in Laredo, Texas, this event brought
together binational health professionals and universities to discuss border health issues.
The binational conference initiated with the binational EWIDS program giving an
epidemiological update on how disease surveillance and reporting process is done. The
binational nutrition program gave an overview of what they do in their institutions and
how hey identify, diagnose and treat their patients. Ms. Nora Martinez, Chief of the WIC
program, explained the importance of early identification of patient with obesity and
chronic health issues. “La Familia” program presented on diabetes diagnosis and
management using patient testimonies. Dr. Karina de los Santos, chief of “Adulto
Mayor” program gave an update end discussed the new program “5 Pasos para la Salud”.
Dr. Ramon Castillo, from Nuevo Laredo presented an update of the binational
Tuberculosis program.
Welcoming Remarks by Dr. Héctor González, Director of Health
Binational Conference, October 7, 2011
The innovative part of this conference was the use of an educational gave to provide
survey results to health professionals regarding public health services in the border.
Approximately 100 health professionals from both sides of the border participated.
5. HOPE-K Trinational Health Council
Eagle Pass, Piedras Negras, and Kickapoo Tribe
BioLife Plasma Services; Camino Real Community Interventions; Community Outreach
Center; City of Eagle Pass Health Department; City of Eagle Pass – Police Department;
Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas (KTTT); Maverick County Health Department;
Maverick County Hospital District (MCHD); Maverick County Outreach Center PCT 1;
Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc. (MHM); Mexican Consulate –
Ventanilla de Salud; Molina Health Care Inc.; Office of Border Health – DSHS; Quad
Counties Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse; Secretaría de Salud de México,
Jurisdicción 1 y 2; South Texas Poison Center; South Texas Border Area Health
Education Center (AHEC); South West Texas Junior College (SWTJC); Texas A&M
SRPH – McAllen; Texas Department of State Health Services – TB Elimination
Program; Texas Poison Care Inc.; UMC Ryan White Program; United Medical Centers #
1; University of Texas SRPH – Brownsville; Winter Garden Women’s Shelter Inc.
Activities and Events
Childhood Walking for Obesity Awareness and Dance
The HOPE-K Trinational Health Council started its BBHW activities with a Walking for
Obesity Awareness event. This event took place September 24th, 2011 at the Maverick
County Lake in Eagle Pass, Texas and the target population was children of all ages.
Sister Ursula Herrera, Maverick County Hospital District (MCHD) Diabetes Educator
was in charge of this event. MCHD distributed information on healthy eating and the
need for exercise, and offered healthy snacks and water to participants. Participants who
registered (29) were given pedometers which they were to use on a daily basis and keep a
record of their steps or other activity on a calendar which was issued when they
Trinational Border Health Week 2011 – Inauguration
El lunes 3 de octubre, en la Pirámide del Sol de la Plaza de las Tres Culturas en Piedras
Negras, Coahuila, fue realizado el evento inaugural de la Semana Trinacional de Salud
(STN) 2011.
Presidieron el evento las siguientes autoridades de
ambos lados de la frontera: el Lic. Ricardo Santana
Velázquez, Cónsul de México en Eagle Pass; el Dr.
Arturo Botello Méndez, Director de la Jurisdicción
Sanitaria No. 1 de la Secretaría de Salud de Piedras
Negras y Co-presidente de HOPE-K; el representante
del General Luis Crescencio Sandoval de la
Guarnición Militar; y el Dr. Carrales del ISSSTE, el
Representante del Dr. Longinos del IMSS, entre
El Cónsul Santana y el Dr. Botello dieron la
bienvenida a los presentes y declararon inaugurada la
semana trinacional.
Foro / Conferencias Embarazo en Adolescentes / La Juventud y el VIH-SIDA
Luego de la Inauguración de la
STS, se llevó a cabo el Foro de
Conferencias: El Embarazo en
Adolescentes y La Juventud y
el VIH dirigido a más de 200
secundarias de la localidad.
La primera conferencia fue
dictada por la Dra. Minerva
Contreras y la segunda por el
Dr. Iván Moscoso, ambos de la
Jurisdicción Sanitaria No. 1 de
lograron despertar gran interés
de los jóvenes participantes.
National Night Out
On October 4th HOPE-K joined cities nationwide for America’s Night Out Against
Crime. National Night Out is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness,
to generate support for and participation in local anticrime efforts. On this night Eagle
Pass Police Department, HOPE-K, City of Eagle Pass and different agencies of the
community got together at Guedea Park in Eagle Pass, Texas hosting a variety of events
for the neighborhood, with games, information booth, health fair, and contests for youth
and adults. Approximately 400 residents attended this activity.
Save the Environment. Plant a Tree
A group of twenty five students from the Kinesiology Class at South West Texas Junior
College participated in this event in Eagle Pass on October 4th, 2011.
First annual Behavioral Health Symposium Childhood Obesity
“Improving Our Health along the U.S.-Mexico Border. Best Practices to Prevent
Childhood Obesity”.
This Joint trinational Forum with a Symposium held in Eagle Pass at the International
Center for Trade on October 5th, was sponsored and organized as a trinational event with
participation of U.S. and Mexico child obesity prevention programs from DSHS and
Coahuila Secretariat of Health by Amistad and HOPE-K Binational / Trinational Health
Councils, DSHS Office of Border Health, the Health and Human Services Commission
Durante el Foro fueron presentadas un total
de 12 ponencias y por parte del presidente
municipal, Ramsey English–Cantú se
realizó la Proclama de mes de “Octubre,
mes de concientización sobre la NO
violencia doméstica”
Mr. Simon Sotelo (Executive Director of QUAD Counties Council on Alcohol and Drug
Abuse) and Mr. Calixto Seca (Co-President of HOPE-K THC) provided the opening
remarks declaring this symposium a joint effort between the cities of Eagle Pass and Del
Rio, between councils, and binationally as a means to share effective strategies for the
purpose of increasing awareness among health and community professionals specific to
substance abuse, mental health and domestic violence and for the purpose of identifying
best practices to prevent childhood obesity along the U.S.-Mexico border. Given the
disproportionate problems that exist on the border specific to childhood obesity,
substance abuse, and domestic violence, this symposium provided an opportunity for
professionals from both sides of the border to gather and learn about effective strategies
necessary to address these health concerns.
Promotoras de salud at the Symposium
Dr. Nelda Mier, Texas A&M
School of Public Health
Dr. Allison Banicki, Epidemiologist
DSHS, Office Border Health
A total of 60 public health workers participated in this Forum and Symposium. For a
complete report on this activity see supplemental report.
6th Annual KTTT Bike-a-Thon
This activity took place at the KTTT Reservation in Eagle Pass on October 6th, 2011 from
18:00 to 20:00 hrs, and was sponsored by HOPE-K and KTTT.
Opening remarks were given by Monica Perez, KTTT Education Committee and Calixto
Seca, Jr., HOPE-K Tri-National Health Council Co-President. A bicycle safety
educational course was given by Eagle Pass Police Department Bike Patrol Unit. This
was followed by a bike parade around the KTTT Reservation. Prizes were awarded to the
finalist. A Mini-Health Fair also took place during the Bike-a-Thon in front of the KTTT
Multimedia Building. Different agencies provided health screenings and check-ups as
well as disseminated health information. Dr. Antonio Garza, KTTT Community Health
and Environmental Coordinator, was in charge of the event. A total of 190 children
participated in the activities.
Eighth Annual Border Trinational Health Fair “Walk happily for better health”, and
BBHW Closing Event
On October 8, 2011, the HOPE-K Tri-National Health Council hosted the Eight Annual
Tri-National Health Fair. The event was held at Mall de las Aguilas in Eagle Pass, Texas.
Mr. Calixto Seca (Eagle Pass HOPE-K Co-President) provided the opening remarks and
thanked all the agencies participating in the event to make it possible. He mentioned the
celebratory events are a partnership of the United States-Mexico Border Health
Commission, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; the Mexico Secretariat
of Health, the Health Initiative of the Americas, and the Pan American Health
Organization. The theme for this event was Walk happily for better health with the
purpose of raising community awareness to prevent obesity and diabetes.
Healthy Snacks and recipe booklets were provided by the
HOPE-K Diabetes/Obesity Committee at the BTHW annual health fair
Con un gran evento el día 8 de octubre se realizó en Eagle Pass en el Mall de las Águilas
una gran Feria de Salud y la clausura de la Semana Trinacional de Salud.
El Ballet Folclórico del
Colegio SWTJC presentó
bailables de los Estados de
Veracruz y Michoacán.
Posteriormente se presentaron
como baile y
taekwondo en fomento a la
actividad física.
Como parte de este evento fueron presentadas las banderas y se
interpretaron los himnos nacionales de ambos lados de la
Frontera. Posteriormente el presidente municipal de la ciudad,
Ramsey English–Cantu, y en representación del Juez del
Condado de Maverick el Prof. Roberto Ruiz, dieron lectura y
entregaron a las autoridades de Salud las Proclamas de la Semana
Trinacional 2011.
Con una gran asistencia la Feria de Salud en el Mall de las Águilas con más de 40
agencias participantes en la que se ofrecieron análisis gratuitos de glucosa, presión
arterial, peso–talla, índice de masa corporal, glaucoma y otros.
Fue diseminada información con más de tres mil trípticos de muy diversas
temáticas y fueron rifados premios a los asistentes como botiquines de la Ventanilla
de Salud del Consulado, playeras de la agencia Axion entre otros. Fueron
preparados platillos saludables para degustarlos entre los presentes.
The Maverick County Hospital District (MCHD) also had talks regarding healthy foods
and portion control for children at a couple of Community Centers and during the Annual
HOPE-K Health Fair. Twenty to thirty parents attended each of the three talks and more
than 300 people enjoyed healthy snacks. MCHD also participated in a Health Fair at
Loma Bonita Community Center, distributed information on the prevention of diabetes
and obesity in children, and provided glucose and blood pressure monitoring.
The health fair started with the presentation of the U.S. and Mexico flags and National
Anthems; and the presentation of members of the presidium followed. The presidium was
composed by Mr. David Saucedo, Maverick County Judge; Mr. Ramsey English-Cantu,
City of Eagle Pass Mayor; Ms. Rosa Maria Muñoz Montes, Representative of Consul of
Mexico in Eagle Pass; Dr Arturo Botello Mendez, Piedras Negras Health Department
Chief and Piedras Negras HOPE-K Co-President; Mr. Rene Lopez, Fort Duncan
Regional Medical Center Director; and Elvia Ledezma, Texas Department of State Health
Services, Office of Border Health Regional Coordinator.
Dr. Arturo Botello Mendez, Mr. Rene Lopez, Elvia Ledezma and Mayor Ramsey
English-Cantu addressed the audience inviting them to live healthier lives. Later the
Border Tri-National Health Week Proclamations were read jointly by Eagle Pass, Mayor
Ramsey English-Cantu and Mr. Roberto Ruiz representing Maverick County Judge
David Saucedo.
Speakers at the Annual Health Fair
The event concluded with artistic numbers performed by Folkloric Ballet “Cuauhtli” and
Letty’s Dance Studio and by inviting all the attendees to visit the different booths of
agencies participating in this event.
Approximately 600 participants attended the different activities developed during the
HOPE-K Eighth Annual Border Trinational Health Fair, and BBHW Closing Event.
6. AMISTAD Binational Health Council
Ventanillas de Salud Consulado de México; Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior;
US-México Border Health Commission (USMBHC); Secretaría de Salud de México;
Health and Human Services Commission – Office of Border Affairs; Texas Department
of State Health Services - Office of Border Health; Contra Adicciones Unidos Del RioAcuña (CAUDA); QUAD Counties Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse; City of Del
Rio; Val Verde Regional Medical Center (Lab); Sul Ross State / Rio Grande College; A
Plus Family Care; Maverick County Hospital District BCCS; UMC (Glucose blood
pressure, BMI, Health Education); Val Verde County Health Department.
Events and activities
11th Annual Andale Del Rio
This is a Wellness 5K run family activity to help combat diabetes and obesity. It took
place on October 1st, 2011 at the Buena Vista Park, open to the public, sponsored by
Amistad BHC. Approximately 450 people of all ages from the community participated.
Border Binational Health Week Inauguration, and Proclamation
This event took place on October 3rd. at the Mexican Consulate in Del Rio, sponsored by
the USMBHC, Amistad BHC and Mexican Health Secretariat (SSA). Proclamation was
sponsored by IME and Amistad Binational Health Council. Approximately 40 health
providers and dignitaries participated.
Body Works inauguration
The inaugural event of the BodyWorks program was held in Del Rio, Texas at the Val
Verde Community Center on October 4, 2011 and was organized by the Amistad
Binational Health Council in conjunction with the Mexican Consulate-Ventanillas de
Salud, the DSHS-Office of Border Health, and local community volunteers.
The BodyWorks program is a 10-week program promoting physical activity and nutrition
among parents and their pre adolescent and adolescent children. The program uses a
coordinated family and community approach to target, modify behaviors, and sustain a
healthy life style for parents and children. Ms. Elizabeth Wong-Castillo gave the opening
remarks and welcomed participants to the event and declared this event an introduction to
the 10-week BodyWorks program, which is open to the community and will be initiating
in November 2011.
Participants provided their contact information and expressed their interest in initiating
with the BodyWorks program. The promotoras from the Val Verde Community Center
will continue to spread flyers in the community and continue to recruit participants. To
date approximately 42 persons have been recruited and have expressed a desire to initiate
with the program.
Sandra Dominguez,
volunteer nutritionist,
prepares and educates on
preparation of a healthy
Overall this meeting was a model event for other activities promoted during Border
Binational Health Week. This community meeting is not a one-time event but instead
will be a continued effort, which is necessary for educating and promoting healthy
behaviors. This inaugural event will lead to sustained changes in community residents’
lifestyles and help decrease obesity and its complications. The BodyWorks program is
set to start on November 2011 and will be supported by the Amistad Binational Health
Council and the DSHS Office of Border Health. The Amistad Binational Health Council
will also work with community leaders to promote environmental changes which will
promote healthier lifestyles at the community and school level.
Left: BodyWorks Volunteers provide a healthy demonstration for Del Rio Community residents.
Right: BodyWorks volunteers. From left to right: Sandra Dominguez, Isabel Fernandez, and
Elizabeth Wong Castillo
The inaugural BodyWorks program event was open to the public, and approximately 100
individuals participated. See Annex 3.j for a complete report on this activity.
Lotería / Drug and Alcohol abuse
This event open to the public took place on October 4th at the Val Verde Community
Center in Del Rio, and was sponsored by Amistad Binational Health Council, in
conjunction with the QUAD counties, Mexican Consulate Ventanillas de Salud, the
DSHS-Office of Border Health and local community volunteers. The Lotería is a
program promoting and assisting family members on the signs and symptoms of alcohol
and drug abuse. Approximately 75 individuals participated.
Ninth Binational Annual Juvenile Conference on Drug and Alcohol Prevention
This Annual Conference took place on October 6th, 2011 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at
the Infoteca Pública Municipal from Ciudad Acuña, and was organized by Amistad
Binational Health Council in conjunction with Contra Adicciones Unidos Del Rio-Acuña
(CAUDA), QUAD Counties Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, the Mexican
Consulate and its Ventanilla de Salud in Del Rio, the Presidencia Municipal from Ciudad
Acuña, Coahuila, Mexico, the Dirección Municipal de Salud, la Secretaría de Educación
Pública, la Red Social por un Acuña Libre de Drogas, DSHS-Office of Border Health and
local community volunteers.
The conference offered an interactive program promoting prevention and assisting youth,
students, parents and all family members on the signs and symptoms of alcohol and drug
abuse, along with the consequences, and venues to obtain support and solutions. This
binational event used a coordinated approach to educate students and parents about
behavioral issues, mood swings and other indicators that may arise within family
members as a result of alcohol and/or substance abuse.
Approximately 350 youths participated.
Third Annual Amistad Binational Health Fair
The 3rd Annual Binational Health Fair was held on October 7th at Plaza del Sol Mall in
Del Rio, Texas, targeted to promotoras, sponsored by Amistad Binational Health Council
in collaboration with HHSC Office of Border Affairs, QUAD Counties Council on
Alcohol and Drug Abuse, the DSHS-Office of Border Health, Plaza del Sol Mall and
local community volunteers.
The Health Fair focused on Diabetes and Obesity and provided other health services.
Participating agencies promoted these subject areas and other health topics through
individual education for many family members. Hector M. Guerra, HHSC Office of
Border Affairs, coordinated the event along with promotoras from QUAD counties. Flu
shots were also provided to the participants by the Val Verde Urgent Care Clinic.
Approximately 220 people from the community participated.
3rd Annual Health Fair
Lotería / Diabetes
On October 6, 2011, the Amistad Binational Health Council in conjunction with QUAD
Counties Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, the Mexican Consulate-Ventanillas de
Salud, the DSHS-Office of Border Health and local community volunteers, hosted the
Lotería Mexicana with the topic of “How people can gain access to health services”. This
event was held in Del Rio, Texas at the Cienegas Val Verde County Community Center.
Professor Carlos Lara Gonzalez gave the opening remarks and welcomed participants to
the event. QUAD Counties and the Mexican Consulate staff provided a power point
presentation and an informational booklet (Libreto de Seguro Popular de la Ventanilla de
Salud) to all participants.
The Mexican Lotería is a program promoting and assisting family members on how to
access health services in Mexico and in the U.S. Approximately 75 community residents
participated in this event.
7. Presidio – Ojinaga Binational Health Council
Partners / Sponsors
Mexican Consulate in Presidio; Presidio Health Services; Ojinaga Health Department;
Jurisdicción Sanitaria de Ojinaga; Presidio Independent School District (PISD); El Paso
Diabetes Association; Rio Grande Safe Communities; DSHS-Office of Border Health;
U.S-México Border Health Commission; Maquiladora Selkirk.
Presidio-Ojinaga BBHW Inauguration
El día sábado 1de octubre de 2011, en coordinación con el Consulado de México en
Presidio, Texas, se llevó a cabo el desfile promocional de la Semana Binacional de Salud
y Semana Binacional de Salud Fronteriza, con la presentación de carros alegóricos
alusivos a la prevención de diabetes, hipertensión y obesidad. Dicho desfile tuvo inicio en
la Calle O’Reilly en Presidio, Texas y concluyó en el Zócalo Municipal de Ojinaga
después de haber cruzando el puente internacional. Aproximadamente 120 personas
Inter Border -Soccer Tournaments
Simultáneamente se desarrolló en el campo deportivo Manuel Hernández de la ciudad de
Presidio, la primera edición de la Copa Binacional, actividad realizada en favor de la
promoción de la actividad física entre la comunidad residentes en Estados Unidos. En
esta actividad participaron aproximadamente 50 jóvenes de equipos provenientes de
Odessa (La Laguna Soccer League), Presidio (Elementary y High School) y Ojinaga,
Chihuahua (CETIS 98).
Participantes y ganadores fueron premiados con trofeos y regalos
Bicicletada Binacional
Realizado el domingo, 2 de octubre, como uno de los eventos que la comunidad ha
adoptado como tradición, la Bicicletada Binacional comenzó en la escuela Preparatoria
(High School) de la ciudad de Presidio, recorriendo las avenidas más concurridas de
ambas ciudades en este punto fronterizo. Este año, la Bicicletada se destacó por el alto
número de familias participantes que en su mayoría provenían de la maquiladora Selkirk.
La premiación, que tuvo lugar en el parque Manuel Ojinaga, contempló las siguientes
categorías: Familia más Numerosa; Participante más joven; Grupo más numeroso.
A los más de 150 participantes se les otorgó un kit de limpieza bucal por parte de la
Oficina de Salud Fronteriza y la Comisión de Salud Fronteriza México Estados Unidos.
Inauguración de la Tercera Semana Nacional de Vacunación
La inauguración se desarrolló el lunes, 3 de octubre, en las instalaciones de la escuela
primaria Miguel Hidalgo en la ciudad de Ojinaga, Chihuahua, con la participación de
autoridades de los tres niveles de gobierno. Ya que los padecimientos no tienen frontera,
la XI Semana Binacional de Salud y la VIII Semana Binacional de Salud Fronteriza
incluyen en sus agendas las campañas que la Secretaría de Salud impulsa en México.
Participaron de la ceremonia unas 200 personas incluyendo autoridades y profesionales
binacionales de salud.
Foro de Enfermedades Crónico Degenerativas y Obesidad
Este Foro, dirigido al público binacional en general, fue impartido por las autoridades de
salud en la ciudad de Ojinaga el martes, 4 de octubre, con el objetivo orientar sobre la
prevención y tratamiento de enfermedades crónico-degenerativas, destacando la actividad
física como principal medio para lograr los mejores resultados. En este sentido los
miembros del Programa 5 Pasos del Centro de Salud de Ojinaga, desarrollaron una rutina
práctica de ejercicios aptos para cualquier persona y que pueden ser realizados incluso en
la oficina. Unas 50 personas de la comunidad participaron.
Healthy Parents, Healthy Kids / Programa 5 Pasos por tu Salud
El jueves, 6 de octubre, el Doctor Darrell Parsons, médico de la Oficina de Salud del
Condado de Presidio, invitó a los padres de familia asistentes a acercarse a sus hijos a
través de prácticas saludables que propicien una mayor comunicación, mismas que
indudablemente mejorarán su calidad de vida, si reciben buenos ejemplos desde
pequeños. En este sentido, el
Doctor Parsons, enfatizó la
problemática que surge a partir
de la persuasión de empresas
transnacionales que estimulan
el consumismo, sobre todo de
alimentos chatarra, y
recomendó no dejarse llevar
por ese tipo de información,
ofreciendo como segunda
opción el consumo de alimentos
saludables preparados en casa,
así como evitar la ingesta de
bebidas que contengan saborizantes artificiales. Lo anterior en función de que Estados
Unidos es el primer lugar en obesidad y diabetes, enfermedades que asechan
principalmente a los hispanos.
Caminata Binacional del Adulto Mayor y Abrazo Mundial
El domingo, 9 de octubre, adultos mayores y sus familiares se dieron cita en la sede de la
Oficina de Servicios de Salud de Ojinaga, Chihuahua, para dar inicio a la octava edición
de la caminata. En esta ocasión cerca de 500 participantes acudieron para acompañar a
los adultos mayores a través de la actividad física, recorriendo la avenida Libre
Comercio, el Boulevard Oscar Flores para concluir en el Zócalo Municipal de la ciudad
de Ojinaga con el tradicional Abrazo Mundial. Antes de comenzar con la caminata los
participantes fueron revisados de sus signos vitales por parte de enfermeras del Centro de
Habiendo llegado a la meta, los participantes recibieron un regalo por su participación
que contenía despensa, juego de ropa térmica, bufanda, pantuflas, libro de lectura y
paquete con artículos de salud, al tiempo que La Rondalla y las Vaqueritas del CETIS 98
amenizaron el evento. Para finalizar esta fiesta de la salud, la Presidenta del DIF
Municipal, la Administradora de Industrias Selkirk, el Presidente Municipal, el Director
de Servicios de Salud y el Encargado de Asuntos Comunitarios de esta Misión dirigieron
un mensaje a los participantes para reconocer el papel tan importante que los adultos
mayores tienen en nuestra sociedad ya que ellos son el eje de las familias.
Conferencia sobre Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual
El viernes, 14 de octubre, Yuri Orozco, Epidemióloga del Departamento de Salud de
Texas, impartió en dos sesiones ante más de 600 estudiantes de las escuelas Lucy Rede
Franco Middle School y Presidio High School, una interesante conferencia de amplio
contenido gráfico que concientizó a los jóvenes en el tema de enfermedades sexuales,
producidas principalmente por falta de información, tabúes, la ingesta de bebidas
alcohólicas y consumo de drogas.
Tobacco Conference
La Secretaria Ejecutiva de la Comisión de Salud México-Estados Unidos, Doctora María
Teresa Zorrilla Carcaño, engalanó la XI-SBS y VIII SBSF, con su visita a la Ventanilla
de Salud de esta Representación consular, así como para la impartición de la conferencia
sobre tabaquismo dirigida a más de 300 alumnos de nivel preparatoria. Esta actividad
tuvo lugar el 14 de octubre, 2011 en el Presidio High School y se dieron cita el
Superintendente del Distrito Escolar de Presidio, Dennis McEntire, Concejal de la Ciudad
de Presidio, John Ferguson, Director de la High School de Presidio, Doctor Dale Morris,
el Director de la Oficina de Servicios de Salud del Estado subsede Ojinaga, Dr. Jesús
Manuel Acosta Muñoz y el Dr. Acosta Flores.
Binational Health Fair
Como uno de los eventos principales, el 14 de octubre de 2011, 25 agencias de salud
provenientes de El Paso, Alpine, Marfa, Presidio, Texas y Ojinaga, Chihuahua, brindaron
información y servicios gratuitos a más de 1000 asistentes que se dieron cita en el
edificio principal de la High School de la ciudad de Presidio. Durante la feria, las
agencias participantes brindaron asesoría para enfrentar los padecimientos derivados de
enfermedades del corazón, tabaquismo, cáncer de mama, drogadicción, diabetes y otros
padecimientos crónico-degenerativos recurrentes en esta región fronteriza.
Durante la feria se prestaron los siguientes servicios: examen de la glucosa, examen de
colesterol, masa corporal, presión arterial y aplicación de las siguientes vacunas: Tétanos,
Hepatitis Tipo A, Hepatitis Tipo B, Influenza Estacional, Influenza AH1N1.
Simultáneamente, los asistentes a la feria de salud disfrutaron de rifas, concursos y
presentaciones culturales.
8. Paso del Norte Binational Health Council
Paso del Norte Foundation; No Bully Zone; El Paso Diabetes Association; Paso del Norte
Binational Diabetes Committee; Paso del Norte Rehabilitation Center; Mexican
Consulate; Red de Promotora Network; Alliance of Border Collaborative; New Mexico
Department of Health, Office of Border Health; Chihuahua State Health Services;
Southern N.M. Promotora Committee; Pan American Health Organization (PAHO);
Programa Compañeros; Alliance of Border Collaboratives; El Paso Community College;
Texas Tech School of Medicine; University Medical Center; Tenet Health Network; El
Paso Health Department; Substance Abuse Collaborative Member; University Medical
Center; Character Kids Inc.; Rio Grande Safe Coalition RGSCC; NMSU Nursing
Students; El Paso Juv. Justice Center; DEA; Texas Department of State Health Services,
Office of Border Health; Texas A&M PRC & Colonias Program; West TX HIDTA; Fort
Bliss ASAP; Centro Integracional Juvenil; TXMF-LES-CD; Aliviane-Alianza Familiar;
Tierra Madre – NM; EP Tuner Coalition; UTEP – Police Dept. SISD; Border Patrol.
Activities and events
Binational Health Fair
This binational event took place on October 1st, 2011 at the Chamizal Memorial National
Park in El Paso, open to the general public, was organized by the Mexican Consulate and
the City of El Paso Department of Public Health. Approximately 100 participants.
Obesity Forum
The Obesity Forum was held at the Doubletree Hotel in El Paso, Texas on October 5th
with the title “Education, Communications and Operational Strategies to Reduce Child
and Adolescent Obesity in the Binational Paso del Norte Region”. It was a binational
event sponsored by MALDEF and the USMBHC targeted to public health workers in the
U.S. and Mexico from child obesity prevention programs. Paul Dulin, New Mexico
Office of Border Health director and Dr. Elisa Aguilar, Chihuahua State Outreach Office
coordinator-U.S.-Mexico Border Health Commission presented the forum’s purpose and
objectives. Adriana Corona Luevanos, Office of Border Health-El Paso manager,
presented on “Trends in Child and Adolescent Obesity in the Paso del Norte Region. Dr.
Fernando Gonzales, Lead Epidemiologist, City of El Paso Health Department. For a
complete report on this activity see supplemental report.
Faces of Diabetes Conference
This binational conference took place on Friday, October 7th, 2011 at Marriott Hotel,
organized by Paso del Norte Binational Health Council, El Paso Diabetes Association
(EPDA), Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), and Paso del Norte Binational
Diabetes Committee.
The target audience for the conference was: physicians, nurses, certified diabetes
Educators, physician assistants, pharmacists, social workers, registered dieticians, CHES,
health promoters, and other providers involved in the care and treatment of patients with
The purpose was to provide a one-day conference on the treatment, management, and
current research related to diabetes. The information provided was intended to help
diabetes care providers and educators with the prevention and management of diabetes
and its complications.
A total of 235 health care professionals attended the Conference.
8th Annual Red de Promotora Binational Health Conference
This event took place on October 12th at the Camino Real Hotel in El Paso with the
theme: “Promotoras knocking on doors, impacting families”. It was sponsored by Red de
Promotora Network, Paso del Norte Binational Health Council, Alliance of Border
Collaborative, New Mexico Department of Health, N.M. Office of Border Health,
Chihuahua State Health Services, Southern N.M. Promotora Committee. The objectives
of the conference were to bring new information and techniques in public health
promotion to the community health workers (Promotores) of the Paso Del Norte Region
(El Paso, Southern New Mexico, and Northern Chihuahua). This year the workshops
central theme of the conference is centered along Diabetes prevention, control and
education for our most vulnerable communities.
This year more than 25 agencies
across the tri state are joining efforts
to make this forum available. The
network committee designed a forum
that focused on Diabetes and how it
impacts the life of our community
for approximately 250 Promotores/as
This year’s track offered presenters
the opportunity to share new
technology and new methods of
diabetes promotion for Promotores
as well as public health issues
affecting our community and that go
hand in hand with diabetes such as
9th Annual Binational Red Ribbon Rally & Diabetes and Obesity Health Fair
On October 15, 2011, the 9th Annual Red Ribbon
Rally and Diabetes & Obesity Health Fair in El
Paso Texas at the Bowie High School took place.
A total of 2,500 plus youth and adults attend this
year’s Annual Bi-national Red Ribbon Rally.
This event is held annually in collaboration with
the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to
commemorate the death of Enrique "Kiki"
Camarena. In addition with the coordination and
facilitation of coalition members and other
partnerships, a health and safety fair was
This was the second year that the Coalition
partnered with the NM Office of Border Health
in the Bi-national Border Health Week. A special
focus on Juvenile Diabetes and Childhood Obesity were the two main focuses of the
Health Fair. Special kid friendly events were held (hula hoop, jump rope, basketball
youth tournaments, jumping balloons and a toddler youth section of basketball and t-ball
A total of 30 health fair tables were set up where no candy or unhealthy snacks were
A special tribute to Law Enforcement was conducted by RGSCC and DEA. Law
enforcement officers working in prevention were recognized by DEA and RGSCC after
submission of names by respectful agencies. A car show and law enforcement displays
were the key participants in the safety fair. Two laps around the track by all participants
including dignitaries for the law enforcement event concluded the health and safety fairs.
The first event had participation of approximately 75 attendees from both sides of the
border. In total, approximately 2,500 individuals participated in both events.
9. South Texas Promotoras Association (STPA)
Texas Health and Human Services Commission, Office of Border Affairs (HHSC-OBA)
Laredo; DSHS, Office of Border Health, Laredo; DSHS, Office of Border Health, Austin;
DSHS, Region 11; Prairie View A&M University Cooperative Extension Program; U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health; Texas A&M
Health School of Rural Public Health; Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, Mexico;
Edinburg Medical Hospital; Día de la Mujer Latina; Visión y Compromiso; U.S.–Mexico
Border Health Commission; United Stated Department of Health & Human Services;
Health Initiative of the Americas; Pan American Health Organization.
Activities and Events
Hidalgo County Commissioners Court Meeting
This activity was held on September 27, 2011 in Edinburg, Texas, with the participation
of Hidalgo County’s seven Health Department and South Texas Promotora Association.
During this meeting the Court approved a proclamation announcing October 1-7 as
“Border Binational Health Week”, with the purpose of focusing on women’s health, as
well as obesity and diabetes prevention. Approximately 100 people from the community
participated. See Annex 4.
Border Binational Health Awareness
This local event held on October 1st in San Juan, Texas, by the South Texas Promotoras
Association with the slogan “Get it D.O.N.E.” (Diabetes, Obesity, Nutrition & Exercise)
provided outreach and information on diabetes, obesity, nutrition and exercise for a
healthier future. Target audience was Starr county residents and community partners.
Approximately 100 Starr county residents participated.
Promotoras Promoting Women’s Health
This event took place on October 1st at the San Juan Centro Comunitario, in San Juan,
Texas, targeted to women of the local community. Approximately 150 women
Presentations at HCHHS Clinics
These presentations at the lobby of eight Hidalgo County Health & Human Services
Clinics on October 1st–7th were attended by 800 persons attending those clinics.
Childhood Obesity-Diabetes Promotora Workshop
This Workshop took place on October 4th, 2011 at Prairie View A&M University in
Laredo, Texas and targeted the local and Nuevo Laredo promotoras.
Ms. Crisanta Mussett, Extension Agent-Family and Consumer Sciences Cooperative
Extension Program with Prairie View A&M University spoke on childhood obesity. The
“My Plate” concept was used as model. Shopping tips for healthy foods. Toddler and
school age children’s healthy nutrition were discussed followed by questions and answers
Ms. Norma Cavazos Lopez, Director for Nutrition at Laredo Medical Center, presented
on Diabetes. Concept of a well balanced diet, its components, and their benefits for
Diabetes patients. Also addressed were the six food groups, their nutrients and their
importance in diabetic’s daily diets. Ms. Cavazos also spoke on the recommended
number and size of servings for each of the different food groups. Strategies in the
selection, preparation and consumption of food for diabetes prevention and management
were other topics covered in the presentation.
Certificates of attendance and a few certificates of CEU’s were issued at the end of the
workshop. Each one of the 45 participants received a bag with educational material, as
well as some goodies.
The BBHW Promotora Conference
“Promotoras Get It D.O.N.E.” was the slogan for the Border Binational Conference
sponsored by the South Texas Promotora Association. The event was held in Edinburg,
Texas, on October 7th 2011 to promote the 8th Annual Border Binational Health Week
(BHW) and the 11th Binational Health Week.
Ms. Mary Lou Duque, Hilda Molina, Petra Rubio and Rosie Bryan participated along
with more than 200 state certified promotoras from United States and Mexico in
obtaining CEUs and non- CEUs from the Department of State Health Services. From
welcoming, to topics related to Diabetes, Obesity and Nutrition were addressed. The
Honorable Hidalgo County Judge Ramon Garcia welcomed the promotoras and praised
them for all the hard work they do out in their communities. Eddie Olivarez, Chief
Administrator, HCHHS; Dago Garza, HHSC; Brian Smith, M.D., Regional Director
DSHS; Linda Resendez, CEO Edinburg Regional Hospital; Dra. Dinora Martinez
Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas; Vicky Avila-Medrano from the State of Baja
California; Julie St. John, South Texas Regional Director, Center for Community Health
Development .Texas A&M Health Science Center School of Rural Public Health; DSHS
Office of Border Health, Austin, Texas provided the introductions, presentations and
strong support.
Mary Lou Duque, Hilda Molina & Aurora Cortez
A total of 220 promotoras from U.S. and Mexico participated in the Conference. The
Hidalgo County Health Department also participated with a booth and plenty of health
information (diabetes, obesity, and nutrition) distributed to more than 200 individuals.
1. Texas BBHW 2011 Matrix
[see file enclosed]
2. Activities’ Flyers
a. HOPE-K 6th Annual Bike-a-Thon Flyer
Bike-A-Thon Agenda_2011 [see file enclosed]
b. HOPE-K 8th Trinational Health Fair, Oct 8th 2011
HOPE-K Health Fair Flyer
c. Nineth Binational Youth Conference
Novena Jornada Anual Binacional - Poster
3. Activity Agendas and Reports
a. Programa de actividades. VIII Semana Trinacional de Salud
Fronteriza Programa de Actividades HOPE-K
b. BBHW HOPE-K Eagle Pass Report
c. HOPE-K 8th Trinational Health Week, Opening Event
HOPE-K BTHW Agenda 2011 – Opening Event [see file enclosed]
d. HOPE-K 6th Annual Bike-a-Thon – Agenda
Bike-A-Thon Agenda_2011 [see file enclosed]
e. HOPE-K 8th Trinational Health Week, Closing Event
f. Child and Adolescent Obesity Summit
Child and Adolescent Obesity Summit_Agenda p.1 (This file include
Child and Adolescent Obesity Summit_Agenda p.2 (This file include
Child and Adolescent Obesity Summit_Agenda p.3 (This file include
g. Save the Environment. Plant a Tree Event
BTHW Save the Environment - Plant a Tree Pictures 2011 [See file
h. First annual Behavioral Health/Childhood Obesity Symposium
i. First annual Behavioral Health Childhood Obesity Symposium
10052011_IndividualReport [see file enclosed]
j. First Inauguration for the BodyWorks Program [see file enclosed]
k. Reporte Semana Binacional de Salud 2011 Presidio-Ojinaga [see file
l. Presidio - Ojinaga 8va Semana Bin de Salud [see file enclosed]
m. Paso del Norte Binational Health Council [see file enclosed]
2011 BBHW Paso Del Norte BBHW TX [see file enclosed]
4. Border Binational Health Week Proclamation
South Texas Promotora Association, Inc. Proclamation, Hidalgo County