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Non-Invasive Blood Pressure (NIBP) Monitoring and Testing
Blood pressure overall
How is blood pressure generated?
When the heart pumps blood into the arteries, the blood flows with a force pushing against the walls of
the arteries. Blood pressure is the product of the flow of blood times the resistance in the blood vessels.
Figure 1. Generation of Human Blood Pressure
Blood pressure interpretation
Blood pressure is measured with a blood pressure cuff and recorded as two numbers, such as 120/80 mm
Hg (millimeters of mercury). The top, larger number is called the systolic pressure. This is the pressure
generated when the heart contracts (pumps). It reflects the pressure of the blood against arterial walls.
The bottom, smaller number is called the diastolic pressure. This reflects the pressure in the arteries
while the heart is filling and resting between heartbeats.
Fluke Biomedical
6045 Cochran Road, Cleveland, OH 44139-3303 U.S.A.
Tel: 800.850.4608 or 440.248.9300, Fax 440.349.2307, Email: [email protected]
Doctors have determined a normal range for both systolic and diastolic blood pressure after examining
the blood pressure of many people. The following figures can be used as a guide for adult blood
Normal blood pressure: less than 120/80 mmHg
High/Normal: between 120/80 and 140/90 mmHg
High: equal to or more than 140/90 mmHg
Very high: equal to or more than 180/110
Individuals whose blood pressure is consistently higher than this norm are said to have high blood
pressure, or hypertension. Uncontrolled high blood pressure is indirectly responsible for many deaths
and disability resulting from heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure.
High blood pressure does not usually give warning signs. You can have high blood pressure and feel
perfectly well. The only way to determine whether you have high blood pressure is to have it checked
regularly. If a reading is high, your doctor will measure your blood pressure again on several separate
occasions to confirm the level. Your doctor may also recommend you measure your blood pressure at
home or have a 24-hour recording with a blood pressure monitor devices. This can also be useful if
going to the clinic makes your blood pressure rise due to nervousness or anxiety.
Blood pressure measurement
Blood pressure can be measured using a variety of techniques, which can be classified into two major
categories: invasive and non-invasive. The invasive approach inserts a catheter into an artery of a test
subject. The catheter may contain a pressure transducer at its tip or it may be fluid-filled and couple the
blood pressure through the fluid to an external transducer. The change of fluid pressure (blood pressure)
in the subject's artery is measured invasively. This technique is also referred to as a direct measurement,
because the parameter being measured is directly coupled to the transducer.
Non-invasive blood pressure measurement usually involves the use of an inflatable cuff wrapped around
the limb of a test subject. The cuff is inflated and deflated at a controlled rate and physical parameters
are observed. The auscultatory and oscillometric techniques are well known non-invasive methods.
These methods are indirect because they do not couple directly to the artery. Modern NIBP monitors
now use oscillometric technique to measure pressure.
Fluke Biomedical
6045 Cochran Road, Cleveland, OH 44139-3303 U.S.A.
Tel: 800.850.4608 or 440.248.9300, Fax 440.349.2307, Email: [email protected]
NIBP monitoring technologies
Oscillometric technique
Unlike auscultatory technique, which uses K (Korotkov) sounds to determine blood pressure, the
oscillometric technique monitors the changes in cuff pressure caused by the flow of blood through the
artery. The monitor inflates the cuff to a pressure that occludes the artery. Even when the artery is
occluded, the pumping of the heart against the artery can cause small pressure pulses in the cuff baseline
The monitor lowers cuff pressure at a controlled rate. As the cuff pressure decreases, blood starts to flow
through the artery. The increasing blood flow causes the amplitude of the pressure pulses in the cuff to
increase. These pressure pulses continue to increase in amplitude with decreasing cuff pressure until they
reach maximum amplitude, at which point they begin to decrease with decreasing cuff pressure. The cuff
pressure at which the pressure pulse amplitude is the greatest is known as Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP).
The manner in which the pulse amplitudes vary is often referred to as a pulse envelope. The envelope is
an imaginary line that connects the peak of each pressure pulse and forms an outline. The shape of the
envelope is observed by different monitors using a variety of techniques to determine the diastolic and
systolic blood pressures.
Pulse amplitude
Figure 2. Pulse
Amplitude and Cuff
Fluke Biomedical
6045 Cochran Road, Cleveland, OH 44139-3303 U.S.A.
Tel: 800.850.4608 or 440.248.9300, Fax 440.349.2307, Email: [email protected]
The amplitude of the oscillometric pulses is quite small when compared to the static pressure in the cuff.
As shown in Figure 2, these pulses appear as very small spikes on the cuff pressure waveform. They are
depicted in amplified form with the cuff pressure stripped off to reveal how the amplitude varies as a
function of cuff pressure. The peak pulse amplitude is 2 mmHg at a cuff pressure of 115 mmHg (MAP)
in the example shown.
In general, the peak pulse amplitude is 1-3 % of the cuff pressure at which it occurs. Therefore, the
monitor must be able to strip off the large static cuff pressure to measure the individual pulse. Because
the pulses are so small, it is possible for artifact conditions to obscure the pulse. Patient motion and
respiration are common artifacts that the monitor must reject. When the cuff pressure is quite high the
pulse amplitude is small. As the cuff deflates, the pulse amplitudes increase to a maximum and then
decrease to a minimum.
BP determination
The manner in which oscillometric pulses vary as a function of cuff pressure is open to interpretation.
Height-based and slope-based algorithms are used to determine blood pressure based on pulse
amplitudes. Figure 3 shows the same pulse envelope interpreted by these two different methods.
Figure 3. Height/Slope Interpretations for Determining BP from Pulse Amplitude Data
Fluke Biomedical
6045 Cochran Road, Cleveland, OH 44139-3303 U.S.A.
Tel: 800.850.4608 or 440.248.9300, Fax 440.349.2307, Email: [email protected]
A. Height Method
The peak pulse amplitude is treated as MAP and normalized to a value of 100 %. The cuff pressure at
MAP is the MAP pressure. Systole and diastole are fixed percentages based on MAP. The cuff pressure
under diastole is the diastolic pressure and the cuff pressure under systole is the systolic pressure.
There is no standard to suggest what the percentages for systole and diastole should be or even that they
should be fixed percentages. Manufacturers using height-based algorithms have performed their own
clinical trials and drawn their own conclusions about what the percentages should be and whether they
are fixed as a function of MAP pressure.
B. Slope method
There are many methods employed to determine how many slopes should be drawn and what
conclusions can be made about their intersection. As shown in Figure 3, the cuff pressure under the
intersection of the slopes is treated as the systolic and diastolic pressures. There is no standard for slope
algorithms, just as there is no standard for height algorithms.
Testing a NIBP monitor by a simulator
The design of the NIBP parameter of a patient monitor is required to be proven to be safe and effective for use
in the diagnosis, and treatment of disease states and underlying chronic conditions, and in the prescribing of
medications and other therapies. This testing is governed by national and international standards for
minimum performance and safety (e.g., AAMI/ANSI SP10, IEC 80601-1-2-30, etc.). The performance of
NIBP monitors are required to be evaluated or tested during scheduled maintenance by the manufacturer.
This performance testing is detailed in their recommended test procedure which is usually found in the
Service Manual for the particular patient monitor model. The NIBP parameter can be tested using static
pressure (e.g., generated by an inflation bulb and measured by a pressure meter, or similar more automated
device) or dynamically (e.g., simulation using an NIBP patient simulator or analyzer).
Manufacturers of NIBP monitors that use the oscillometric technique have performed clinical trials to
determine the correlation between both auscultatory techniques and invasive (arterial line) methods of
measuring blood pressure to the oscillometric technique. The accuracy and repeatability of measurement
claims are substantiated by the clinical testing and comparison/correlation across the methods of assessment
Patient simulators have been used to mimic the dynamic nature of patient NIBP because the input to the NIBP
portion of the patient monitor is a signal that is quite repeatable, though may not be precisely clinically correct
in its shape when compared with a live patient (whether healthy or with cardiovascular disease or chronic
Fluke Biomedical
6045 Cochran Road, Cleveland, OH 44139-3303 U.S.A.
Tel: 800.850.4608 or 440.248.9300, Fax 440.349.2307, Email: [email protected]
condition). This becomes somewhat of a mix between qualitative and true quantitative analysis of NIBP
performance. It is assumed that if the NIBP measured by and displayed on the patient monitor matches the
simulated Pulse Rate, Systolic/Diastolic, and MAP numerics, and if these fall within the accuracy range
specified by the patient monitor manufacturer, then the performance must be acceptable. For this reason it is
strongly suggested that more than one group of simulator settings, including both healthy and disease stateaffected simulations, be included in the performance testing. Because the simulator produces a stable live
subject response to the cuff during the measurement cycle, it is possible to determine the repeatability and
agreement of these monitors.
The International Organization of Legal Metrology’s international recommendation on non-invasive
automated sphygmomanometers1 describes a NIBP patient simulator as: "… is required in assessing stability
of performance" of NIBP patient monitors.
Section A5.1.1 further details the simulator requirement: "Patient simulator for the ausculatory and/or
oscillometric method, having additional deviations originating from the simulator of not more than 0.27 kPa
(2 mmHg) for the mean value of the measurements and generating signals for blood pressure values of
approximately systolic (120 mmHg) Diastolic (80 mmHg) pulse rate 70/min to 80/min."
Simulators that regenerate oscillometric waveforms can partially replace clinical trials for NIBP monitors if
they include sufficient physiological and pathological oscillometric waveforms.
Testing procedures
To perform the test, connect a hose and cuff to the NIBP monitor.
Place the cuff around a piece of PVC pipe or other sturdy
cylindrical object to simulate placement on a limb. Connect a piece
of tubing to the pressure port on the BP Pump2. Connect a tee to
this tubing and attach tubing and connectors. Connect the two legs
of the tee between the hose and the cuff of the NIBP monitor.
Figure 4 Test a NIBP monitor with the BP Pump2
Fluke Biomedical
6045 Cochran Road, Cleveland, OH 44139-3303 U.S.A.
Tel: 800.850.4608 or 440.248.9300, Fax 440.349.2307, Email: [email protected]
Physical condition
Check the physical condition of the device to make sure device is clean and decontaminated and no
physical damage to case, display, mounts, cart or components etc.
Leak test
Test NIBP monitor, including cuff and tubing checks for air leaks. Place the NIBP monitor in service
mode to perform the leak test. Select “Leak test” from BP Pump2. Press “SET UP” to change the test
pressure set point. Use the number keys to enter a test pressure of 250 mmHg and then press “ENT.”
Press the soft key labeled “START” on the analyzer to start the test. The test takes at least 30 seconds.
The leak rate should be less than 15 mmHg/min.
Static pressure accuracy
Monitor pressure in the NIBP test system with manometer capability. With the NIBP monitor in service
mode, select “Static Pressure” on the BP Pump2. Press “SOURCE.” Set the test pressure on the
analyzer to 200 mmHg. Start the test by pressing the “Start” key to start. Compare the pressure
displayed on the NIBP monitor with the measured pressure displayed on the analyzer. The measured
pressure should be within 3 mmHg of the displayed pressure.
Pressure relief test
The pressure relief test is also called the “pop-off” test, which is an overpressure test that evaluates a
NIBP monitor’s emergency release valve. Place the NIBP monitor into service mode. Select “Pressure
Relief Test” on the BP Pump2 and set the test pressure to 380 mmHg. Press the “Start” key to start the
test. Once the high-pressure relief valve is triggered on the NIBP monitor, the monitor will vent the
pressure from the cuff.
Dynamic blood pressure testing
Place the NIBP monitor into the normal operating mode. Select “STANDARD BP” on the BP Pump2.
Press the soft key labeled “OPTIONS” on the BP Pump2 to cycle through the available preset blood
pressure simulations including both normal and abnormal patient conditions.
Some variance on readings on the NIBP monitor is normal and acceptable. The ANSI Standard for
Electronic or Automated Sphygmomanometers specifies the required efficacy of the blood pressure
determination: “The mean difference of the paired measurements of the test system and the comparison
system shall be ± 5 mmHg or less with a standard deviation of 8 mmHg or less.”2
Fluke Biomedical
6045 Cochran Road, Cleveland, OH 44139-3303 U.S.A.
Tel: 800.850.4608 or 440.248.9300, Fax 440.349.2307, Email: [email protected]
This means that variations in individual readings of 5, 6, or even 10 mmHg are normal and do not
indicate the NIBP monitor or the simulator are malfunctioning. Some monitors are more repeatable than
others, and repeatability is one measure of the overall quality of the monitor.
Test automation
Automated NIBP performance testing can be accomplished by using Ansur testing automation software
developed by Fluke Biomedical.
Ansur-automated BP Pump 2 is controlled remotely by a PC and test elements in a series of standardized
tests called a test template. These test templates can be customized to fit a user’s specific needs for
different NIBP monitor makes/models. Within these test templates, each test element has specific
functions and unique properties that can be applied and manipulated by the user as needed. Test results
can be stored in and printed through a PC. The test template should include all steps mentioned above
to determine the safe and effective performance of the NIBP device under test.
Blood pressure is generated by blood flow with a force against the artery. Hypertension is a medical condition
that may be diagnosed when a person’s blood pressure is consistently recorded at the level of 140/90 mmHg
or higher. Doctors need to measure a patient’s blood pressure in several occasions and may advise a patient
to undergo other tests such as ECG and exercise stress tests before diagnosing and/or treating a patient for
NIBP device manufacturers conduct clinical studies on a large statistical sample of human patients for each of
different patient conditions such as arrhythmia, motion, trauma, cardiac conduction path anomalies/blocks; etc
to prove the safety and effectiveness for clinical use of their device designs for these dynamic conditions.
A patient simulator is used to evaluate the performance of NIBP monitors. NIBP accuracy is determined
using static pressures, whether generated by an NIBP simulator or other pressure source that is traceable to
national standards for metrology. These are calibration or specification verification tests. A well-designed
simulator should mimic the dynamic nature of patient NIBP and produce a stable live subject response to the
cuff during the measurement cycle, therefore it is possible to use a simulator to determine the repeatability
and agreement of these monitors.
NIBP monitor performance testing can be conducted using Ansur testing automation software developed by
Fluke Biomedical. Simulators such as the BP Pump 2 can be controlled remotely by a PC and test elements
Fluke Biomedical
6045 Cochran Road, Cleveland, OH 44139-3303 U.S.A.
Tel: 800.850.4608 or 440.248.9300, Fax 440.349.2307, Email: [email protected]
can be customized to fit a user’s specific needs for different NIBP monitors. Test result can then be stored and
printed through a PC.
1. OIML R 16-2 for non-invasive automated sphygmomanometers (Edition 2002); International
Organization of Legal Metrology
2. ANSI/AAMI SP10-1992 Standard for Electronic or Automated Sphygmomanometers
3. “Influence of arrhythmias on accuracy of non-invasive blood pressure monitors”, Volume 45, 699705, 1998, Mark J. Cleland, Ba Pham1 and Donald R. Miller; Canadian Journal of Anesthesia
4. sounds
Fluke Biomedical
6045 Cochran Road, Cleveland, OH 44139-3303 U.S.A.
Tel: 800.850.4608 or 440.248.9300, Fax 440.349.2307, Email: [email protected]