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Challenge Station
Activity Name: Journey through the Heart
Standard: Speaking and Listening
Skill/Objective: (COPY IN YOUR PASSPORT) Oral Presentation
(Teacher: supplies needed – bed sheet with lung and heart diagram, blood cells,
script of journey)
1. Work in groups of four or more.
2. In this station you will take a journey through the heart. You will
explore the parts of the heart and pretend to be a blood cell
going from the heart to the lungs.
3. Each member of the group will take have a job. You may be the
narrator, one of two red blood cells, or the dark blood cell.
4. The red blood cells will stand in the lungs and the dark red cell will
stand in the inferior vena cava ready to enter the heart.
5. The narrator will read the script and the “actors’ will move through
their parts.
6. After you have read through the script once, change positions so
that the narrator has a chance to be a cell.
7. To demonstrate you understand the processes you have just acted
out, explain it in your science journal or Passport. Make sure to
include diagrams.
Challenge: Pretend you are a red blood cell and write a letter to
the heart expressing your appreciation for the hard work it does to
help you travel.
Reflection: Compare this system of the body with another system that
you have studied. You may use a Venn diagram if you wish.
□ check
□ place in folder
□ hand in
□ other _______
Intermediate Writing
Journey through the Heart – A Script for Discovery
You are a blood cell just entering the heart from below the heart. The blood pressure has forced
you on your journey all the way through this body to the heart. You are dull red in color now
since you don’t have much oxygen but a lot of carbon dioxide that you picked up from cells
along your way. You moved faster as you got near the heart, but now you are swept into the….
1. Inferior Vena Cava, a large vein which lets all blood return from the lower body. The
heart relaxes and blood rushes into the….
2. Right Atrium. Now you find yourself in a small pocket, which has a white bulging floor
made of three triangular flaps of a valve which suddenly spring open, pouring you into
the ….
3. Right Ventricle. This is a large chamber in the lower right side of the heart. Just when
you thought you were safe, there is a loud BOOM as the heart beats, squeezing this
chamber hard. You go racing up through a valve into the…
4. Pulmonary Artery. This tube leads into the left and right lungs. You are forced into the
left lung where this tube narrows into thin capillaries again. You join the line of blood
cells in single file, passing through the thin walls of the….
5. Alveoli. These microscopic air sacs make up the sponge‐like lungs, which are filled every
time you breathe in. Our air has many different gases in it. About 1/5 of it is the gas
oxygen. You give off the carbon dioxide gas molecules and take oxygen molecules
through the alveoli walls, which are much thinner than tissue paper. You are now a
bright red blood cell! The lungs will exhale the carbon dioxide and bring in fresh air with
oxygen in it.
6. Now you will flow into the pulmonary vein. As the heart relaxes, you flow into the….
7. Left Atrium, located in the upper left part of the heart. The atrium is a small sack that
fills with blood cells as the heart relaxes. It waits for a split second for the valves below
to open, and then the blood cell pours into the lower chamber, called the ….
8. Left Ventricle. The blood doesn’t stay in this camber long either. Once again, the heart
squeezes or beats and forces the blood cells through the valve in the top of this
chamber and into the thick walled tube called the….
9. Aorta. This thick tube splits into three large arteries. Some blood flows to the upper
body, going to the arms, fingertips, and the brain. The rest of the blood goes to the
lower body, traveling all the way to the tips of the toes.
Circulation Station Diagram: Heart and Lungs
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