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The Aral Sea - the history of a declining water
body and water management
in Uzbekistan today.
Dr. Abror N. Gadaev, Professor of Water Supply, Waste Water and
Resources Department, Samarkand State Architectural and Civil
Institute,Samarkand, Uzbekistan.
Dr. Rustam Eshniyazov, Chairman at the Faculty of Natural Sciences,
State University, Nukus, Uzbekistan.
Why are we here?
• The subject and the number of the project:
530666-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-LT-TEMPUSJPCR Master Program in Environmental Science
and Sustainable Development with Focus on
Water Management for Uzbekistan Higher
Education – UZWATER
• Participants of the project: In the current project
8 institutes of higher education from the republic
of Uzbekistan and 5 from EU.
UL will lead work on curriculum development of Master Programme at partner
Universities; UL will host training visit of partner countries teachers to share its
experience in Master Programme in Environmental Science and Sustainable
Development; UL will support development of the core courses.
KTH will host training visit of partner countries teachers to share its experience in
Master Programme in Industrial Ecology; KTH will support development of the
core courses.
KTU is lead partner. It will host training visit of partner countries teachers to share
its experience in Master Programme in Environmental Engineering and Water
Management. KTU will support development of the core courses.
SGGW will host training visit of partner countries teachers to share its experience
in Master Programme in Rural and Agricultural Engineering and Water
Management; SGGW will support development of the core courses. SGGW will
lead work on the Sustainability Plan and Advisory Board
UU will host training visit of partner countries teachers to share its experience
within the Baltic University Programme and the development of study and
teachning material for Master Programme in Environmental Science, Sustainable
Development and Water Management; UU will support development of the core
SASS will use its wider contact network in the Uzbekistan society to suggest
urgent applied projects in the area of water scarcity and failed water and land
1 Samarkand State Architectural and civil engineering institute-SSACE will establish a
centre for education, research and applied projects in sustainable water management and the
Master Programme. SSACEI will lead the work on the study centres at Uzbek universities.
2National University of Uzbekistan- NUUz will establish a centre for education for sustainable
development, ESD, including the Master Programme. NNUUz will lead the work on
communication and dissemination at Uzbek universities.
3.Urgench State University- UrSU will develop its own study centre for the Master
Programme. UrSU will lead the teachers training and the introduction of the Master Programme
at Uzbek universities.
4.Samarkand State University -SSUwill develop its own study centre for the Master
Programme. Material in Uzbek and Russian langauge?
5.Samarkand Agriculture Institute-SAI will develop its own study centre for the Master
Programme. SAI will suggest courses and projects in rural water and land mangement.
6.Tashkent Technical University-TTU will develop its own study centre for the Master
Programme. TTU will lead activities of applied projects for the master thesis.
7.Karakalpak State University-KKSU will develop its own study centre for the Master
Programme,. KKSU will suggest applied projects in the Aral Sea area.
8. Bukhara State University-BSU will develop study centre for the Master Programme.
O‘zbekiston Respublikasi
Ўзбекистон Республикаси
Uzbekistan: the main industries
Uzbekistan is now the world's sixth-largest
producer and second-largest exporter of cotton
Where is Uzbekistan?
Uzbekistan – Central Asia Region
Uzbekistan – General Information
•Area: 447,001 km2 (172,588 mi2) or 2.5 size of Florida
•Population: 30,1 million (July 2013 est.)
•Ethnic Groups: Uzbek 80%,
Russian 5.5%, Tajik 5%, Kazakh 3%,
Karakalpak 2.5%, Tatar 1.5%, other 2.5%
(1996 estimates)
•Independence in August 1991 from former USSR
•President: Islom Abduganievich KARIMOV
•Capital: Tashkent (population more than 3 million)
•Religion: Muslim, Eastern Orthodox
Geography & Administration
• Uzbekistan is a double landlocked country in Central Asia.
There are currently two such countries in the world:
Liechtenstein in Central Europe and Uzbekistan in Central
• The nation is divided into 12 vilayats (governmental
regions) plus one autonomous republic. The country can be
divided into three zones:
• Desert (Kyzylkum), steppe and semi-arid region
covering 60% of the country, mainly the central and
western parts;
• Fertile Valleys (including the Fergana valley) that skirt
the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers;
• Mountainous Areas in the east with peaks of about
4500 m(14765 ft) above sea level (Tien Shan and
Gissaro-Alay mountain ranges).
The Climate of Uzbekistan is arid continental
Temperature is continental, dry and hot :
• Summer 40-46 ºC in the plains
25-35 ºC in the mountainous zone
-11 ºC in the north
2-3 ºC in the south
25,4 sm
10,1 sm in the northwest
43 sm in the mountainous zone, middle and southern
Rainfall occurs during the winter season, mainly between October and
People & Culture
People, Culture
City of Samarkand
2750 Years Old
Samarkand State Architectural and Civil
Engineering University
Samarkand State Architectural and Civil
Engineering University
Water Consumption
General water consumption in the republic is 62-65 km3 per
year, about 36 km3 per year from the main rivers of Amu Darya
and Sir Darya. The rest of the water consumption is from small
streams, underground sources, etc.
Water Supply Sources
55 % from surface water
45 % from ground water
Rivers and Topography
Aral Sea
Sir Darya (river)
Amu Darya (river)
Climate change
The air temperature rise is expected in Karakalpakistan
during all seasons. As a result, the Agro-climatic
resources of the territory will increase. In the
Kashkadaria, Navoy, Samarkand, Surkhandaria, and
Tashkent regions: in the spring around 0.5-2.0 degrees
C, in summer up to 1.5-2.5 degrees C, in winter up to
1.5-3.5 degrees C. In other regions the temperature
changes during the spring-summer-autumn period will
not be bigger than 1.5 degrees C.
As a result of warming, the border between the dry
tropical and temperate climatic zones will move North
about 150-200 kms, and the high climatic zones will rise
about 150-200 meters.
On average, within the territory of the Republic, the
duration of the frost-free period will increase by 8-15
days. The dates of the temperature transition period
from 5-10 degrees C will occur 5-10 earlier days in
spring, and in autumn this transition will occur 5-15
days later. The effective air temperature will increase in
5-10 %.
Climate change impact
The analysis of expected air temperature changes
shows that global warming will have a bigger
impact on the North Western (around the Aral
Sea and Karakalpakstan region)valley regions of
the Republic, whereas the impact will gradually
decrease in Southern areas. The impact of global
warming will be smaller in mountain regions.
Climate change and water resources
• Mountain glaciers are an important source of river
feeding at the height of the summer season, when
there is practically no water delivery from snow
melting and rains.
• Model calculations demonstrate that in the distant
future, the glacial run-off would depend on the rates
of reduction of mountain glaciation.
• At present, the annual glacial run-off to the rivers of
the Syrdarya River basin amounts to 8-15%. Under
different prognoses, increase in this flow of up to 20%
is expected.
• Contribution of glacial run-off to the rivers of the
Amudarya River basin might grow 32-39% under the
most “severe” climatic scenarios.
Water Resources Issues
•As a result of the lack of
clean drinking water and
sanitation, Uzbekistan
bears one of the highest
burdens of ill health in
Central Asia;
•The drinking water
supply problem is most
acutely serious in the
Aral Sea disaster zone.
Drinking Water Problems
• Municipal water
supplies are
available for 90 %
of the urban
population but
only of 65 % of the
rural population.
Communal Water Supply Problems
Communal water systems
do not meet health
standards; much of the
population lacks drinking
water systems and must
drink water straight from
contaminated irrigation
ditches, canals, or the
Amu Darya itself.
Causes of Water and Health
Problems in Uzbekistan
•Salt damaged farm lands
•Ag. chemical contamination
•Industrial chemical pollution
•Air pollution (Aral Sea dust bowl)
Poor water management and
heavy use of agricultural
chemicals also have polluted
the air (Aral Sea dust bowl).
Aral Sea
Aral Sea Basin
Disaster Statistics
Salinized Land in Uzbekistan
36% of arable
43% of arable
Historical Water Flow to the
Aral Sea = 56 km3 per year
47 km3
2 km3
less than
1 km3
Aral Sea
• Everybody has seen the pictures of the rusty fishing boats lying in
the sands of what was formerly the seabed of the Aral Sea.
• The disappearance of the Aral Sea, once the fourth greatest lake
on earth, became known to the world therefore as a social and
ecological disaster.
• The level of the lake, which is an enclosed waterbody in the arid
part of Central Asia, depends on the rate of evaporation and the
inflow of water from the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers.
• It would seem unlikely that an inland sea in
any region could affect something so vast as
earth’s climate. Yet the truth is that the
shrinking sea and salty dust storms have
already changed the climate in the Aral Sea
region to the point of an unlikely return to
the stability once present in the area.
• Aral Sea a once-large saltwater lake
straddling the boundary between
Kazakhstan to the north and Uzbekistan to
the south.
• The Aral Sea depression was formed toward the end
of the Neogene Period (which lasted from about 23
to 2.6 million years ago). Later the hollow was
partially filled with water—some of which came
from the Syr Darya. Toward the end of the
Pleistocene Epoch (which occurred about 2,600,000
to 11,700 years ago) or in the early Holocene (after
about 11,700 years ago), the depression was
inundated for the first time by the Amu Darya,
which had temporarily changed its course from the
Caspian to the Aral Sea, and the rivers’ combined
flow maintained a high water level
Climate and hydrology
• The Aral Sea area is characterized by a
desert-continental climate of wide-ranging
air temperatures, cold winters, hot summers,
and sparse rainfall. The rate of
precipitation—an annual average of 4
inches (100 mm) in all—is only a tiny
fraction of the lake’s traditional rate of
• By establishing a program to promote
agriculture and especially that of cotton,
Soviet government led by Khrouchtchev in
the 1950s deliberately deprived the Aral Sea
of its two main sources of water income,
which almost immediately led to less water
arriving to the sea.
• Not only was all this water being diverted
into canals at the expense of the Aral Sea
supply, but the majority of it was being
soaked up by the desert and blatantly
wasted (between 25% and 75% of it,
depending on the time period).
• The water level in the Aral Sea started drastically
decreasing from the 1960s onward. In normal
conditions, the Aral Sea gets approximately one
fifth of its water supply through rainfall, while the
rest is delivered to it by the Amu Darya and Syr
Darya rivers. Evaporation causes the water level to
decrease by the same amount that flows into the
Sea, making it sustainable as long as inflow is equal
to evaporation on average. Therefore the diversion
of rivers is at the origin of the imbalance that caused
the sea to slowly desiccate over the last 5 decades.
• By the 1980s, during the summer months, the
two great rivers virtually dried up before they
reached the lake. The Aral Sea began to
quickly shrink because of the evaporation of its
now-unreplenished waters. By 1989 the Aral
Sea had receded to form two separate parts, the
“Greater Sea” in the south and the “Lesser
Sea” in the north, each of which had a salinity
almost triple that of the sea in the 1950s
• By 1992 the total area of the two parts of
the Aral Sea had been reduced to
approximately 13,000 square miles
(33,800 square km), and the mean surface
level had dropped by about 50 feet (15
metres). Level of salinity rose from
approximately 10g/l to often more than
100g/l. In 1998 - total volume of 210km3
compared to 1,060km3 in 1960.
• The governments of the states surrounding the Aral
tried to institute policies to encourage less waterintensive agricultural practices in the regions south
and east of the lake, thus freeing more of the waters
of the Amu Darya and the Syr Darya to flow into
the lake and to stabilize its water level
• In 1994 these same states Kazakhstan, Kyrgizstan,
Tadjikstan, Turkmenstan and Uzbekistan—
established a joint committee to coordinate efforts to
save the Aral Sea.
• By the end of the century the Aral had receded into
three separate lakes: the Greater Sea had divided
into a long, narrow western lake and a larger,
broader eastern lake, with the remains of the Lesser
Sea to the north. The level of the sea had dropped to
125 feet (36 metres) above sea level, and the water
volume was reduced by three-fourths of what it had
been in 1960. In the early 21st century the eastern
portion of the Aral suffered the most drastic and
immediate decline—diminishing by some four-fifths
between 2006 and 2009.
• Although the World Bank funded the
construction of a dike that was anticipated
to preserve the northern portion of the sea, it
was expected that the entirety of the
remaining southern portion—both eastern
and western lobes—would be lost by 2020.
The Aral Sea in 1989 (left) and 2014
Commercial fishing catches fell from 43,430 tons
in 1960 to zero in 1980.
From 1960 to 2004, surface salinity increased from 10ppt in
1960 to 140ppt in 2014.
• The strong north-easterly winds now pick up
the sand, salt, and dust, creating strong dust
storms. The storms are often between 150 and
300 km wide. The dust was distributed in areas
far beyond the region - the dust from the Aral
Sea region was found as far as 500km away
from the original source. It was estimated that
the average amount of salt removed from the
entire dried seabed was about 43 million
metric tons between 1960 and 1984.
• In the period from 1960 to 2000, the
average monthly air temperature has
increased by 2°C to 6°C in the summer
above and around the Sea. Correspondingly,
the air temperature has also decreased
during the winter. The magnitude of the
change was greatest southwest of the Aral
Sea, where the north-easterly winds blow,
as those winds got stronger
Central Asian and Amudarya/Syrdarya
basin Countries
Area, km2
2,724,900 (9th)
Aral Sea Statistics(1980,1995,2003,2009)
Drier and shorter summers and in longer and colder winters.
Growing season has been shortened to 170 days (200 needed
for cotton production) Precipitation decreased by a factor
of 10
Pollution effect: aresoles into atmosphere, promotes glacial
Water balance of the Aral Sea
• In the climate of the Aral Sea region, 60 cubic km per year would be
needed to keep the surface area of the Aral Sea at approximately 60
000 square km, this being the ‘original’ surface area around 1960.
• 1000 cubic km would be needed to fil1 up the empty sea to the level
of 1960. This is roughly equivalent to almost 10 years of the
streamflow volume of the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers without
any irrigation withdrawals.
• An approximate average water balance of the Aral Sea for different
levels of economic development, with the figures in cubic km per
year are:
Water available in the basin
• 1930
• 1960
• 1990
Natural water losses Water use
Inflow to the Aral Sea
Agricultural and other statistics
• From 1960 to 1990, the irrigated area in Central Asia
increased from 4.5 million ha to 7 million hectares.
• The population in the region rose from 14 million to
50 million.
• The water requirements for the economy rose from
60 to 120 cubic km per year, of which 90% was
allocated to irrigation.
• The water was taken mostly from the two rivers
feeding the Aral Sea, namely the Amu Darya and the
Syr Darya, and to such an extent that by the mid1980s only a fraction of their natural flow reached the
Aral Sea.
1996 - 97 data
Infant mortality per
1000 life births
Life Expectancy
in years
Kazakhstan 24
Kyrgyzstan 24
Tajikistan 30
Turkmenistan’ 40 66
Uzbekistan 26
GNP/Capin US$
Population growth
91 to 97
Uzbekistan’s Healthcare System
Ministry of Public Health of Uzbekistan
12 Regional Provinces (Khokimiyats)
Local Communities/Cities (Khokimiyats)
Specialized private
Joint enterprises
Current local and International
The drying of the Aral Sea with environmental degradation – loss of fresh
water and arable lands, with-blown distribution of sea-bed salts, radical
changes in public health and associated economic collapse- total decline
of fishery, restricted agriculture, seems to be a potential security
challenge for the Central Asian region including a threat to the political
stability of the region. This is also a security issue for Russia that has no
more territorial links to the Aral Sea basin but still has historical
responsibility for the situation.
All of Central Asian countries including Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan,
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan have the transboundary
agreement about 1% donation from the annual budget for the Aral Sea
Safe Foundation
Drinking water quality and health
The Scientific Advisory Board for the Aral Sea Basin(UNESCO) at its meeting in Almaty in
September 1998 identified the following subjects in which an increase in knowledge would
contribute to the solving of problems related to water and public health:
Development of technologies for drinking water treatment that use locally available chemicals;
Identification of specific methodologies to treat, neutralize or remove specific wastes from
mining, industrial, agricultural, municipal and other anthropogenic activities that may threaten
the quality of natural waters.
• Determination of what level of pollution of surface waters is acceptable as a state of the
art use of a natural resource (including transboundary waters);
• Critical review of health statistics and correlation between water quality and health, so as
to be able to determine priorities for water quality management;
• Determination, through primarily sociological studies, of the present situation as regards
water and health in rural areas in order to choose the best methods to improve the health
of the population;
• Technologies for the production of drinking water under specific conditions from the
Aral Sea basin;
• Development of techniques for measuring specific pollutants in a standardized way so
that the results can be used for national and international comparisons to enable international
agreements to be made and implemented;
• Review of different possible methods to recover the cost of drinking water supplies,
taking into account local practices and attitudes;
• Determination of groundwater characteristics in specific regions for possible drinking
water production.
Samarkand city
Suburb area
Surrounding villages
Water Consumption
General water consumption in the republic is 62-65 km3 per
year, about 36 km3 per year from the main rivers of Amu Darya
and Sir Darya. The rest of the water consumption is from small
streams, underground sources, etc.
Central Asian Regional statistics
Child Mortality children below 5 years of age per 1000 births)
Life expectancy at birth in years
Average availability of food calories per inhabitant per day
Average water use per hectare in cubic meters for wheat, net,
Average water use per hectare in cubic meters for rice, net,
Average water use per hectare in cubic meters for cotton, net,
Water application efficiency in % in the field
Efficiency of water distribution to the fields, in %
% of irrigated area salinized (medium and highly salinized)
Water available for the environment in cubic km per year
Coverage of piped water supply in urban areas, in % of people
Coverage of piped water supply in rural areas, in % of people
People served good water quality of biological standards, urban, in %
People served good water quality of biological standards, rural, in %
by 2000
by 2025
Current actions
On 29 October 2014 the Government
of the Republic of Uzbekistan
organized an international
conference “Development of
Cooperation in the Aral Sea Basin to
Mitigate Consequences of the
Environmental Catastrophe” in
Urgench, Uzbekistan.
The main purpose of the meeting was to
discuss the situation in the Aral Sea
Basin and mobilize the efforts of
international community to carry out
practical actions in implementing
programs and projects aimed at
improving the environmental and socioeconomic situation in the Aral Sea
Basin, as well as ensuring further
development of international
cooperation to reduce the negative
consequences of this global
environmental catastrophe.
GWP CACENA (Central Asia and Caucasus
Partnership Network) was invited to contribute to
the session 1: "Improvement of the management
system, economical and efficient use of water
resources in the Aral Sea Basin". GWP CACENA
was represented by Mrs. Nino Chkhobadze, Chair
and Dr. Vadim Sokolov, Regional Coordinator.
The general direction of the discussions
emphasized the need for special attention to
current and future problems of water resources in
the Aral Sea and to the issues of their rational and
efficient use. Priority issues outlined are: the safety
of hydraulic structures, many of which are subject
to the aging process, resulting in more than 40-50
years of their operation; introduction of water
saving technologies in all water uses; improving
land and water productivity.
Participants stressed necessity to focus on the
relevant projects of the ASBP-3, which are
designed to provide reliable and secured operation
of hydraulic structures for the long term, the
effectiveness of measures to protect against natural
disasters, stable water supply to water users, and a
general well-being and development of the Central
Asian region.
Water Consumption
potable water supply (2006)
• Samarkand city residents use approximately
– 300 liters per day per person
(1200 liters per day per household)
• Suburb communities use approximately
– 160 liters per day per person
• Farkhad, Khimiki, and Khishrau communities
can use as much as
– 150 literss per day per person
Current Water Supply situation
• The total number of production wells in operation in
Samarkand amounts to 116 (82 in operation). All wells are in
different state in their performance and use. The further
utilisation of some of the wells might be critical for various
reasons, such as physical condition of the well, existing
pollution or potential pollution of the water catchment area,
risk for contamination, etc. The main reason for ineffective
operation of wells is clogging of filters and filter area by salt
deposits and corrosion products of metallic elements The
impact on the supply capacities of Samarkand Vodokanal
needs to be analysed and, if necessary, alternatives for
covering the total production demand need to be elaborated.
• As outlined before, the two major well-fields of Chupan-Ata
and Dagbit dispose of respectively 53 and 28 wells.
• Underground waters are the primary source of
quality drinking water in the Uzbekistan and other
Central Asian countries. It represents 85-90% of
the general water budget. There are territories
where underground water is the only source
Uzbekistan is a region with a very hot and dry
climate. During the long summer (from May until
October) water consumption increases sharply and
wells with declining productivity cannot meet the
Reasons for the decrease in efficiency of water wells
• The main reason for the decrease in efficiency of
water wells is explained by the quality of
underground waters and filling of water wells filters
and near filter gravel zones with clogging deposits
also with corrosion products of metallic elements of
the water wells. The clogging deposits consists
mainly salts calcium and iron oxides. When wells lost
more than 40 % productivity they need to be
rehabilitated (restoring as a cleaning up filters and
gravel zone). This situation requests groundwater use
management by improving efficiency existing water
Study of clogging deposits of
the well
There are numerous causes of poor and deteriorating
performance of wells.
The main reason for the decrease in efficiency of
water wells is explained by the filling of their filters
and near filter zones with clogging deposits;
Clogging deposits consists mainly salts (calcium and
iron oxides) and corrosion deposits of metallic
Applying the technology of water well regeneration
depends on studying clogging deposits, which I have
done by using X-ray diffraction analyses.
What is going on
• The content of two and trivalent metal ions in water leads to multicomponent
difficulty due to soluble salt depositions on an interior surface of pipelines and
technological equipment.
In this investigation, the dissolution of some salt depositions resulted with the use
of a selective solvent. Selective solvent is the composition complexions.
I have appraised the constant of instability of a complex formation of ions of
some metals (Me2+, Me3+) with selective solvent and carried out comparison
with the obtained data at usage of other complexions. Such comparison was
carried out with variation of such factors, as pH, temp and parity of chemicals
CI/II. On the basis of the obtained data, an optimal composition of the selective
solvent has been established which effectively solves the multicomponent salt
deposition problem with the use of specially developed equipment.
The composition of the selective solvent, in conjunction with the specially
developed equipment, has been used to regenerate the productivity of water
wells. With the use of this technology, the degree of rehabilitation of productivity
of water wells is 90 %. The economic benefit of processing one well is $13500
Developed technology and equipment for water
wells regeneration
The developed method is combined (blended) for water well rehabilitation by using complexions as
chemicals and solid dioxide carbonic as agent for pressing of the selective solvent.
The most important advantages of this method are:
 Composition complexions containing the selective solvent are environmentally safe;
 Excellent penetration and high selectivity of complexions composition provides the greatest effect
because complexionates of metals are easy to remove (to eliminate) after the treatment process;
 Using the dry ice (solid dioxide carbonic) will help:
maximize penetration to the clogging formation and near filter gravel zone
provides pressure for pushing the selective solvent
provides partial dissolution of salt depositions
Treatment of water wells, by using minimal amounts of corrosive chemicals, allows prolongation
of the life of water wells.
 A typical treatment time is 2-2.5 hours;
 The developed water well regeneration equipment allows for:
introducing the chemicals and dry ice into the well
controlling the treatment process
 The combined rehabilitation method can fully restore the water well capacity and economic value
to equal 15-20% from overall value of construction of new wells.
Water well rehabilatation prosess
(process is cycled)
The most important advantages of this
• Composition of the selective solvent are environmentally safe;
• Excellent penetration and high selectivity of reagents provides the
greatest rehabilitation effect;
• Using the dry ice provides pressure for pushing the solvent with a
maximum penetration and partial dissolution of clogging salt
• Water wells rehabilitation by using minimal amount of metallic
corrosion allows prolongation the life of water wells with the metallic
elements as a filter.
• Highly effective
• Compact
• Practical
• Lessexpensive
• Economic value of this technology equal to 15-20% from the overall
value of construction of new wells.
What is expected in the future?
The future measures include:
• Using more efficient irrigation technologies like drip
irrigation system;
• Improving the structures of irrigation canals;
• Reuse of treated wastewater;
• Installing desalination plants;
• Charging farmers to use the water from the rivers;
• Using fewer chemicals for the cotton;
• Redirecting water from Volga, Ob or Irtish rivers. This
would restore the Aral Sea to its former size in 20-30 years
at a cost of $ 30-50 billion.
• If you are interested in Aral Sea projects, please visit the
web site
Thank you for your attention!
Dr.Abror N. Gadaev
• Please feel free and contact, ask anything
about Uzbekistan’s and Central Asian
water resources
[email protected] or
[email protected]
Tel: +998939972199