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Chapter 35 Worksheet
1) A short circuit occurs when
A) very short wires are used in the circuit.
B) current lasts in the circuit for only a short time.
C) the positive wire is connected directly to the negative wire. D) all of the above
E) none of the above
2) When one light bulb in a series circuit containing several light bulbs burns out
A) the other light bulbs burn brighter.
B) nothing changes in the rest of the circuit.
C) none of the other bulbs will light up.
3) In a simple parallel circuit
A) voltage across each branch is always the same. B) current through each branch is always the same.
C) the value of each resistor is the same.
D) the circuit won't work unless there is a fuse in it.
E) none of the above
4) In a simple parallel circuit
A) voltage across each branch is the same.
B) current is divided at each branch.
C) current through each resistor is inversely proportional to the resistance. D) all of the above
E) none of the above
5) When resistors are put in series next to each other, their overall resistance is
A) larger than that of any individual resistor. B) the same as the resistance of one of the resistors.
C) smaller than the resistance of any of the resistors.
6) A closed circuit is a circuit in which charge
A) can flow.
B) is prevented from flowing.
7) The total resistance of a 3-ohm resistor and a 6-ohm resistor in parallel is
A) 18 ohms. B) 9 ohms. C) 6 ohms. D) 3 ohms. E) 2 ohms.
8) In order to form an electric circuit, you need to have
A) a power source. B) a light bulb or some resistance. C) wires or conductors to connect everything.
D) a complete path for the current. E) all of the above
9) A 60-W light bulb and a 100-W light bulb are each connected to a 120-V outlet. Which light bulb has more
current in it?
A) the 60-W bulb B) the 100-W bulb C) Both have the same current.
10) Electrical elements in our homes are connected in
A) series. B) parallel.
11) When one light bulb in a parallel circuit containing several light bulbs burns out, the other light bulbs
A) burn brighter. B) burn the same as before. C) do not burn at all.
12) The current through two identical light bulbs connected in series is 0.25 A. The total voltage across both bulbs
is 110 V. The resistance of a single light bulb is
A) 22 ohms. B) 44 ohms. C) 220 ohms. D) 440 ohms. E) none of the above
13) When resistors are put in parallel with each other their overall resistance is
A) larger than that of any other resistor. B) the same as the resistance of one of the resistors.
C) smaller than the resistance of any of the resistors.
14) Fuses and circuit breakers are used to
A) protect us. B) prevent overloading. C) break the circuit when too much current is being used.
D) keep wires from getting overheated. E) all of the above
15) As more lamps are put into a series circuit, the overall current in the circuit
A) increases. B) decreases. C) stays the same.
16) Compared to the resistance of two resistors connected in series, the same two resistors connected in parallel
have A) more resistance. B) less resistance. C) the same resistance.
17) In order for current to exist in a circuit, you must have
A) two light bulbs in series. B) two light bulbs in parallel. C) a complete path for the current.
D) a switch that is open.
E) all of the above
18) The symbol used to represent resistance in a schematic diagram is
A) two straight lines. B) one straight line. C) a single line that is broken and has a bend in it.
D) a zigzag line.
E) none of the above
19) The total resistance of a 3-ohm resistor and a 6-ohm resistor in series is
A) 18 ohms. B) 9 ohms. C) 6 ohms. D) 3 ohms. E) 2 ohms.
20) Two lamps, one with a thick filament and one with a thin filament, are connected in parallel to a battery. The
voltage is greater across the lamp with the
A) thick filament. B) thin filament. C) Both voltages are the same.
21) A 60-W light bulb is connected to a 12-V car battery. When another 60-W bulb is connected in parallel with the
first bulb, the battery's output energy
A) halves. B) remains the same. C) doubles.
22) As more lamps are put into a parallel circuit, the overall current in the circuit
A) increases. B) decreases. C) stays the same.
23) In an alternating current circuit, electron flow is
A) slower than a snail's pace. B) almost the speed of light.
C) simply back and forth, going nowhere.
24) Two lamps, one with a thick filament and one with a thin filament, are connected in series to a battery. The
voltage is greater across the lamp with the A) thick filament. B) thin filament. C) Voltage is the same for both.
25) Two lamps, one with a thick filament and one with a thin filament, are connected in series. The current is
greater in the lamp with the A) thick filament. B) thin filament. C) Current is the same in each lamp.
26) When two light bulbs are connected in series, the
A) same amount of current always flows through each bulb.
B) current through each light bulb is proportional to the resistance of the bulb.
C) neither A nor B
27) Two lamps, one with a thick filament and one with a thin filament, are connected in parallel to a battery. The
current is larger in the lamp with the A) thick filament. B) thin filament. C) Current is the same in both.
Write True or False in the space provided on your answer sheet.
28) In order to make a flashlight bulb light up, all you need to do is to run a wire from the positive terminal of a
flashlight battery to the center of the bulb's base.
29) When resistors are arranged in parallel, their overall resistance is less than that of the smallest resistor.
30) When light bulbs are connected in series, all carry the same current regardless of their resistances.
31) In a series circuit, the total voltage drop across a series of resistors is the sum of voltage drops across each
individual resistor.
32) A schematic diagram is a simplified, blocked-out picture of a circuit in which parts of the circuit are represented
by symbols.
Answer the following questions in the space provided on your answer sheet. Show all work.
33) Calculate the current in a 48-V battery that powers a pair of 30 ohm resistors connected in parallel.
34) What is the equivalent resistance of a 40-ohm and a 30-ohm resistor connected in parallel?
35) If three lamps are connected in series to a 6-volt battery, how many volts are impressed across each lamp?
36) Two identical resistors in parallel have an equivalent resistance of 5 ohms. If the same resistors were instead
connected in series, what would be the equivalent resistance?
37) An 6.0-ohm resistor is connected in series with a 24-V battery and a three-branch parallel network with
branches whose resistances are 6 ohms each. Ignoring the battery's internal resistance, what is the current in the
38) What number of 6-ohm resistors must be connected in parallel to create an equivalent resistance of 1 ohm?
39) A 20-V potential difference is applied across a series combination of a 10-ohm and a 30-ohm resistor. What is
the current in the 10-ohm resistor?
40) A 50-V battery is connected across a 10-ohm resistor and produces a current of 4.5 A. What is the internal
resistance of the battery?
41) What is the equivalent resistance of a pair of 8-ohm resistors in series? In parallel?
42) Calculate the current in a 48-V battery that powers a pair of 30 ohm resistors connected in series.