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Final Review: Chapters 15-23
Chapter 15, pages 452-479
1. abolition-C
2. emancipation-D
3. Underground Railroad-F
4. immigrants-E
5. Nativists-J
6. tenements-A
7. transcendentalism-G
8. The Liberator-B
9. Declaration of Sentiments-H
a. Poorly built, overcrowded housing
b. Abolitionist newspaper (Wm Lloyd
c. End to slavery
d. Freedom from slavery
e. People that move to another country
f. Network of people helping slaves escape
g. Idea that people could rise above material
h. Written at the Seneca Falls Convention;
detailed the social injustices against women
i. Period of religious evangelism in the 1790’s
10. Second Great Awakening-I
11. Frederick Douglas-B
12. Susan B. Anthony-D
13. Harriet Tubman-C
14. William Lloyd Garrison-F
15. Emily Dickinson-E
16. Elizabeth Cady Stanton-A
a. Leader of Seneca Falls Convention; women’s
rights activist
b. Escaped slave & great public speaker against
c. Helped 100’s of slaves escape on the
Underground RR
d. Women’s rights activist
e. Poet during the SGA (famous after her death)
f. Publisher of the Liberator (anti-slavery paper)
General Information:
17. How did the Industrial Revolution and immigration affect U.S. cities?
Cities like New York, Philadelphia, Boston grew to over 1 million people
18. Describe U.S. cites from the 1840’s to the 1860’s.
Cities like New York, Philadelphia, Boston grew to over 1 million people
19. What were the major issues of the women’s rights movement? Equal pay, job
and education opportunities, suffrage
20. Why did millions of Irish and Germans immigrate to the U.S. from 18401860? Irish b/c potato fame, Germans for political reasons
21. Identify 3 reform movements that occurred because of the SGA. Abolition,
Women’s Rights, Temperance, Education Reform
Chapter 16, pages 486-509
22. empresarios- agents contracted to bring settlers to TX
23. The Alamo- Spanish Mission, Santa Anna kills all
24. annex-to take control of land
25. Oregon Trail-Popular trail to the West – 2,000 miles
26. Donner Party-stranded in Sierra Nevada Mts. Only 40/87 survived
27. Sutter’s Fort-where gold was discovered in 1848
28. Sam Houston- George Washington of TX
29. The Whitman’s-First family to Oregon Territory by wagon, missionaries
General Information:
30. Why did Mexico allow the first American settlers into Texas?
To grow economy and control Indians
31. What conditions did the Mexican government establish?
Obey Mexican Laws, Support Catholic Church, No Slavery
32. Why did many Texans choose to rebel against Mexico? Felt unrepresented in
Mexican Government
33. What state was once called the Lone Star Republic? Texas
34. Where was gold discovered in California? Sutter’s Fort/Mill
35. Identify 3 sources of trouble that people faced when traveling the Oregon
Trail. Diseases, Accidents, No Food, were getting lost.
Chapter 17: pages 512-535
36. James K. Polk- C
37. Henry Clay-D
38. Zachary Taylor (Old Rough and Ready)-E
39. John Sutter-B
40. Biddy Mason-A
a. Former slave made $ on land out
b. Found gold at Sutter’s Mill in 1848
c. “Dark Horse” president during the
Mexican War; ordered John Slidell
to buy CA and NM
d. Proposed the American System
e. Ordered by Polk to take U.S. troops
to disputed land in TX area
41. manifest destiny-C
42. Gadsden Purchase-B
43. forty-niners-A
44. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo-D
45. Mexican Cession-E
a. Gold seekers who moved to CA during gold
b. U.S. purchase of land from Mexico
c. Belief shared by Americans that the U.S.
should expand to Pacific Ocean
d. Treaty that ended Mexican War
e. Land that Mexico gave to U.S. after the war
General Information:
46. What was civil disobedience and who first used the term? (pg. 519)
Peacefully breaking an unjust law, invented by Henry David Thoreau
47. What 3 large areas of the U.S. were acquired while James K. Polk was in
office? Mexican Cession (war), Texas (annexed), Oregon Territory
(through treaty with British)
48. Identify 3 causes of the Mexican War. Manifest Destiny, Border
49. Describe 3 things that were different about the Mexican War compared to
past wars fought by the U.S. First war to use Telegraph, first invasion of
another country,
50. How did some Americans support the Mexican War? volunteer
51. Why did some Americans oppose the war? (pg. 518) unjustified, felt the war
was to spread slavery
52. What political party was formed to stop the spread of slavery westward into
the Mexican Cession? Free Soil Party (became Republican Party)
53. What present day states were included in the Mexican Cession (7 on pg.
54. Why did many people head west
to CA in
1849 and how did they get there?
To find
gold during the Gold Rush, they
came by
land and sea
Chapter 18: pages 548-571
Make sure you STUDY!!!
55. Wilmot Proviso-C
a. Made it a crime to help runaway slaves
b. Act of formally withdrawing from the Union
c. Proposal to outlaw slavery in new U.S. territory,
but never passed the Senate
d. Devotion one particular region rather than the
e. Law that allowed voters in KS and NE to choose
whether to allow slavery or not
f. Voters decide on the issue of slavery
g. Series of debates between Lincoln and Stephen
Douglas in 1858 Senate campaign in IL
56. sectionalism-D
57. popular sovereignty-F
58. Kansas-Nebraska Act-E
59. secession-B
60. Fugitive Slave Act-A
61. Lincoln-Douglas Debates-G
62. David Wilmot-E
63. Harriet Beecher Stowe-D
64. John Brown-B
65. Jefferson Davis-C
66. Roger Taney-A
General Information:
Supreme Court judge ruled on the Dred Scott case
Abolitionist that organized rebellion at Harper’s Ferry
President of the CSA
Wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin (book about slavery)
Representative from PA; proposed the Wilmot Proviso
67. Did the Wilmot Proviso ever pass through the Senate? (pg. 550) NO, the
South could block anti-slavery bills in the Senate
68. Why did Californians not want slavery to be legal in CA?
Never had been slavery in California
69. List the 5 issues that were covered in the Compromise of 1850. (pg. 551)
a) California Statehood (free state)
b) Popular Sovereignty for New Mexico & Utah Territories
c) Ban Slave trading in Washington, D.C.
d) Strict fugitive slave law passes
70. How did Uncle Tom’s Cabin impact public opinion of slavery?
Open people’s eyes to the cruelty of slavery
71. Who was Dred Scott and what did he sue for? (pg. 563)
A Missouri slave who sued for his freedom
72. What was the outcome of the Dred Scott decisions, ruled on by Roger Taney?
7-1 against him; slaves/African Americans are not citizens, owners can take
slaves anywhere
73. How did Americans react to John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry? (pg. 566)
Was a hero to some, a traitor to most, he terrified the South
74. What was Abe Lincoln’s opinion of secession?
It was illegal
75. What increased tensions between north and south in the 1850’s?
The question of slavery spreading to the west.
76. Which state was the first to secede from the Union? (pg. 570)
South Carolina
Chapter 19, pages 574-599
77. Fort Sumter-A
78. ironclads-D
79. Emancipation Proclamation-F
80. Gettysburg Address-C
81. Pickett’s Charge-E
82. total war-B
a. 1st shots of the Civil War fired here
b. General Sherman’s tactic of destroying everything
in his path
c. Short speech given by Lincoln memorializing the
fallen soldiers
d. Warships armored with iron (Merrimack / Monitor)
e. Failed Confederate attack led by Gen. Pickett at the
Battle of Gettysburg
f. Freed the slaves in the rebelling states after the
Battle of Antietam
83. William Tecumseh Sherman- Union General, total war on South, Marched
through GA, SC
84. Clara Barton-Civil War Nurse who started the Red Cross
85. General Robert E. Lee- Best General, led Army of Northern Virginia
General Information:
86. What crisis did Lincoln face when he was inaugurated in March of 1861? 6
states had already seceded (left the union)
87. Identify 4 causes of the Civil War. Debate over future of slavery in the West,
State’s Rights, John Brown, Election of Abe Lincoln
88. After what battle did Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation? (pg.
590) Gettysburg
89. Did the Emancipation Proclamation ban slavery throughout the U.S.?
No, only in areas rebelling against the U.S.
90. What were the “border states” (4) and why were they significant?
91. What Civil War general won important battles in the West, defeated Robert
E. Lee, and later became President?
General Ulysses S. Grant
92. What were the advantages of the North during the Civil War? (List 4)
greater population, better navy, more money, more industry
93. What were the advantages of the South during the Civil War? (List 3)
Home field, military tradition
94. Where was the largest battle of the Civil War fought? (hint: in PA)
Chapter 20: pages 614-639
95. Reconstruction-G
96. amnesty-C
97. 13th Amendment-D
98. 14th Amendment-H
100.15th Amendment-B
101. poll tax-A
102. segregation-E
Fee to vote; tried to keep blacks & poor from voting
Gave African American men the right to vote
Official pardon
End of slavery in all of the U.S.
Forced separation of people of different races in
public places
f. Set up to help poor people after the Civil War
g. (1865-1877) period of reuniting the nation after the
Civil War
h. Gave citizenship to all born in the U.S
103. Freedmen’s Bureau-F
General Information:
108. What were the Jim Crow laws? (pg. 528) Laws that segregated blacks and
whites in public places
109. Give 2 examples of the Jim Crow laws.
110. What were carpetbaggers and scalawags? (pg. 624)
Carpetbaggers were northerners who came south to participate in
reconstruction. Scalawags were southern Republicans/supporters of
Reconstruction reforms.
111. What was Lincoln’s 10% Plan? If 10% of the male population of a state
swore loyalty to the Union, that state could rejoin the United States
112. Why did Congress try to impeach President Johnson? He opposed their
plans for Reconstruction (technically, he broke the Tenure of Office Act)
113. What was the Compromise of 1877? (pg. 627)
A special commission decided Hayes would be president an in return he would remove
federal troops from the South.
114. The ruling of Plessy v. Ferguson created the practice of what? Legal
segregation based on the idea of “separate but equal” facilities.
Chapter 21: pages 643-667
115. Fort Laramie Treaty-D
116. Massacre at Wounded Knee-F
117. Comstock Lode-C
118. Pony Express-B
119. Transcontinental railroad-A
120. Pacific Railways Act-G
121. Homestead Act-E
122. Morrill Act-I
123. exodusters-J
124. sodbusters-H
a. RR that went from one coast of the U.S. to the other
b. System of messengers on horseback delivering
messages across the U.S.
c. A gold and silver mine discovered in NV
d. Agreement between U.S. gov’t and northern Plains
Indians; allowed U.S. settlement in the West
e. Law passed in 1862 to encourage settlement in the
West by giving gov’t land to small farmers
f. (1890) U.S. army killed ~ 150 Sioux at Wounded
Knee; ended U.S. /Indian fighting on the Plains
g. Gave loans and land grants to RR companies to
encourage them to build transcontinental RR
h. Plains farmers and the plows used to break up the
tough sod
i. Gov’t land given to states for them to sell and raise
money to build college
j. Southern African Americans who settled the
western lands
General Information:
125. Who worked for the Union Pacific Railway?
126. Who worked for the Central Pacific Railway?
127. Why did the federal government give the railroad companies loans and
grants to build the railroad? TO UNITE THE NATION, STIMULATE
128. What effect did the transcontinental railroad have on western settlement?
129. What technology helped the Plains farmers, and how did it affect the
region’s economic development?
Chapter 22: pages 677-701
130. Carnegie-D
131. Rockefeller-E
132. Pinkertons-A
133. Thomas Edison-B
a. Private detectives/mercenaries hired to stop
the strike at the Homestead Plant
b. Invented the light bulb
c. Invented the telephone
d. Made his fortune in the steel industry
e. Made his fortune in the oil industry
134. Alexander Graham Bell-C
135. gold standard-E
136. The Knights of Labor-G
137. Homestead Strike-F
138. philanthropy-C
139. Bessemer Process-D
140. Vertical integration-A
141. Horizontal integration-B
a. Buy all of the companies needed to produce the end
b. Buy all of the smaller businesses in the same field
c. Give money to charity
d. Faster way to produce steel
e. Valuing currency based on gold
f. 1892 Frick locked the workers out of the plant and
refused to negotiate with them
g. One of the 1st large unions (1869) included various
races and skill levels
General Information:
142. What was the Populist Party and who did it mainly represent?
143. Why were labor unions formed? To improve worker’s wages and working
144. What was the Second Industrial Revolution? Rapid growth of industry
after the Civil War, new technologies and energy sources (steam, electricity,
145. What was the purpose of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act? To outlaw
monopolies that restricted trade and killed competition
Chapter 23: pages 705-731
146. William McKinley147. Theodore Roosevelt148. Mark Twain-
149. 19th Amendment150. capitalism151. socialism152. Pure Food and Drug Act153. Federal Reserve Act154. political machine-