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What is Ocular Hypertension?
Ocular hypertension is a term used to describe an increase in eye pressure that is above
the normal healthy range. Normal healthy eye pressure typically ranges from 10-21.
Patients diagnosed as “ocular hypertensives” have eye pressure over 21 however, have
no detectable changes in vision or damage to the structure of their eyes. The term
ocular hypertension is used to distinguish people with elevated eye pressure from those
with glaucoma, a serious eye disease that causes damage to the optic nerve. Patient’s
with ocular hypertension are at greater risk to develop glaucoma and therefore should be
monitored accordingly.
Ocular hypertension can occur in people of all ages, but occurs more frequently in
African Americans, those over age 40, and those with a family history of high eye
pressure or glaucoma. It is also more common in diabetics, those with high blood
pressure, nearsighted patients and patients with sleep apnea. Like glaucoma, ocular
hypertension has no noticeable signs or symptoms. Studies have clearly demonstrated
that patients with ocular hypertension are at greater risk to develop glaucoma over time
however, the percentage of those that go on to develop glaucoma can vary from 1050%.
There is no cure for ocular hypertension. Careful monitoring and treatment, when
indicated, can decrease the risk of an ocular hypertensive patient advancing to
glaucoma. Patients with ocular hypertension can be thought of like someone who has
been told they are pre-diabetic. These individuals must make serious efforts to lower
their blood sugar and change their lifestyle to avoid progressing on to diabetes.
Patients’ with ocular hypertension should have their eye pressure evaluated yearly at
minimum. Making strides to improve overall systemic health through diet and exercise
can also play a role in avoiding ocular hypertension from progressing to glaucoma.
Individuals who have had good vision all their life and don’t believe they need their eyes
examined should reconsider an eye health and vision exam to make sure they do not
have this symptom free condition.
As the baby boomer population explodes over the next ten years the National Eye
Institute (NEI) believes the incidence of glaucoma will rise significantly. In fact, in the
next 25 years the NEI estimates that the incidence of glaucoma will double. Those with
additional risk factors, such as ocular hypertension, should absolutely have regular eye
pressure evaluations. Glaucoma is ranked as the leading cause of preventable
blindness in the United States. A simple eye pressure test may help make the difference
between having good vision in your retirement or not.
If you have questions concerning ocular hypertension or would like to have your eye
pressure evaluated please contact our offices in Stillwater @ 405-372-1715 or Pawnee
@ 918-762-2573. We also invite you to visit our website at
and like us on Facebook at Cockrell Eye Care Center!