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PUBLIC LAWS-OHS. 73-76-APR . 19, 20, 1939
[53 STAT.
for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1939, and for each fiscal year
thereafter, the sum of $80,000,000, to be used as hereinafter provided ."
Approved, April 19, 1939 .
[8.829] To authorize alterations and repairs to certain naval vessels, and for other pur[Public, No . 37]
April 20,1939
Certain naval vessels ; alterations, etc .,
authorized .
Post, p. 1045.
49 8tat .482 .
5 U.
C ., Supp.
IV, § 468a .
Proviso .
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled, That for the purpose of modernizing the United States ships Argonaut, Narwhal, and
Nautilus, alterations and repairs to such vessels are hereby authorized
and expenditures therefor shall not be limited by the provisions of
the Act approved July 18, 1935 (49 Stat . 482 ; 5 U. S . C . 468a)
Provided, That the total cost of such alterations and repairs shall not
exceed $5,000,000 .
Approved, April 20, 1939 .
April 20, 1939
[H. R .138]
[Public, No . 38]
U . S . Coast Guard
Academy .
Appropriation for
contingent expenditures authorized .
Post. p . 1325 .
To authorize contingent expenditures, United States Coast Guard Academy .
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States o f America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby
authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury
of the United States not otherwise appropriated, not to exceed $2,500
for any fiscal year, for contingencies for the Superintendent, United
States Coast Guard Academy, to be expended in his discretion and
by his direction.
Approved, April 20, 1939 .
April 20, 1939
[H . R .3946]
[Public, No . 39]
ate Veterans' reunion,
Trinidad, Colo .
Attendance of Marine Band authorized.
Appropriation authorized.
Post, p . 777 .
Proviso .
To authorize the attendance of the Marine Band at the United Confederate
Veterans' 1939 reunion at Trinidad, Colorado, August 22, 23, 24, and 25, 1939,
and for other purposes .
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the President
is authorized to permit the band of the United States Marine Corps
to attend and give concerts at the United Confederate Veterans'
reunion to be held at Trinidad, Colorado, on August 22, 23, 24,
and 25, 1939 .
SEC. 2. For the purpose of defraying the expenses of such band in
attending and giving concerts at such reunion there is authorized
to be appropriated the sum of $10,500, or so much thereof as may be
necessary, to carry out the provisions of this Act : Provided, That in
addition to transportation and Pullman accommodations the leaders
and members of the Marine Band be allowed not to exceed $5 per day
each for actual living expenses while on this duty, and that the
payment of such expenses shall be in addition to the pay and
allowances to which they would be entitled while serving at their
permanent station.
Approved, April 20, 1939 .
53 STAT.] 76TH CONG ., 1ST
SESS .-CHS. 77, 84-APR. 20, 24, 1939
To authorize the painting of the signing of the Constitution for placement in the
Capitol Building .
Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United
States o f America in Congress assembled, That a commission consisting of the Vice President of the United States, the Speaker of
the House of Representatives, and the Architect of the Capitol be,
and is hereby, created and authorized and directed to employ an
artist to paint upon canvas (approximately twenty feet by thirty
feet in size), at a price not exceeding $30,000, a painting of the scene
at the signing of the Constitution . The said painting shall be subject
to the approval of the Joint Committee on the Library, and, when
so approved, shall be mounted in a space in the Capitol Building to
be selected by the commission . The commission shall consult the
Commission of Fine Arts and any suggestion for such suitable painting by any artist shall be considered by the Commission .
Approved, April 20, 1939 .
April 20, 1939
IR . 7 . Res . 224]
[Pub . Res ., No . III
Capitol Building .
Painting of signing
of Constitution an .
thorized for placement
in .
Post, p . 991 .
Price limitation.
April 24,1939
To amend the Act entitled "An Act for the grading and classification of clerks in JR. R . 36551
(Public, No. 401
the Foreign Service of the United States of America, and providing compensation therefor", approved February 23, 1931 .
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Act
entitled "An Act for the grading and classification of clerks in the
Foreign Service of the United States of America, and providing
compensation therefor", approved February 23, 1931, be, and the
same is hereby, amended as follows
Section 3 of said Act is amended to read as follows :
"SEC . 3. That the Secretary of State is hereby authorized, at posts
where in his judgment it is required by the public interests for the
purpose of meeting the unusual or excessive costs of living ascertained by him to exist, to grant compensation to clerks assigned there
in addition to the basic rates herein specified, and also to other
employees in the Foreign Service of the United States who are
American citizens in addition to the basic rates of their salaries as
fixed by the Secretary of State, within such appropriations as
Congress may make for such purpose : Provided, however, That all
such additional compensation with the reasons therefor shall be
reported to Congress with the annual Budget ."
SEC. 2 . Section 10 of said Act is amended to read as follows :
"SEC . 10 . (a) That the officers in the Foreign Service shall hereafter be graded and classified as follows, with the salaries of each
class herein affixed thereto, except as increases in salaries are
authorized in section 33 of this Act, but not exceeding in number
for each class a proportion of the total number of officers in the
service represented in the following percentage limitations
"Ambassadors and Ministers as now or hereafter provided ;
Foreign Service officers as follows : Class 1, 6 per centum, $9,000 to
$10,000 ; class 2, 7 per centum, $8,000 to $8,900 ; class 3, 8 per centum,
$7,000 to $7,900 ; class 4, 9 per centum, $6,000 to $6,900 ; class 5, 10
per centum, $5,000 to $5,900 ; class 6, 14 per centum, $4 .500 to $4,900;
class 7, $4,000 to $4,400 ; class 8, $3,500 to $3,900 ; unclassified, $2,500
to $3,400 : Provided, That as many Foreign Service officers above
class 6 as may be required for the purpose of inspection may be
detailed by the Secretary of State for that purpose .
Foreign Service .
Grading and classification of clerks .
46 Stat . 1207.
22 U . S . C . §§ 1-231 ;
Supp . iV , § 4 .
Additional compensation authorized to
meet excessive costs of
living at certain posts.
Proviso .
Report to Congress .
46 Stat . 1207 .
22 U . S . C . § 3.
Classification, sa) .
aries, etc ., of officers .
Ambassadors and
ministers .
Foreign Service officers.
Proviso .
Details for purpose
of inspection.