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Natural Vitamin C
Natural Food Form Vitamin C
Natural C, a food state vitamin C Supplement derived from some of nature's richest sources of this essential vitamin and antioxidant, acerola
cherries, rose hips, blackcurrants, parsley leaf and elderberries.
Xbrain’s Natural Food Form Vitamin C is made entirely from natural extracts of fruits and herbs that are amongst the best sources of the
vitamin. It is easier for the body to absorb naturally occurring vitamin C, than synthetic, man­made L­ascorbic acid. The use of natural
extracts also adds other vitamins and polyphenols, which haven anti­oxidant and anti­inflammatory properties, to the supplement.
Vitamin C, or L­ascorbic acid, is a water soluble essential nutrient which cannot be synthesised by the human body and must be obtained
from the diet. It cannot be stored in large quantities in tissues. Humans, therefore, cannot store large reserves of it, and it must be consumed
Vitamin C is a cofactor for at least eight enzymes and is essential for metabolic pathways. One of its most important roles is in the synthesis
of collagen, a major component of connective tissue, and a protein that is vital for wound healing. Vitamin C is also involved in protein
metabolism and the biosynthesis of L­carnitine, necessary for fatty acid transport during the breakdown of fats, and of neurotransmitters.
In the human body is found in particularly high concentrations in white blood cells, adrenal glands, eyes, the brain, and the pituitary gland,
and is presumably most important for the healthy functioning of these tissues.
It also has strong anti­oxidant properties, preventing the formation of excessive free radicals which have been linked to many diseases
including heart disease and cancer. It improves the absorption of non­heme iron (iron from plant sources), and might be important in
preventing anaemia in vegetarians.
Sufficient levels of vitamin C are important for a correctly functioning immune system, protection against cardiovascular disease, eye
disease, cancer, and stroke. It also prevents the aging of skin, possibly through its role in collagen biosynthesis, and due to its anti­oxidant
A serious vitamin C deficiency leads to the development of scurvy. The disease is characterised by fatigue, connective tissue weakness,
fragile capillaries, which might be responsible for the bleeding of gums which is a symptom of the disease. Although scurvy is extremely rare
in developed countries, the human body requires far more vitamin C, than that required to simply prevent deficiency, to obtain protection from
chronic diseases. A study found that 500 mg a day of vitamin C can provide the full health protection, but the recommended daily amount is
75­90 mg a day.
The body tightly controls the amount of L­ascorbic that is absorbed, excess vitamin is simply excreted. There are no negative effects of
consuming high amounts of vitamin C, unlike fat soluble vitamins. The body simply excretes the excess.
XBrain’s Vitamin C contains natural extracts of acerola cherry, blackcurrant, rose hip and elderberry, as well as parsley powder, all very
good sources of vitamin C as well as other vitamins and plant polyphenols.
Acerola cherry, also known as Barbados cherry, since it originates from the West Indies and Central America, has one of the highest
concentrations of vitamin C per gram of pulp of any fruits. A serving of 100g contains 2700% of the daily recommended amount (RDA) of
the vitamin. It is also rich niacin, thiamine, magnesium, calcium and flavinoids. Acerola cherries are considered highly anti­inflammatory.
Blackcurrants An average serving of black currants has more than 300% of the RDA of vitamin C. The currants are also rich in
anthocyanins, anti­oxidants which protect against oxidative stress.
Rose hip Extract 25g of rose hips have 200% of the vitamin C RDA. It is also a good souce of vitamin E, beta carotene, and lycopene, a bright PRICE:
red phytochemical that protects the skin against UV damage from sunlight, and may protect against cancer.
£ 17.99
Elderberry Extract Elderberry extract has been used as a medicine for hundreds of years. Apart from its vitamin C content, it is rich in
polyphenolic compounds such as anthocyanins and flavonoids, which have anti­oxidant properties.
Parsley Powder Parsley is an excellent source of vitamin C, as well as vitamin K, vitamin A and folic acid. It is also a good source of
favonoids, such as zeaxanthin and anti­oxidants such as luteolin.
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How Vitamin C Works
Ascorbic acid, otherwise known as vitamin C is a vitamin that is water soluble and found in a number of foods ranging from fruits to
vegetables. It is known for its antioxidant capability protecting you from free radical damage. Vitamin C is also important for the production
of collagen which is a protein...