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1. How are distances in space measured?
2. How are distances on Earth measured?
Kilometers or miles
3. How long would it take to travel 4 light years if we could travel
at the speed of light?
4 years
What would be the total round trip?
8 years
Can an astronaut live that long to make the journey and back?
Yes (but we can’t go the speed of light)
4. What are the patterns of stars in the sky called?
5. Why
does it make sense that looking at stars is like
looking into the past?
It takes light many years to get to Earth, so the light we see is
already old. The farther away the star is the older the light.
8. When is a star born?
When contracting gas and dust become so hot that nuclear
fusion starts in a protostar
9. A star’s ______________
determines the length of its life
10. Which are closer together, planets or stars?
11. Draw a spiral galaxy, irregular galaxy and an elliptical galaxy.
12. How are elliptical galaxies different from spiral galaxies?
Elliptical are older than spiral, elliptical does not have arms
How are they different from irregular galaxies?
Elliptical galaxies have a definite shape, elliptical has older stars
13. List out the life cycle of a massive star
Main sequence, then as it dies it will move to super giant
and either explode in a supernova or create a black hole.
14. List out the life cycle of a smaller size star. What is the
difference between this and the massive star?
The small star will start out in the main sequence and as it ages it
will expand. After becoming a red giant only the core will remain
and it will be a white dwarf. The small star will never explode or
become super large in size like the massive star.
15. What is the Big Bang Theory?
The theory that the universe began with an enormous explosion
about 10 to 15 billion years ago
Circle T or F:
16. T or F All stars in the Milky Way galaxy are the same age.
17. T or F All stars in the Milky Way galaxy are made of mainly
18. T or F The Milky Way galaxy is spiral shaped.
19. T or F All stars in the Milky Way galaxy are different sizes.
20. T or F All stars in the Milky Way galaxy are the same color.
21. T or F All stars in the Milky Way galaxy are different
distances from each other.
Van Maanen’s Star
The above Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram graphs stars by surface
temperature and brightness, and assigns stars a color.
22. What is the color of the hottest stars? _____________
23. What is the color of the coolest stars? _____________
24.What color is Sirius B? _____________
25. Which is brighter the Sun or Van Maanen’s Star? _______________
26. Name a main sequence star. ____________________________
27. Describe stars that are on the main sequence.
90 percent of all stars, Surface temperature increases as brightness
28. Define a galaxyA giant structure that contains dust, gases, and hundreds of billions of
29. What force acts on everything in the universe? Gravity
30. What is a supernova? The explosion of a dying giant or super
giant star
31. Our sun is a __________________
Main sequence
type of star.
32. When our sun runs out of fuel, it will become a
33. Why don’t we see other stars during the day?
The light from the sun is too bright
Red giant then a
white dwarf
34. Why is the Sun so bright in our sky during the day?
It’s the closest star to earth and we are facing the sun during the
35. If a star is 17 light years away from us, how long does it take light
from that star to reach Earth?
17 years
36. What is the importance of using different units of measurement for
different lengths?
Some distances are much shorter or longer than others
so we use different measurements to make them easier to
37. What are the most common elements found in stars?
Hydrogen and Helium
38. Light years measure
39. What is the formula for density? D=M/V
40. What does mass measureThe amount of matter in an object.
41. What does volume measure?The amount of space matter takes up
42. Susan goes on a trip and packs 3 shirts and 3 pairs of jeans in her
suitcase. On her trip she purchased 4 souvenir t-shirts and a sweatshirt.
When she was leaving her hotel, she had to stuff all of these items into
the same suitcase.
stayed the same
How did the volume of the suitcase change? It
It increased
How did the mass of the suitcase change? _____________________
It increased
Did the density of the suitcase change? _______________________
43. If an object has a mass of 104g and a volume of 4cm3, what is the
44. If liquid has a mass of 102g and a volume of 6mL, what is the density?
17 g/ml
45. An object has a mass of 600g and is dropped into a graduated
cylinder. The water level in the graduated cylinder rose from 80mL to
What is the volume? __________
600 g
What is the mass? __________
15 g/ml
What is the density? ___________
46. Copper has a density of 9g/cm3. A copper pipe has a mass of 225g
and a volume of 25mL. Is the pipe pure?
Density of the pipe _____________
Is it pure? ________________