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Practice Questions
Ecology - Exam 1
9. In a terrestrial plant, water movement is as follows:
A) from less negative water potential to a more negative
water potential.
B) from more neg. water potential to a less neg. water
C) from less positive water potential to a more positive water
D) from zero water potential to a more neg. water potential.
E) from zero water potential to a more positive water
1. Evolution is the change in the inherited characteristics of
biological populations over successive generations.
A) True
B) False
2. Plants, unlike animals, cannot thermoregulate.
A) True
B) False
3. All of the following statements are true except:
A) Tropical rain forests are continuously warm and wet.
B) Tropical dry forests have rainy and dry seasons.
C) In a desert, evaporation exceeds precipitation.
D) Taigas have moderate temperatures with occasional
E) Tundras are cold and dry.
10. Hibernation is a unique form of Torpor which factor
below may be used to determine if an animal is going into
A) duration.
B) decreased body temperature.
C) decreased metabolic rate.
D) decreased energy demand.
E) none of the above
4. Estuaries are junctions between rivers and lakes.
A) True
B) False
11. Most water loss in terrestrial animals is due to
A) True
B) False
5. As light increases, photosynthetic rates increase.
Photosynthetic rates level off at the light _________ point.
A) saturation
B) limit
12. Several studies indicate that environmental conditions
dictate plant biomass allocation; plants grown in infertile
soils will allocate more energy into _________________
A) leaf
B) stem
C) root
D) flower
E) seed
C) end
D) assimilation
6. Which of the following is not a considered a form of plant
A) silica
B) thorns
C) cellulose
D) phenolic compounds
E) All the above mentioned are plant defenses.
13. Aquatic organisms located between the photic zone and
the ocean floor are
A) benthic.
B) pelagic.
C) neritic.
D) littoral.
E) none of the above
7. Photosynthetic response curves examine photosynthetic
rates and maximum irradiance.
A) True
B) False
14. As altitude increases temperatures decrease, likewise as
latitude decreases temperatures decrease.
A) True
B) False
8. Downstream from the SpringField power plant Bart catches
a 3-eyed fish in the river. The salinity of “Blinky” (the fish) is
2.1%. If Blinky lives in water with 1.2% salinity he would be
would be _______ to the environment, and would tend to
_______ water and _______ salts.
A) hypoxic; gain; lose
B) hypertensive; lose; gain
C) hyperosmotic; gain; lose
D) isoosmotic; retain; retain
E) hypoosmotic; lose; gain
I apologize if you don’t understand my Simpsons reference!
15. Which of the following levels of organization is/are
correctly ordered?
A) population, ecosystem, landscape, individuals
B) individuals, population, community, ecosystem
C) biosphere, landscape, individuals, community
D) ecosystem, landscape, region, population
E) none of the above
16. ____________ are aerial plants obtaining nutrient from
trapped organic matter.
17. The diffusion of water across a differentially permeable
membrane is called _______.
22. The country of Guatemala is currently experiencing rapid
population growth, Greece is experiencing essentially zero
population growth, and Germany is experiencing negative
population growth. Which of the following is most likely?
A) The proportion of young individuals should be higher in
Germany than in Greece.
B) The proportion of elderly individuals should be higher in
Greece than in Germany.
C) Guatemala should have the highest proportion of young
D) Both a and b
E) Both b and c
18. Aquatic organisms whose body fluids equal that of their
surroundings are
A) hyperosmotic.
B) hypoosmotic.
C) isoosmotic.
D) osmotic.
E) none of the above
19. When an organism becomes acclimated to a new
environmental situation; it will generally involve
A) physiological changes.
B) genetic changes.
C) sociological changes.
D) both physiological changes and genetic changes.
E) both genetic changes and sociological changes.
23. Which of the following would not be an example of
density-dependent factors regulating population size?
A) The number of possible territories for robins is limited;
thus when population sizes are high, a lower proportion
of individuals can produce offspring.
B) In conditions of overcrowding, some desert pupfish living
in ponds will emigrate to other ponds if given the
C) In conditions of high density, mice are more susceptible to
mortality from heat stress.
D) Predation on mosquitofish is high, regardless of
population size.
E) All of the above are examples of density-dependent factors
regulating population size.
20. A biome is characterized primarily by
A) climate and predominate plant types.
B) temperature and moisture.
C) flora and fauna.
D) global weather patterns.
E) none of the above
21 Which of the following is an extreme case of population
A) Logistic growth
B) Population outbreaks
C) Demographic stochasticity
D) Delayed density dependence
E) Genetic drift
24. In some worm species, the actions of individual worms
make the soil more hospitable to other members of the
species. Such a phenomenon would tend to encourage
which dispersion pattern?
A) Regular
B) Clumped
C) Genet
D) Ramet
E) None of the above
Answer Key
1. A
2. B
3. D
4. B
5. A
6. E
7. A
8. C
9. A
10. A
11. A
12. C
13. B
14. B
15. B
16. Epiphytes
17. osmosis
18. C
19. A
20. A
21. B
22. C
23. D
24. B
25. D
25. Many species of butterflies are noxious to predators.
They also have bright red coloration that indicates to the
potential predators that they are unpleasant or even
harmful to eat. This is an example of _______ coloration.
A) exploitative
B) cryptic
C) apomitic
D) aposematic
E) induced