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Ace – Name two personality traits commonly associated with anorexia patients.
2 – Alicia has just eaten a big lunch. However, the smell of popcorn at the movies makes her hungry. Alicia would be described as an
3 – The theory of motivation that states that we are motivated to maintain homeostasis.
4 – What region of the brain sends the signal to begin eating?
5 – Leptin is released by _________________ and causes a(n) _____________ in appetite
6 – A person’s weight thermostat is called their _______________.
7 – An increase in insulin causes a _______________ in blood sugar and a ___________ in appetite.
8 – Name three external cues for eating.
9 – What type of food increases serotonin levels in the body?
10 – What is conditioned taste aversion?
Jack – An increase in neuropeptide Y will have what affect on appetite?
Queen – Taking the drug Paxil is likely to have what affect on appetite?
King – The desire to perform a behavior for its own sake or to be effective.
Ace – Theory of motivation that best explains why people jumps out of airplanes.
2 – a complex, unlearned behavior with a fixed pattern throughout a species.
3 – What happens to metabolic rate if you drop below your set point?
4 – name three medical risks associated with anorexia
5 – What evidence indicates that there could be a genetic component to eating disorders?
6 – this neurotransmitter is unusually high in anorectics.
7 – Orexin is secreted by the _____________ hypothalamus and causes a(n) _______________ in appetite.
8 – What are the three phases of the general adaptation syndrome?
9 – During which stage of the GAS is cortisol released?
10 – During which stage of the GAS are adrenaline and noradrenaline released?
Jack – During which stage of the GAS are we most susceptible to disease?
Queen – high levels of stress improves our performance on _______________ tasks, but inhibits our performance on
______________ tasks.
King – List the levels of Maslow’s hierarchy from bottom to top.
Ace – Name two personality traits commonly associated with anorexia patients.
2 – Alicia has just eaten a big lunch. However, the smell of popcorn at the movies makes her hungry. Alicia would be described as an
3 – The theory of motivation that states that we are motivated to maintain homeostasis.
4 – What region of the brain sends the signal to begin eating?
5 – Leptin is released by _________________ and causes a(n) _____________ in appetite
6 – A person’s weight thermostat is called their _______________.
7 – An increase in insulin causes a _______________ in blood sugar and a ___________ in appetite.
8 – Name three external cues for eating.
9 – What type of food increases serotonin levels in the body?
10 – What is conditioned taste aversion?
Jack – An increase in neuropeptide Y will have what affect on appetite?
Queen – Taking the drug Paxil is likely to have what affect on appetite?
King – The desire to perform a behavior for its own sake or to be effective.
Ace – Theory of motivation that states that best explains why people jumps out of airplanes.
2 – a complex, unlearned behavior with a fixed pattern throughout a species.
3 – What happens to metabolic rate if you drop below your set point?
4 – name three medical risks associated with anorexia
5 – What evidence indicates that there could be a genetic component to eating disorders?
6 – this neurotransmitter is unusually high in anorectics.
7 – Orexin is secreted by the _____________ hypothalamus and causes a(n) _______________ in appetite.
8 – What are the three phases of the general adaptation syndrome?
9 – During which stage of the GAS is cortisol released?
10 – During which stage of the GAS are adrenaline and noradrenaline released?
Jack – During which stage of the GAS are we most susceptible to disease?
Queen – high levels of stress improves our performance on _______________ tasks, but inhibits our performance on
______________ tasks.
King – List the levels of Maslow’s hierarchy from bottom to top.
Ace – depression, anxiety, obsessiveness, perfectionism, controlling, fearful of becoming overweight, competitive, high achievers
2 – external
3 – drive reduction
4 – lateral hypothalamus
5 – (swollen) fat cells; decrease
6 – set point
7 – decrease; increase.
8 – smell of food, others eating, time to eat, presence of food, boredom, doing activities associated with eating (watching a movie),
9 – carbohydrates
10 – learned to dislike certain foods that we associate with nausea
Jack – increase
Queen – decrease
King – intrinsic motivation
Ace – optimum arousal
2 – instinct
3 – your metabolic rate lowers
4 – amenorrhea, gastrointestinal problems, low blood pressure, osteoporosis, degradation of organ tissue, heart failure, death
5 – twin studies (identical twins more likely than fraternal twins to both develop eating disorder)
6 – serotonin
7 – lateral hypothalamus, increases
8 – alarm reaction, resistance, exhaustion
9 – resistance
10 – alarm reaction
Jack – exhaustion
Queen – simple; complex
King – physiological needs, safety needs, belongingness needs, esteem needs, self-actualization
Ace – depression, anxiety, obsessiveness, perfectionism, controlling, fearful of becoming overweight, competitive, high achievers
2 – external
3 – drive reduction
4 – lateral hypothalamus
5 – (swollen) fat cells; decrease
6 – set point
7 – decrease; increase.
8 – smell of food, others eating, time to eat, presence of food, boredom, doing activities associated with eating (watching a movie),
9 – carbohydrates
10 – learned to dislike certain foods that we associate with nausea
Jack – increase
Queen – decrease
King – intrinsic motivation
Ace – optimum arousal
2 – instinct
3 – your metabolic rate lowers
4 – amenorrhea, gastrointestinal problems, low blood pressure, osteoporosis, degradation of organ tissue, heart failure, death
5 – twin studies (identical twins more likely than fraternal twins to both develop eating disorder)
6 – serotonin
7 – lateral hypothalamus, increases
8 – alarm reaction, resistance, exhaustion
9 – resistance
10 – alarm reaction
Jack – exhaustion
Queen – simple; complex
King – physiological needs, safety needs, belongingness needs, esteem needs, self-actualization