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Chapter 6 Section 2 Outline
1) If YOU were there. . .
How will these teachings affect your life?
2) Building Background
What Chinese traditions did the Zhou Dynasty create?
3) The Zhou Dynasty
When and how did the Zhou come to power? See timeline on p. 166
4) The Zhou Political System
What did the Zhou kings claim to possess?
*Mandate of Heaven
What did the Zhou use the Mandate of Heaven for in relation to the Shang?
Describe the new political order established by the Zhou. Who got what from whom?
What was this system called ?*** in class notes***
How did this system begin to break down?
5) The Decline of Zhou Power
481 BC; What was this time period called?
6) Internal Problems
What happened to Chinese family structure? How did this affect society?
What did China lack during the Warring States period?
READING CHECK: How did the Zhou’s decline affect Chinese society?
7) Confucius and Society
*Confucius: What did Confucius believe about society?
What did Confucius want for society?
List Confucius’s guidelines for family order and social harmony.
List Confucius’s ideas about government.
What is The Analects?
Confucianism is a unique__________ that is both ______________ and ___________. It
has been a guiding force in ________________ and _______________ in China.
What did Confucius believe happened when somebody behaved well and acted morally?
8) Daoism
What is Dao?
Describe Daoist teachings. Explain in depth!!! Take good notes!!!
Describe what a Daoist saw as an ideal leader.
Explain the differences between a Daoist and Confucianism.
9) Legalism
How was Legalism different from Daoism and Confucianism?
Describe how a Legalist thought society should be structured. Explain in depth.