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Notebook/Study guide
Name _______________________________
Homeroom Teacher _______________________
Group # ________
Table of Contents
Lesson Name
Getting Ready
Tools for Inquiry
Page #
Science: Getting Ready
Getting Ready 1: Tools for Inquiry (Wolf pg.2-9)
FQ: List the tools you use in science and explain how you use
standard measure - a rule of _____________ (metric system)
set by an authority, such as a _____________; we have these
standard units so _____________ can agree on how long, big,
hot and so on things are.
volume – an amount of _____________, measured in cubic
units; length x width x height = volume
mass – the _____________ of something
observe – to use your _____________ (sight, smell, taste,
touch, sound) to notice interesting things about an object or
objects; **NEVER taste/touch/smell objects in science, unless
an adult says that it is okay!**
handle – to _____________ something
C: Scientists use tools for measuring _____________,
_____________, temperature, _____________ and the pull of
_____________. They also use tools for making
_____________ and for _____________ objects safely and
Science: Getting Ready
Getting Ready 2: Inquiry Skills (Wolf pg.10-17)
FQ: 1) Is there a special way that scientists learn? Please
explain. 2) Draw what you think a scientist looks like below.
Draw what you think a scientist looks like. Use your abcd’s!
A = accuracy, B = big, C = color, D= detailed (labels)
inference – an untested _____________ based on your
predict – to use your knowledge to _____________ what will
happen next; scientists use their _____________ to help them
hypothesis – a _____________ & a _____________ why you
think it will happen
classify – to _____________ into categories
experiment – a _____________ of a hypothesis; all variables
are _____________
variable – the things that can _____________ in an experiment;
to make it a fair test, _____________ variables must be the
_____________ except for the one you are testing
Example of controlled variables: If you are testing the
absorption of different brands of paper towels, then you must
have –
the same tools used for each paper towel
the same amount of water applied to each paper towel
the same size paper towels
the same method of applying the water to each paper
the same ply of paper towels
different brands of paper towels
C: _____________ can develop the same kinds of
_____________ that _____________ use to learn more about
the world.
Science: Getting Ready
Getting Ready 3: Scientific Method (Wolf pg.18-23)
FQ: Why do scientists follow a particular process to
complete an experiment?
scientific method – a _____________ that scientists find out
_____________ things work and _____________ each other
Let’s Dance: Follow the motions that your teacher shows you.
Practice these every day!
1. Observe and ask questions (binocular hands on eyes)
2. Form a hypothesis (use 2 fingers to tap brain)
3. Plan an experiment (use 3 fingers to “write” on other
4. Do the experiment [The FUN part!]
(jump around 4 times with arms moving everywhere)
5. Draw conclusions… & show your work!
(use 5 fingers to scratch chin, then 5 fingers to “Vanna
Let’s Dance observation: How will these motions help me
remember the steps of the scientific method?
C: The scientific method helps us gain _____________
knowledge. It helps scientists _____________ of
_____________ possible answers to their _____________ and
then conduct experiments to test their answers. This method
also requires them to _____________ their findings.
Science: Getting Ready
PLT: Earth Manners
FQ: Are there any rules or guidelines that scientists need to
follow when experimenting or observing?
Rules my classmates thought of:
Story: Read Trapper on the next two pages.
Observation: How did the story make you feel? Do you think
Trapper gave Muttsok good advice?
C: Exploring our environment can be really fun, but we need to
also respect it by:
1. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________
3. __________________________________________
4. __________________________________________
5. __________________________________________
6. __________________________________________
Enrichment Activity: (PLT 379)
Practice for quiz tomorrow:
Directions: Answer the questions below without any help or looking back. After you
have done all that you can, check your work with your notes and/or get some help. If
you still do not understand, see your teacher 1st thing in the morning for some help.
Matching –
1. scientific method
2. standard measure
A. An amount of space a room/container has.
8. hypothesis
B. A ____ is a testable explanation of an
C. A unit used by a large group of people; metric
D. Scientists find out how things work and affect
each other by using the _________________.
E. A scientific test in which variables are carefully
controlled is an ___________________.
F. ____________ are things that can change in
an experiment.
G. When you ________________, you use your
H. To __________ something is to hold it.
9. predict
I. An object’s ___________ is its weight.
10. experiment
J. When you make an observation and then draw
a conclusion, you make an
K. When you _______________, you use your
knowledge to guess what will happen next.
3. volume
4. mass
5. observe
6. handle
7. inference
11. variables
Multiple choice 12. Which tool measures distance?
meter stick
13. Which of these is a hypothesis?
I wonders how long a cactus can live
without water here on a sunny
This experiment will test how long a
desert cactus can live without water on
a sunny windowsill.
How long can a desert cactus live
without water on a sunny windowsill?
A cactus will live without water for a
month on a sunny windowsill, since it
can live in a desert.
14. What is the main purpose of the scientific method?
To ask questions
To share information
To test ideas
To plan an experiment
15. In the scientific method, which of these do you do first?
Draw conclusions
Ask questions
16. Which of these is an observation?
The plant needs more water.
The plant wilted on the third day.
The plant will need water daily.
The plant will not live in a desert.
17. Which tool measures volume?
Hand lens
Measuring cup
18. Which inquiry skill is based on identifying common features?
Use numbers
19. Which of these is a possible inference based on seeing a bird eat seeds?
The bird ate only the seeds.
The bird doesn’t eat meat.
The bird has a thick beak.
The males are quieter.
20. Which of these is an inquiry skill?
Essay –
21. A model is not the real thing, so why do scientists use a model?
22. A scientist repeats another scientist’s experiment but gets different results. What are
possible causes? _________________________________________________________
Social Studies: Globes & Maps
Geography 1: Using Globes (Regions pg.G4-G5)
FQ: What does a globe show?
ocean – _____________ largest bodies of water on
_____________; Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Indian Ocean, &
Pacific Ocean
continent – _____________ large bodies of _____________ on
earth; North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa,
Australia, Antarctica
hemisphere – (hemi = half) _____________ the _____________
equator – an _____________ line that lies halfway
_____________ the North Pole and the South Pole
prime meridian – an _____________ line of longitude that
_____________ _____________ the North Pole to the South
C: Globes are _____________ of the earth. They show the
_____________, _____________, and sometimes borders.
Globes help us _____________ where all of these components
are located on the _____________.
Let’s Dance: Follow the motions that your teacher shows you.
Practice these every day!
1. Northern Hemisphere (arms up)
2. Southern Hemisphere (arms down)
3. Western Hemisphere (arms to the left)
4. Eastern Hemisphere (arms to the right)
5. Prime Meridian (zipper down the front)
6. Equator (hands on your hips)
Song: *Let’s be ready to compete with third grade!
North and South America,
Europe, Asia, too.
Africa, Australia, Antarctica… it’s true
All these 7 make a list,
Of major blocks of land.
They’re the earth’s big continents,
Let’s give them all a hand!
prime meridian
Social Studies: Globes & Maps
Geography 2: Using Maps (Regions pg.G6-G8)
FQ: How do you use a map?
compass rose – a small _____________ on a map that can help
you find _____________ and _____________ directions
cardinal directions – north (___), south (__), east (__), & west
intermediate directions – northeast (__), northwest (___),
southeast (___), & southwest (___)
symbol – a _____________ or shape used to _____________
something on a map; a star = _____________
map key – (_____________) a box on the map that gives the
_____________ of each symbol used on a map
scale – shows the _____________ between distances shown on
a map and the real _____________
locator map – a small _____________ set onto the main map; it
shows where the area of the main map is located
C: People use various components of a map in order to
_____________ it. The _____________ helps find the direction
of the map. The _____________ help readers find cities and
important information easily. Map keys, or _____________,
help readers to know what the symbols stand for.
_____________ help us know how large the area is on the map.
Social Studies: Globes & Maps
Geography 3: Different Kinds of Maps (Regions pg.G9G11)
FQ: How many types of maps can you think of? (Name or
describe them.)
political map – a map that shows information about
_____________, capital cities, states, and _____________;
show _____________ with lines
physical map – (_____________ map or _____________ map)
a map that shows natural features, such as mountains, hills,
plateaus, and plains
transportation map – a map that shows how you can
_____________ from one place to another, by bike, car, on
foot, bus, train, ship, airplane, etc.
historical map – a map that shows _____________ about
_____________ _____________ and where they occurred
*See the notes on the next couple of pages for examples of
each of these types of maps.
C: People use maps for various reasons. Maps can help you
_____________ _____________
Natural _____________ & _____________
Where to _____________
What an area looked like in the _____________
Social Studies: Globes & Maps
Geography: Giving and Following Directions
FQ: Why do people give directions?
Understanding directions: Using “of”
“Is Harrisburg east or west of Pittsburgh?” If someone uses “of”, you need to start at the
location after that word. So, for this question, start at Pittsburgh and go which way to
Activity: Spy Search
Directions –
1. Everyone will sit on their desks “the city blocks”, except for “007”. He/she will be in the
hallway with the door shut.
2. The teacher will pick the “spy” and the “navigator.”
3. The teacher will have 007 enter the city where he/she will begin looking for the spy.
He/she may ask for directions from the navigator only 4 times. The navigator will give
either intermediate or cardinal directions.
4. 007 may only guess who the spy is 4 times.
5. When the turn is complete, the spy will then be the next 007.
6. Continue playing until all have had a turn being either 007 or navigator.
Observation: What do you notice when you play this game? What can
improve your chances?
C: It is challenging giving and following _____________, but
everyone can do it if they concentrate on what is being
_____________. Cardinal & intermediate _____________ can
be very helpful if you know where _____________ is. Using
“_____________” & “_____________” is often used when
giving directions.
Southeast Region States & Capitals
Map Study Guide
quiz on: _________________________
States in ABC order
Capitals is ABC order
AL - Alabama
AR - Arkansas
Baton Rouge
FL - Florida
GA - Georgia
KY - Kentucky
LA - Louisiana
MS - Mississippi
Little Rock
NC - North Carolina
SC - South Carolina
TN - Tennessee
VA - Virginia
WV - West Virginia
Atlantic Ocean
Mississippi River
Northeast Region States & Capitals
Map Study Guide
quiz on: _________________________
States in ABC order
Capitals is ABC order
CT - Connecticut
DE - Delaware
ME - Maine
MD - Maryland
MA - Massachusetts
NH - New Hampshire
NJ - New Jersey
NY - New York
PA - Pennsylvania
RI - Rhode Island
VT - Vermont
Atlantic Ocean
Lake Erie
Lake Ontario
Washington D.C.
New England States: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, & Rhode
Middle Atlantic States: New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland
Mid-West Region States & Capitals
Map Study Guide
quiz on: _________________________
States in ABC order
Capitals is ABC order
IL – Illinois
IN – Indiana
IA – Iowa
Des Moines
KS – Kansas
MI – Michigan
Jefferson City
MN – Minnesota
MO – Missouri
NE – Nebraska
ND – North Dakota
OH – Ohio
SD – South Dakota
St. Paul
WI – Wisconsin
“She Made Her Eat Octopus”
Lake Superior
Lake Michigan
Lake Huron
Lake Erie
Lake Ontario
Southwest Region States & Capitals
Map Study Guide
quiz on: _________________________
States in ABC order
Capitals is ABC order
AZ – Arizona
NM – New Mexico
Oklahoma City
OK – Oklahoma
TX - Texas
Santa Fe
Rio Grande
Gulf of California
Gulf of Mexico
West Region States & Capitals
Map Study Guide
quiz on: _________________________
States in ABC order
Capitals is ABC order
AK - Alaska
CA - California
Carson City
CO - Colorado
HI - Hawaii
ID - Idaho
MT - Montana
NV - Nevada
OR - Oregon
UT - Utah
WA - Washington
WY - Wyoming
Salt Lake City
Pacific Ocean
Earth’s Changing Surface
Inv. 6-4: Soil Composition (Wolf pg.214-224)
FQ: What is soil made of?
P: _______________________________________________
__________– (HYOO*muhs) the remains of decayed plants
and animals
__________– layer of soil; different regions have different
amounts of horizons
__________– layer of slightly decomposed organic material
on the surface of the soil
__________– the solid rock that forms Earth’s surface
__________– the largest particles that make up soil
__________– the smallest particles that make up soil
__________– nutrients that people add to the soil; can be
made from ________________ or compost & animal waste
C: All soil contains __________, water, ______, and sediment
in layers called ______________. The particles of soil can be
different _________, textures and ________. They can also
have different __________ absorption levels.
(Inv.6-4) Make a soil horizon diagram for three different locations.
Use Wolf pg.219 & your Regions book for help.
*Remember to use your ABCDs of drawing.
Soils of Mid-West
Soils of SW
Soils of SE
(coastal plain)
Observation: What do you notice about these three soil horizons?
Changes to Earth’s Surface ___________
Inv. 7-1: Earth’s Landforms
(Wolf pg.230-237/Regions pg. 8-15)
FQ: Name as many landforms as you can.
P: _______________________________________________
____________________– a natural feature on Earth’s surface
____________________– an area that is higher than the land
around it; at least 1,600 ft. tall; some are volcanoes
__________– an area with higher land around it; formed by
rivers or glaciers
__________– large, flat landforms
__________– flat area that is raised higher than the land
around it
__________– like a plateau, but smaller
__________– (BYOOT) like a mesa, but smaller
____________________– shape of landforms in an area
(Inv. 7-1)
__________– formed at the end of rivers, these are formed
by the movement of sand and sediment; often fan
__________– hills of sand form by wind, found in dry areas
or along sandy coasts
__________– a body of land surrounded by water
(Inv.7-1) LAB – Make a landform model
1. Each person in your group will make a different landform out of clay. Use
your textbooks to help you form yours.
2. When you have finished, place each of your landforms on one poster and label
them: delta, dunes, island, butte, mesa, plateau, plains, valley, mountains, or
3. Make a drawing of your group model below.
Landforms= forms (types) of land
Changes to Earth’s Surface ___________
Inv. 7-2: Earth’s Landforms Change (Wolf pg.238-247)
FQ: What causes changes to Earth’s landforms?
P: _______________________________________________
__________– a mountain that forms as lava flows through a
crack onto Earth’s surface
__________– melted rock
__________– Earth’s thinnest layer that is made of solid
__________– layer of Earth that crust sits on; thickest layer
__________core – liquid center of Earth; made mostly of
iron and nickel
__________core – solid center of Earth; temperature
reaches 9,000°F
____________________– the shaking of Earth’s surface caused
by movement of rock in the crust
__________– a break in the crust, where rock moves;
causes earthquakes
(Inv. 7-2)
__________– soil and rock that rivers drop (deposit) on the
river bed; forms deltas & floodplains
__________– a large piece of ice that moves under its own
__________– (FYAWRDZ) form where the glaciers have
widened a valley near the coast
C: Earth’s landforms change because of the ____________ of
the Earth’s crust, and river, glacier, wind, and water
The Water Cycle ___________
Inv. 8-1: About the Water Cycle (Wolf pg.268-273)
FQ: What is the water cycle? Please explain.
P: _______________________________________________
LAB – From Ocean to Pond (Wolf pg. 267)
Observation: What do you infer happened to the salt water as it sat
in the sun? _______________________________________________________
____________________– when water moves from the
surface of Earth to the air and then back to Earth’s
surface again in a never-ending process
____________________– water that falls back to the earth;
such as: snow, sleet, hail, rain
____________________– (makes clouds) the process by
which a gas changes into a liquid; you see this on your
bathroom mirror after a shower
(Inv. 8-1)
____________________– the process by which a liquid
changes into a gas; water from oceans, lakes, rivers,
puddles, and even your sweat evaporates into the air
____________________– water that is not evaporated and
collects underground
__________– precipitation that is not soaked up into the
LAB – Runoff Materials: 2 sponges, saran wrap, water, 2 beakers, 2
Observation: What affect did the “pavement” have on the sponge’s
absorption? _________________________________________________
What affect would this have on wildlife around the area?
C: In the water cycle, __________________ causes liquid
water to turn into water vapor (_______), condensation
causes water vapor to form ____________, and then
precipitation falls from the clouds back to the
The Water Cycle ___________
Inv. 8-2: Climate & Weather (Wolf pg.274281/Regions pg.20-23)
FQ: How does weather affect you?
P: _______________________________________________
Draw what each of these forms of precipitation looks like.
____________________– average precipitation and
temperature in an area over many years; it is what
you know that area to be like
____________________– a fast spinning spiral of wind that
stretches from the clouds of a thunderstorm to the
____________________– a large tropical storm with wind
speeds of 74 miles per hour or more
(Inv. 8-2)
____________________– severe snowstorms that last for
hours; strong winds, blowing snow, and very low air
C: Weather affects what we ______________, what we
__________, and what we _______________. Temperature
and _______________________ are two key parts of climate.
The United States has many ______________ climates, so
people have ___________________ to different ways of
living because of it.
The Water Cycle ___________
Inv. 8-3: Land & Location Affect Weather
(Wolf pg.282-285/Regions pg.20-23)
FQ: Is your climate here different from Florida’s?
Explain why.
P: _______________________________________________
LAB – Heating Land vs. Water (Wolf pg. 283)
Land temperature (°F)
Water temperature (°F)
Observation: What is the variable we are testing in this
How did the soil and water temperatures compare?
__________breeze – a breeze moving from the water to
the land
__________breeze – a breeze moving from the land to the
____________________– the height above sea level
C: _____________________ warms and cools slower than
land, so those living ___________________ to large bodies of
water have more moderate weather. Those living _________________________ away from large bodies of water
have _____________________ hot and cold weather.
The ___________________________ you are above sea level,
the colder the climate is. Also, the __________________ you
are to the equator the warmer it is.
Social Studies: Southeastern Region ______________
Chapter 3-1: Geography (Regions pg.74-79)
FQ: What roles (jobs) do rivers play?
source – ____________________________________________
mouth – ___________________________________________
tributary – _________________________________________
river basin – _________________________________________
port – ______________________________________________
delta – _____________________________________________
Mississippi River – ___________________________________
New Orleans, LA - _____________________________________
Let’s Sing!: Barges
Verse One:
Out of my window lookin' in the night
I can see the barges' flickering light.
Silently flows the river to sea,
and the barges too go silently.
Barges, I would like to go with you,
I would like to sail the ocean blue.
Barges, have you treasures in your hold?
Do you fight with pirates brave and bold?
Verse Two:
Out of my window lookin’ in the night,
I can see the barges' flickering light.
Starboard shines green and port is glowing
in the night they signal far ahead.
Verse Three:
Out of my window looking in the night
I can see the barges' flickering light.
Now is the time when I will soon be gone,
And I'll sail with barges on and on.
C: The _____________ _____________ has been our country’s
major highway for hundreds of years. Cities such as New Orleans
and _____________, Tennessee, grew because of the river.
People have made paintings of the Mississippi, written about it,
and sung songs about it.
Social Studies: Southeastern Region
National Parks: Okefenokee Swamp & Everglades
(Regions pg.16-17; 77-79)
FQ: Have you ever been to a National Park? Which one? If you
haven’t been to one, which one would you like to visit?
Okefenokee Swamp - ________________________________
Social Studies: Southeastern Region
Chapter 3-2: Climate (Regions pg.82-85)
FQ: 1) Does climate make a difference in agriculture? 2) Does
climate make a difference in economy?
climate – _________________________________________
agriculture – ______________________________________
growing season – ___________________________________
cash crops – ______________________________________
sunbirds – ________________________________________
C: The Southeast’s _____________ & _____________ climate is
good for growing many cash crops. It also is good for
_____________ on vacation. The SE climate allows the people to
grow economically through cash crops & _____________.
Social Studies: Southeastern Region
Chapter 3-3: Natural Resources (Regions pg.88-93)
FQ: 1) Is coal an important resource? Why?
2) How do you think coal is formed?
natural resources – things found in _____________ that are
useful to people; _____________, water, soil, trees,
manufacturing – the process of making things from
_____________ materials
industry – all the _____________ that make one kind of goods or
provide one kind of _____________ (see table)
C: Coal is an important _____________, because we use it as a
_____________. We can find coal in _____________ and in the
Southeast Region. Coal is a very old _____________ rock made
after various decayed _____________ have been put under
pressure and _____________.
Industries of the SE
Types of Industry:
Agriculture Coal -
What they do:
Paper Service -
Industries of Pennsylvania
Types of Industry:
Agriculture Coal -
Lumber Service -
1) _____________
2) _____________
3) _____________
What they do:
2) burn coal to make
Cut trees to sell for
1) _____________
2) _____________
3) _____________