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Name:__________________________________________________Chapter 7 Guided Reading: Weather
Part I : Temperature Pressure and Wind(126-132)
Weather Variables:
Barometric/Atmospheric Pressure:
Barometric trend:
Air Pressure Gradient:
1.) What causes us to experience weather?
2.) Explain how a thermometer works
3.) What are the 5 ways in which the atmosphere is heated?
4.) How is energy transferred within the atmosphere?
5.) Explain why air cools as it rises in the troposphere.
6.) A. Explain how an increase in temperature affects the barometric pressure.
b. Explain how a decrease in temperature affects the barometric pressure.
7.) Why does more humid/moist air have a lower barometric pressure than dry air?
8.) How does an increase in altitude change the air pressure?
9.) What causes winds?
10.) How would a greater pressure gradient be depicted on a weather map? How would this influence the wind
11.) What is responsible for the deflection (curving) of winds blowing in otherwise a straight path from regions
of high to low pressure?
PART II: Atmospheric Moisture; Evaporation rates, Humidity and this thing called Dew Point! (137-142)
(Note that the order of topics covered follows a slightly different order than your book here!)
Absolutely Humidity:
Relative Humidity:
Dew Point:
Dry Bulb Temperature:
Wet Bulb Temperature:
Cloud Cover:
Part II questions:
1.) Why do you feel cold when you step out of a hot shower, even if it is a hot day?
2.) Using figure 7-11, when does air become saturated with water vapor due to evaporation and condensation?
3.) What are 4 factors which effect the RATE of evaporation?
4.) Which type of air can hold more water vapor; warm or cold air? Explain why.
5.) A. If the temperature of air decreases, while the absolute humidity remains the same, how does the relative
humidity change?
b. What happens if we keep the temperature of the air constant, but more water vapor is added through
6.) When the air cools to the dewpoint temperature (changes day to day) what is the relative humidity of the
7.) What does the amount that the wet bulb thermometer on a psychrometer will cool to depend upon?
8.) What two things do you need to know in order to find the dew point temperature?
9.) How does the formation of clouds and haze effect the amount of energy in the atmosphere?
10.) How do aerosols in the atmosphere play a part in cloud formation?
11.) How does the air temperature and dewpoint change with increasing altitude in the atmosphere?
What forms when the air temperature cools to the dewpoint in the atmosphere?
12.) What are the different forms of precipitation?
13.) Why does it rain or precipitate? What needs to happen?
Part III: The Circulation of Air in the Troposphere (via convection!) and Weather Patterns pg 133-135
Region of Divergence:
Region of Convergence:
Coriolis Effect :
Planetary Wind Belts:
Discussion Questions:
1.) What are the differences in air pressure on the Earth caused by?
2.) What latitudes on Earth experience the rising of air causing upward currents?
3.) What latitudes on Earth experience the sinking of air causing downward currents?
4.) Where are the jet streams located and what role do they play in meteorology?
5.) The direction of prevailing winds are controlled by which two things?
6.) What prevailing winds are we most commonly effected by in the United States and which direction do these
winds blow?
7.) How are Ocean Currents affected by planetary winds?
b. Which direction do ocean currents circulate in the Northern Hemisphere?
c. Which direction do ocean currents circulate in the Southern Hemisphere?
Part IV: Air Masses and Fronts (144-146)
Air Mass:
Cold Front:
Warm Front:
Occluded Front:
Stationary Front:
Polar Front:
1.) How does the source region of an air mass influence its characteristics in terms of temperature and moisture
a. Temperature:
b. Moisture Content:
2.) A. How do winds/air move in a Low pressure center (draw a picture AND explain)? Use Fig 7-19
b. What type of weather is associated with low pressure centers?
3.) A. How do winds/air move in a High pressure center(draw a picture AND explain)?
B. What type of weather is associated with high pressure centers?
4.) Thornwood is expecting a cold front to hit the area later in the day. What type of weather could we possibly
5.) Most fronts in the United States move in which direction due to our prevailing winds?
6.) Draw the symbols for the following fronts:
a. Warm
b. Cold
c. Occluded
d. Stationary
Part V: Storm Systems (pg 147-151)
Mid-Latitude Cyclone:
1.) What time of the year is hurricane season and why?
2.) Why do Hurricanes quite often die out just after they reach land?
3.) A Hurricane is moving up the far east coast of Florida towards the Coast of North Carolina. Would you
expect it to gain or lose energy and explain why.
a. What would could one experience if a hurricane was approaching?
b. What should you do in the case a hurricane is approaching?
5.) Using Figure 7-23, explain why the mature stage or “b” is when the storm produces the most heavy amounts
of precipitation, lightening and winds looking specifically at the movement of air.
6.) A. What is the greatest danger to humans during a tornado?
B. What should one do to prepare for a tornado?
*Note Station models are not included in the guided reading because they are a visual aspect of meteorology which are
taught through decoding in class. Please read 152-153 to reinforce these concepts learned from class.