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Chapter 6 Review
CHEM 1301
Basic Skills:
Go back and forth between moles and numbers of atoms/molecules
Convert the following quantities using Avagadro’s number:
1. 3.45×10-12 mol C3H7OH =_______________________molecules C3H7OH
2. 7.59×1045 atoms of He =_________________________mol He
 Calculate molar mass
Give the molar mass for the following atoms:
1. Helium (He)
2. Manganese (Mn)
3. Mercury (Hg)
4. Iodine (I)
5. Carbon (C)
Calculate the molar mass for the following compounds:
1. Ca(NO3)2
2. C6H12
3. SO2Cl2
 Use molar mass as a conversion factor
Convert the following using the information you calculated in the above section:
1. 45.00 g Mn =______________________mol Mn
2. 98.23 mol C6H12 =_______________________g C6H12
3. 1.598g SO2Cl2 = _______________________molecules SO2Cl2
4. 1.593×1032 atoms C = ________________________g C
 Use a chemical formula as a conversion factor
Convert the following:
1. Determine the number of moles of O in 27.05 mol CO2.
2. How many grams of C are in 65.98g of C6H12?
3. How many grams of Ca(NO3)2 can you produce if you begin with 75.23g Ca?
4. How many grams of N are there in 25.9 g of N2O4?
 Calculating the mass percent composition from a chemical formula
Calculate the following Percent Compositions:
1. What is the mass percent of Cl in CCl4?
2. Calculate the mass percent of H in CH3F.
 Use mass percent as a conversion factor
Convert the following quantities using mass percent:
1. In a reaction you need 35.00g Cl. How many grams of CCl4 do you need to add to the reaction so
that you provide the correct amount of Cl?
2. How many moles of H are present in 150.0g CH3F?
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