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Cloud Computing for Natural Disasters and
Emergency Response Simulation Games
Ateneo de Manila University
Loyola Heights, Quezon City 1108, Philippines
E-mail: [email protected]
The Philippines is one of the most hazard-prone countries in the world. This is due mainly to its
geographic and geologic location and physical characteristics. The country is situated in
the“Pacific Ring of Fire”, between two tectonic plates (Eurasian and Pacific), an area
encircling the Pacific Ocean where frequent earthquakes and volcanic activity result from the
movements of said tectonic plates. Recent statistics show that worldwide the Philippines has one
of the highest number of people affected by natural disasters and has one of the highest disaster
risk index. The country is exposed to a variety of hazards such as floods, earthquakes, typhoons,
storm surges, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, landslides, droughts, etc.
To increase awareness on tsunamis and other natural hazards in the Philippines and to promote
disaster preparedness, risk reduction and management we conducted a study among young
people in the country using computer simulation games developed by the United
Nations/International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction. Called “Stop Disasters!”, this
online game features five natural hazards: (1) tsunami, (2) hurricane, (3) wildfire, (4)
earthquake, and (5) flood. The subjects of this study are mainly teen-agers from public and
private high schools, college level students from public and private universities, and young
professionals. The study assessed the benefits of using computer simulation games in disaster
risk reduction and the Filipino youth's perception on the disaster simulation game, “Stop
After each game, the respondents were asked the following questions: (1) Do you think that
computer simulation games can be beneficial in disaster preparedness, risk reduction and
management? (2) What do like best in the game “Stop Disasters!”? (3) What don't you like in
the game “Stop Disasters!”? (4) Would you recommend the game “Stop Disasters!” to your
friends or relatives? Why or Why not? (5) Did the game “Stop Disasters!” increase your
understanding of disaster preparedness, risk reduction and management? (6) Give
suggestions/recommendations on how to improve the game “Stop Disasters!”. Results of the
study show that young people find the use of computer simulation games such as “Stop
Disasters!” beneficial in improving their understanding of disaster preparedness, risk reduction
and management. Recommendations on how to improve the simulation game “Stop Disasters!”
to suit local situations/conditions in the Philippines are given. Cloud computing as a tool for
disaster simulation games is also explored.
International Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ISGC) 2015
15 -20 March 2015,
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
 Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Licence.
Rafael P. Saldaña
Cloud Computing for Natural Disasters and Emergency Response Simulation Games
R.P. Saldana
Every year many natural disasters happen all over the world: earthquakes, tsunamis,
tropical storms (cyclones), and floods are some of the most devastating disasters. Recently,
simulation games have been used in disaster preparedness and risk reduction training programs,
specially for young people.
2.0 “Stop Disasters!” Study in Brazil
Felicio and co-workers [3] studied a group of children aged 10 to 13 years old selected at
random from a high school in Rio de Janairo, Brazil. They used the "Stop Disasters!" online
simulation game developed by the United Nations Insternational Strategy for Disaster
Reduction (UNISDR) [9]. This game features five natural hazards: (1) tsunami, (2) hurricane,
(3) wildfire, (4) earthquake, and (5) flood.
At the beginning of the study, the students were asked to choose one of five natural
hazards: a tsunami, a hurricane, a wildfire hitting arid plains, an earthquake hitting lowland hills
or a flood hitting a valley town. However, during the application of the game Felicio and coworkers focused only on the flood scenario, since that kind of disaster is "virtually the only one
faced by the Brazil population" [3].
Based on the results of their study, Felicio and co-workers concluded that the game "Stop
Disasters!" raised awareness of natural diasters such as flooding, faced by the population of Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil [3].
Figure 1: A Screenshot of “Stop Disasters!” Game [9]
In this paper, we present some disaster simulation games and initiatives applied in
different countries. Among these games are “Stop Disasters!”, “Disaster Master”, “Storm
Watchers”, and Cloud-based Earthquake Simulation Games Competition.
Cloud Computing for Natural Disasters and Emergency Response Simulation Games
R.P. Saldana
3.0 “Disaster Master”
"At the Department of Homeland Security's website, kids can play an online
game called Disaster Master in which they help a diverse group of cartoon heroes cope with
seven different types of mayhem: wildfire, tornado, hurricane/blackout, home fire, winter
storm/extreme cold, tsunami/earthquake and thunderstorm/lightning. Four levels are available
for children at different grade levels: early and late elementary, middle school and high school.
A downloadable project-based curriculum offers three aligned lessons."[2]
4.0 “Storm Watchers” in Australia
In Australia, “the Tropical Cyclone Coastal Impacts Program (TCCIP) in the early 1990's
showed that there was a need for an age appropriate tropical cyclone awareness educational
package to assist children in their understanding of the risks associated with tropical cyclones.
In response to the research from the TCCIP the Centre for Disaster Studies in conjunction with
the Bureau of Meteorology developed 'Stormwatchers' an interactive cyclone awareness game
for children. The game was first developed as an interactive CD ROM package that was
distributed throughout Queensland schools and was later modified for Western Australia.
Throughout the late 90's the game was seen as an important educational tool for cyclone
awareness and preparedness across Queensland.” [1]
“The new version of Stormwatchers is a 3D interactive web based game. It has been
expanded from the original to include the psychological effects of tropical cyclones to children
and tools that allow children to create an emergency action plan for their house. There are links
in the game to all state agencies responsible for emergency management across tropical
Australia to ensure children and their families have access to the most up to-date information
available.” [1]
“The game is designed to be practical and appropriate for children across tropical Australia.
The game allows children to choose the state in which they live to create their own cyclone
experience by working through one of 5 'true-to-life' cyclone scenarios with one of the game's
characters. The game provides children with the skills to enable them to be better prepared in a
real cyclone situation.” [1]
Figure 3: A Screenshot of the 'Disaster Master' Game [4]
Cloud Computing for Natural Disasters and Emergency Response Simulation Games
R.P. Saldana
“Along the way they learn how to help prepare their home for a tropical cyclone,
interpret cyclone warning systems while they track and plot the approach of a tropical cyclone
in their region. They will ascertain and purchase emergency kit supplies, prepare a family
emergency plan and identify a safe place to shelter with information provided that is specific to
each states emergency procedures. The game is aimed at children in the 7 to 13-year-old bracket
but there is information presented in the quiz and fact book that will be informative for the
whole family.” [1]
5.0 Earthquake School in the Cloud: Taiwan Experience
Recently, cloud computing technology has been used in Taiwan to develop a near real-time
earthquake games competion. The project leaders, K. Chen, W. Liang, and Y. Yu have these to say
about their project:
“To better prepare the citizen for future impact of natural disasters, it is important to understand
how previous disasters have occurred, why lives were lost, and what lessons have been learned. This
will allow the attitude of society towards natural disasters to transform from training to learning.
Taiwan may be the place on Earth most vulnerable to natural hazards, with 73% of its land and
population exposed to greater than three natural hazards. Unlike flood, landslide, cyclone, and flood,
earthquake takes only several to tens of seconds to react and respond. It is crucial therefore, to
increase the citizen’s capability and knowledge of earthquake science – why it happens, how it
happens, and how do we prepare ourselves and city for earthquake hazard.
Figure 4: A screenshot of a scenario in 'Storm Watchers' [1]
Cloud Computing for Natural Disasters and Emergency Response Simulation Games
R.P. Saldana
The mechanics of the game goes this way [5]:
When earthquake occurs, you can login to process the seismic data, to determine earthquake
location (where this earthquake occurred), seismic intensity map (where the strongest shaking
took place), and fault plane solution (is this earthquake a thrust, normal, or strike slip faulting?).
To become a “citizen seismologist”, follow these steps”
A. Register as a citizen seismologist.
B. Get certificates at four games:
1. Finding earthquake
2. Measuring earthquake shaking
3. Sizing up earthquake
4. Measuring how fault moves
In order to attract public involvement in inquiry and discovery of earthquake knowledge,
citizen seismologists are highly encouraged. They are volunteers who can contribute on data
collection, analysis, and reporting and have potential to greatly improve the emergency response to
earthquakes. The citizen-seismologists-in-Taiwan project (CSTaiwan) is designed to elevate the
quality of earthquake science education by means of incorporating earthquake/tsunami stories and
educational earthquake games into the traditional curricula in schools. That is, it aims to build an
earthquake school in the cloud computing service where teachers can easily teach about earthquakes
and children can learn about earthquakes in a fun environment. Through a pilot program of courses
and professional development workshops, we have worked closely with teachers in elementary,
junior high, and senior high schools, to design workable teaching plans through a practical
operation of seismic monitoring at homes and schools. With an update of the citizen seismic
networks in Taiwan, in this paper we also demonstrate how 9-year-olds perform P- and S-wave
picking and measure seismic intensity through an interactive learning platform, how scientists
and school teachers work together, and how we create an environment to facilitate continuous
learning (i.e., via a near-real time earthquake games competition) to make earthquake science
fun.” [5]
Cloud Computing for Natural Disasters and Emergency Response Simulation Games
R.P. Saldana
6.0 Integrating Computer Simulation Games in Disaster Preparedness and Risk Reduction
Training: A Philippine Study
The Philippines is one of the most hazard-prone countries in the world. This is due mainly
to its geographic and geologic location and physical characteristics. The country is situated in
the “Pacific Ring of Fire”, between two tectonic plates (Eurasian and Pacific), an area
encircling the Pacific Ocean where frequent earthquakes and volcanic activity result from the
movements of said tectonic plates. Recent statistics show that worldwide the Philippines has one
of the highest number of people affected by natural disasters and has one of the highest disaster
risk index. The country is exposed to a variety of hazards such as floods, earthquakes, typhoons,
storm surges, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, landslides, droughts and others.
In a study conducted by World Bank in 2008, the Philippines was identified as a natural
hot-spot with approximately 50.3 percent of its total area and 81.3 percent of its population
vulnerable to natural disasters. Also, according to the 2012 World Risk Report published by the
United Nations University Institute of Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), the
Philippines ranked as the third most disaster risk country worlwide with a Risk Index of 27.98
percent -- the highest in Asia [10].
In January 2005, one hundred sixty eight (168) governments met in Kobe, Japan to
discuss how they could reduce the impact of disasters and adopted a plan of action. The
plan is called the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015: Building the Resilience of
Nations and Communities to Disasters. It encourages governments, with support of
United Nations (UN) agencies and civil societies to take preventive measures to reduce
the risk of disasters at local, national, regional and global levels.
As a signatory to the Hyogo Framework for Action, the Philippines promulgated Republic
Act 10121 (also known as the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of
2010) which declares the following policies among others: “(a) Uphold the people's
Figure 4: A screenshot of the website for Near Real-Time Earthquake Games in Taiwan
Cloud Computing for Natural Disasters and Emergency Response Simulation Games
R.P. Saldana
constitutional rights to life and property by addressing the root causes of vulnerabilities to
disasters, strengthening the country's institutional capacity for disaster risk reduction and
management, and building the resilience of local communities to disasters including climate
change impacts;... (d) Adopt a disaster risk reduction approach that is holistic, comprehensive,
integrated, and proactive in lessening the socioeconomic and environmental impacts of disasters
including climate change, and promote the involvement and participation of all sectors and
Figure 5: Snapshot of Grade 8 Filipino students [8]
After each game, the respondents were asked the following questions: (1) Do you think
that computer simulation games can be beneficial in disaster preparedness, risk reduction and
management? (2) What do like best in the game “Stop Disasters!”? (3) What don't you like in
the game “Stop Disasters!”? (4) Would you recommend the game “Stop Disasters!” to your
friends or relatives? Why or Why not? (5) Did the game “Stop Disasters!” increase your
understanding of disaster preparedness, risk reduction and management? (6) Give
suggestions/recommendations on how to improve the game “Stop Disasters!”
Ninety-eight percent (98 %) of repondents gave favorable responses to the question if
computer simulation games can be beneficial in disaster preparedness, risk reduction and
Below are some sample explanations:
“It is most helpful to the teen-agers/children to know risk reduction awareness especially
through visually interesting platforms such as computer simulation games.”
“The game gives an idea on how proper management of resources can greatly prepare and
To increase awareness on natural hazards in the Philippines and to promote disaster
preparedness, risk reduction and management we conducted a study among young people in the
country using computer simulation games developed by the United Nations/International
Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction. The subjects of this study are mainly teen-agers from
public and private high schools, college level students from public and private universities, and
young professionals. The study assessed the benefits of using computer simulation games in
disaster risk reduction and the Filipino youth's perception on the disaster simulation game, “Stop
Disasters!” [7, 8]
Cloud Computing for Natural Disasters and Emergency Response Simulation Games
R.P. Saldana
“It will give importance to capacity training and provision of social assistance to affected
“It gives people ideas on what to do in times of disasters.”
Here are some recommendations:
In summary, the study was able to ascertain the following:
1. There is overwhelming favorable responses to the use of computer simulation games such
as “Stop Disasters!” in the education of the Filipino youth for disaster preparedness, risk
reduction and management.
2. All respondents will recommend the game “Stop Disasters!” to be used by their
3. Several recommendations were given to improve the game “Stop Disasters!” (technically,
visually and content-wise) to suit it to local (Philippine) conditions/situation.
7.0 Concluding Remarks
In this paper, we presented a review of some computer simulation games pertaining
to natural disasters. Among these games are as follows: “Stop Disasters!”, “Disaster
Master”, “Storm Watchers”, and Cloud-based Earthquake Simulation Games Competition.
Recommendations on how to improve the simulation game “Stop Disasters!” to suit local
situations/conditions in the Philippines are given.
1. Improve graphics.
2. More choices of icons, example, evacuation areas.
3. Improve selection of menus.
4. Improve user settings to allow better navigation.
5. Add more software options like livelihood projects, etc.
6. Add more hazard/disaster scenarios.
7. Add more features such as including problems occurring during disaster preparations.
8. Enhance social components/people activities.
9. Include real world scenarios/conditions so many people can relate.
10. Make offline versions.
11. Make mobile apps version (android/ios). Should be available on smart phone.
12. Include local languages/dialects (Tagalog, Cebuano, Waray, etc.).
13. Improve zooming in/zooming out capabilities and full screen viewing.
14. Include “community cooperation” aspect.
15. Increase budget allocation.
Cloud Computing for Natural Disasters and Emergency Response Simulation Games
R.P. Saldana
With the “Earthquake School in the Cloud” project (that was developed in Taiwan) as a
model, the next phase of this study is to integrate Cloud computing in an envisioned adaptation
of “Stop Disasters!” simulation game for the Philippines.
8.0 References
[1] Bureau of Meteorology, Australian Government, Storm Watchers Game, available in, last accessed on April 12, 2015.
[3] S.P.A.S. Felicio, A. R. Dargains, F. Sampaio, J.O. Gomes, V.S.R. Silva, P.R.A. Souza,
P.V.R. Carvalho, and M.R.S. Borghes, Stop Disasters Game Experiment with Elementary
School Students in Rio de Janairo: Building Safety Culture, in proceedings of the 11th
International ISCRAM Conference – University Park, Pennsylvania, USA, May 2014, S.R.
Hiltz, M.S. Pfaff, L. Plotnick and P.C. Shih, eds.
[4] Disaster Master, available in, last accessed on April 12, 2015.
[5] Earthquake School in the Cloud: Citizen Seismologists in Taiwan (CSTaiwan),available
in, last accessed on April 12, 2015.
[6] A. Garo, L. Nicoletti and F. Longo, Disasters Management: A Serious Game
Architecture Centered on Modeling Simulation Infrastructure, in SCS M&S Magazine. Vol.
4. Issue 1. ISSN 2168-703x.
[7] R. P. Saldaña, Integrating Computer Simulation Games in Disaster Preparedness, Risk
Reduction and Management Education for Volunteers: Experiences in the Philippines . The
Second Asian Conference on Society, Education and Technology (ACSET 2014), October
29 – November 2, 2014, Osaka, Japan.
[8] R. P. Saldaña, A Study on Raising Tsunami Awareness, Disaster Preparedness and Risk
Reduction Among Young People in the Philippines Using Computer Simulation Games,
The 7th South China Sea Tsunami Workshop (SCSTW-7), November 18 – 22, 2014,
Taichung, Taiwan.
[9] United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction (UN/ISDR), Stop
Disasters!, available in, last accessed on April 12, 2015.
[10] United Nations University Institute of Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS),
World Risk Report 2012, available in, last
accessed on April 12, 2015.
[2] A. P. Craig, Interactive Preparedness Games, available in, last
accessed on April 12, 2015.