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Download Atmosphere – The various layers of air that surround Earth. The
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Atmosphere – The various layers of air that surround Earth. The densest atmospheric layers are closer to Earth, and the least dense layers are farther away from Earth. Crust – The solid outer layer of Earth where life is found. This is the thinnest layer of Earth. Density – A comparison of the Mass and Volume of an object. Density is calculated as Mass ÷ Volume. A dense object or liquid tends to sink in a less dense liquid. Inner Core – The centermost layer of Earth. This solid metal layer is the hottest and most dense layer. Mantle – A semi-solid layer of Earth that takes up the most volume of Earth. This layer is found directly below Earth’s crust. Mixture – A combination or blend of two or more substances that have not chemically combined. Each substance maintains its own identity. Model: A diagram, or three dimensional (3-D) representation of an object or process used to teach a concept or idea. Models are usually best for one or two ideas and are limited since they do not always show detail or proper scale. Outer Core – A liquid layer of Earth found near the center. It is between the Mantle and Inner Core. This layer is made of metal. Particle – A small piece of something, typically used to represent a small part of matter. Seismic waves - Waves that are generated by earthquakes and used to explain the state of matter and density of earth’s interior layers. Sorting – The process that separates particles based on differences in density and/or particle size.