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Learning (test) Objectives- Ions and Bonding, Naming Compounds, Formula Writing
Ions and Bonding
Define ion and know how ions form.
Define cation and anion and relate them to metals and nonmetals.
Distinguish between ionic and molecular compounds.
Know what the charge on an ion indicates- gain or lose electrons?
What is the octet rule? Know how elements (and ions) are able to achieve and satisfy
the octet rule.
6. Be able to distinguish between ionic and covalent bonds. What types of elements
(metals or nonmetals) are involved for each type?
7. Be able to use the periodic table to indicate charge (also called the oxidation number)
for each family of the representative elements (groups 1, 2, 13-18).
8. Be able to draw simple Lewis dot structures for elements, ions and simple compounds.
9. Define electronegativity and know how electronegativity values determine bond
10. Distinguish between bond polarity and molecular polarity.
11. Know what the subscripts in a chemical formula indicate.
12. Know and compare the basic physical properties of ionic and covalent (molecular)
compounds, such melting point, physical state at room temp, polarity, and electrical
conductivity if soluble in water.
Nomenclature- Naming compounds and writing formulas
13. Given the chemical formula of an ionic or molecular compound be able to write the
compounds name.
14. Given the chemical name of an ionic or molecular compound be able to write the
compounds formula.
15. Define polyatomic ion and be able to identify them in chemical formulas.
16. For ionic compounds, know that crisscrossing the numerical value of the charges result
in a compound that is electrically neutral (overall charge = zero).
17. Know when to use roman numerals (the Stock naming system).
18. Be able to use the Greek prefixes to write chemical formulas for molecular compounds.
19. Know the names and formulas for the common acids and know how to recognize an
acid from its chemical formula. (handout)