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Guru Nanak Public School
Sarabha Nagar, Ludhiana
Biology Assignment - Class XI
1. The root hair region lies immediately above the
i. root-cap region ii. region of elongation iii. region of maturation iv. meristematic
2. Roots developed from unusual positions, stem, leaf or any other part are called
i. fibrous roots
ii. secondary roots iii. tertiary roots iv. adventitious roots
3. Modified adventitious roots for storing food occur in
i. sweet potato
ii. potato
iii. radish
iv. Crotalaria
4. Stilt roots are found in
i. Banyan
ii. Maize
iii. Vanda
iv. Betel
5. Mint produces
i. an offset
ii. a sucker
iii. a stolon
iv. a runner
6. Ginger is not a root because
i. it is horizontally elongated
ii. it stores food iii. it does not possess chlorophyll
iv. it possesses nodes and internodes.
7. Potatoes are produced in
i. tap roots ii. secondary roots iii. adventitious roots iv. underground branches of stem
8. Potato is modified stem because
i. it is non-green
ii. It stores starch
iii. It bears axillary buds
iv. it can propagate
9. Respiratory roots are found in
i. Vanda
ii. Bryophyllum
iii. Avicennia
iv. Ficus
10. The edible part in onion is
i. disc-like stem ii. root
iii. scale leaves
iv. flowers
11. A massive underground stem that grows vertically is called a corm and occurs in
i. potato
ii. ginger
iii. zaminkand (Amorphophallus)
iv. onion
12. Pneumatophores are
i. positively geotrophic
ii. positively hydrotrophic
iii. negatively geotrophic
iv. negatively hydrotrophic
13. Parallel venation is characteristic of
i. all dicots ii. most monocots iii.both dicots and monocots iv. only some monocots
14. The arrangement of leaves on a stem is called
i. taxonomy
ii. taxis
iii. Phyllotaxy
iv. taxon
15. Root hairs are
i. multicellular
ii. unilocular
iii. multilocular
iv. unicellular
Short answers
1. What is the function of root and stem in a plant?
2. What are nodes and internodes?
3. Name the different types of root systems.
4. Differentiate between taproot and fibrous root system
5. Name the modifications of stems.
6. What are breathing roots?
7. Differentiate between prop roots and stilt roots.
8. Give one example each for runner, stolon, offset and sucker.
9. Differentiate between a stem tuber from a root tuber.
10. Distinguish between leaf tendrils and stem tendrils.
Long answer
1. Describe the various regions of the root with neat labelled diagram.
2. Explain the different modifications of the root, stem and leaves in a tabular form.
3. Describe the parts of a leaf with a sketch.
4. Differentiate simple and compound leaves with suitable examples.
Discussion type questions
1. How can you prove that
i) a potato is a modified stem
ii) ginger is not a root.
2. Assert that sweet potato and potato are different types of modifications.
3. How can you prove that a pinnately compound leaf is different from a branch bearing
simple leaves?