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One (Y1-3) *
Two (Y4-6) **
Three (Y7-8) ***
God is
God’s Law
God’s Creation
Character Points
Human Relationships
Man and God
- Circulatory System
1. Any practical applications and activities provided in the lesson are offered as suggestions to help you in your preparation. They are not meant to
direct or limit the ways in which the focus of the lesson can be applied.
2. You are encouraged to pray and contact the Lord to receive His burden and guidance in teaching and applying the lesson.
3. Fellowshipping with other saints, and inquiring of the children themselves, may also bring out many helpful applications.
4. The questions are designed to guide you as you interact with the children. You do not need to use all of them.
The Bible tells us that we are made by God. There are so many things about our body that are
awesome and wonderful. One of the marvelous features of our body is our circulatory system.
The circulatory system is composed of the heart and the blood vessels. Its purpose is to provide
nutrients and oxygen to the tissues and to remove wastes from them.
I am awesomely and wonderfully made
I want to thank God for making me me (
Psalm 139:14a I will praise You, for I am awesomely and wonderfully made…
Psalm 139:14 I will praise You, for I am awesomely and wonderfully made; You works are
wonderful, And my soul knows it well.
Psalm 139:13-14 For it was You who formed my inward parts; You wove me together in my
mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am awesomely and wonderfully made; You works are
wonderful, And my soul knows it well.
Focus: God made us with an amazing body. Our heart is one of the most important parts of our
body. Without our heart and its marvelous functions, we cannot live.
Suggested Learning Experiences
Heart rate exercise: Have children take their pulse by placing two fingers on their wrist or
on their neck for 15 seconds while counting the pulse beats. Time the number of pulse
beats by 4 to get the number of heartbeats in a minute. Next have the children do some
physical exercises e.g. star jumps, run on the spot. Get them to count their heartbeats
again. Compare the number of heartbeats before and after exercise. Ask if they know why
the heartbeats have increased. Get them to guess what might be happening.
Explain the importance and function of the heart: Our heart pumps blood to carry oxygen,
food and vitamins to every part of our body so we can move, think, grow, and heal.
Without our heart we cannot do any of the things above. In fact we simply cannot live
without our heart.Use the video ‘Heart – Human Body Parts’ (Resources) to help with the
Have the children hold our their hand and make a fist. This is the size of their heart. Its
weight is similar to a large apple, but it is made of strong muscles and is able to pump all
the blood we need so we can be active. Only a wise Creator could have designed the
heart to be so small yet function in so many ways.
Relay races: Include a range of cardiovascular activities in the races (run, jump, hop,
walk, stretches, etc.). After the race, emphasise that after exercise, the heart beats faster
(get children to put their hand over their heart to feel increased beating). For those who
didn’t participate in the race, even when sitting, their hearts are still working hard to
pump blood around their bodies.
Give a tennis ball a good, hard squeeze. You're using about the same amount of
force your heart uses to pump blood out to the body. Even at rest, the muscles of
the heart work twice as hard as the leg muscles when sprinting.
Focus: God made us with an amazing body. He designed the circulatory system in our body to
keep us alive. Our heart is the most important part of this marvelous system. The heart is the
key organ in the circulatory system. Its main function is to pump blood throughout the body.
Suggested Learning Experiences
Use this simple diagram to explain the circulatory system (G322V)
Do this Circulatory system activity (G322A) to help understand how the blood moves
around the body and delivers oxygen (and nutrients) to the body.
Relay races: Include a range of cardiovascular activities in the races (run, jump, hop,
walk, stretches etc.). Use similar learning experiences from Level One; have them
compare their heart rate before and after some physical exercises. Emphasise that only a
wise Creator could have designed the heart to function in such amazing ways.
Get a stethoscope to hear each other’s heart, especially after exercise.
Focus: God made us with an amazing body. He designed the circulatory system in our body to
keep us alive. Our heart is the most important part of this marvelous system. We need to take
care of our body, especially our heart.
Suggested Learning Experiences
Discuss and find out how much the children know about the circulatory system.
Use a diagram (G322V2) or a YouTube clip such as The Heart and Circulatory System –
How They Work (Resources) to explain the circulatory system.
Present Amazing heart facts (G322I) in an interactive way e.g. multiple choice quiz.
Brainstorm the ways we can keep our hearts healthy e.g. exercise and healthy eating.
Discuss how eating and exercise affect our heart. Consider why is it important to watch
our weight (not be too thin or too big) with regard to the heart.
Circulatory System Activity – Activity (G322A)
Amazing heart facts – Information sheet (G322I)
Circulatory System (Level 2) – Visual (G322V)
Circulatory System (Level 3) – Visual (G322V2)
Heart - Human Body Parts - Pre School - Animated Videos For Kids
The Heart and Circulatory System – How They Work