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Sexual Reproduction
vs. Asexual Reproduction
Sexual Reproduction takes place when a male sex cell fertilizes a
female sex cell. The young have characteristics of both
parents. !
In asexual reproduction, there is no cell fertilization. Asexual
reproduction involves only one parent. Young produced by
asexual reproduction are identical to their parent.
Types of Plant Reproductions:
1. Spore
2. Sexual Reproduction - (Involves 2 parents) 3. Asexual Reproduction - (Involves 1 parent) 4. Propagation
Spore : (To reproduce, seedless vascular plants
make spores.) – A single cell that can grow into a
new organism.!
• A spore holds only half the beginning of a
complete new plant inside it.!
• A spore then falls off a plant and germinates.!
• A male plant must fertilize a female plant to
Ex.) Ferns
Asexual Reproduction
Some kinds of plants can grow from a part of a parent
Examples: !
A new potato plant can grow from an “eye” of a potato.
The eye of a potato is a bud. The bud grows into a
new stem, leaf, or flower and also forms “runners” to
reproduce new plants.
Some plants, send out runners to form new plants.
A runner is a kind of stem that grows sideways. Buds
form along the runner and grow into new plants.
Gymnosperm- A vascular
plant that produces
seeds, but not flowers or fruits.
** The seeds rest in berries
or on woody structures
called cones. !
** Seeds are
the results of
Seeds contain plant embryos,
the beginnings of new plants. !
Seeds provides protection
and a source of food for the
(For some plants, flowers are necessary for
Angiosperm - A vascular plant that produces
seeds from flowers.
* *All Angiosperms contain flowers and seeds.
The flowers:!
- make seeds and fruits to !
protect the seeds.!
- either or both have !
male and female organs !
within one flower.
Vegetative Propagation
• Seeds and spores are just two ways in
which a new plant may form. !
• In some species, part of the plant’s
stem or root system might develop
into a whole new plant.!
• This form of reproduction is called
Vegetative Propagation.
Vegetative Propagation
** (It only requires one parent organism)
Vegetative reproduction from a
stem cutting less than a week old
Production of new individuals
along a leaf margin of the air