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Govt 2305
Test 1: Chapters 1 and 2
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1) The sole purpose of government, according to John Locke, was to
A) educate the people.
B) protect individuals from violence.
C) protect natural rights.
D) prevent anarchy.
E) promote the common good.
2) The idea that there must be restrictions placed on government to protect the natural rights of
citizens rules is known as
A) American republicanism.
B) a confederation.
C) limited government.
D) the consent of the governed.
E) natural law.
3) Lockean thought and the Declaration of independence are similar in that both
A) recognize the right of people to determine their own form of government, short of
resorting to revolution.
B) support the concept of natural rights and the idea that the government is built on the
consent of the governed.
C) seek common ideals in government through the establishment of a constitutional
D) were developed in the late 1700s.
E) value the preservation of private property.
4) Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
A) Benjamin Franklin
B) Richard Henry Lee
C) Thomas Paine
D) John Adams
E) Thomas Jefferson
5) The Lockean phrase, "life, liberty, and property," captures Locke's belief that
A) the preservation of property was the end of government.
B) government could not take away man's property without his consent.
C) happiness was secondary to the right to own land.
D) All of the above
E) Both A and B
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6) According to John Locke, the "state of nature" refers to
A) a state in which there are no formal laws or government.
B) a state of uninhabited territory ripe for government control.
C) a state in which human law is able to create natural rights.
D) a state ruled by the people, or a democracy.
E) All of the above
7) According to John Locke, natural rights are
A) not dependent on governments.
B) dependent on governments.
C) rights inherent in human beings.
D) All of the above
E) Both A and C
8) Which of the following statements represents John Locke's understanding of the relationship
between natural rights and human law?
A) Human law is the source of natural rights.
B) Human law and natural rights are equivalent.
C) Natural rights are higher than, that is superior to, human law.
D) Natural rights are less important than human law.
E) Human law protects property rights, making human law the equivalent to natural rights.
9) Locke believed that government must be built
A) on consent of the governed.
B) on the continuity of government, thus all efforts to overthrow a government are treason.
C) on laws given by the king.
D) on the laws of the previous government.
E) on the morals of the rule.
10) Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
A) James Madison
B) Benjamin Franklin
C) George Washington
D) Alexander Hamilton
E) Thomas Jefferson
11) One of the Articles of Confederation's greatest weaknesses was that it
A) had a legislature that refused to meet.
B) had a strong president.
C) created a tyrannical central government.
D) had no strong central government.
E) had the ability to coin money.
12) Indirect democracy is based on
A) consensus.
B) "mob rule."
C) representation.
D) unanimity.
E) the system of government used in ancient Greece.
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13) The series of 85 political papers written by John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison in
support of ratification of the new constitution are called the
A) Federalist Papers.
B) Anti-Federalist Papers.
C) Crisis.
D) Pennsylvania Packet.
E) none of the above
14) The smaller states presented a plan at the Constitutional Convention basically advocating the
strengthening of the Articles of Confederation. The plan was presented by
A) New Jersey.
B) Virginia.
C) Delaware.
D) Rhode Island.
E) Texas.
15) In an oligarchy, rule is by
A) the few.
B) one person.
C) people who own property.
D) all people.
E) the many.
16) In 1776, Thomas Paine authored a pamphlet arguing for colonial independence from Britain
A) Common Sense.
B) The Plain Truth.
C) A Treatise on Government.
D) The Crisis.
E) The Leviathan.
17) The "shot heard round the world" was fired at
A) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
B) Trenton, New Jersey.
C) Yorktown, Virginia.
D) Saratoga, New York.
E) Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts.
18) The creation of the Department of Homeland Security is an example of the national government
attempting to
A) provide for the common defense.
B) promote the general welfare.
C) secure the blessings of liberty.
D) establish justice.
E) insure domestic tranquility.
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19) A social contract theory of government was proposed by
A) Plato and Aristotle.
B) Newton and the separatists.
C) Plato and Luther.
D) Aquinas and Luther.
E) Locke and Hobbes.
20) U.S. Supreme Court justices are appointed by the
A) states.
B) House of Representatives.
C) U.S. Senate.
D) president.
E) Cabinet.
21) The division of authority among the three branches of government is called
A) pluralism.
B) federalism.
C) separation of powers.
D) a compromise.
E) gridlock.
22) The ________ is empowered by the Constitution to make all federal laws.
A) federal bureaucracy
B) executive branch
C) judicial branch
D) legislative branch
E) none of the above
23) Social conservatives, who now form a large part of the base of the Republican Party, often are
also members of
A) the Blue Dog Democrats.
B) groups seeking to keep government out of American's private lives.
C) groups seeking to enhance marriage by allowing domestic partnerships.
D) the Religious Right.
E) pro-choice groups.
24) The Anti-Federalists demanded a series of amendments to the Constitution to protect individual
liberties known as
A) the "confederation" amendments.
B) the libertarian amendments.
C) Mr. Madison's Mistake.
D) the Bill of Rights.
E) the Anti-Federalist amendments.
25) Republics are
A) direct democracies.
B) another name for states.
C) frequently found in totalitarian regimes.
D) a hallmark of unitary governments.
E) representative democracies.
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26) Locke's Second Treatise on Civil Government set out a theory of
A) natural law.
B) natural rights.
C) aristocracy.
D) the divine rights of kings.
E) democracy.
27) Montesquieu urged that governments should include a system of ________ to give each of the
three branches some degree of oversight and control of each other.
A) command and control
B) constitutional safeguards
C) checks and balances
D) social contract
E) federalism
28) The idea that governments draw legitimacy and power from the governed is often referred to as
A) popular consent.
B) majority rule.
C) popular control.
D) direct democracy.
E) capitalism.
29) The system of government in which power is divided between the state and national
governments is called
A) unitarism.
B) federalism.
C) constitutionalism.
D) confederation
E) pluralism.
30) Informal methods of amending the Constitution include
A) cultural and social change.
B) judicial interpretation and cultural and social change.
C) social change, judicial interpretation, and acts of Congress.
D) a national referendum and/or initiative.
E) acts of state legislatures.
31) Aristotle attempted to devise a way to classify governments. Critical to his analyses was
knowledge of
A) how many people ruled in an oligarchy.
B) if governments were ruled by wise leaders.
C) if the government was a monarchy.
D) how democracies could be ruled by the few.
E) who citizens were ruled by and in whose interest.
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32) Another name for the elastic clause is
A) the enumerated powers clause.
B) the commerce clause.
C) judicial review.
D) the necessary and proper clause.
E) the "Preamble" to the Constitution.
33) The Anti-Federalists feared
A) amendments.
B) a confederacy.
C) strong central government.
D) checks and balances.
E) separation of powers.
34) Which of the following best describes the relationships between the states under the Articles of
A) a loose league of friendship
B) a strong constitutional system
C) an interdependent, cohesive partnership
D) a form of government modeled after Canada
E) life-long rivals
35) The term "government" is derived from the Greek term meaning to
A) represent the people.
B) pilot a ship.
C) win an impossible mission.
D) guide our ship of state.
E) promote good citizenship.
36) Conservatives generally believe that
A) government should guarantee individual rights.
B) government should be abolished.
C) government should provide only for defense and little else.
D) there should be less government.
E) activist governments are often necessary.
37) The words and ideas of political philosopher John Locke flow through
A) The Crisis.
B) the Olive Branch.
C) the Declaration of Independence.
D) the Articles of Confederation.
E) choices B and D only.
38) The Virginia Plan called for a national system with
A) a strong central government and a bicameral legislature.
B) political features that replicated the European nation-state model.
C) a single legislature with representation by population.
D) strong state governments and a president selected by the Supreme Court.
E) equality among the states.
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39) Which of the following did NOT lead to American settlement in the seventeenth century?
A) the split from the Church of England.
B) Hobbes and Locke's social contract theories.
C) belief in intelligent design.
D) belief in self-government.
E) questioning the divine right of kings.
40) Democracy
A) perfectly describes the American political system at all levels.
B) was Aristotle's vision of the way people should be governed.
C) has both direct and indirect forms.
D) is derived from the Greek word demos.
E) was opposed by the Framers.
41) The most serious disagreement in the debate between large and small states at the Constitutional
Convention was the issue of
A) representation in Congress.
B) judicial power.
C) taxation.
D) creating a Supreme Court.
E) westward expansion.
42) Hobbes argued that the best protection for the rights of the weak in a polity was
A) the protection of private property.
B) an oligarchy.
C) a constitution.
D) a weak government.
E) a single ruler.
43) Liberals
A) are more likely to vote Republican than Democratic.
B) generally favor equality.
C) are comfortable with the social status quo.
D) seek to end costly welfare programs.
E) believe individuals should look to churches and other social services organizations instead
of the government for assistance.
44) Politics, some say, is
A) often likened to a "male's only" club, even today.
B) the study of "who gets what, when, and how."
C) irrelevant to the modern world.
D) the province of only the wealthy.
E) way too corrupt to attract any good men or women to run for office.
45) The full faith and credit clause found in Article IV requires that
A) all fifty states create a republican form of government.
B) Americans remain faithful to one God and tithe to their church.
C) states generally honor the laws and ruling of other states.
D) federal courts have the right to resolve issues of state law.
E) no state may coin its own currency.
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46) In general, the U.S. population is
I. quite young.
II. getting older.
III. becoming less diverse.
IV. less affected by immigration than in earlier years.
B) I
C) II and IV
E) III and II
47) The term "citizen" includes
I. all persons born in a nation.
II. all persons living in a nation.
III. all persons with green cards.
IV. all naturalized citizens.
A) I and IV
B) I, III, and IV
C) II and III
D) II and IV
E) I and II
TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
48) Shays's Rebellion was the first battle of the Revolutionary War.
49) Committees of Correspondence were established to communicate ideas among the colonies in
50) Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense to argue for American independence from Great Britain.
51) The Declaration of Independence proclaimed the right of the American colonies to separate from
Great Britain.
52) The Articles of Confederation provided for a strong national government.
53) The Articles of Confederation were failing due to an inability to pay war debts, taxes, and
conduct general business.
54) The Great Compromise recommended a bicameral legislature in which all bills for raising and
spending money would originate in the house based on population and directly elected by the
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Answer Key
Testname: GOV 2305 TEST 1 CH 1 AND 2
1) C
2) C
3) B
4) E
5) E
6) A
7) E
8) C
9) A
10) E
11) D
12) C
13) A
14) A
15) A
16) A
17) E
18) E
19) E
20) D
21) C
22) D
23) D
24) D
25) E
26) B
27) C
28) A
29) B
30) B
31) E
32) D
33) C
34) A
35) B
36) D
37) C
38) A
39) C
40) C
41) A
42) E
43) B
44) B
45) C
46) A
47) A
49) TRUE
Quizzes are worth 20% of your total grade. #
Answer Key
Testname: GOV 2305 TEST 1 CH 1 AND 2
50) TRUE
51) TRUE
53) TRUE
54) TRUE
Quizzes are worth 20% of your total grade. #