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Notes Packet
Unit 1
Earth’s Atmosphere
Exosphere 691-10,000 Km
The _____________ layer
Outer __________begins
______________ orbit
Thermosphere 86-690 Km
Very __________
The _____________ layer
 Is the layer of _____________
that surrounds the planet The _____________ is
Space shuttles _______
Earth in this layer
The air is very __________
located in the lower region of
the Thermosphere
 Makes conditions
for life
as you
go higher
on Earth
Auroras occur in the
 Divided into several
____________ starting from
the _____________ surface
 Falling ____________ are
_________ layer of the
extinguished here
 Each layer is classified according
to changes in
(increasing or decreasing)
Contains the __________
Ozone is a form of __________.
It protects the Earth from the
sun’s ____________ (UV) rays.
________ throughout this layer
except in the __________
region where the ___________
Weather ___________ can
fly in this layer.
The ______________
layer of the atmosphere
Water ___________ &
__________ dioxide are
also found here
Layers of the Atmosphere
______________ and
_____________occur here
___________ layer, gets
colder as the altitude
Temperature __________
as altitude ____________
Ozone is hot
because it
heat from the sun
The hole in the ozone can
cause more humans to get
skin _____________
Most _________
fly here
Air pressure is
___________ here
Air Pressure
• Greatest near the ______________________________ of the Earth.
• _________________________ as you go up toward the exosphere because
_____________________________ decreases.
• In a nutshell, as altitude ____________________ air pressure
___________________________. ****VERY IMPORTANT***
Gases in Dry Air
Atmospheric Gases
• Nitrogen ________%
• Oxygen ___________%
• Ozone
• Carbon Dioxide
• Water Vapor
• Trace gases (such as
2 most abundant (most common) gases in the atmosphere.
Found throughout ________________ the layers
_____________________________ helps living things grow (it’s a building block for
All living things take in __________________________ to survive. ___________________ is
a form of oxygen.
These gases make ______________________________ conditions happen and are found
in the _______________________________________________.
Greenhouse Effect
Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere __________________ and ________________ the energy
radiated from land and ocean surfaces.
This _______________________ Earth’s average surface temperature and keeping it
_________________________ (greenhouse effect).
This effect can be enhanced by an _____________________ in the gases that trap heat in the
The composition of Earth’s atmosphere has ______________________ over Earth’s history,
particularly the amount of ___________________ in the stratosphere.
- Volcanic eruptions affect the atmosphere by ________________________ ashes, which contain
harmful chemicals and large amounts of _____________________
____________________________(a greenhouse gas).
- _____________________ activities, such as the release of greenhouse gases from burning fossil
fuels and the use of ____________________ sprays also contribute to the change in Earth’s
atmospheric composition
Life on Earth could not exist without the protective shield of the ozone layer!
It ___________________ harmful UV rays, which harm plants and animals. Skin cancer and
_______________________ can be attributed to a decrease in the amount of ozone.
Volcanic eruptions and the burning of ________________________ _____________ can cause air
pollution, which can cause human health problems such as ______________________________
Volcanic ash also contains particulates that can ___________________ sunlight and
result in a _____________________________ in surface temperatures.
Human activities can be ________________________ or ________________________ to the
o When humans clear cut and burn forests, more carbon dioxide is
___________________________ into the atmosphere.
Planting new plants can help to absorb _____________________________
_______________________from the environment
Solar Energy
Solar energy is the driving energy source for ____________________________ of Earth
and _______________________________________ in Earth’s atmosphere.
Some of the Sun’s energy is _________________________ or ____________________________
by gases and clouds in the atmosphere.
Land vs. Water
Land heats up ___________________, but water needs to absorb lots of solar energy to
warm up and also releases heat more _______________________.
Water helps to _______________________ the temperature range of Earth’s atmosphere.
Greenhouse Effect
Solar energy that is absorbed by Earth’s land and water is changed to _______________
that moves (________________________) back into the atmosphere where heat is
____________________________ in the atmosphere.
The Water Cycle
The water cycle goes round and round
From the sea to the air and back to the
Low ____________clouds, are fluffy
and white
While ________ clouds are like the
blankets spread in the sky
And ______ clouds are wispy ones up
real high,
because they are made of small crystals
of ______.
The water cycle has three different parts
And with evaporation it always starts,
The water cycle….
The water cycle, it’s going round and
The water cycle…
By Mister C
The water cycle 2x’s
____________ is really neat, because it
starts with the sun’s heat energy
The ________ breaks the water
molecules bonds apart
And that’s how the water cycle gets it
And then it flows, it flows, way up in the
And then the water vapor flows way up
But it can’t stay up there indefinitely,
because as it rises it ________ you see
The water cycle, it’s going round and
The water cycle…
The water cycle, it’s going round and
From the sea to the air and back to the
The water cycle…
Now the water vapor is up in the sky
Soon it will _________ before our eyes
Condensation forms ___________ of
different shapes,
The higher the vapor rises gives them
different names.
The water cycle, it’s going round and
From the sea to the air and back to the
The water cycle…
Finally it falls back down from the sky
If you’re not very careful it’ll land in your
It can come down in many different
And when it does it begins to
The white pretty crystals fall down as
We call it rain when it’s _______ H2O
If it freezes on its way down, we call it
These are three different forms and
they’re all very neat
The water cycle, it’s going round and
The water cycle…
The water cycle, it’s going round and
From the sea to the air and back to the
The water cycle…
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The Water Cycle
 Movement of water between the ___________________________________ and the
Earth’s _______________________________.
 Takes place in the ________________________________.
 The amount of water _____________________ ________________ __________________
Evaporation / Transpiration (__________________ to _________): The sun
heats water to turn it into a gas.
Evaporation: Water enters the
atmosphere as ________________
___________ (gas) through
Transpiration: Release of water
vapor by _____________________is
called transpiration.
____________________________) the vapor __________________ down to turn it
back into water droplets or ice crystals
 Clouds form when water vapor
changes to water ___________________
and __________________ to dust
particles in the atmosphere.
 Dew forms when water vapor
changes from gas to liquid on a
 Frost forms when water vapor
changes to __________________
________________________ on a
surface. The temperature is at the
_____________________ point or
 _______________ droplets fall from the clouds after
 Types of precipitation:
 _____________
 ____________
 ____________
 ____________
 ______________________________ determines type of precipitation.
Downhill Flow of Water on Land
When precipitation falls on land, it will always try to move back to
____________ __________________. The type of ________________ determines
the path.
Two Types
 Surface-water: water stays on
Earth's ___________________. It
doesn't soak into the ground or the
____________________________ is
falling too fast it doesn’t soak in.
 Groundwater -water ____________
into the ground when surface is
_______________ (it can soak in
because of spaces between
_________________________ is the driving force for downhill flow of water on land
How do they form?
How are they classified?
Cloud Name
Cloud Name
Weather Conditions Notes
Air masses
 Huge bodies of air that form over water or land in tropical or
__________________ regions.
 Air masses are classified according to ______________________ and
 ____________ air masses- warm, low pressure air mass.  
 Polar air mass - cold, high pressure air mass.
 _______________ air masses form over oceans. The air is humid or
 Continental air masses form over land. The air is dry.
 When two air masses meet, they form a ___________, which is a
boundary that separates two air masses of different properties.
 Depending upon the air masses involved, a ________________ front,
_________________ front, ___________________________ front, or
______________________________ front can develop.
Warm Fronts
 When a warm air mass collides and rides over a cold air mass you get
a _____________ front.
 It brings ___________ periods of rain and warmer temperatures.
 A warm front is represented as a red line with half circles pointing
toward the direction on movement.
Draw a warm front:
Cold Fronts
 When a cold air mass collides and slides under a warm air mass, a
______________ _____________ forms.
 It may produce _____________________ and sometimes tornadoes
and cooler temperatures.
 A cold front is represented as a blue line with the teeth pointing
toward the direction on movement.
Draw a cold front:
Stationary Fronts
 When two air masses meet and neither ___________, you get a
stationary front.
 May produce long periods of rain or snow for __________.
 A stationary front is represented as an alternating warm and cold
front symbol.
Draw a stationary front:
Occluded Fronts
 When a warm air mass is caught between two colder air masses.
 Brings strong winds, cooler temperatures, and long period of rain or
 An occluded front is represented as a purple line with teeth and half
Draw an occluded front:
High/Low Pressure Systems
 Warm air rising or _________ air sinking combined with the spinning of
Earth causes the air to spin forming high and low pressure regions.
 High pressure systems usually signal more __________ weather with
winds circulating around the system in a clockwise direction.
 Low pressure systems with counterclockwise circulating winds often
result in ___________ and/or stormy weather conditions.
 Severe weather conditions called ______________ occur when pressure
differences cause rapid air movement.
 Conditions that bring one kind of storm can also cause other kinds of
storms in the same area.
 Thunderstorm is storm with thunder, lightning, heavy rains and
strong winds; form within large cumulonimbus clouds; usually form
along a ____________ front but can form within an air mass.
 Tornado is a rapidly whirling, funnel-shaped cloud that extends down
from a storm cloud; the very ________ pressure and strong winds can
cause great damage to people and property; are likely to form within
the frontal regions where strong thunderstorms are also present.
 Hurricane is a _______ pressure tropical storm that forms over
__________ ocean water; winds form a spinning circular pattern
around the center, or eye, of the storm; the lower the air pressure at
the center, the faster the winds blow toward the center of the storm.
Instrument Measures
Wind Vane
Rain Gauge
Suffix “meter”- tool for measurement
Prefix “ane” – from Greek word anos which means wind
“therm” – heat
“bar”- unit of measure for air pressure
Prefix “psychro” – means cold…the psychrometer is used by measuring temperature
difference… “How much colder is one thermometer compared to the other?”
Reading Weather Maps Notes
 Meteorologist - A person who studies the ____________.
Basic weather conditions can be observed and/or
_______________ or obtained from meteorologists at
national _____________ data collections sites.
In order to make weather predictions, the data should be
collected on a ___________ basis over a period of time.
For example, a ________________ path can be predicted
using data on its position over time (plotted on a hurricane
______________ map), thereby allowing meteorologists to
make _______________ concerning the possible warnings
to land areas in the hurricane's path.
 Station models are a ____________ that shows the weather
conditions at a specific place using ____________.
Information found on a station model can include cloud
cover, _______________, wind direction and __________,
precipitation, or barometric pressure.
 An isotherm is a line that
connects points of equal
 An isobar is a line that
connects points of equal
 A weather map is a map that shows the weather at a _________
o Weather maps can help predict weather ___________ by
indicating high or low pressure systems (___________),
movement of air masses and __________, or temperature ranges
o Cold front symbol
Warm front symbol
o Occluded front
 Satellites images are used for
seeing _________ patterns and
 Radar images can be used
to detect cloud cover,
___________ or storm
location, ____________, and
movement, as well as the
potential for severe weather.
Stationary Front
Sky Cover
_____________________ clouds
(approx. __________ cloud cover
_____________________ cloudy
The amount that the circle at the center of
the station is filled in reflects the
approximate amount that the sky is covered
with ___________________________.
(approx. __________ cloud cover
_____________________ clouds
(approx. __________ cloud cover
Sky cover
Wind blowing from the ________
at _____ knots
Wind blowing from the ________
at _____ knots
Wind blowing from the ________
at _____ knots
Wind Speed
Wind is plotted in increments of _____ knots. The
outer end of the symbol points toward the direction
____________ which the wind is blowing. Wind
speed is determined by ____________ up the total
number of flags, lines and half lines:
Flag: ___________kts
Half-line: _______kts
________________ winds
Draw a station model that shows a wind speed of
55 kts, blowing from the northwest AND shows
scattered cloud coverage:
Precipitation Symbols
Observe the station model to the right and
interpret the following:
Dew Point
Cloud coverage
Wind speed
Wind direction
Barometric Pressure
Weather Patterns and Climate Guided Notes