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Number and Place Value – Exit Quiz
At the end of our latest Maths topic, let’s see how much you have learnt!
1. Write these numbers in words:
a. 3,386,914
b. 4,796,335
c. 8,030,102
2. Order each set of numbers from smallest to biggest:
a. 234,123 234,904 235,104
b. 530,003 503,030 533,000
c. 1,232,994 1,233,994 1,223,994
3. Give the next 3 numbers in each sequence:
a. 197 000, 198 000, 199 000, 200 000, 201 000…
b. 233 700, 233 600, 233 500, 233 400, 233 300…
c. 240 421, 250 421, 260 421, 470 421, 480 421…
4. Complete the sentences:
a. 1,386,934 rounded to the nearest 10 is…
b. 1,386,934 rounded to the nearest 100 is…
c. 1,386,934 rounded to the nearest 10,000 is…
Addition & Subtraction – Entry Quiz
At the start of your latest topic, let’s see what you can already do! Don’t worry if you’re not sure; I can use your
results to plan ahead.
1. Solve these calculations:
a. 3,245,965 + 356,945 b. 2,082,945 – 295,947
c. 1,452,859 + 45,674 + 248,954
d. 4,302,537 –
2. Find the missing numbers in these questions:
a. 354,756 + _____ = 876,945
b. 976,945 - _____ = 256,945
c. _____ + 243,865 = 1,034,945
3. Solve these word problems:
a. Robin saved £98,100 for a house. He spends £18,395 on a new car. How much money is left for the
b. The flights were £1768.93. The hotel was £456.78. What’s the total cost for the holiday?
c. Humara has £12.55. She buys a bag of crisps for 52p, fruit for £4.96, and a can of coke for 176p. How much
change does she get?
Multiplication & Division – Entry Quiz
At the start of your latest topic, let’s see what you can already do! Don’t worry if you’re not sure; I can use your
results to plan ahead.
1. Solve these calculations:
a. 37 x 6 b. 68 x 9
c. 43 x 13
d. 57 x 82
2. Solve these calculations:
a. 212 ÷ 4
b. 675 ÷ 9
c. 2,052 ÷ 6
d. 1,560 ÷ 9
3. Solve these word problems:
a. What are the prime numbers up to 20?
b. The flight to Paris costs £56.32. How much will I pay for 5 tickets?
c. 17 children bought a pencil at the gift shop, and paid a total of £16.32. What was the cost of one pencil?
d. “25, 9 and 132 are square numbers.” True or false? Explain your answer.
Fractions – Entry Point
At the beginning of our latest Maths topic, let’s see what you know already!
1. Give the next 3 fractions in the sequence.
a. 2/3, 4/3, 6/3…
b. 1 ¼, 1 ¾, 2 ¼…
c. 5 and 2/5,
2. Put these fractions in order from smallest to biggest.
a. ¼, ½, 1/5, 1/3, 1/10
b. 2/5, 7/10, 1/15, 4/5, 8/20
4 and 4/5,
4 and 1/5…
c. ¼, 2/8, 5/16, 2/4, 5/8
3. Give 3 fractions that are equivalent to these diagrams.
4. Give the decimal fraction equivalents to these fractions.
a. 34/100
b. 2/5
Entry Quiz – Measurement
Before we start our latest topic, complete this Entry Quiz so that I can plan ahead more efficiently.
1. Convert these measures:
a. 25cm = ?m b. 25mm = ?cm
c. 25m = ?cm
d. 250m = ?km
2. Find the area and perimeter of the shapes on the right:
3. Solve these problems:
a. A class wants to investigate how much chocolate is eaten in 1 day (by
people in their class). 12 people eat 25g of chocolate, 7 people eat 35g
of chocolate and 9 people eat 50g of chocolate. How many grams of
chocolate have been eaten in one day?
b. A bottle holds 1 litre of lemonade. Rachel fills 5 glasses with
lemonade. She puts 150 millilitres in each glass. How much lemonade is left in the bottle?
c. Jamie, Kate and Hassan run a 50m race. Kate’s time is 13 seconds. Jamie finishes 5 seconds before Kate. Hassan
finishes 3 seconds after Jamie. What is Hassan’s time in seconds?
Geometry – Entry Quiz
At the beginning of our latest Maths topic, let’s see what you already know!
1. For each 3D shape on the right, write the name, number of faces, edges and
2. Using the words ‘obtuse’, ‘right angle’, ‘reflex’ or ‘acute’, describe these angles. Give an
explanation for your answer.
a. 90° b. 23° c. 103° d. 203°
3. Find the missing angles in the diagrams on the right.
These diagrams are NOT to scale.
4. For each 2D shape, work out whether they are regular or irregular.
Explain your answer.