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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
The Auk 115(2):319-326, 1998 DO SEEDS HINDER IMPLICATIONS DIGESTIVE PROCESSING FOR PLANT/FRUGIVORE MARK OF FRUIT PULP? MUTUALISMS C. WITMER • Sectionof Ecologyand Systematics, CornellUniversity,Ithaca,New York14853, USA ABSTRACT.--The seedsof bird-dispersedfruits could impose significantcostson frugi- voresif seedbulk reducesthe effectivecapacityof the gut and, hence,reducesthe rate of nutrientintake.This hasled to the notionthat avianfrugivorespassfoodthroughtheir digestivetractsrapidly to minimizethe effectsof seedson nutrientacquisition.Consequently, avianfrugivoresare thoughtto utilize fruit sugarsinefficiently, because thispermitshigher intakeand sugar-assimilation ratesfrom a supposedlyenergy-dilutefood.I evaluatedthe influenceof seedbulk on intake and absorptionof sugarsfrom chokecherryfruits (Prunus virginiana)by Cedar Waxwings(Bombycilla cedrorum), AmericanRobins(Turdusmigratorius ), WoodThrushes(Hylocichla mustelina), Gray-cheeked Thrushes(Catharus minimus), andHermit Thrushes(Catharus guttatus).I comparedCedarWaxwingswith thrushesto determine if they differed in how seedbulk affectsdigestionof fruit. Cedar Waxwingshavehigher mass-specific intakeratesof sugaryfruitsthan do thrushes;because waxwingsdefecateall seeds,whereasthrushesregurgitatemany seeds,the differencein intake of sugaryfruits betweenwaxwingsand thrushesmay resultfrom ingestion/fruit-processing limitationsassociatedwith modeof seedprocessing. Forall species, seedsdid not reduceratesof intake andsugarabsorption fromchokecherry fruit pulp.All birdsassimilated sugarsfromchokecherryfruits efficiently,and digestiveprocessing of seedsdid not reducesugarabsorption. Ratesof fruit processingwere closelytied to ratesof sugarabsorption,rather than to the physicalcomposition of thediet.My resultssuggest thatcurrentmodelsof digestivefunction in avianfrugivoresare seriouslyflawed.Becausedifferences in intakeratesof sugary fruits betweenwaxwingsand thrusheswere independentof the presenceof seeds,these differenceswere not due to differentmodesof seedprocessing.Received 13 January1997, accepted 18 August1997. THE MUTUALISTIC RELATIONSHIP between plantsthatproducefleshyfruitsandvertebrate seed dispersersis well known (Snow 1971, McKey1975,Pijl 1982,Wheelwrightand Orians1982).Dispersers benefitfromthenutrient rewardsof fruit pulp, primarily sugarsand lipids (Herrera 1987, White 1989, Witruer 1996), whereasplantsbenefitfrom the depositionof seedsin suitablehabitatawayfrom thevicinity of parent plants. Many studieshave demonstrated increased survival of seeds and seed- lings away from parent plants (Janzen1972, Howe and Primack 1975, Webb and Willson vores,theoreticalconsiderations have argued thatthereare coststo mutualisticpartners.Presumably,the costto plantsis in the resources that they allocateto producingfruit pulp that hasnopurposeotherthanto attractdispersers (Howe 1993).Somefruits are photosynthetic, suggesting a mechanism by whichplantsmay minimizethe costsof fruit production(Cipollini and Levey 1991). Seed dispersers are thoughtto incur costsassociated with ingestion of seedsin at leastthreeways:(1) the energyrequiredto carryseedsin the gut,(2) the energyrequiredto manipulateseeds,and (3) theoccupation of gutvolumewith indigestible bulk that reducesthe rate at which fruit pulp can be processedand nutrients assimilated (Snow 1971, McKey 1975, Howe and Vande 1985). The specializeddispersalsystemsof mistletoesillustratethe importantrole of dispersersin depositingseedsat appropriatesites (Reid 1989,Murphy et al. 1993,Sargent1995, Martinez del Rio et al. 1996).In additionto the Kerckhove 1980, Herrera 1981, Sorensen1984, benefitsaccruedby fruiting plants and frugiLevey and Grajal 1991, Murray et al. 1993). Measurementsof these costs are scarce (see •Present address: Department of Biology, Bryn Leveyand Grajal 1991,Murray et al. 1993),and Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania19010, no work has addressed how seeds in natural fruits affect avian dispersers.Here, ! evaluate USA. E-mail:mwitmer@brynmawr. edu 319 320 MARKC. WITMER [Auk, Vol. 115 the hypothesisthat seedslimit ingestionand assimilationratesof sugarsfrom fruit pulp by frugivorousbirds. Severalstudieshavedevelopedthe ideathat the indigestible seed bulk of fruits reduces rates of nutrient assimilationby birds. Levey and Grajal (1991)found that Cedar Waxwings (Bombycilla cedrorum) fed two kinds of artificial diets with different seedsizesbut equal seed loads(seedvolumeper total fruit volume;seed loadheld constantby adjustingthe numbersof seedsper fruit) passedlarge seedsfasterthan small seedsand consumedthe large-seeded atedwith thisnutrient-basedpatternof diet selection,waxwingshave higher (ca. 1.5 times) mass-specific intake ratesof sugaryfruits than do thrushes,and waxwingsalwayspassseeds throughthe digestivetract, eliminatingthem by defecation. In contrast,thrushesregurgitate mostmediumto largeseeds(>90% for choke- small-seeded ferences in intake cherryfruits), a trait that may be associated with efficientdigestiveprocessing of fattydiets (Witmer1994).The hypothesisthat passageof seedsthroughthe digestivetractreducesrates of nutrient intake and absorption(Levey and Grajal 1991,Murray et al. 1993)leadsto the fruits at faster rates. This result led them to predictionthat seedsshouldreducesugar-asproposethat CedarWaxwingsare process-rate similationrates to a greater degree in Cedar limitedwheneatingsugaryfruits,i.e.thatwax- Waxwingsthan in thrushes.Alternatively,uniwingsingestfruits as fast as they can process directionalpassageof seedswithin fruits conthemthroughthe gut, and that seedsrepresent taining readily assimilatedsimplesugarsmay a significantcostbecausegutvolumethatcould enablebirds to achievehigherratesof fruit incontainnutritiousfruit pulp is occupiedby in- take and processingthan when seedsare redigestibleseeds.In a parallelstudy,Murray et gurgitated;i.e. flow of foodthroughthedigesal. (1993)found that AmericanRobins(Turdus tive tract canproceeduninterruptedby the remigratorius) consumedlarge-seeded fruitsfast- versal of flow from stomach to mouth that ocer than small-seededfruits. They alsoinvoked curs during regurgitation.If passageof seeds gut-processing limitations,attributingtheir re- throughthe digestivetractfunctionsto permit sultto thefactthatrobinsregurgitatedseedsof high intake and processingrates of sugary large-seededfruits and defecated seeds of fruits, then removal of seedsshould reduce diffruits. The idea of limitation of rates between Cedar Wax- gut-processing ratehasfosteredthecontention wings and thrushes. that avian frugivoresprocessfoods rapidly METHODS throughtheirgutsandutilizefruit nutrientsinefficiently. Presumably,rapid gut-processing I evaluated the influence of seed bulk on intake rates are a result of selectivepressuresto re- and assimilationratesof sugarsfrom a natural fruit duce the retentiontime of indigestibleseeds diet, chokecherry(Prunusvirginiana),by CedarWaxwithin the digestivetract becauseof high en- wings (mean body mass = 36.0 _+SD of 3.5 g, n = ergy requirementsand volumetricconstraints 4), American Robins (72.0 + SD of 6.6 g, n = 4), on gut capacityof frugivorousbirds. One hy- Wood Thrushes(Hylocichlamustelina;60.0 -+ SD of Thrushes(Catharus minpothesizedconsequence of this scenariois the 11.4g, n = 4), Gray-cheeked evolutionof rapidly assimilatedsimplesugars imus;38.7 + SD of 4.1 g, n = 2), andHermitThrushes asnutrientrewardsin fruit pulp.Evenso,avian (Catharusguttatus;28.3 + SD of 1.0 g, n = 2). These NorthAmericanfrugivores commonly eatcherries in frugivoresare reputedto utilize fruit sugarsin- the wild (Martin et al. 1951,Wheelwright1986,Witefficiently,presumablybecausethis permits mer 1996).Birdswerelong-termcaptives(morethan rapid fruit-processing ratesthatresultin high- one year) that had been maintained on a diet of er ratesof sugarassimilationfrom supposedly moistened Eukanuba Brand Small Bites Puppy Chow and wild fruits. Chokecherryfruits were colenergy-dilutefruits. Differences in dietary specializationand lectedin September1990and storedfrozenuntil the modes of seed processingbetween waxwings experiment.Becauseof the relatively small gape andthrushessuggestthat seedbulk hasdiffer- width of Hermit Thrushes and Gray-cheeked Thrushes,these two specieswere fed fruits of a ent consequences for digestive processingof smalleraveragesizethan thosefed to the otherspefruit by thesetwo groupsof birds.In the wild, cies.Both fruit batcheswere collectedfrom single Cedar Waxwings selecta diet dominatedby shrubclustersat peak ripenessto maximizeuniforsugaryfruits, whereasthrushesconsumeboth mity amongindividualfruits.Thawedchokecherries sugary and fatty fruits (Witmer 1996).Associ- were similar in appearance and texture to fresh April1998] DoSeeds LimitIntake ofFruits? 321 fruits.Watercontentof fruit pulp fromthebatchfed mayinflateestimates of turnovertime,themethodis to Cedar Waxwings, American Robins, and Wood Thrusheswas72%,andsugarcontentof thedry pulp intended only to show the approximate direction 76% water and 58% sugarin dry pulp were reported by Witmet (1996), whereasWhite (1989) reported higher water (81%) and lower sugar(43% sugar in this measure was arcsine-transformed and magnitudeof changein retentiontime with was63%.Watercontentof fruit pulp from thebatch changesin bulk intakeunder an assumptionof confed to Catharusspp. thrusheswas 7•%, and sugar tinuousflow througha fixedgut volume. Becausesugar digestiveefficiencyis a proportion, contentof the dry pulp was60%.Similarvaluesof for statistical analysis.Unless otherwisenoted, data were analyzed by repeated-measuresANOVA becauseindiasthe dry pulp)contents. Estimates of therelativeamounts vidualbirdsweretestedonbothdiets(species of fruit pulp and seedbulk of fruits by massand vol- between-factor and diet treatment as the within-facumewerethe same.Seedscomprised11.5%of fresh tor). When ANOVA revealedsignificantdifferences mass(or volume)and 33% of dry massof fruits fed amongspecies,post-hocdifferences betweenpairsof to Cedar Waxwings, American Robins, and Wood specieswereassessed by Fisher'sprotectedleastsigThrushes.Seedscomprised19.7%of freshmass(or nificant differencetest (Fisher'sPLSD). Becauseof in how CedarWaxwingsand thrushvolume)and 47%of dry massof fruits fed to Catharus the differences thrushes. es processseeds,I also performedplannedcomparBirdswereheld individuallyin stainlesssteelcag- isonsbetweenCedarWaxwingsand the four thrushes(30 x 45 x 45 cm) with subtendingcollectionpans es to evaluatewhetherwaxwingsrespondeddifferin artificially lighted rooms maintained at 16øC. entlythanthrushesto removalof seedsfrom fruits. Birdswere weigheddaily,2 h after nightfall.Water was available ad libitum at all times. Birds were fed wholechokecherry fruitsfortwo dayspriorto theexperimentto acclimatethem to this diet. Eachbird was alternatelytestedwith whole and pitted fruits of chokecherry,fed ad libitum for the 10 daylight hoursin two consecutive 24-hfeedingtrials(16to 17 February 1991). Trial order was split evenly among randomlychosenindividualsof eachbird species. For each24-h trial, food intakewas quantifiedand feces were collected, frozen, and freeze-dried for chemicalanalyses.Becauseof the potentialfor birds to compensate for dilution of the diet by increasing the durationof their daily feedingperiods,fruit intake was measured at hourly intervals to assess short-termpatternsof consumption.I quantified food consumptionby countingremainingfruits at eachhourly check,returningdroppedfruits to food dishes.To insure that birds did not selectamong fruits offered,I replenisheddietswhen only a few fruits remainedfrom the previousfeeding.Pulp intake was estimated from the average values for batchesof fruits fed to birds,accountingfor lossesof pulp whenfruitswerepitted.Sugarcontentof fruits and feceswasmeasuredby the Anthroneprocedure (Yemm and Willis 1951) after extractionof samples with 80% ethanol. RESULTS Therewereno significanteffectsof trial day on total intake of fresh fruit (F = 0.03, df = 1 and 11, P = 0.61), pulp intake (F = 2.55, df = 1 and 11, P = 0.14),sugardigestiveefficiency (F = 0.01, df = 1 and 11, P = 0.95), or total sugar assimilated(F = 3.05, df = 1 and 11, P = 0.11).Therefore,trial day was eliminatedas a factor from subsequentanalyses.Cedar Waxwingsandthrushesrespondedin parallelways to diet treatments(speciesx diet treatmentinteractions,Ps > 0.30; planned comparisonx diet treatment interactions,Ps > 0.50). Relativemasschangesduringthe 24-h trials werenot differentamongspecies(F = 2.13,df = 4 and 11, P = 0.15), nor did Cedar Waxwings differfromthrushes(plannedcomparison, F= 2.86, df = 1 and 11, P = 0.12). Relative mass changesof birdsfed wholefruits versuspitted fruits did not differ significantly(wholefruits: g = -2.8 -+ SD of 1.4%;pitted fruits: œ= -2.3 _+1.7%;F = 1.05, df = 1 and 11, P = 0.33). For all species,daily mass-specificintake ratesof wet matter (fruit pulp and seedscomWaxwings,thechangein meanturnovertimewases- bined)werehigherfor wholefruitsthanfor pitTo illustratethe potentialeffectof total intakeon retention time of food within the intestines of Cedar timated from fresh-mass(=volumetric) intake rate ted fruits (F = 22.86, df = 1 and 11, P < 0.001), and intestinal volume (volume divided by intake but intakeratesof fruit pulp from thesetwo dirate;Van Soest1994).This methodassumesconstant etswere not statisticallydifferent(F = 0.16,df gut volume and continual processingof fruit food bulk-processinglimitation (Levey and Grajal 1991). Intestinalvolumeswere measuredon salvagedbirds with relaxedtissues(Witmer 1994);thus, in vivoin- = 1 and 11, P = 0.69;Fig. 1). Pulp intakerates amongthrushspecieswere the same,whereas the intakerateby CedarWaxwingswashigher than that of eachthrushspecies(F = 10.89,df testinalvolumemayhavebeenlower.Althoughthis = 1 and 11, P < 0.001; Fisher's PLSD for each throughthe gut, consistentwith the hypothesisof 322 A MARKC. WITMER [Auk,Vol. 115 1000 1'501 '7, Cedar Waxwing [ ßWhole fruit ] ,;-, •) 800 • 400 ß • •.oo I Hermit Thrush 200 ß Cedar Waxwing Hermit Gr.-cheeked Thrush Thrush Wood Thrush American Robin O1 FIG. 1. Daily intake rates (œ-+ SE) of wet matter (fruit pulp and seeds)by five frugivoresfed pitted ]. versuswhole chokecherry fruits. Gray-cheeke Thrush O comparison,Ps --<0.008).Patternsof hourly intake of pulp overthe courseof the feedingday were indistinguishablebetweentreatmentsfor all species(F < 0.01, df = 1 and 22, P = 0.99; Fig. 2). Under the assumptionsof constantgut volume and continual flow, estimated mean reten- tiontime of Prunuspulp in theintestinesof Cedar Waxwings should have decreasedfrom about 63 to 57 min with the inclusion of seeds (Fig. 3). This effectwould havebeensmallerfor thrushesbecausetheyregurgitatemostPrunus seeds.If sugar absorptionis closelylinked to retention time, seed bulk should have reduced O.00]•.• • American Robin 0.50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Hour sugardigestiveefficiencyfor CedarWaxwings to a greaterdegreethan for thrushes.However, Fic. 2. Hourly patternsof pulp consumption(• -+ digestiveefficienciesof sugarswere similar for $E) of pitted (opencircles)and whole(filled circles) whole fruits (96.4 ___ 0.9%) and pitted fruits fruits by five fruõivores. (96.6 + 0.8%; F = 4.37, df = 1 and 11, P = 0.061; Fig. 4), and the responseto diet treatmentdid not differ significantlyamongbird species.Di- and 11, P = 0.001;Fisher'sPLSD,Ps -< 0.010). gestiveefficienciesof sugarswere not different Becausechokecherryfruit pulp containspriamong bird species(F = 0.52, df = 4 and 11, P marily sugars, with only minute amounts of = 0.72; planned comparisonbetween Cedar lipids and protein (3.0 and 2.6%, respectively; Waxwingandthrushes,F = 1.12,df = 1 and11, Witmer 1996),ratesof sugarassimilationcloseP = 0.31). ly approximatedrates of energy assimilation. Daily ratesof sugarassimilation,theproduct Energy assimilation (from sugars) among of intake rate and digestiveefficiency,were not thrushspecieswas scaledto body massto the significantly different for pitted and whole 0.74 power (sugar assimilated= 2.24 x body fruits (F = 0.12, df = 1 and 11, P = 0.73;Fig. massø.74), similar to the valuereportedamong 5). Parallelwith resultsfor dailyintakepatterns passerines(0.724, n = 35 species;Lasiewski of fruit pulp, hourly patternsof sugarassimi- and Dawson 1967). Comparedwith the allolation were not influencedby the presenceof metricpatternamongthrushes,daily sugarasseeds(F = 0.66, df = 1 and 22, P = 0.43). Rates similationwas higher for Cedar Waxwings of sugar assimilationwere the same among (planned comparison,F = 39.5, df = I and 14, thrushspecies but higherfor CedarWaxwings P < 0.001;Fig. 5). Given the absence of detectable differences than for eachof the thrushes(F = 9.66, df = 4 April 1998] 600- 323 100 - 70- •'Pitted fruit 500. 400. DoSeeds LimitIntakeofFruits? [ßWhole fruit [] 98 • 60 -I 1•_____•Twholefrui t Pitted fruit 96- 50 ....i_ ....... I ••.T'• : 300, 200 e- ._• t,,3 94- ß--• 92 100 {33 • 90 0 Cedar Hermit Waxwing Intake (g h-l) FIG. 3. Estimated effect of seed bulk on the reten- tion time of fruit pulp by Cedar Waxwings under a Thrush Gr.-cheeked Thrush Wood Thrush American Robin FIG.4. Digestiveefficienciesof sugars(• -+SE)by five frugivoresfed pitted versuswholechokecherry fruit diets. modelof continuousflow throughan inflexiblesystem. Values for inset are œ +_ SE. See Methods for de- tails and assumptions. among species in digestive responsesto di- etaryseedbulk,theoverallprobabilityof falsely acceptingthe null hypothesis if total intake was reducedin proportionto dilution of the diet with wet bulk (TypeII error)was16%(n = 16);the Type II error underthe expectation of intakereductionsproportionalto dry matter of thechokecherry dietwaswellbelow1%(Miller et al. 1990).Thisexperiment wasstatistically powerfulenoughto detectan effectof seedson fruit-pulp intake of 6.6%,adequatefor effects on intakeproportionalto wet or dry pulp mass. Thiswasdemonstrated by thesignificant effect pulp into the intestineis not affectedby seed bulk (see Levey and Grajal 1991). Equivalent ratesof sugarabsorptionby frugivorousbirds eatingseedlesspulp versuswhole fruits sug- gestthat intakeand assimilation of fruit-pulp sugarswere cuedto, or limited by, the rate of sugarabsorption or energyassimilation, rather thanby thephysicalcomposition of thesediets. CedarWaxwingsand thrushesalsoshowcompensatorydigestiveresponsesto dilution of artificial sugarydiets,increasingintake rate and passagespeedas sugar concentrationdeclines to regulate daily rates of sugar uptake to constant levels(Witmer unpubl. data). Birds eating whole and pitted chokecherry of seed bulk on total intake. DISCUSSION •'•3 5- Cedar WaxwingRobin Digestiveresponses to seedbulk.--Frugivorous birds compensatedfor dietary seed bulk by Thrush ..-'' passing (Cedar Waxwings) or regurgitating E Thrush (thrushes)seedsefficientlyenoughthat the ratesof processing and assimilatingfruit-pulp sugarswere not depressed(Figs. 1, 2, 5). Com) 2ß Whole fruit Gray-cheeked 0 Pitted fruit pensationeven at 1-h intervalssuggeststhat 0"• Thrush chokecherry seedsdid not constraininstanta20 •'0 4b.... do.... do.... 7'0.... neousratesof intake or sugarabsorption.UniBody maas (g) directionalprocessing of seedsthroughthe digestivetractby CedarWaxwingsmay be an efFIG. 5. Daily ratesof sugar assimilation(œ+- SE) ficientmodeof processing bulky dietsof readi- by fivefrugivoresfedpittedversuswholefruits.Sugly assimilatedsimple sugars in an aqueous ar assimilationwas not affectedby the presenceof medium.Regurgitation by thrushesmayelim- seedsin fruits.Dashedline showsallometricpattern inate seedsfrom the stomachso that entry of of sugarassimilationamongthe four thrushspecies. • 4- Wood 324 MARKC. WITMER [Auk, Vol. 115 mode acfruits performedequallywell on thesediets, not suggestthat seed-processing showingthe samedegreeof massloss(<3%). countsfor the intake differencesof sugary Thus,seedprocessing doesnot appearto have foodsbetweenCedarWaxwingsand thrushes exactedsignificantenergeticcoststo birds,but (Figs.1 and 5). Similarly,Cedar Waxwingsingest and assimilatesugary,low-proteinartifithis remainsto be quantified. Implications for frugivoredigestive functionand cial dietsat higherratesthan thrushes(ca. 1.5 nutrientassimilation fromfruits.--Thehigh diges- times; Witmer unpubl. data). These rates of tive effidencies of sugarsby thefivefrugivoresI sugar assimilationapproximatemaintenancestudiedare comparable to thoseshownby fru- energyintakeby thesespeciesunderthe same givorousmanakins(Worthington 1989)andnec- conditionsof captivity,suggestingthat frugitarivoroushummingbirds(Hainsworth1974, voresare not energy-limitedwhen eatingsugKarasovet al. 1986),contradicting thecontention ary fruits (Witmer 1994).Cedar Waxwingsapthat frugivoresassimilatefruit nutrientsineffi- pear to havehigherratesof energymetabolism ciently(e.g.Karasovand Levey1990,Leveyand when eatingsugary,low-proteindietsthan do Duke 1992).Thelackof an effectof indigestible more omnivorousfrugivores.The relatively bulk intakeon digestiveefficienc3• regardless of wide intestinalmorphologyof waxwingsis imseed-processing mode,challenges currentideas plicatedas a trait that enablesthis speciesto of how frugivoresprocessfruits. Becausethe achievehighintakeratesof bulky,sugaryfruits simplesugars(glucoseand fructose)in aqueous (Witmer 1994).For lipid-richfruits, which are solutionsof fruit pulp do not requiredigestion not normallyeatenby waxwingsandwhichreand are readily absorbedby activeand passive quire longerretentiontimesfor digestionand mechanisms(Pappenheimer and Reiss 1987), absorption (Mateos and Sell 1981, Afik and birds rarely may face tradeoffsbetweenintake Karasov 1996, Witmer and Van Soest 1998), and nutrientabsorptionfrom sugaryfruit diets seedbulk may have a muchstrongernegative undernaturallevelsof dietarydilutionwith in- effect on ingestion and/or absorptionrates digestiblebulk (Witmer and Van Soest1998). than it doesfor sugaryfruits. Seedloadsoffruits andtheevolution ofplant/fruRapid digestiveprocessing of sugaryfruitsis exin seed loads pectedbecauseglucoseand fructoseare easily givoremutualisms.--Differences absorbednutrients.Indeed,previouscontentions may accountfor the contrastingresults bethat frugivoreshaveintrinsicallyrapid passage tweenmy studyandthoseof LeveyandGrajal ratesmay haveresultedfrom effectsof experi- (1991) and Murray et al. (1993). Seeds commentaldiettype,ratherthananimaldietaryhab- prisedabout28% (by volume)of artificialdiets its; passagerates for Cedar Waxwings and in the previousstudiesversus12 to 20% of the thrusheseatingthe samedietsare not different natural diet in my study.In fact,the seedloads (Witmer1994).Thus,fastpassageof fruit diets usedin the other two studiesthat reportedefdoesnot appearto be a trait of frugivoresthat fects of seed bulk on fruit intake appear to be resultsin impairednutrientutilization,but a re- higher than thosetypically found in sugary, suitof howrapidlyfruit sugarscanbethorough- bird-dispersedfruits (Fig. 6). The abilityof the ly absorbed(comparedwith lipid- and/or pro- digestivesystemsof avian frugivoresto comtein-richfoods).Rapidpassage of seedsrelative pensatefor seedbulk may explainthe results to pulp throughthe intestinesof CedarWax- of studies in which birds did not discriminate wings(LeveyandDuke 1992)probablyfunctions on the basis of seed load (McPherson1987, to minimizethe time thatindigestible seedsare Willson and Comet 1993, Willson 1994). Alretainedwithintheabsorptive portionof thegut, thoughfruit removalby birds hasbeencorrewhile permittingretentionof pulp until absorp- lated with the seed-to-pulpratio of natural tion of nutrientsis complete. The abilityof fru- fruits (Howe and Vande Kerckhove1980, 1981, givorousbirdsto compensate for seedsalsosug- Sallabanks1993),my resultssuggestthat the geststhattheirgutsdistendto accomodate indi- causes of such correlations remain obscure. My resultssuggestthat seedsof bird-disgestiblebulk, aswell as the possibilitythatfrugivoregutsprocess fruit foodsdiscretely, rather persed fruits often do not impose bulk-prothancontinuously. cessinglimitationson frugivores.The waysin Do seeds affectinterspecific patternsoffruit con- which seedsinfluencefruit-intake ratespotensumptionandsugarassimilation?--My resultsdo tially depend on the physical and chemical April 1998] DoSeeds LimitIntakeofFruits? 325 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Birds were held under state and federal (PRTseed loadsof chokecherry fruilsused in lhis sfudy seed loads of artificial studies fruitsused in previous 721267)permitsto MCW,in compliance with all state andfederalregulations regardingresearch with captive wild birds,overseen by the InstitutionalAnimal Care and UseCommitteeat CornellUniversity.Peter Van Soestgenerouslyprovidedlaboratoryfacilities and suppliesfor chemicalanalyses. ! am gratefulto Nina Ingle for collaborationin a preliminarystudy 0 10 20 30 40 Seed load (%) thathelpedin thedesignof thisresearch. Themanuscript benefitted from the commentsof Carlos Bosque, Nina Ingle,DougLevey,CarlosMartinezdel Rio, RexSallabanks,and WesleyWeathers. FIG.6. Distributionof seedloads(g seedsper g wholefruit, freshmass)for sugaryfruitsof 38 plant LITERATURE CITED speciesfrom the easternUnited States(9 species from Witruer[1996a],29 speciesfromWhite [1989]). Boldarrowsshowseedloadsof chokecherry fruits AFIK, D., AND W. H. KARASOV.1996. The trade-offs between digestion rate and efficiencyin warusedin thisstudyandartificialfruitsusedby Levey biersand theirecological implications. Ecology and Grajal (1991)and Murray et al. (1993). 76:2247-2257. CIPOLLINI, M. L., ANDD. J. LEVEY.1991. Why some fruitsare greenwhentheyare ripe:Carbonbal- compositionof fruits, energydemandson fruancein fleshyfruits.Oecologia 88:371-377. givores,and the digestivetraits of particular HAINSWORTH, F.R. 1974. 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