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Mar Ecol Prog Ser
Vol. 289: 273–283, 2005
Published March 30
Effects of small-scale isolation and predation on
fish diversity on experimental reefs
Jonathan Belmaker1, 2,*, Nadav Shashar 2, 3, Yaron Ziv1
The Departments of Life-Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, PO Box 653, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel
The H. Steinitz Marine Biology Laboratory, The Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences, PO Box 469, Eilat 88103, Israel
The Department of Evolution Systematics and Ecology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Givat Ram,
Jerusalem 91904, Israel
ABSTRACT: A positive correlation is often found between fish species diversity on coral reefs and
their degree of isolation. We examined whether isolation creates differences in fish assemblages
among reefs through changes in predation pressure. First, small artificial reefs were placed at
increasing distances from a naturally continuous reef, over a sloping bottom. Species richness and
density of each species increased with isolation. Next, artificial reefs were relocated, together with all
their fish inhabitants, closer to the natural reef. Following relocation, resident fishes of the artificial
reefs exhibited a sharp decline in numbers, while predatory fish density increased. Both video observations of the relocated artificial reefs and the correlation between piscivore aggregation and decline
of the resident fishes revealed that the cause of decline was the strong predation around the artificial
reefs. The decline was density-dependent, such that the per-capita rate of decline was higher on artificial reefs with higher fish density. This study shows that the impact of piscivores on resident fish is
modified by small-scale isolation. The results suggest that the high density of fish on small, isolated
reefs is enabled by low predation.
KEY WORDS: Reef fish · Artificial reef · Piscivores · Red Sea
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Patterns of species diversity in time and space are of
great interest in community ecology (Rosenzweig
1995). A major theoretical development aimed to
explain such patterns on isolated areas is the theory of
island biogeography (MacArthur & Wilson 1967). This
theory postulates that species diversity on islands is
determined through the balance between immigration
and extinction rates. Accordingly, this diversity is
expected to decrease with increased isolation due to
reduced immigration from the species pool on the
mainland. Indeed, since the theory of island biogeography has been published, many studies substantiated
its predictions regarding the effect of increased isolation on lowering species diversity (e.g. Simberloff &
Wilson 1969, Williamson 1981, Rosenzweig 1995).
In coral reef systems, different levels of isolation can
be found among reef patches (‘islands’) located at dif-
ferent distances from continuous structures. Coral-reef
patches support a diverse and abundant fish community (Sale et al. 1994). However, in contrast to the prediction of the island-biogeography theory, it has been
shown that fish diversity on reefs can increase with distance from a natural, contiguous reef (Shulman 1985,
Walsh 1985, Friedlander and Parrish 1998, J. Belmaker
et al. unpubl. data). Moreover, patch reefs were found
to contain more species than equivalent portions of
continuous reefs (Ault & Johnson 1998a, Stewart &
Jones 2001, Chittaro 2002). These effects are likely to
be scale-dependent, since large reef patches do not
necessarily show similar patterns (McClanahan &
Arthur 2001, Acosta & Robertson 2002). Theoretical
explanations for increased species richness in isolated
reefs include reduced predation, reduced competition
or less nest disturbance (Walsh 1985), additional food
resources in the area surrounding the patch reef (Randall 1963 in Walsh 1985), and a longer edge relative to
*Email: [email protected]
© Inter-Research 2005 ·
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 289: 273–283, 2005
reef area associated with patch reefs than in continuous reefs, which offers an attractive habitat for species
that use the sandy substrata for food and the nearby
reef for shelter (Ault & Johnson 1998a). However, in
general, the apparent contradiction with the islandbiogeography theory has received relatively little
attention in the literature and little experimentation
has been done to test the above hypotheses.
Almost every fish on the coral reef starts as a pelagic larva (Leis 1991). The observed community structure of fish on a coral reef is therefore a product of an
‘input’ — typically through settlement of larvae onto the
reef habitat, and an ‘output’— through post-settlement
processes such as mortality and emigration. There has
been a considerable debate as to whether settlement
patterns are sufficient to explain the subsequent
population sizes (i.e. recruitment limitation; Doherty &
Williams 1988), or whether post-settlement processes
act to modify settlement patterns. The latter can occur
through different processes such as competition (Robertson 1996, Bay et al. 2001, Munday et al. 2001), predation (Hixon & Beets 1993, Carr & Hixon 1995, Beets
1997, Beukers & Jones 1998, Connell 1998), and postsettlement relocation (Robertson 1988, Lewis 1997).
Accumulated evidence suggests that predation by
piscivorous fish can have a significant effect on the
abundance and diversity of coral reef fishes (Hixon &
Beets 1993, Carr & Hixon 1995, Beets 1997, Holbrook &
Schmitt 2002, Webster 2003, Almany 2004). Piscivore
abundance is not uniform, but patchy at several spatial
scales (Caley 1995, Connell & Kingsford 1998, Holbrook & Schmitt 2003). These patterns of piscivore
abundance may be important in determining the patterns of their prey species’ abundance. The interaction
between the long-term patterns of predator abundance and the short-term behavioral response of
predators to prey should shape the nature of the
impact piscivores have on fish distribution. Both the
predators functional response (Holling 1959) and their
aggregative response (Hassell 1966) are important in
determining the strength of predation, and, ultimately,
may resolve whether predation is strong enough to
mask patterns of settlement. Recent evidence suggests
that aggregation of piscivores around prey concentrations may be important for producing strong and density-dependent mortality of the prey (Anderson 2001,
Webster 2003).
Predator–prey interactions may be contingent on the
degree of isolation. Fish populations on isolated patch
reefs — both piscivores and prey fishes — may assume a
metapopulation with little post-settlement relocation
(Ault & Johnson 1998b), which could affect predator–
prey interactions. It is well documented that predator
density is lower on small isolated patches (e.g.
Abensperg-Traun & Smith 1999, Denys & Tscharntke
2002, Michaux et al. 2002). Due to their small size, isolated reefs offer limited food supply and may not be
able to support many local predators over time. In addition, the ability of predators to aggregate over prey may
be reduced on isolated reefs since the risk of predation
imposed on piscivores (by even larger predators) might
preclude piscivores from moving freely among reefs.
Indeed, Connell & Kingsford (1998) and Connell (1998)
found that predator abundance was higher on continuous reefs than on reef patches isolated within a lagoon.
Artificial reefs are increasingly being used to test
ecological processes (e.g. Hixon & Beets 1993, Caley &
St. John 1996, Beets 1997). It is possible to create artificial reefs identical in design, thereby controlling for
variations that usually occur on natural reefs. In addition, artificial reefs are flexible in design and location,
as well as easy to manipulate. The aim of this study
was 2-fold: first, to confirm patterns observed in other
studies regarding species diversity change with isolation (this was done by examining the diversity and
composition of fish assemblages on experimental artificial reefs that differ in their degree of isolation) second, to test the hypothesis that predation pressure
changes with isolation, such that more connected reefs
experience higher predation pressure, potentially reducing species diversity (demonstrated by relocating
artificial reefs to the vicinity of a continuous natural
reef and monitoring fish abundance and predator
aggregation on them).
Study site and experimental design. We conducted
this study at the Inter-University Institute for Marine
Science (IUI) at the Israeli coast of the Gulf of Aqaba,
Red Sea (29° 30’ N, 34° 56’ E). We placed the artificialreef experimental setup at the location where the
seafloor drops sharply from a depth of 12 m to a depth
of 40 m. Up to this drop, the bottom is covered by a
continuous hard substrate with live coral cover. Further, beyond this sharp drop, few patchy and isolated
corals are found on the sandy bottom. To examine the
effect of isolation on fish community, we deployed 16
identical artificial-reef structures and monitored fish
assemblages on them. We used small (1 m3) model
units made of a metal frame on which a plastic mesh
was added in a manner that increased the structural
complexity, offering a variety of permanent and transient refuges, while still enabling visual census (Fig. 1).
The artificial reefs were submerged at a consistent
depth of 10 m below the surface during September
2002, and placed in 4 distance groups according to
their horizontal distance from the natural continuous
reef — 0, 12, 25 and 50 m away (Fig. 1). The artificial
Belmaker et al.: Isolation modifies predation of fishes
Fig. 1. A cross-shore schematic representation of the experimental design. The artificial reefs were floated at a constant
depth, but at an increasing degree of isolation from the natural reef. Artificial reef
units were made from a 1 m3 metal frame
on which wire was added in a manner that
increased the structural complexity while
enabling visual census. Each structure
contained 3 wire cylinders to offer a variety of permanent and transient refuges
reefs’ averaged height above the bottom increased
with isolation from 1.3 through 6.5, 18.4 and 33 m,
respectively. Subsequent reference to the artificial
reefs will refer to their horizontal distance from the
reef, although the vertical distance varies. For example, Distance 0 is directly above the natural reef
although more than 1 m above the substrate. Each distance group had 4 replicas apart from the 50 m distance group of which only 2 replicas were intact at the
end of the experiment. The distance between the replicates was at least 12 m. Because the artificial reefs
were suspended in mid-water, they were isolated from
the natural reef both horizontally (i.e. distance from the
natural reef) and vertically (i.e. distance above the
ocean floor). This unique design allowed a conservative testing of isolation, since fish had to move in midwater to reach the reef. However, the design may have
entailed other confounding effects involved with distance above the substrata and, consequently, we could
not separate the effects of horizontal isolation and distance above the substratum. In the following sections
we will use isolation to describe this combined effect of
horizontal isolation and distance above the substratum.
To test our hypothesis that predation pressure
changes with isolation, we relocated the artificial reefs
after 12 mo of consistent isolation. Artificial reefs from
the original distances of 12, 25 and 50 m from the natural reef were moved to new locations adjacent to the
natural reef, i.e. Distance 0. Relocation was done by
completely covering each artificial reef with fine netting, trapping all resident fish inside the artificial reef.
After covering, the artificial reefs were hung from a
surface buoy, detached from their location and moved
underwater with all the fishes inside to their new location. Occasionally, when large schools of fish were
present on the reef, a few fishes were able to escape
prior to the final closing of the net and stayed outside
the netting. However, these fish did not leave the
vicinity of the reef and even followed us during the
relocation, settling back on the artificial reef once the
netting was removed. Each artificial reef was surveyed
both prior to and 24 h after relocation, allowing us to
estimate fish loss due to the relocation process itself.
The 24 h-after-relocation survey was used as a baseline for fish density for all subsequent analysis. Further
surveys were conducted after 4, 7 and 14 d, and then
sporadically for the following 2 mo. Four artificial reefs
were not relocated toward the natural reefs but were
instead used as a control for the effect of the relocation
process itself on fish assemblages. These control reefs
were either relocated to a location at the same degree
of isolation (2 reefs; 1 at 0 m, and 1 at 12 m from the
natural reef) or covered with netting and shaken vigorously (2 reefs, at distances of 12 and 25 m from the naturally continuous reef). These 2 groups were combined
for data analysis.
Visual surveys. Fish populations on the artificial
reefs were visually surveyed while SCUBA diving by a
single surveyor (J.B.). The first 3 visual censuses were
conducted at 3 mo intervals, starting in September
2002, after which 3 visual censuses were conducted at
a 1 mo interval. Weekly surveys conducted during July
and August 2003 improved the estimation of the transient fish population. The last survey took place during
September 2003, making the total duration of the
experiment approximately 1 yr.
All fishes, whether predatory, resident or pelagic,
that swam within a distance of 0.5 m from the artificial
reefs were recorded and sorted by species and size (by
comparison with a ruler underwater). The number of
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 289: 273–283, 2005
schooling or shoaling species was estimated since it
was impossible to conduct exact counts. The percent
difference between consecutive estimates was not
biased, i.e. did not differ from zero (mean = –4%,
95% CI = 12.9%) and was independent of sample size
above a minimum of 10 individuals per sample (Pearson’s r = –0.19, p > 0.47).
We considered all fishes to be resident on the reef
unless they left the artificial reef or took shelter outside
it when approached by a diver, in which case they
were recorded as transients (Walsh 1985). Patterns of
abundance of piscivores and fishes transient to the
artificial reefs were obtained both from scheduled
monthly censuses during the summer of 2003 as well
as from weekly surveys over a 2 mo period. We averaged the abundance of transients over the whole
period per reef.
We classified fishes from the families Serranidae,
Scorpaenidae, Carangidae, Muraenidae, Antennariidae and Fistulariidae as piscivores, providing that
their total length (TL) was greater than 150 mm. This
value is slightly smaller than the > 200 mm TL used in
previous research to characterize large piscivores
(Connell 1998, Connell & Kingsford 1998). We did not
see members of other piscivore families on the artificial reefs throughout the entire study period. In addition, because examinations of gut content showed that
many reef fish were capable of predation even though
their diet was principally composed of other elements
(Hiatt & Strasburg 1960), we classified several species
that are not classical piscivores (i.e. Parupeneus cyclostomus and Lethrinus nebulosus) as piscivores after
they were observed attacking other fish on the artificial reef. We considered fish as potential prey when
their TL length was smaller than 80 mm, since this
was the maximal length of fishes that were observed
to be preyed upon by piscivores during the experiment.
Video observations. To observe the fishes’ response
to the relocation, 3 of the artificial reefs were videorecorded using a Hitachi VKC77E video camera
placed in an underwater housing and connected online to a viewing, recording and controlling station on
the shore. The reefs were monitored for 2 wk following
relocation for 3 or 6 h a day on the same days as the
visual surveys. To assess predator abundance, we
counted the number of predatory fishes that were present within 0.5 m of the reef over a 1 min time frame
every 15 min and then averaged them over the 3 h of
the recordings. The first video-recorded artificial reef
had been in place for 12 mo, and was not relocated,
hence serving as a control. We then video-recorded (at
the same location) an artificial reef relocated from an
original distance of 25 m from the natural reef, followed by a third artificial reef 12 m away.
Statistics. Statistical procedures were preformed primarily using the JMP software (Sall 2000). Parametric
statistics were preformed only when the data passed
the homogeneity-of-variance tests (both O’Brien’s test
[Olejnik & Algina 1987] and the Brown-Forsythe test
[Brown & Forsythe 1974]. Since the raw data failed
these tests we Box-Cox-transformed (Sokal & Rohlf
2000) the numbers of individuals on the artificial reefs
and square-root-transformed the number of species,
thus ensuring homogeneity of variance. An artificial
reef at a distance of 50 m that sank and lost individual
fish before it was re-floated was excluded from
analyses that compared numbers of fish individuals.
Consequently, only 3 distance groups were used: those
0, 12 and 25 m from the natural reef.
We examined the differences among groups in
experiments which involved repeated surveys through
time using multivariate repeated-measures analysis
(Von Ende 2001). To analyze trends in time within a
single treatment, we hand-calculated the nonparametric Page test (Siegel & Castellan 1988). Analysis involving counts of piscivores or transients on the artificial
reefs were highly variable; therefore nonparametric
statistical tests were used and the Spearman’s rank
correlation replaced linear regression. To correlate the
number of piscivores and the number of potential
prey we used Spearman’s rank correlation on all data
points, combining replicas in space (i.e. between reefs)
and in time (i.e. between surveys).
For multivariate analysis of assemblage structure we
used similarity matrixes that were calculated with the
Bray-Curtis index (Krebs 1999) on 4th root-transformed data in order to reduce the contribution of the
common species (Clarke & Warwick 1994). Significance of differences between sites in multidimensional
space were calculated using analysis of similarity,
ANOSIM (Clarke & Warwick 1994). To identify species
characteristic of the observed sample patterns, i.e. species that can be used to distinguish between distance
groups in an analytical manner, we conducted species
contribution to similarity analysis (SIMPER) (Clarke &
Warwick 1994). All multivariate analysis of assemblage structures were conducted with PRIMER-E
software (Clarke & Gorley 2001).
Temporal patterns of species abundance, diversity
and dynamics
Overall, we counted 12 862 fish belonging to 63 different species on the artificial reefs during the experiment. Of these, 12 503 individuals (97.2%) belonging
to 38 species were resident on the artificial reefs.
Belmaker et al.: Isolation modifies predation of fishes
Although many species were observed, most were relatively rare, and the 2 common species Pseudanthias
squamipinnis and Neopomacentrus miryae constituted
92% of all fish individuals. Fishes colonizing the artificial reefs were mostly juveniles, suggesting that colonization occurred primarily through settlement of
larvae, and less through post-settlement relocation
(though we cannot exclude the possibility of early postrecruitment dispersal).
The number of individuals and species increased
significantly with time on artificial reefs from Distance
Groups 12 and 25 m (Fig. 2, Page test, p < 0.05), but not
on artificial reefs adjacent to the natural reef at distance 0 m (Page test, p > 0.05). The number of individuals increased for the first 9 mo after deployment, after
which it either did not change or decreased (Fig. 2A).
The large increase in fish density after 9 mo may correspond to a peak in recruitment at spring and the beginning of summer (Cuschnir 1991), followed by a minimal addition or even decline in individuals during the
remaining summer months. Following the sharp initial
increase, the number of species on Distance Group
50 m did not further increase with time (Page test,
p > 0.05).
We used multivariate analysis to compare the
changes in species composition between the different
surveys. Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (MDS;
Clarke & Warwick 1994) showed clear grouping of
reefs within surveys (average stress = 0.09). An
ANOSIM significance test confirmed that species
composition differed significantly between surveys
(2-way, distance and survey, crossed ANOSIM of
4th-root-transformed, unstandardized data, p < 0.001).
However, we did not detect further changes in species
composition beyond 9 mo from deployment. Species
that were typical for the first survey, such as the goby
Pleurosicya micheli, were relatively rare on subsequent surveys (SIMPER analysis). Large numbers of
newly recruited Pseudanthias squamipinnis characterized the second survey, and all subsequent surveys
were characterized by large numbers of Neopomacentrus miryae and P. squamipinnis, and to a lesser extent
Anthias taeniatus (SIMPER analysis).
Effect of distance from the natural reef
We used the results of the visuals surveys to compare fish assemblage structure on artificial reefs
located at different distances from the natural reef.
Artificial reefs located off the natural reefs had a significantly larger number of resident species and individuals (repeated measures MANOVA on square-roottransformed data for species, F3,9 = 12.26, p < 0.01;
Box-Cox-transformed data for individuals, F2,8 = 21.5,
Fig. 2. Average (±1 SE) number of resident (A) individuals
and (B) species on an artificial reef vs time after deployment
at different distances from the natural reef. Note that an artificial reef at Distance Group 50 that sank and lost individuals
(but not species) before it was re-floated was excluded from
panel A (n = 1) but not from panel B (n = 2). Differences were
analyzed using repeated-measures ANOVA on (A) Box-Coxtransformed data and (B) square-root-transformed data. Letters on the right join distances that are not significantly
different (Contrast post hoc tests, p > 0.05). Artificial reefs
further from the natural reef (distances of 12, 25 and 50 m)
had more individuals and species than reefs adjacent to
the natural reef
p < 0.001; Fig. 2). The increase was attributed to the
difference between reefs adjacent to the natural reef
(Distance 0), which remained depopulated throughout
the study, to isolated artificial reefs at distances of 12,
25 and 50 m from the natural reef (contrast post-hoc
tests, p < 0.05). There was no significant difference in
species or individuals among artificial reefs at distances of 12, 25 and 50 m (contrast post-hoc tests, p >
0.14). Importantly, the average number of transient
fishes on the artificial reefs decreased significantly
with distance from a natural reef (Spearman’s rank
correlation r = –0.66, p < 0.05).
Multivariate analysis was used to assess how location off the natural reefs affected resident fish assemblage structure. Cluster analysis as well as ANOSIM
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 289: 273–283, 2005
revealed that distance from the natural reef had a significant effect on fish assemblage structure (Fig. 3,
ANOSIM on Bray-Curtis similarity index, on 4th-roottransformed, unstandardized data, p < 0.001). Pairwise comparisons between distance groups showed
that all distance groups that were located off the reef
(at 12, 25 and 50 m) were significantly different in
assemblage structure from the reefs adjacent to the
natural reef (Distance 0, p < 0.05). However, Distance
Groups 12, 25 and 50 m did not differ significantly
among themselves. These reefs were all characterized
by many individuals of Neopomacentrus miryae,
together with Pseudanthias squamipinnis and to a
lesser extent Anthias taeniatus (SIMPER analysis).
These species were almost completely absent from the
artificial reefs that were close to the natural reef (i.e.
distance 0), which were occupied mainly by the labrid
Cheilinus mentalis (SIMPER analysis).
Artificial reefs following relocation
Resident fish
The number of fishes on the artificial reefs declined
rapidly following their relocation to the continuous reef
(Fig. 4). Repeated-measures MANOVA revealed that
% Similarity
Fig. 3. Cluster analysis of similarity in fish assemblages
on the artificial reefs of the last survey (September 2003).
Similarity was calculated for resident fish using the BrayCurtis index on 4th-root-transformed, unstandardized data.
Clustering was based on group averages. Low similarity in
assemblage structure was found between the isolated reefs
(Distances 12, 25 and 50 m) and the reef adjacent to the
natural reef (Distance 0)
Percent survival
12 m
25 m
50 m
Day from relocation
Fig. 4. Average (±1 SE) percent survival of fish individuals
(calculated relatively to Day 1) against day from relocation,
for all resident fish on the artificial reefs. Letters join distances
that are not significantly different (contrast post-hoc tests,
following repeated-measures MANOVA, p > 0.05). Artificial
reef relocated from a distance of 25 and 50 m had lower
survival than artificial reefs from 12 m or control reefs
the percent of individuals surviving was significantly
different for artificial reefs that were relocated from
different distances (F 3, 10 = 4.86, p < 0.05). Fish density
on reefs that were brought from 25 and 50 m to a distance of 0 m declined faster than that of control reefs,
i.e. reefs that did not change their degree of isolation
(contrast post-hoc tests, p < 0.05). The number of fishes
on reefs from 12 m declined slower than that of reefs
brought from 25 and 50 m away (p < 0.05), but did not
differ from the control reefs (p > 0.3). To examine
whether the rate of fish disappearance was related to
the initial density, we plotted the per-capita disappearance rate (fish week–1 initial density–1) against initial
density (Fig. 5). A significant correlation (Spearman’s
rank correlation, r = 0.68, p < 0.05) between the percapita disappearance and the initial density support a
density-dependent effect (this correlation remained
valid even when we excluded an artificial reef that had
extremely high initial densities of resident fish; Spearman’s rank correlation, r = 0.68, p < 0.05).
Although the artificial reefs as a whole showed a density-dependent decline in fish density, different species
responded in different ways to the relocation. The most
abundant species, Neopomacentrus miryae, declined
very rapidly in number until only a few individuals remained on each reef (3 ± 6.4 individuals after 2 wk, avg.
± SD). Hence, the number of N. miryae that disappeared within a week was strongly related to its initial
density (Spearman’s rank correlation, r = 0.96, p <
0.001) while the per-capita decline was densityindependent (Spearman’s rank correlation, r = 0.07,
p > 0.85). The second-most abundant species, Pseudanthias squamipinnis, declined in number as well,
Belmaker et al.: Isolation modifies predation of fishes
Per capita disapearance
12 m
25 m
50 m
Initial density
Fig. 5. Per-capita fish disappearance (i.e. change in the number of individuals after the first week following relocation
divided by the fish density on the first day) vs initial fish
density (number per artificial reef unit). The 2 variables are
correlated (Spearman’s rank correlation, r = 0.68 p < 0.05),
indicating a density-dependent effect
however the numbers of individuals that disappeared
were relatively low and unrelated to the initial density
(average decline of 18% wk–1, Spearman’s rank correlation, r = 0.32, p > 0.36). Other species occurred at low
densities that did not allow analysis. Even though the
number of fish on the artificial reefs declined rapidly in
the first few days after relocation, subsequent changes
were few, and fish numbers and assemblage composition did not change after the first few days.
conducted several surveys of the same reef. However,
since putative prey numbers declined substantially
between surveys and since most piscivores were
transients and showed high temporal variability, it is
unlikely this biased the results.
To examine whether piscivores responded to the
density of potential prey alone or to the relocation process itself, we tested whether the ratio between the
number of predator individuals and prey individuals
changed with time. We predicted that if predators
responded to the relocation process itself the ratio
between predator and prey will decrease with time
from relocation. We conducted repeated-measures
MANOVA on the piscivore-to-prey ratio (the ratio was
taken between the square-root-transformed number of
predators and log-transformed number of individuals,
and was followed by angular transformation of the
ratio; Sokal & Rohlf 2000) with day from relocation as
the repeated measure. The piscivore-to-prey ratio
neither changed through time (F3,5 = 1.06, p > 0.44) nor
with the distance from which the artificial reef was
relocated (F2,7 = 2.42, p > 0.15). These results suggest
that predators did not aggregate around the artificial
reefs in response to the relocation process or the
appearance of a new structure alone. However, baring
in mind the low power of the analysis, we cannot
exclude the effect of relocation entirely.
Video analysis
Piscivores aggregated around relocated artificial
reefs, and their numbers increased 50-fold following
relocation, from 0.13 ± 0.14 (avg. ± SD) piscivores per
survey to 6.75 ± 6.24. The number of piscivores on control reefs (artificial reefs located off the natural reef)
decreased 6-fold from 2.00 ± 1.56 piscivores per survey
to 0.33 ± 0.57. Following an initial increase after relocation the number of piscivores on the artificial reefs
declined significantly in Distance Group 25 m (Page
test, p < 0.05), and declined, although only marginally
significantly, in Distance Group 50 m (Page test, L = 55,
n = 2, k = 4, p < 0.06). However, the number of piscivores stayed consistently low and did not decline significantly on the control reefs (Page test, p > 0.05). The
decline in the number of piscivores over time from
relocation on the artificial reefs from distance group
12 m was not significant (Page test, p > 0.05). The number of piscivores was correlated to the density of potential prey on the experimental, relocated reefs (Spearman’s rank correlation, r = 0.64, p < 0.001) but not on
isolated control reefs (Spearman’s rank correlation, r =
–0.062, p > 0.84). To calculate these correlations, we
To reveal the cause of the decline in fish density in
our relocated artificial reefs, we video-recorded 3
artificial reefs. The recordings showed an aggregative
response of predators around relocated artificial reefs
(Fig. 6). The number of aggregating predators seen by
the camera was correlated to the density of resident fish
(Pearson’s r = 0.82, p < 0.05). Furthermore, the recordings uncovered many direct attacks on the resident fish
by predators. Nevertheless, exact quantification of
these attacks was impossible due to their swiftness and
the complexity of the artificial reefs. Indirect evidence
provided further support to the hypothesis that the
decline was caused mainly by predation: First, no new
schools of either Neopomacentrus miryae or Pseudanthias squamipinnis were seen on the natural reef. Second, most of the examined reef fish belonged to species
that are relatively sedentary and exhibit site fidelity.
Third, in neither direct observations nor video monitoring was fish emigration out of the artificial reefs noted.
Hence, though we cannot rule out this option, massive
fish disappearance due to emigration was unlikely (e.g.
Hixon & Carr 1997, Forrester & Steele 2000, Holbrook &
Schmitt 2002). Furthermore, limited emigration due to
increased predation pressure does not significantly
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 289: 273–283, 2005
Reef brought
from 25 m
Number of piscivores
Reef brought
from 12 m
Old artificial reef
Fig. 6. Number of piscivores (± SE) on an artificial reef at
Distance 0 recorded during a 1 min time frame. All recordings
were conducted at a single location. F = an old artificial reef
(in location for 1 yr) with less than 10 resident fish, D = an artificial reef that was relocated from 25 m away and carried 173
individuals of resident fish 1 d after relocation, J = an artificial
reef that was relocated from 12 m away and carried 104 individuals of resident fish 1 d after relocation. Numbers of
piscivores on artificial reefs initially increased after relocation, but eventually fell back to original numbers
alter our conclusions given that the ultimate outcome,
reduced diversity on continuous reefs, is similar.
Piscivores aggregating around the reefs were taxonomically diverse and included relatively sedentary
species such as the frogfish Antennarius commerson,
as well as mobile species such as the jack Carangoides
fulvoguttatus. Although jacks are mobile and were
seen to swim into the ocean, they were not observed
around control reefs but did, aggregate on reefs that
were relocated toward the natural reef.
Artificial reefs that were placed away from the natural reef had more species and more individuals of
fishes. Relocation of the artificial reefs near a natural
continuous reef resulted in a rapid decline in fish density (decline of 53% ± 35% in fish number over 1 wk,
avg. ± SD). This decline was associated with a 50-fold
increase in piscivores density on the relocated reefs,
while the control reefs exhibited a 6-fold decline. This
decrease on the control reefs might be attributed,
though not verified, to movement of predators from
these reefs toward the relocated reefs. These results
suggest a causative relationship between piscivore
aggregation and prey fish decline.
A unique aspect of our study, in contrast to the natural environment, is that isolation covaries with height
above the substratum. Therefore, it is hard to distinguish the effects of isolation perse and confounded
effects related to height above the substrate on fish
assemblages (e.g. Rilov & Benayahu 2002). For example, fish might be more reluctant to traverse open
water than open sand. Although the artificial reefs do
not necessarily mimic isolation on natural reefs, both
show similar patterns of fish diversity. Similar to our
study, patch reefs were found to support higher fish
diversity than equally sized continuous reefs (Ault &
Johnson 1998a, Stewart & Jones 2001, Chittaro 2002).
In addition, small-scale isolation was shown to increase diversity of fish assemblages on small experimental reefs (Shulman 1985, Walsh 1985). The similarities suggest that insights from artificial reefs might
prove useful in understanding natural ones. The limits
of our experimental design do not rule out the significance of predation on continuous reefs as shown
through reef relocation. The rapid decline of fish density on artificial reefs following relocation implies that
short-term processes are at work, and therefore suggests that settlement patterns alone cannot suffice to
explain the increase in fish diversity with isolation.
Such rapidly acting agents may include emigration out
of the artificial reefs or rapid mortality of the fish on the
modular reef such as by means of predation.
The rate of decline in density was different for the 2
most common species. Neopomacentrus miryae declined rapidly, while the rate of decline was lower for
Pseudanthias squamipinnis. Both species did not show
density-dependent disappearance when analyzed separately. However, the total number of fish on an artificial reef did decline in a density-dependent manner.
We believe that these results imply that piscivores
aggregate around the artificial reefs in response to
total fish density and not to the density of any particular species. Once predators reach the reef they do not
consume prey according to their relative proportion
but may have a preference toward a certain species. In
our case, it seems that N. miryae is more susceptible to
predation than P. squamipinnis. Behavioral observations show that while P. squamipinnis hid individually
inside the reef when confronted with predators,
N. miryae swam as a group around the reef in a frenzied manner. This behavior might be suitable when
avoiding a solitaire predator, but inappropriate when
faced with many predators together.
So why are small, isolated reefs diverse? Ault &
Johnson (1998a) proposed that the increase in fish
diversity with isolation is caused by attraction of species
from surrounding habitats and higher edge-to-area ratio
associated with patch reefs as compared to continuous
reefs. Our experimental design used identical reef-like
Belmaker et al.: Isolation modifies predation of fishes
structures that were suspended in mid-water, causing
both horizontal and vertical isolation. Consequently, in
this setting, the increase in fish density and richness with
isolation was unlikely to be caused by accumulation of
fishes from the surrounding habitat.
Predators aggregated over prey concentrations on
artificial reefs following relocation, while isolated control reefs did not experience similar predator aggregation. This was true even when the degree of isolation
was small and the isolated reef was clearly visible from
the natural reef (only 12 m away, although over open
water). The number of predators attracted to artificial
reefs that were relocated towards a natural reef was
correlated to the density of potential prey. Low densities due to high predation would imply that fish populations on continuous reefs may be below the carrying
capacity of the habitat in terms of food supply, suggesting that predation is an important factor in reducing
fish numbers and species diversity on continuous reefs.
Predation pressure is likely to be higher on large or
continuous reefs than on small patch reefs (Shulman
1985, Connell 1998, Connell & Kingsford 1998, see also
the recent work of Overholtzer-McLeod 2004). Put as a
whole, isolated reefs have lower predation pressure
and, hence, relatively higher species diversity compared to continuous reefs.
Reduced predation on small, isolated reefs can be
attributed to the inability of predators to reach them,
or to a lower ability of small reefs to support predators
for long. However, reduced predation on isolated
reefs can also arise by altering the behavioral response of predator to prey. Recent evidence suggests
that predator aggregation can induce density-dependent mortality of prey (Anderson 2001, Webster 2003).
Therefore, even if piscivores are able to reach an isolated reef individually, isolation might prevent aggregation, thereby reducing mortality.
In contrast to this experimental work, 2 studies found
predator abundance (Stewart & Jones 2001) and prey
survival (Nanami & Nishihira 2001) to be higher on
patchy habitat than on continuous reefs. This is possibly caused by the scale dependence of the piscivores’
response and distribution. Studies that found higher
fishes diversity on isolated reefs were conducted on
small, isolated reefs (Shulman 1985, Walsh 1985).
However, Stewart & Jones (2001) surveyed patch reefs
that were much larger than the ones used in this study
(mean of 115 m2), and were less isolated (10 m apart
over sandy bottom). In the study of Nanami & Nishihira
(2001), the sandy habitat had a large proportion of
hard cover (25%). Therefore, isolation may only
increase fish diversity of relatively small, isolated reefs
(in the order of a few m2). The complex interaction
between predators, prey and habitat heterogeneity is
likely to be affected by the degree of isolation and
patch size, as well as by other factors, including the
fish’s vagility, currents and water visibility.
Through reef relocation and differential isolation,
our experimental study provides strong support for the
hypothesis that, in coral-reef systems, high predation
pressure on continuous reefs reduces species diversity.
The finding regarding differences in predators abundance on mainland (e.g. continuous reef) vs islands
(e.g. isolated reefs) is entirely in line with well-known
island-biogeography studies in terrestrial systems,
where islands show much lower diversity of predators
(Rosenzweig 1995). However, contrary to terrestrial
systems, isolated reefs support higher species diversity
than continuous ones. So what makes coral-reef systems different? We believe that the islands’ surrounding environment has a significant effect on determining species diversity. While in terrestrial systems the
surrounding environment is hostile for all life stages of
the organism, in coral-reef systems the open water
provides the medium for larvae dispersal and serves as
a source of recruitment. Nevertheless, it may still pose
a barrier for adult stages distribution. Consequently,
for reef fishes, small-scale isolation, such as examined
in this study, does not represent a barrier for larvae dispersal. The combination of easy larvae dispersal with
low post-settlement movement promotes a different
outcome in coral- reef systems compared with terrestrial systems, namely a higher per-area species diversity on isolated reefs relative to a continuous one.
In a conservation context, artificial reefs are used to
help in the rehabilitation of degraded habitats and in
conserving biodiversity (Campos & Gamboa 1989,
Baine 2001), and may serve as recreational dive sites to
lessen human pressure off adjacent natural reefs (Wilhelmsson et al. 1998). Maximizing fish diversity and
abundance is important in all 3 cases. This study suggests that when constructing artificial reefs, small, isolated units will attain higher overall fish diversity than
similar-sized connected reefs.
Acknowledgements. Special thanks to O. Ben Shafrut and G.
Brachya for help with diving and to R. Motro, G. Pragai, U.
Sogavker, Dr. E. Belmaker, and several anonymous reviewers
for constructive comments. This research was conducted
under permit no. 2002/13093 from the Israeli Nature Reserve
Authority. This study was partly supported by the PADI foundation, the Lerner-Gray Memorial Fund of the American
Museum of Natural History, the Italian Ministry of the
Environment and grant no. 1206-2 from the Ministry of the
Environment, Israel.
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Editorial responsibility: Otto Kinne (Editor-in-Chief),
Oldendorf/Luhe, Germany
Submitted: April 14, 2004; Accepted: November 4, 2004
Proofs received from author(s): March 7, 2005