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Introduction to
The Greek Theatre
The Greek theatre was an open-aired amphitheater built on the side
of a mountain or a hill.
It contained three parts
Theatron – Where the audience sits. It is a semi-circular row of benches.
Orchestra – Where the chorus performs. The main performance space
of the play. Typically circular.
Skene – This is where the actors stored their masks and changed. Raised
platform, behind orchestra.
Origin of Greek actors
Dithyrambs were originally performed in honor of Dionysus.
These had no actors. They were merely poems or hymns sung
by people in Greek ceremonial worship to Dionysus.
 Originally
everyone is involved in a dithyramb. Everyone is
singing/dancing around an altar.
 Eventually,
people start watching the more specialized
performers who have prepared verses and passages
instead of merely improvising lines.
 The
specialized performers were called the chorus. The
watchers were called the audience.
Origin of Greek actors (continued)
Thespis was a Greek poet who was said to be the first
actor. Instead of merely talking about Dionysus, he
became Dionysus.
Aeschylus added the second actor. These two actors
could act together on stage and are able to show
dramatic conflict.
Sophocles added the third actor which allowed for a
complication in plot.
The chorus was initially the chief theatrical element but
eventually individual characters dominated the plays.
Greek plays
Plays were performed in honor of Dionysus. Dionysus was the Greek
God of wine, fertility, and agriculture.
Plays were produced in the springtime. Grape vines were planted
and if Dionysus was pleased with the plays performed, then he
would let the vines grow.
Three types of plays
Tragedy – Plays are extremely serious in tone. Tragic in nature.
Comedy – Plays are humorous. Funny.
Satyr – Plays with a mythical half man/half goat. They were especially
crude. More lowbrow humor.
Greek plays
Actors were only men.
Actors wore masks.
This enabled an actor to be able to play multiple parts
Masks were exaggerated which allowed for the audience to be able to
distinguish easily the different characters.
Masks made the voices louder.
The Chorus
The chorus in the play had various functions
They represented city elders
They reacted as citizens might.
They commented on the acting.
They interpreted the play and meaning through a series of poems.
Sophocles (496-406 BC)
One of the three great Greek tragedians (Other are Aeschylus and
Conflict of his plays arise from an individual going against his/her
Majority of the plays deal with an individual choosing some course
of action that the chorus and lesser characters do not support.
He wrote over 120 plays. Only 7 plays are still in existence today.