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The Sympathoadrenal System
Integrative Regulation of the Cortical and the Medullary Adrenal Functions
A. Souvatzoglou
The Anatomical Basis of the Interplay Between
the Adrenal Cortex, the Adrenal Medulla
and the Sympathetic Nervous System . . . 33
Circulatory and Structural Relationships
Between the Adrenal Cortex and Medulla . . . 33
Central and Peripheral Neural Pathways
Involved in the Regulation of the Adrenal Cortex
and Medulla . . . 34
Functional Integration of Neural and Humoral
Activity: The Sympathoadrenal System . . . 36
Main Integrative Mechanisms . . . 36
Intra-adrenal Regulatory Mechanisms . . . 38
Blood Flow . . . 38
References . . . 38
In this chapter an attempt is made to show that the
neuroectodermally derived adrenal medulla and the
mesodermally derived adrenal cortex are organized
into a single gland despite their different embryonic
origin, and have achieved a phylogenetically unified
function. In concert with the sympathetic nervous
system they operate functionally as a coherent whole
to maintain homeostasis in the resting state and to
activate appropriate cellular mechanisms in response
to different stresses.
The Anatomical Basis of the Interplay
Between the Adrenal Cortex,
the Adrenal Medulla
and the Sympathetic Nervous System
4.1.1 Circulatory and Structural Relationships
Between the Adrenal Cortex and Medulla
The adrenal glands, each weighing approximately 4 g
in the unstressed adult,are highly vascular,having one
of the highest blood flows of any tissue in the body.
They receive, usually, arterial supply directly from the
inferior phrenic arteries, the aorta, the renal arteries
and frequently other small arteries. This may be
looked upon as a protection of adrenal blood supply,
as the failure of any single artery has little effect upon
the total blood supply reaching the gland. Multiple
small arterial branches pierce the capsule of the cortex and divide repeatedly into smaller vessels forming
an extensive network in the capsule, the capsular arterial plexus, or enter the cortex to form an extensive
subcapsular arterial plexus. From the capsular-subcapsular plexus the arteries which supply the entire
cortex arise.The cortical arterioles feed into a complex
reticular capillary network in the glomerulosa and
reticularis but with straighter centripetal components
in the fasciculata with more numerous cross-connecting channels in the deeper regions.All of these vessels
then converge towards the smallest of the collecting
veins in the medulla that empty into the central adrenal vein. Thus, the central vein collects blood from
both the cortex and the medulla (Fig. 1). From the
capsular-subcapsular plexus the medullary arteries
arise which penetrate the cortex without branching to
pass into the medulla.There they divide into arterioles
and capillaries. The capillary network in the medulla
feeds into smaller branches of the medullary veins or
into the capillaries of the reticularis.Thus,the medulla
receives two types of blood. A small fraction of its
blood is supplied directly by the capsular-subcapsular
plexus, via the arteriae medullae, but most, at least
under conditions of stimulation, must come from the
cortex [34]. Blood flow within the adrenal gland is
distinctly heterogeneous. In conscious, not unduly
stressed dogs [18], blood flow to the adrenal medulla
is approximately fivefold greater (per unit mass) than
blood flow to the adrenal cortex.But,since the medulla
comprises a small portion (about 10%) of the total
gland, total adrenal blood flow is only slightly greater
than cortical blood flow.
At the corticomedullary border cortical and
medullary tissues are closely interwoven. Chromaffin
A. Souvatzoglou
capsular-subcapsular plexus
cortical arteries
cortical capillaries
medullary artery
confluent capillaries
at the interface between
cortex and medulla
medullary capillaries
medullary veins
central vein
Fig. 1. Schematic drawing of the adrenal circulation. The medulla receives blood both via the cortex and from its direct supply through the medullary arteries
cell formations intruding into the cortex are observed
in different mammalian species,including humans [7].
Cordlike structures in continuity with the medullary
tissue, medullary rays, extend through the entire
cortex up to the capsular zone. Ultrastructural studies
show that there is no difference in the characteristic
features of the medullary ray cells and those of the
medulla [20]. Moreover, larger and smaller islets of
chromaffin cells are located within all the three cortical zones and cortical tissue invades the medulla.
Cytoplasmic extensions and direct contact can be seen
between adjacent medullary and cortical cells, indicating a close functional relationship between the two
cellular types [6, 7, 20]. In addition, the sinuses of the
cortex and medulla are continuous and structurally
indistinguishable; there is a continuity between vessels
at the interface between cortex and medulla [34]. In
this region confluent cortical and medullary capillaries feeding into collecting veins form a portal-like net
(Fig. 1). This distinctive vascular connection between
cortical and medullary tissue may signify a route along
which medullary products could reach cortical cells.
The structure of the adrenal capillaries throughout
the whole gland is sinusoidal; the capillary wall is very
frail, consisting of only the endothelium and basal
lamina. The extreme delicacy of the structure of the
endothelium of the sinusoids throughout the gland
strongly suggests that the system normally operates
under low-pressure conditions, and internally the
tissue is exposed to significantly lower pressures than
the arterial pressure. This in turn suggests that a pres-
sure barrier may be encountered before the internal
vessels are reached. Such a barrier may be provided by
the vessels of the capsural-subcapsular plexus. These
vessels are the only adrenal vessels which show a suitable wall structure for adjusting blood flow over a very
wide range of flow rates [34].
As will be discussed below, changes in blood flow
rate are an important component of the secretory response of the whole adrenal gland.The common blood
supply of the mesodermally derived cortex and the
neuroectodermally derived medulla, intimately associated in one organ, as well as the ultrastructural
features of neighboring cortical and medullary cells,
imply functional interrelations. This may explain how
the functions of these two distinct organs of diverse
embryogenetic origin are interconnected.
4.1.2 Central and Peripheral Neural Pathways
Involved in the Regulation
of the Adrenal Cortex and Medulla
The spinal cord is the most distal site of the central
nervous system generating patterns of sympathetic
activity. The preganglionic cell bodies of the nerve
fibers innervating both the adrenal cortex and the
adrenal medulla are mainly located in the intermediolateral column of the thoracic part of the spinal cord
[10].Preganglionic cholinergic axons exiting the spinal
cord pass through the lower thoracic, upper lumbar
and collateral ganglia (celiac, superior mesenteric) to
4 The Sympathoadrenal System
reach the adrenal medulla directly via multiple prevertebral plexuses, or synapses in these ganglia. Postganglionic noradrenergic fibers arising from the trunk
and the collateral ganglia form the different prevertebral plexuses providing the splanchnic neural innervation of the adrenal cortex (Fig. 2). As in most sympathetically innervated organs, all visible small nerve
fibers toward the adrenal glands run parallel and adjacent to small arteries supplying the glands.The postganglionic catecholaminergic fibers enter the adrenal
capsule and disperse predominantly into the zona
glomerulosa along blood vessels innervating parenchymal cells and vessels [26]. Branches from the capsularglomerulosa catecholaminergic nerve fibers surround
the fasciculata cells or transverse the inner cortical
zones sporadically (Fig. 2). Catecholaminergic varicosities are present in the zona fasciculata and reticularis [35]. Accordingly, the medulla seems to be predominantly innervated by preganglionic fibers and the
cortex essentially by postganglionic fibers mainly
associated with cortical blood vessels. However, experimental results in the rat imply a direct innervation
of the adrenal cortex by neurons present in the intermediolateral column of the spinal cord [10] and indicate that apart from the preganglionic, a postganglionic sympathetic, innervation of the medulla is
present as well [25].
It is generally acknowledged that the chromaffin
cells of the adrenal medulla are modified postganglionic sympathetic neurons.However,besides the two
types of chromaffin cells in the adrenal medulla, noradrenaline and adrenaline cells, ganglion neurons can
also be found (Fig. 2). These medullary neurons have
been thought to represent postganglionic neurons
innervating the chromaffin cells; they may also project
their axons to the cortex and retrogradely into the
splanchnic nerve (Fig. 2), thus possibly representing
a feedback system [13]. The intramedullary ganglion
neurons providing an intrinsic innervation of the
medulla and the cortex as well are of two types: type I
cells are noradrenergic and neuropeptide Y (NPY)-positive,whereas type II cells are positive for vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and may be cholinergic [13].
The outflow of impulses from preganglionic sympathetic neurons in the intermediolateral column of
the spinal cord innervating the adrenals is regulated by
a complex system of hierarchical circuits located in
cortical and subcortical centers.There is anatomic and
functional evidence for a polysynaptic connection
between cortical and hypothalamic centers and the
adrenal glands that involves the autonomic division of
the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus and
Spinal cord
Fig. 2. Schematic drawing of neural pathways involved in
the regulative mechanisms of the sympathoadrenal system
(C, adrenal cortex; DRG, dorsal root ganglia; GN, ganglion
neurons; ILC, intermediolateral column; LC, locus ceruleus;
M, adrenal medulla; OC, optic chiasm; PG preganglionic
fibers; POG, postganglionic fibers; PPG, pre-, paravertebral
ganglia; PVN, paraventricular nucleus; S, sensory fibers;
SCN, suprachiasmatic nucleus; SN, splanchnic nerve)
the interomediolateral column of the spinal cord as
relay structures. Neurons from the medial part of the
nucleus suprachiasmaticus (Fig.2) but also from other
hypothalamic and subcortical regions (medial preoptic area, arcuate nucleus, bed nucleus of the stria
terminalis,anterior hypothalamic and retrochiasmatic
area, dorsomedial and ventromedial hypothalamus,
A. Souvatzoglou
magnocellular reticular nucleus and central amygdala) project to regions of the brainstem (rostroventrolateral medulla, locus coeruleus) and the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus [10].From these centers,
especially from the autonomic parts of the nucleus
paraventricularis, neurons project directly to the preganglionic cell bodies in the intermediolateral column
of the thoracic part of the spinal cord, which, as described before, innervate the adrenal glands (Fig. 2).
Similarly from the autonomic parts of the nucleus
paraventricularis corticotrophin-releasing hormone
(CRH) neurons project to the median eminence of the
hypothalamus [10], releasing CRH (corticotrophinreleasing hormone) into the hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal system to stimulate the secretion of ACTH
(adrenocorticotropic hormone) (Fig. 2).
As already mentioned, the most prominent catecholaminergic innervation is present in the capsularzona glomerulosa area. In the inner cortical zones catecholaminergic nerve fibers are sparse. Axon terminals are primarily seen in close proximity to blood
vessels but also to the glomerulosa cells without making synaptic contacts [26, 35]. The appearance of sympathetic nerves in the adrenal cortex is reminiscent of
classical descriptions of autonomic innervation
whereby a small number of nerves can have a widespread influence. Both sympathetic control of blood
flow entering the adrenal cortex and paracrine signal
are potential mechanisms by which a relatively sparse
local innervation could affect the function of many
cells. Many adrenal cortical cells contact their neighboring cells with distinctive cytoplasmatic formations
[19]. Thus, adrenocortical cells affected by neurotransmitters released from adjacent nerve terminals
may affect, in a paracrine manner, many other cortical
cells that they contact.Immunocytochemical evidence
[35] indicates that all catecholaminergic nerve profiles
in the adrenal cortex are noradrenergic. In addition,
in the cortical cells of the three zones receptors specific for b-adrenergic agonists have been demonstrated
[31]. Thus, it has been suggested that the catecholaminergic innervation of the adrenal cortex may influence adrenocortical steroidogenesis.
The adrenal cortex and the adrenal medulla receive
not only a spinal sympathetic motor (efferent) innervation (Fig. 2), but also a spinal sympathetic sensory
(afferent) innervation. Experimental evidence is present to show that the adrenal gland of the guinea pig
and the rat receives a relatively rich afferent sympathetic innervation from neurons located in the dorsal
root ganglia at segments T3–L2 [29]. Furthermore, in
the same animals a sensory parasympathetic, vagal,
innervation of the adrenal gland has been demonstrated. Additionally, in the guinea pig, efferent motor
neurons from the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus
project to the adrenal gland [11]. The sensory nerve
endings are found predominantly in the adrenal
medulla and ultrastructurally resemble the baroreceptors found in the carotid sinus [29]. They may
serve to monitor capsular or vascular distension
caused by raised arterial pressure or increased blood
flow (baroreceptor function) and to monitor intramedullary concentrations of catecholamines and different vasoactive peptides (chemoreceptor function).
Functional Integration of Neural
and Humoral Activity:
The Sympathoadrenal System
4.2.1 Main Integrative Mechanisms
The functional integrity of the sympathoadrenal
system involves hormonal messages, neural signals
and cellular mechanisms acting in concordance. The
primary regulatory mechanisms of this system are
production and secretion of corticosteroids by the
adrenal cortex, regulated by ACTH released from the
pituitary and biosynthesis and release of catecholamines by the medullary chromaffin cells controlled
by sympathetic nerve activity.However,for the biosynthesis of catecholamines both sympathetic nerve input
and glucocorticoid secretion are concomitantly necessary. In essence, the activity of tyrosine hydroxylase,
a rate limiting enzyme in the biosynthesis of catecholamines converting tyrosine to dopa, is mainly
neurally controlled whereas the activity of dopamine
b-hydroxylase, the enzyme converting dopamine to
noradrenaline, is affected by both nerve activity and
glucocorticoids. The activity of phenylethanolamine
N-methyltransferase, the rate limiting enzyme converting noradrenaline to adrenaline, is controlled
mainly by glucocorticoids. In acute stress the activity
of tyrosine hydroxylase is rapidly elevated in the adrenal medulla but remains low if the sympathetic
impulse transmission is disrupted [4]. In addition,
experiments in rats [36] showed that after removal
of the pituitary, adrenal weight, as well as adrenaline
content and phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase
activity of the adrenals, dropped dramatically in a few
days.A gradual reduction of tyrosine hydroxylase and
dopamine b-hydroxylase activity in the adrenal
medulla has also been observed. Thus, the chromaffin
cells of the adrenal medulla constitute a target organ
4 The Sympathoadrenal System
for the glucocorticoids elaborated by the adrenal
cortex under ACTH stimulation. For the normal response of the adrenal medulla both the integrity of the
hypophysial-adrenal cortex axis and the unimpaired
sympathetic nerve function are essential. It seems that
there are two components to the reflex response of the
adrenal medulla. The rapid component requires an
intact nerve supply to the adrenal gland, but is independent of adrenocortical response.The delayed component,on the other hand,requires an intact pituitaryadrenocortical axis, but is independent of the motor
nerves to the adrenal gland [12].
In addition to sympathetic nerve signaling and
sufficient intramedullary glucocorticoid concentration, the response of the adrenal medulla requires a
minimum “permissive” concentration of circulating
angiotensin II [27].Specific angiotensin II receptors of
the subtype AT1 are found predominantly in the zona
glomerulosa and in moderate densities in the adrenal
medulla.In the zona fasciculate and reticularis AT1 receptors occur in minimal concentrations [38].It seems
that at least in the dog a part of the stimulatory effect
of angiotensin II on the adrenal medulla is indirect,
through its steroid-secretagogue action on the adrenal
cortex. The reflex release of catecholamines is not
mediated by the activation of the renin-angiotensin
system [27].
The stimulatory action of sympathetic nerves on
steroidogenesis has been shown in experiments with
pigs [6, 16], dogs [17, 37], and calves [15] using the
isolated in-situ-perfused adrenal system. Infusion of
catecholamines or sympathetic nerve activation provoked a significantly increased release of corticosteroids (cortisol, corticosterone, aldosterone, androstendione, 11-deoxycortisol) without, it should be
noted,exerting any detectable effect on cortisol output
in the absence of ACTH [15]. A direct selective stimulation of 11-b-hydroxylase activity by sympathetic
neural impulse enhancing cortisol production has
been postulated [17]. Catecholamines also influence
steroidogenesis on a molecular level. Incubation
of bovine adrenocortical cells with catecholamines
resulted in an increase in mRNA encoding the P450
enzymes of adrenal steroidogenesis [22]. Furthermore, it has been suggested that increases in adrenal
catecholamine secretion due to sympathetic neural
input activation most likely results in the exposure of
adrenocortical cells to increased circulating concentration of catecholamines. Catecholamines would act
on the adrenal cortex to elicit a steroidogenic response.
Based on experimental findings, a modulating effect
on steroidogenesis by noradrenaline and dopamine
released from noradrenergic non-synaptic varicose
axon terminals adjacent to steroid secreting cells has
been discussed [35].The noradrenergic varicose nerve
terminals in the adrenal cortex may be able to take up,
and accumulate, noradrenaline and dopamine originating from the circulation. They release noradrenaline and dopamine in the space between them and
adjacent cortical cells during axonal firing stimulating
b-adrenergic [31] and dopaminergic receptors of the
cortical cells [35].In addition,catecholamines released
from noradrenergic nerve terminals may have local
modulatory effects on the steroid producing cortical
Frequency and amplitude of the normally occurring episodic bursts in the secretion of steroids by the
adrenal cortex is mainly regulated by the secretory
activity of the CRH-ACTH axis. The suprachiasmatic
nucleus through neuronal connections with the hypothalamic CRH releasing neurons (Fig.2) includes a circadian variation in this signal resulting in the episodic
secretion of cortisol. However, the ACTH secretion
patterns correspond only partly to those of cortisol.
Numerous experimental observations implicate extrapituitary mechanisms influencing the sensitivity of
the adrenal cortex to ACTH. In rats, splanchnic neural
activity may exert an inhibitory effect on pulse frequency of corticosterone secretion by decreasing the
adrenocortical responsiveness to ACTH [23, 24]. Pituitary-adrenal cortex secretory rhythms may be affected by a suprachiasmatic nucleus-adrenal cortex pathway (Fig. 2) via preganglionic neurons in the thoracic
spinal cord reaching the adrenal cortex directly [10].
This pathway may provide an explanation for the observations that depressed patients often do not show
any correlation between plasma ACTH and corresponding cortisol values.
Compensatory growth of the remaining gland following unilateral adrenalectomy is mediated by a
neural loop including afferent and efferent limbs
between the adrenal glands and the ventromedial
hypothalamus [14]. Activation of neuronal efferents
from the ventromedial hypothalamus may upregulate
a serine protease in the remaining adrenal after unilateral adrenalectomy.This specific protease is capable
of cleaving the N-terminal fragment of pro-opiomelanocortin after its secretion from the pituitary into a
potent mitogenic fragment [5]. Thus, neural impulses
and hormonal secretion seem to be necessary for
adrenocortical growth, illustrating a further aspect of
the functional interrelation between neural and hormonal activity in the regulation of the adrenocortical
A. Souvatzoglou
4.2.2 Intra-adrenal Regulatory Mechanisms
Humoral and neural regulatory mechanisms originating in the adrenal medulla significantly modulate both
the adrenocortical and the medullary hormonal production and secretion. Experimental evidence indicates that the adrenal medulla may exert a paracrine
control on the secretory activity of the adrenal cortex
by releasing catecholamines and several other regulatory peptides that may act either directly on adrenocortical cells or on the gland vasculature. The morphological background of this paracrine mechanism
may be the close proximity of medullary to the cortical cells and, in addition, the presence of abundant
cytoplasmic extensions of cortical cells forming wide
gap connections with sympathetic nerve terminals.
Adrenergic and peptidergic nerve fibers of medullary
origin traverse the cortex up to the capsule. A variety
of regulatory neuropeptides have been identified in
nerve endings within the adrenal cortex and the
medulla and in medullary chromaffin cells as well.The
medullary chromaffin cells originating from neural
crest cells obviously retain a cellular machinery which
is able to synthesize and release different neuroendocrine active substances.Met-,leu-enkephalin and
their precursors, neuropeptide Y [33], vasoactive interstinal peptide, oxytocin and vasopressin [3], and
pro-opiomelanocortin derived peptides including
ACTH, CRH and its receptor [9], have been found in
medullary chromaffin cells, nerve fibers and nerve
terminals in medulla and cortex. Pituitary adenylatecyclase activating peptide [30], adrenomedullin [2],
and cerebellin [1,28] are also found in medullary cells.
It seems that these peptides exert a stimulatory effect
on noradrenaline and adrenaline release, which in
turn may stimulate aldosterone secretion probably in
a paracrine manner.
4.2.3 Blood Flow
The vascular response to stimulation is an important
component of the whole secretory response of the
adrenal gland. Increased blood flow influences both
the rate of delivery of stimulant to the adrenal cells and
the release of secretory products into the bloodstream.
It has been shown that cortisol secretion rate is better
correlated with the ACTH presentation rate than with
the ACTH concentration in the circulation [32]. Also,
flow itself can greatly influence hormonal secretion
rate even when the stimulant concentration in the
circulation is held constant.
ACTH has clear stimulatory effects on blood flow
rates through the adrenal gland [21].At the same time
as the rate of corticosteroid production is stimulated
by ACTH, blood flow through the whole gland and
blood content of the gland are greatly increased. In
contrast electrical splanchnic nerve stimulation and
reflex stimuli selectively increased blood flow to the
adrenal medulla while the blood flow to the adrenal
cortex remained unchanged [8, 18]. Neural mechanisms, which influence catecholamine output, may
also play an important role in regulation of blood flow
to the adrenal medulla without affecting blood flow
to the adrenal cortex. Large increases in secretion of
catecholamines are associated with increases in blood
flow to the adrenal medulla.
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