Download 1. Onion Root tip a This is an onion root tip. What process is

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1. Onion Root tip
a This is an onion root tip. What process is happening to the cells in the preparation?
b. What is the stage of the process is shown in the cell at the pointer? Anaphase
c. What cells in the bodies of both plants and animals go through this process?
3. a. What are the small curved cells (indicated by 3a.) in this preparation? Trypanosomes
b. Where did this preparation come from? Blood
c. What class of animal did this samples come from? (Hint. Check out the cells at 3c)
2. Ascaris ovary
a. This is the ovary of a female Ascaris . What is happening to the cells in this
preparation? Meiosis
b. What are the small x-shaped structures indicated by “2b”. Chromosome
c. What cells go through this process? Sex cells, germ cells
4a. What is the genus of the protist on this slide? Paramecium
b. What is the structure labeled “4b”? Macronucleus
c. What structure or structures are used for motion in this organism. cilia
5. Obelia
a What class does this organism belong to? Hydrozoan
b. This organism is covered with cells that inject venom into its prey. What is the
name of those cells? Nematocytes, cnidocytes
c. What stage of the life cycle of this organism is shown on the slide? Polyp
6. a. What is the phylum of this organism? Platyhelminthes
b. What is the structure indicated by by the microscope pointer? Scolex
c. What is the function of the structure at the pointer? attachement
7. . Clam a. What is the structure indicated by pin “7a”. adductor muscle
b. What is the structure indicated by pin “7b” Foot
c. What is the class of this organism? Bivalvia
a. What does the structure do? Scrapes rocks for food
b. What is the structure called? Radula
c. Name an animal that has this structure. Snail, cone shell
9. Histological Specimens
a. What is the tissue shown in the slide on the microscope labeled 9a? Bone
b. What tissue is shown in the slide on microscope 9b? striated or skeletal muscle
c. What is the function of the tissue on microscope 9b? movement
10. Starfish external
a. What is the structure at the pin? Madreporite
b. On what body surface is the structure at 10 a located? Aboral surface
c. What is the long groove that runs the length of the arm (indicated by the pin)?
Ambulacral groove
11. Starfish internal
a. What is the structure at the pin? Radial canal
b. What is the structure at the pin? Pyloric ceacum/digestive gland
c. Name the phylum of this organism. Echinodermata
Amy & Dave
12. a. What is the muscle indicated by the pin? Gastrocnemius
b. What is the bone indicated by the marker? tibiofibula
a. Name order of this animal. Anura
12. a. What is the bone indicated by 12 a?
b. What is the bone indicated by 12 b?
c. Name the subphylum of this organism.
13 Insect External
a. What segment is the pin pushed into? Thorax
b. What are the small holes in the side of the abdomen? Spiracles
c. What is the function of the structure in question 13 b? Respiration
14. Crayfish External
a. What is the sex of this individual? Male
b. What are the appendages on the abdomen labeled 14c? swimmerets or pleopods
c. What is the structure at 14c?
15. Crayfish internal
a. What are the feathery structures near the pin? Gills
b. Are the structures at 15a external or internal? external
c. What kind of appendage does this animal have? #2 biramous
1. Uniramous
2. Biramous
3. Triramous
4. Harold Ramis (this choice courtesy of Dave)
5. None of the above
16. a. What is the phylum of the animal on the slide Chordata
b. & c. Name two distinguishing characteristics of this phylum Notochord, post-anal
tail, dorsal hollow nerve cord, pharangeal gill slits
17. a. What is the structure at 17a Dorsal nerve cord
b. What is the structure at 17b Gill slits
c. Do you have a notochord at any time in your life (measured from conception to
now)? (Yes or No). Yes
18, a. What type of coelom does this animal have? #2 Eucoelom
1. Pseudocoelom
2. Eucoelom
3. This organism is acoelomate
b. What is the structure at the pointer? (Remember, this is one of the distinguishing
characteristics of this phylum) Any of the chordate characteristics except gill slits
c. What type of body symmetry does this animal have? #1, bilateral
1. Bilateral
2. Radial
3. Unilateral
4. Isoceles
5. Harold Ramis
19. Chicken skeleton
a. What is the structure at the pointer? Keel
b. Do ostriches have the structure labeled in 19a (YES/NO) ? NO
c. What is the bone that is marked 19c. Ulna
20. Pigeon internal
a. What is the structure at 20a. Trachea
b. What is the function of the organism marked with 20b Gizzard – grinds food
c. What is the organ with the pin stuck through it? heart
21. Frog
a. What is the structure into which the pin is placed? lung
b.. What is the structure into which the pin is placed? Fat bodies
c. What is the structure into which the pin is placed? kidney
22. Shark
a. What is the structure into which the pin is placed? Gill slits
b. What is the name for the peculiar tail of this animal? Heterocercal tail
c. What system in this organism detects water motion? Lateral line system
23. Rat
a. What is the structure into which the pin is placed? lungs
b. What is the structure into which the pin is placed? diaphragm
c. What is the function of the structure at 23 b. Ventilate lungs
25. Squid
a. What is the phylum of this animal? Mollusca is correct – We accepted Cephalopod
b. What is the structure at the marked pin (25 b)? Gills
c. What is the function of this tube (25c)? siphon – jet propulsion./ movement
24. Rat
a. What is the function of the structure into which the pin is placed? Spleen – stores
b. What is the function of the structure into which the pin is placed? Liver – maeks bile
c. What is the structure into which the pin is placed? Uterine horn