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Name:______________________ Period:______ Date:______ EFFORT: ______/5
ACHIEVEMENT: ________/5
Relationship Practice
Answer the questions using the information in the images! What type of ecological relationship does the picture
Lion eats warthog.
Which organism is the predator in the image?
Which organism is the prey in the image?
What type of symbiotic relationship is this?
The birds eat ticks off of the rhino’s back.
Is the rhino helped?
Is the bird helped?
This type of relationship where both organisms benefit is called
A mosquito sucks the blood out of the human’s finger.
Is the mosquito helped?
Is the human helped?
When one organism benefits and one organism is harmed but not
killed it is called a ________________________ relationship.
This weaver bird makes a nest in a tree.
Is the bird helped?
Is the tree helped?
When one organism benefits and the other organism is not helped
or harmed, it is called a ________________________
What is the difference between predation and parasitism?
What is the difference between commensalism and mutualism?
Name:______________________ Period:______ Date:______ EFFORT: ______/5
ACHIEVEMENT: ________/5
Label the following situations with the correct symbiotic relationship.
1. Aphids are small animals that use their piercing mouthparts to suck fluids from the sugar-conducting
vessels of plants. Aphids eat so much of this sugary fluid that it comes out in an altered form through
their anus (butt). Ants can also eat this sugary fluid. The ants move the aphids from plant to plant like
a herd of cows. Aphids and ants interact using ______________________.
2. A golden eagle captures a prairie dog and carries it back to its nest for its young to eat.
- The golden eagle and the prairie dog interact using _________________.
3. Bacteria live inside your intestines. They don’t make you sick, but they do help digest your food and
supply you with necessary substances (like Vitamin K). You provide the bacteria with a warm, dark place
to live. You also provide them with plenty of food.
- Bacteria and humans interact using ______________________.
4. Sea anemones are marine animals with stinging tentacles. When most fish that swim by, the tentacles
hurt the fish. However, clown fish can live in sea anemones without getting hurt. Clown fish can also
feed on leftovers from the sea anemone it lives in. This helps to keep the sea anemones clean.
- Clown fish and sea anemones interact using ______________________.
5. Ticks live on and feed on the blood of a dog.
- Ticks and dogs interact using ______________________.
6. Remoras are fish that attach themselves to sharks. The remoras feed on the scraps of food left over
from the shark’s meals. The remoras do not harm the sharks in any way.
- Remoras and sharks interact using ______________________.
7. Different species of birds often like to live in the same types of trees.
- The birds and the trees interact using ______________________.
8. Acacia trees are trees in Central America. They are often covered with ants. The trees give the ants
food and nesting sites. The ants defend the trees from being eaten by organisms like grasshoppers and
- Acacia trees and ants interact using ______________________.
9. Mistletoe grows into the tissues of the tree it lives on and uses the tree as a source of nutrients.
- Mistletoe and trees interact using ______________________.
HSA Questions
1) Black skimmers are water birds that live along coastal beaches, bays, estuaries, and marshes. They fly just
above the surface of the water using their lower jaw to catch small fish, shrimp, and other small crustaceans.
These birds nest in simple, unlined depressions in the sand. Scientists have observed a decline in the number of
nests. Some causes of this decline include a lack of suitable nesting sites, beach erosion, and human
disturbances. When people approach their nests, the birds become aggressive and chase away intruders. Other
animals, like crows, will take advantage of the unprotected nests and feed on the eggs. Which of these terms
best describes the relationship between the crows and the black skimmers?
A. mutualism
B. commensalism
C. parasite–host
D. predator–prey
2) A protozoan lives inside a rat and takes its nourishment from the rat’s body. Because the protozoan damages
the rat’s brain, the rat loses its fear of cats. A cat attacks an infected rat; the protozoan enters the cat’s body and
completes its life cycle.Which of these describes the relationship between the protozoan and the rat?
A) commensalism
B) parasite–host
C) mutualism